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This paper presents the results obtained on the research project CIT-370000-2008-11, entitled “Multi-purpose remote-controlled all-wheel-drive tool-vehicle powered by fuel cells” funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology. A new concept multipurpose electric vehicle has been designed and manufactured, based on three basic features: a hybrid power system consisting in PEM fuel cells + batteries, an all-wheel-drive traction system, and the capability of being either on-site driven or remote-controlled. The vehicle is formed by two frames connected by a two-degree of freedom joint, and is powered by two 2.5 kW DC motors, one in each axle. All the electric circuits for the suitable control of the power hybrid system have been developed in our Laboratory, allowing a large flexibility. After the different tests performed, it has been verified that the vehicle presents good maneuverability, a good traction performance in off-road driving, as well as a good slope-climbing capability. Under the experimental conditions tested, the vehicle reached a maximum speed of 11 km/h on flat surface, keeping the maximum power consumption always around 3 kW.  相似文献   

An optimal design of a three-component hybrid fuel cell electric vehicle comprised of fuel cells, battery, and supercapacitors is presented. First, the benefits of using this hybrid combination are analyzed, and then the article describes an active power-flow control strategy from each energy source based on optimal control theory to meet the demand of different vehicle loads while optimizing total energy cost, battery life and other possible objectives at the same time. A cost function that minimizes the square error between the desired variable settings and the current sensed values is developed. A gain sequence developed compels the choice of power drawn from all devices to follow an optimal path, which makes trade-offs among different targets and minimizes the total energy spent. A new method is introduced to make the global optimization into a real-time based control. A model is also presented to simulate the individual energy storage systems and compare this invention to existing control strategies, the simulation results show that the total energy spent is well saved over the long driving cycles, also the fuel cell and batteries are kept operating in a healthy way.  相似文献   

A hybrid system combining a 2 kW air-blowing proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) stack and a lead–acid battery pack is developed for a lightweight cruising vehicle. The dynamic performances of this PEMFC system with and without the assistance of the batteries are systematically investigated in a series of laboratory and road tests. The stack current and voltage have timely dynamic responses to the load variations. Particularly, the current overshoot and voltage undershoot both happen during the step-up load tests. These phenomena are closely related to the charge double-layer effect and the mass transfer mechanisms such as the water and gas transport and distribution in the fuel cell. When the external load is beyond the range of the fuel cell system, the battery immediately participates in power output with a higher transient discharging current especially in the accelerating and climbing processes. The DC–DC converter exhibits a satisfying performance in adaptive modulation. It helps rectify the voltage output in a rigid manner and prevent the fuel cell system from being overloaded. The dynamic responses of other operating parameters such as the anodic operating pressure and the inlet and outlet temperatures are also investigated. The results show that such a hybrid system is able to dynamically satisfy the vehicular power demand.  相似文献   

Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) capable of drawing tractive energy from the electric grid represent an energy efficient alternative to conventional vehicles. After several thousand charge depleting cycles, PHEV traction batteries can be subject to energy and power degradation which has the potential to affect vehicle performance and efficiency. This study seeks to understand the effect of battery degradation and the need for battery replacement in PHEVs through the experimental measurement of lithium ion battery lifetime under PHEV-type driving and charging conditions. The dynamic characteristics of the battery performance over its lifetime are then input into a vehicle performance and fuel consumption simulation to understand these effects as a function of battery degradation state, and as a function of vehicle control strategy. The results of this study show that active management of PHEV battery degradation by the vehicle control system can improve PHEV performance and fuel consumption relative to a more passive baseline. Simulation of the performance of the PHEV throughout its battery lifetime shows that battery replacement will be neither economically incentivized nor necessary to maintain performance in PHEVs. These results have important implications for techno-economic evaluations of PHEVs which have treated battery replacement and its costs with inconsistency.  相似文献   

A prediction-based power management strategy is proposed for fuel cell/battery plug-in hybrid vehicles with the goal of improving overall system operating efficiency. The main feature of the proposed strategy is that, if the total amount of energy required to complete a particular drive cycle can be reliably predicted, then the energy stored in the onboard electrical storage system can be depleted in an optimal manner that permits the fuel cell to operate in its most efficient regime. The strategy has been implemented in a vehicle power-train simulator called LFM which was developed in MATLAB/SIMULINK software and its effectiveness was evaluated by comparing it with a conventional control strategy. The proposed strategy is shown to provide significant improvement in average fuel cell system efficiency while reducing hydrogen consumption. It has been demonstrated with the LFM simulation that the prediction-based power management strategy can maintain a stable power request to the fuel cell thereby improving fuel cell durability, and that the battery is depleted to the desired state-of-charge at the end of the drive cycle. A sensitivity analysis has also been conducted to study the effects of inaccurate predictions of the remaining portion of the drive cycle on hydrogen consumption and the final battery state-of-charge. Finally, the advantages of the proposed control strategy over the conventional strategy have been validated through implementation in the University of Delaware's fuel cell hybrid bus with operational data acquired from onboard sensors.  相似文献   

Multiple alternative vehicle and fuel options are being proposed to alleviate the threats of climate change, urban air pollution, and oil dependence caused by the transportation sector. We report here on the results from an extensive computer model developed over the last decade to simulate and compare the societal benefits of deploying various alternative transportation options including hybrid electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids fueled by gasoline, diesel fuel, natural gas, and ethanol, and all-electric vehicles powered by either batteries or fuel cells. These simulations compare the societal benefits over a 100-year time horizon of each vehicle/fuel combination in terms of reduced local air pollution, greenhouse gas pollution, and oil consumption compared to gasoline cars.  相似文献   

A commercially available ‘pure’ lead-acid battery electric scooter (GoPed) was converted to a hydrogen fuel cell battery hybrid scooter (HFCHS) in views of investigating the effect of hybridisation on driving duty cycles, range, performance, recharging times, well-to-wheel CO2 footprint and overall running costs. The HFCHS with plug-in features consisted mainly of a 500 W hydrogen PEM Fuel Cell stack connected to four 12 V 9 Ah lead-acid batteries and two hydrogen metal-hydride canisters supplying pure hydrogen (99.999%) and also acting as heat sink (due to endothermic hydrogen desorption process). In this study, the HFCHS urban driving cycle was compared with that of a conventional petrol and ‘pure’ battery electric scooter. The energy consumed by the HFCHS was 0.11 kWh/km, with an associated running cost of £0.01/km, a well-to-wheel CO2 of 9.37 g CO2/km and a maximum range of 15 miles. It was shown that the HFCHS gave better energy efficiencies and speeds compared to battery and petrol powered GoPed scooters alone.  相似文献   

In this paper, modeling, control and power management (PM) of hybrid Photovoltaic Fuel cell/Battery bank system supplying electric vehicle is presented. The HPS is used to produce energy without interruption. It consists of a photovoltaic generator (PV), a proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC), and a battery bank supplying an electric vehicle of 3 kW. In our work, PV and PEMFC systems work in parallel via DC/DC converter and the battery bank is used to store the excess of energy. The mathematical model topology and it power management of HPS with battery bank system supplying electric vehicle (EV) are the significant contribution of this paper. Obtained results under Matlab/Simulink and some experimental ones are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

The smart cities development requires reducing energy consumption and using as much renewable energy as possible, so the widespread use of new energy vehicles is a very important measure. In this work, for the energy system configuration and energy efficiency balance of new energy vehicles, we propose an energy matching method to study its energy efficiency from the view point for energy life cycle. Nowadays, new energy vehicles mainly include battery electric vehicles (BEV) and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles (HFCEV). Firstly, we proposed the Source to Range (STR) model. Then, based on STR model, we used energy efficiency analysis chart to visually represent the conversion, delivery and consumption of the vehicle energy life cycle. Furthermore, we proposed a Source Energy Consumption Rate (SECR), which is used to evaluate the vehicles energy efficiency. Finally, based on STR model, we obtained the dividing line of the same SECR for new energy vehicles and equivalent fuel vehicles, which provides constraints on the vehicle energy system design. The results show that STR model can provide an effective tool for energy matching and energy efficiency analysis of new energy vehicles, and has a reference for product development of new energy vehicles.  相似文献   

The world continues to strive in the search for clean power sources to run the millions of different vehicles on the road on daily basis as they are the main contributors to toxic emissions releases from internal combustion engines to the atmosphere. These toxic emissions contribute to climate change and air pollution and impact negatively on people's health. Fuel cell devices are gradually replacing the internal combustion engines in the transport industry. Some notable challenges of the PEMFC technology are discussed in this paper. High costs, low durability and hydrogen storage problems are some of the major obstacles being examined in this investigation.The paper explores the latest advances in electric cars technology and their design specifications. The study also compares the characteristics and the technologies of the three types of electric cars now available in the market.  相似文献   

We combine a detailed battery model with a simple vehicle model to examine the battery size and capacity usage of a LixC6/Liy+0.16Mn1.84O4 cell (with a normal and artificially flat equilibrium potential) and a Li4+3xTi5O12/LiyFePO4 cell. The features of cell chemistry we are concerned with are the magnitude and shape of the cell equilibrium potential and internal resistance. Our key findings include that a battery for a hybrid electric vehicle application has a capacity usage from 15 to 25% (for a minimum separator area size), and as one moves from a HEV battery to a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle battery there is a change in the slope of the separator area vs. equivalent-electric range curve due to the shape of the pulse-power capability. We also find that defining the resistance using the HPPC protocol has limitations because in general the pulse resistance depends on the applied current and pulse duration. Our detailed, combined model also shows that the benefits of a flat-potential system may be limited because of the relative positions of a flat and sloped equilibrium potential, and the lack of a driving force for the relaxation of solid-phase concentration gradients throughout the electrode. That latter effect is shown to be more significant for electrodes with a non-uniform current distribution.  相似文献   

We develop a simplified model to examine the effect of the shape and magnitude of the battery pulse-power capability on capacity usage and battery size. The simplified model expresses the capacity usage and a dimensionless battery area in terms of a dimensionless energy-to-power ratio and a parameter that characterizes the shape of the pulse-power capability. We also present dimensional results that show how the capacity usage depends on the equivalent-electric range and separator area, and how the battery area depends on the equivalent-electric range. Key results include the presence of a Langmuir-like relationship between the capacity usage and the dimensionless energy-to-power ratio, and a linear relationship between the dimensionless energy-to-power ratio and a dimensionless area, with a slope and offset that depend on the shape of the pulse-power capability. We also found that a flat pulse-power capability curve increases capacity usage and decreases battery size, and that two important parameters for battery design are (U − Vmin)Vmin/R, which reflects the maximum power capability, and QV〉, which reflects the battery energy. The results and analysis contained herein are used to help interpret the results from a combined battery and vehicle model, presented in a companion paper.  相似文献   

Hybrid electric power systems based on fuel cell stack and energy storage sources like batteries and ultracapacitors are a plausible solution to vehicle electrification due to their balance between acceleration performance and range. Having a high degree of hybridization can be advantageous, considering the different characteristics of the power sources. Some parameters to be considered are: specific power and energy, energy and power density, lifetime, cost among others. Ultracapacitors (UC) are of particular interest in electric vehicle applications due to its high-power capability, which is commonly required during acceleration. UCs are commonly used without a power electronics interface due to the high-power processing requirement. Although connecting UCs directly to the DC bus, without using a power converter, presents considerable advantages, the main disadvantage is related to the UC energy-usage capability, which is limited by constant DC bus control. This paper proposes a novel energy-management strategy based on a fuzzy inference system, for fuel-cell/battery/ultracapacitor hybrid electric vehicles. The proposed strategy is able to control the charge and discharge of the UC bank in order to take advantage of its energy storage capability. Experimental results show that the proposed strategy reduces the waste of energy due to dynamic brake in 14%. This represents a reduction in energy consumption from 218 Wh/km to 192 Wh/km for the same driving conditions. By using the proposed energy management strategy, the estimated fuel efficiency in miles per gallon equivalent was also increase from 96 mpge to 109 mpge.  相似文献   

The commercial vehicles are in leadership in emission production for on-road vehicles. This high rate of emission is released in highly populated areas where diesel driven internal combustion engines are running in inefficient operating ranges. Except the propulsion, the internal combustion engine is powering the auxiliary devices such as refrigerator unit, etc. The auxiliary units are significant contributor to the overall pollutant production. In this paper the auxiliary load power supply for refrigerator unit is shifted from internal combustion engine to PEM fuel cell. The decrease in CO2 accumulated emissions was estimated by simulation model containing vehicle model (tire, brake, differential, gearbox and driver model), diesel engine model and auxiliary power demand model. Four stroke diesel engine was modeled and investigated. For this investigation the fully filled truck was used for simulating 100% weight load. The gross weight is 7500 kg.The novelty of the approach is the simulation performed on realistic combination of city and urban road cycle. The focus was on modelling the realistic truck driving cycle in order to correctly predict emission and fuel consumption reduction. Since initial investigation are performed on constant load demand of fuel cell, simplified model of PEMFC was applied. PEM fuel cell stack was designed in order to meet the demands of auxiliary consumers. The H2 consumption and size of hydrogen tank was estimated based on assumed 8-h daily drive. Finally, the migration of power supply for auxiliary units on commercial vehicle from internal combustion engine showed potential of fuel savings and CO2 reduction of up to 9% for a given case on this specific test cycle.  相似文献   

Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the world and produces only water vapor as a result of chemical reaction that occurred in fuel cells. Therefore, fuel cell electric vehicles, which use hydrogen as fuel, continue its growing trend in the sector. In this study, an energy distribution comparison is carried out between fuel cell electric vehicle and fuel cell hybrid electric vehicle. Hybridization of fuel cell electric vehicle is designed by equipped a traction battery (15 kW). Modeled vehicles were prepared under AVL Cruise program with similar chassis and same fuel cell stacks for regular determining process. Numerical analyses were presented and graphed with instantaneous results in terms of sankey diagrams with a comparison task. WLTP driving cycle is selected for both vehicles and energy input/output values given with detailed analyses. The average consumption results of electric and hydrogen usage is found out as 4.07 kWh and 1.125 kg/100 km respectively for fuel cell electric vehicle. On the other hand, fuel cell hybrid electric vehicle’s average consumption results figured out as 3.701 kWh for electric and 0.701 kg/100 km for hydrogen consumption. As a result of this study, fuel cell hybrid electric vehicle was obtained better results rather than fuel cell electric vehicle according to energy and hydrogen consumption with 8% and 32%, respectively.  相似文献   

This study presents paper presents an analysis of the potential CO2 savings that could be gained through the introduction of hydrogen-powered fuel cells on a commuter-style railway route. Vehicle is modelled as a fuel cell series hybrid. The analysis consists of power/energy flow models of a fuel cell stack, battery pack and hybrid drive controller. The models are implemented in a custom C# application and are capable of providing key parametric information of the simulated journey and individual energy drive components. A typical commuter return journey between Stratford Upon Avon and Birmingham is investigated. The fuel cell stack and battery pack behaviour is assessed for different stack sizes, battery sizes and control strategies to evaluate the performance of the overall system with the aim of understanding the optimum component configuration. Finally, the fuel (H2) requirements are compared with typical diesel and hybrid-diesel powered vehicles with the aim of understanding the potential energy savings gained from such a fuel cell hybrid vehicle.  相似文献   

A light electric vehicle (golf cart, 5 kW nominal motor power) was integrated with a commercial 1.2 kW PEM fuel cell system, and fuelled by compressed hydrogen (two composite cylinders, 6.8 L/300 bar each). Comparative driving tests in the battery and hybrid (battery + fuel cell) powering modes were performed. The introduction of the fuel cell was shown to result in extending the driving range by 63–110%, when the amount of the stored H2 fuel varied within 55–100% of the maximum capacity. The operation in the hybrid mode resulted in more stable driving performances, as well as in the increase of the total energy both withdrawn by the vehicle and returned to the vehicle battery during the driving. Statistical analysis of the power patterns taken during the driving in the battery and hybrid-powering modes showed that the latter provided stable operation in a wider power range, including higher frequency and higher average values of the peak power.  相似文献   

This article develops and tests an ethnographic decision model (EDM) of hydrogen fuel cell vehicle (FCV) adoption using interviews with California residents that either actually adopted an FCV or “seriously considered” doing so before deciding against it. We developed an initial model from 25 semi-structured interviews in which respondents self-described their decision-making processes. We iteratively tested and refined the model in a second round of 53 structured interviews. The final model consists of a first stage that assesses FCV adoption feasibility and a second stage that compares FCVs to other vehicle types. The model ultimately correctly predicts 86.8% of cases in the sample. In the first stage, respondents preferred to satisfy their need for a primary refueling station near home but a substantial number were willing to rely on a station near or on the way to work or other destination. Most drivers required a convenient backup station and a means of managing long-distance trips. Vehicle size options eliminated a few respondents. None rejected FCV adoption due to insufficient driving range. In the second stage, nearly all drivers engaged in some kind of cost comparison, though the factors considered varied greatly. Most opted for what they viewed as the less costly option, although a few FCV adopters and non-adopters were willing to pay more for their more preferred option. EDM is a promising qualitative research method for generating insights into how people navigate the decision whether or not to get an alternative-fuel vehicle.  相似文献   

PEM Fuel Cells (PEMFCs), fueled by hydrogen, are electrochemical devices that convert hydrogen to useful power and two by-products: heat and water. They cover an important part of power applications namely in the transportation area, and in other practical applications that are either stationary or portable. In particular, the domestic refrigerator is one of the daily and indispensable applications but with a high-energy demand due to the high running time cycles. This work is a technical assessment of the feasibility of building a coupled “PEM Fuel Cell – Refrigerator” system. Real technical data for the refrigerator are collected, processed and evaluated. The obtained results show reasonable flows consumption rates. In fact, the refrigerator requires a flow rate of 1.607 slpm of hydrogen and 8 slpm of air at a pressure of respectively 3 atm and 1 atm. The water is produced at a rate of 1.285 10−3 slpm. The annual amount of hydrogen consumed by the refrigerator is estimated to 28, 47 kg. The energy provided to the refrigerator is about 130 W and the energy needed by the air compressor is 28, 24 W. A technical solution is suggested at the end of this work to reduce the start and stop cycles of the fuel cell.  相似文献   

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