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This paper addresses the minimization of the mean absolute deviation from a common due date in a two-machine flowshop scheduling problem. We present heuristics that use an algorithm, based on proposed properties, which obtains an optimal schedule for a given job sequence. A new set of benchmark problems is presented with the purpose of evaluating the heuristics. Computational experiments show that the developed heuristics outperform results found in the literature for problems up to 500 jobs.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the single machine scheduling problem with weighted quadratic tardiness costs. Several efficient dispatching rules are proposed. These include existing heuristics for the linear problem, as well as procedures suitably adapted to the quadratic objective function. Also, both forward and backward scheduling procedures are considered.The computational results show that the heuristics that specifically take into account the quadratic objective significantly outperform their linear counterparts. Also, the backward scheduling approach proves to be superior, and the difference in performance is even more noticeable for the harder instances.The best of the backward scheduling heuristics is both quite efficient and effective. Indeed, this procedure can quickly generate a schedule even for large instances. Also, its relative deviation from the optimum is usually rather low, and it performs adequately even for the more difficult instances.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the problem of scheduling jobs in a permutation flowshop with the objective of makespan minimisation subject to a maximum allowed tardiness for the jobs, a problem that combines two desirable manufacturing objectives related to machine utilisation and to customer satisfaction. Although several approximate algorithms have been proposed for this NP-hard problem, none of them can use the excellent speed-up method by Taillard (1990) [22] for makespan minimisation due to the special structure of the problem under consideration. In this paper, several properties of the problem are defined in order to be able to partly apply Taillard׳s acceleration. This mechanism, together with a novel feasible tabu local search method, allows us to further exploit the structure of solutions of the problem, and are incorporated in two proposed algorithms: a bounded-insertion-based constructive heuristic and an advanced non-population-based algorithm. These algorithms are compared with state-of-the-art algorithms under the same computer conditions. The results show that both algorithms improve existing ones and therefore, constitute the new state-of-art approximate solution procedures for the problem.  相似文献   

In this work, a review and comprehensive evaluation of heuristics and metaheuristics for the m-machine flowshop scheduling problem with the objective of minimising total tardiness is presented. Published reviews about this objective usually deal with a single machine or parallel machines and no recent methods are compared. Moreover, the existing reviews do not use the same benchmark of instances and the results are difficult to reproduce and generalise. We have implemented a total of 40 different heuristics and metaheuristics and we have analysed their performance under the same benchmark of instances in order to make a global and fair comparison. In this comparison, we study from the classical priority rules to the most recent tabu search, simulated annealing and genetic algorithms. In the evaluations we use the experimental design approach and careful statistical analyses to validate the effectiveness of the different methods tested. The results allow us to clearly identify the state-of-the-art methods.  相似文献   

Note on minimizing total tardiness in a two-machine flowshop   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This note considers the problem of sequencing jobs to minimize total tardiness in a two-machine flowshop. The note shows how three dominance conditions and a lower bound previously developed for this problem can be improved. The note also proposes a new dominance condition. A branch-and-bound algorithm is developed that uses the improvements and new dominance condition. The algorithm is tested on randomly generated problems and the results of the test show that the improvements and new dominance condition improves the branch-and-bound algorithm's efficiency.  相似文献   

Since Johnson׳s seminal paper in 1954, scheduling jobs in a permutation flowshop has been receiving the attention of hundreds of practitioners and researchers, being one of the most studied topics in the Operations Research literature. Among the different objectives that can be considered, minimising the total tardiness (i.e. the sum of the surplus of the completion time of each job over its due date) is regarded as a key objective for manufacturing companies, as it entails the fulfilment of the due dates committed to customers. Since this problem is known to be NP-hard, most research has focused on proposing approximate procedures to solve it in reasonable computation times. Particularly, several constructive heuristics have been proposed, with NEHedd being the most efficient one, serving also to provide an initial solution for more elaborate approximate procedures. In this paper, we first analyse in detail the decision problem depending on the generation of the due dates of the jobs, and discuss the similarities with different related decision problems. In addition, for the most characteristic tardiness scenario, the analysis shows that a huge number of ties appear during the construction of the solutions done by the NEHedd heuristic, and that wisely breaking the ties greatly influences the quality of the final solution. Since no tie-breaking mechanism has been designed for this heuristic up to now, we propose several mechanisms that are exhaustively tested. The results show that some of them outperform the original NEHedd by about 25% while keeping the same computational requirements.  相似文献   

The most efficient approximate procedures so far for the flowshop scheduling problem with makespan objective – i.e. the NEH heuristic and the iterated greedy algorithm – are based on constructing a sequence by iteratively inserting, one by one, the non-scheduled jobs into all positions of an existing subsequence, and then, among the so obtained subsequences, selecting the one yielding the lowest (partial) makespan. This procedure usually causes a high number of ties (different subsequences with the same best partial makespan) that must be broken via a tie-breaking mechanism. The particular tie-breaking mechanism employed is known to have a great influence in the performance of the NEH, therefore different procedures have been proposed in the literature. However, to the best of our knowledge, no tie-breaking mechanism has been proposed for the iterated greedy. In our paper, we present a new tie-breaking mechanism based on an estimation of the idle times of the different subsequences in order to pick the one with the lowest value of the estimation. The computational experiments carried out show that this mechanism outperforms the existing ones both for the NEH and the iterated greedy for different CPU times. Furthermore, embedding the proposed tie-breaking mechanism into the iterated greedy provides the most efficient heuristic for the problem so far.  相似文献   

In recent years, a large number of heuristics have been proposed for the minimization of the total or mean flowtime/completion time of the well-known permutation flowshop scheduling problem. Although some literature reviews and comparisons have been made, they do not include the latest available heuristics and results are hard to compare as no common benchmarks and computing platforms have been employed. Furthermore, existing partial comparisons lack the application of powerful statistical tools. The result is that it is not clear which heuristics, especially among the recent ones, are the best. This paper presents a comprehensive review and computational evaluation as well as a statistical assessment of 22 existing heuristics. From the knowledge obtained after such a detailed comparison, five new heuristics are presented. Careful designs of experiments and analyses of variance (ANOVA) techniques are applied to guarantee sound conclusions. The comparison results identify the best existing methods and show that the five newly presented heuristics are competitive or better than the best performing ones in the literature for the permutation flowshop problem with the total completion time criterion.  相似文献   

This paper considers a scheduling problem for parallel burn-in ovens in the semiconductor manufacturing industry. An oven is a batch processing machine with restricted capacity. The batch processing time is set by the longest processing time among those of all the jobs contained in the batch. All jobs are assumed to have the same due date. The objective is to minimize the sum of the absolute deviations of completion times from the due date (earliness–tardiness) of all jobs. We suggest three decomposition heuristics. The first heuristic applies the exact algorithm due to Emmons and Hall (for the nonbatching problem) in order to assign the jobs to separate early and tardy job sets for each of the parallel burn-in ovens. Then, we use job sequencing rules and dynamic programming in order to form batches for the early and tardy job sets and sequence them optimally. The second proposed heuristic is based on genetic algorithms. We use a genetic algorithm in order to assign jobs to each single burn-in oven. Then, after forming early and tardy job sets for each oven we apply again sequencing rules and dynamic programming techniques to the early and tardy jobs sets on each single machine in order to form batches. The third heuristic assigns jobs to the m early job sets and m tardy jobs sets in case of m burn-in ovens in parallel via a genetic algorithm and applies again dynamic programming and sequencing rules. We report on computational experiments based on generated test data and compare the results of the heuristics with known exact solution for small size test instances obtained from a branch and bound scheme.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the problem of preemptive scheduling in a two-stage flowshop with parallel unrelated machines at the first stage and a single machine at the second stage. At the first stage, jobs use some additional resources which are available in limited quantities at any time. The resource requirements are of 0–1 type. The objective is the minimization of makespan. The problem is NP-hard. Heuristic algorithms are proposed which solve to optimality the resource constrained scheduling problem at the first stage of the flowshop, and at the same time, minimize the makespan in the flowshop by selecting appropriate jobs for simultaneous processing. Several rules of job selection are considered. The performance of the proposed heuristic algorithms is analyzed by comparing solutions with the lower bound on the optimal makespan. The extensive computational experiment shows that the proposed heuristic algorithms are able to produce near-optimal solutions in short computational time.  相似文献   

This paper develops a set of new simple constructive heuristic algorithms to minimize total flow-time for an n-jobs×m-machines permutation flowshop scheduling problem. We first propose a new iterative algorithm based on the best existing simple heuristic algorithm, and then integrate new indicator variables for weighting jobs into this algorithm. We also propose new decision criteria to select the best partial sequence in each iteration of our algorithm. A comprehensive numerical experiment reveals that our modifications and extensions improve the effectiveness of the best existing simple heuristic without affecting its computational efficiency.  相似文献   

In this paper we address the problem of scheduling jobs in a permutation flowshop with a just-in-time objective, i.e. the minimisation of the sum of total tardiness and total earliness. Since the problem is NP-hard, there are several approximate procedures available for the problem, although their performance largely depends on the due dates of the specific instance to be solved. After an in-depth analysis of the problem, different cases or sub-problems are identified and, by incorporating this knowledge, four heuristics are proposed: a fast constructive heuristic, and three different local search procedures that use the proposed constructive heuristic as initial solution.The proposed Prod. Type: FLPheuristics have been compared on an extensive set of instances with the best-so-far heuristic for the problem, as well as with adaptations of efficient heuristics for similar scheduling problems. The computational results show the excellent performance of the proposed algorithms. Finally, the positive impact of the efficient heuristics is evaluated by including them as seed sequences for one of the best metaheuristic for the problem.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the problem of preemptive scheduling in a two-stage flowshop with parallel unrelated machines and renewable resources at both the stages. The resource requirements are of a 0–1 type. The objective is the minimization of makespan. The problem is NP-hard. Four heuristic algorithms using linear programming are proposed for solving this problem. Performance of the algorithms is analyzed experimentally by comparing heuristic solutions with the lower bound on the optimal makespan. Statistical comparative analysis of the developed algorithms is carried out. The results of a computational experiment show that the proposed algorithms are able to produce good quality solutions in a small amount of computation time.  相似文献   

We consider a two-machine re-entrant flowshop scheduling problem in which all jobs must be processed twice on each machine and there are sequence-dependent setup times on the second machine. For the problem with the objective of minimizing total tardiness, we develop dominance properties and a lower bound by extending those for a two-machine re-entrant flowshop problem (without sequence-dependent setup times) as well as heuristic algorithms, and present a branch and bound algorithm in which these dominance properties, lower bound, and heuristics are used. For evaluation of the performance of the branch and bound algorithm and heuristics, computational experiments are performed on randomly generated instances, and results are reported.  相似文献   

This paper endeavors to solve a novel complex single-machine scheduling problem using two different approaches. One approach exploits mathematical modeling, and the other is based upon genetic algorithms. The problem involves earliness, tardiness, and inventory costs and considers a batched delivery system. The same conditions might apply to some real supply chains, in which delivery of products is conducted in a batched form and with some costs. In such delivery systems, the act of buffering the products can have both positive effects (i.e., decreasing the delivery costs and early jobs) and negative ones (i.e., increasing the number of tardy and holding costs). Accordingly, the proposed solution takes into account both effects and tries to find a trade-off between them to hold the total costs low. The suggestions are compared to existing solutions for older non-batched systems and have illustrated outperformance.  相似文献   

We consider a single-machine scheduling problem with equal-sized jobs. The objective is to minimize the maximum weighted earliness–tardiness and due-date costs. We present an algorithm to solve this problem. Our algorithm makes use of bottleneck jobs and priority queues, and has a computational complexity of O(n4logn)O(n4logn). This complexity is a significant improvement of the existing algorithm in the literature.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problem of scheduling jobs in a permutation flowshop with the objective of total completion time minimisation. Since this problem is known to be NP-hard, most research has focussed on obtaining procedures – heuristics – able to provide good, but not necessarily optimal, solutions with a reasonable computational effort. Therefore, a full set of heuristics efficiently balancing both aspects (quality of solutions and computational effort) has been developed. 12 out of these 14 efficient procedures are composite heuristics based on the LR heuristic by Liu and Reeves (2001), which is of complexity n3m. In our paper, we propose a new heuristic of complexity n2m for the problem, which turns out to produce better results than LR. Furthermore, by replacing the heuristic LR by our proposal in the aforementioned composite heuristics, we obtain a new set of 17 efficient heuristics for the problem, with 15 of them incorporating our proposal. Additionally, we also discuss some issues related to the evaluation of efficient heuristics for the problem and propose an alternative indicator.  相似文献   

Although the concept of just-in-time (JIT) production systems has been proposed for over two decades, it is still important in real-world production systems. In this paper, we consider minimizing the total weighted earliness and tardiness with a restrictive common due date in a single machine environment, which has been proved as an NP-hard problem. Due to the complexity of the problem, metaheuristics, including simulated annealing, genetic algorithm, tabu search, among others, have been proposed for searching good solutions in reasonable computation times. In this paper, we propose a hybrid metaheuristic that uses tabu search within variable neighborhood search (VNS/TS). There are several distinctive features in the VNS/TS algorithm, including different ratio of the two neighborhoods, generating five points simultaneously in a neighborhood, implementation of the B/F local search, and combination of TS with VNS. By examining the 280 benchmark problem instances, the algorithm shows an excellent performance in not only the solution quality but also the computation time. The results obtained are better than those reported previously in the literature.  相似文献   

This paper presents a tabu search approach for scheduling jobs on identical parallel machines with the objective of minimizing the mean tardiness. Initially, we consider a basic tabu search that uses short term memory only. Local search is performed on a neighborhood defined by two types of moves. Insert moves consist of transferring each job from one machine to another and swap moves are those obtained by exchanging each pair of jobs between two machines. Next, we analyze the incorporation of two diversification strategies with the aim of exploring unvisited regions of the solution space. The first strategy uses long term memory to store the frequency of the moves executed throughout the search and the second makes use of influential moves. Computational tests are performed on problems with up to 10 machines and 150 jobs. The heuristic performance is evaluated through a lower bound given by Lagrangean relaxation. A comparison is also made with respect to the best constructive heuristic reported in the literature.  相似文献   

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