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In this research the parallel machine scheduling problem with preemption by considering a constant transportation delay for migrated jobs and minimization of makespan as the criterion i.e., Pm|pmtn(delay)|Cmax is investigated. It is assumed that when a preempted job resumes on another machine, it is required a delay between the processing time of the job on these two machines. This delay is called transportation delay. We criticize an existing mathematical model for the research problem in the literature [Boudhar M, Haned A. Preemptive scheduling in the presence of transportation times. Computers & Operations Research 2009; 36(8):2387–93]. Then, we prove that there exists an optimal schedule with at most (m−1) preemptions with transportation among machines for the problem. We also propose a linear programming formulation and an exact algorithm for the research problem in case of equal transportation delay. The experiments show that the proposed exact algorithm performs better than the proposed mathematical model.  相似文献   

This paper addresses a stochastic online scheduling problem in which a set of independent jobs are to be processed by two uniform machines whose speeds are 1 and s(s?1). Each job has a processing time, which is a random variable with an arbitrary distribution, and all the jobs are arriving overtime, which means that no information of the job is known in advance before its arrival. During the processing, jobs are allowed to be preempted and resumed later. The objective is to minimize the sum of expected weighted completion times. In this paper, the optimal policy, named SMPR, is designed for the single-machine preemptive stochastic scheduling problem where jobs have a common arriving time. Based on SMPR, the online approximative policy-UMPR, is devised for the preemptive stochastic online scheduling on two uniform machines. Then, UMPR is proved to have an approximation factor of 2. Furthermore, it is concluded that UMPR could not have a smaller approximation factor than 2, which means 2 is the approximation ratio of UMPR for the two-uniform-machine scheduling problem.  相似文献   

We consider a two-machine flowshop scheduling problem with identical jobs. Each of these jobs has three operations, where the first operation must be performed on the first machine, the second operation must be performed on the second machine, and the third operation (named as flexible operation) can be performed on either machine but cannot be preempted. Highly flexible CNC machines are capable of performing different operations. Furthermore, the processing times on these machines can be changed easily in albeit of higher manufacturing cost by adjusting the machining parameters like the speed and/or feed rate of the machine. The overall problem is to determine the assignment of the flexible operations to the machines and processing times for each operation to minimize the total manufacturing cost and makespan simultaneously. For such a bicriteria problem, there is no unique optimum but a set of nondominated solutions. Using ?-constraint?-constraint approach, the problem could be transformed to be minimizing total manufacturing cost for a given upper limit on the makespan. The resulting single criterion problem can be reformulated as a mixed integer nonlinear problem with a set of linear constraints. We use this formulation to optimally solve small instances of the problem while a heuristic procedure is constructed to solve larger instances in a reasonable time.  相似文献   

This paper considers a deterministic scheduling problem where multiple jobs with s-precedence relations are processed on multiple identical parallel machines. The objective is to minimize the total completion time. The s-precedence relation between two jobs i and j represents the situation where job j is constrained from processing until job i starts processing, which is different from the standard definition of a precedence relation where j cannot start until i completes. The s-precedence relation has wide applicability in the real world such as first-come-first-served processing systems.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider a combined production–transportation problem, where n jobs have to be processed on a single machine at a production site before they are delivered to a customer. At the production stage, for each job a release date is given; at the transportation stage, job delivery should be completed not later than a given due date. The transportation is done by m identical vehicles with limited capacity. It takes a constant time to deliver a batch of jobs to the customer. The objective is to find a feasible schedule minimizing the maximum lateness.  相似文献   

We study the online batch scheduling problem on parallel machines with delivery times. Online algorithms are designed on m parallel batch machines to minimize the time by which all jobs have been delivered. When all jobs have identical processing times, we provide the optimal online algorithms for both bounded and unbounded versions of this problem. For the general case of processing time on unbounded batch machines, an online algorithm with a competitive ratio of 2 is given when the number of machines m=2 or m=3, respectively. When m≥4, we present an online algorithm with a competitive ratio of 1.5+o(1).  相似文献   

Speranza and Tuza [Ann. Oper. Res. 86 (1999) 494-506] studied the on-line problem of scheduling jobs on m identical machines with extendable working time. In this problem, each machine is assumed to have an identical regular working time, which can be extended if necessary. The working time of a machine is the larger one between its regular working time and the total processing time of jobs assigned to it. The objective is to minimize the total working time of machines. They presented an on-line algorithm Hx, with a competitive ratio at most 1.228 for any number of machines by choosing an appropriate parameter x. In this paper we consider a small number of machines. The best choices of x are given for m=2,3,4 and the tight bounds, 7/6, 11/9 and 19/16, respectively, are proved. Among them, the algorithm for m=2 is best possible. We then derive a new algorithm for m=3 with a competitive ratio 7/6.  相似文献   

We study scheduling problems with two competing agents, sharing the same machines. All the jobs of both agents have identical processing times and a common due date. Each agent needs to process a set of jobs, and has his own objective function. The objective of the first agent is total weighted earliness–tardiness, whereas the objective of the second agent is maximum weighted deviation from the common due date. Our goal is to minimize the objective of the first agent, subject to an upper bound on the objective value of the second agent. We consider a single machine, and parallel (both identical and uniform) machine settings. An optimal solution in all cases is shown to be obtained in polynomial time by solving a number of linear assignment problems. We show that the running times of the single and the parallel identical machine algorithms are O(nm+3), where n is the number of jobs and m is the number of machines. The algorithm for solving the problem on parallel uniform machine requires O(nm+3m3) time, and under very reasonable assumptions on the machine speeds, is reduced to O(nm+3). Since the number of machines is given, these running times are polynomial in the number of jobs.  相似文献   

Preemptive scheduling problems on parallel machines are classic problems. Given the goal of minimizing the makespan, they are polynomially solvable even for the most general model of unrelated machines. In these problems, a set of jobs is to be assigned to run on a set of m machines. A job can be split into parts arbitrarily and these parts are to be assigned to time slots on the machines without parallelism, that is, for every job, at most one of its parts can be processed at each time. Motivated by sensitivity analysis and online algorithms, we investigate the problem of designing robust algorithms for constructing preemptive schedules. Robust algorithms receive one piece of input at a time. They may change a small portion of the solution as an additional part of the input is revealed. The capacity of change is based on the size of the new piece of input. For scheduling problems, the supremum ratio between the total size of the jobs (or parts of jobs) which may be re-scheduled upon the arrival of a new job j, and the size of j, is called migration factor. We design a strongly optimal algorithm with the migration factor $1-\frac{1}{m}$ for identical machines. Strongly optimal algorithms avoid idle time and create solutions where the (non-increasingly) sorted vector of completion times of the machines is lexicographically minimal. In the case of identical machines this results not only in makespan minimization, but the created solution is also optimal with respect to any ? p norm (for p>1). We show that an algorithm of a smaller migration factor cannot be optimal with respect to makespan or any other ? p norm, thus the result is best possible in this sense as well. We further show that neither uniformly related machines nor identical machines with restricted assignment admit an optimal algorithm with a constant migration factor. This lower bound holds both for makespan minimization and for any ? p norm. Finally, we analyze the case of two machines and show that in this case it is still possible to maintain an optimal schedule with a small migration factor in the cases of two uniformly related machines and two identical machines with restricted assignment.  相似文献   

The problem of scheduling jobs to minimise completion time variance (CTV) is a well-known problem in scheduling research. CTV is categorized as a non-regular performance measure and its value may decrease by increasing the job completion times. This objective is relevant in situations where providing uniform service to customers is important, and is in-line with just-in-time philosophy. The problem concerned in this paper is to schedule n jobs on two identical parallel machines to minimise CTV. We consider the unrestricted version of the problem. The problem is said to be restricted when a machine is not allowed to remain idle when jobs are available for processing. It may be necessary to delay the start of job processing on a machine in order to reduce the completion time deviations. This gives rise to the unrestricted version of the problem. We discuss several properties of an optimal schedule to the problem. In this paper, we develop a lower bound on CTV for a known partial schedule and propose a branch and bound algorithm to solve the problem. Optimal solutions are obtained and results are reported.  相似文献   

We consider a scheduling problem where jobs have to be carried out by parallel identical machines. The attributes of a job j are: a fixed start time sj, a fixed finish time fj, and a resource requirement rj. Every machine owns R units of a renewable resource necessary to carry out jobs. A machine can process more than one job at a time, provided the resource consumption does not exceed R. The jobs must be processed in a non-preemptive way. Within this setting, the problem is to decide whether a feasible schedule for all jobs exists or not.We discuss such a decision problem and prove that it is strongly NP-complete even when the number of resources are fixed to any value R≥2. Moreover, we suggest an implicit enumeration algorithm which has O(nlogn) time complexity in the number n of jobs when the number m of machines and the number R of resources per machine are fixed.The role of storage layout and preemption are also discussed.  相似文献   

We focus on the problem of scheduling n independent jobs on m identical parallel machines with the objective of minimizing total tardiness of the jobs considering a job splitting property. In this problem, it is assumed that a job can be split into sub-jobs and these sub-jobs can be processed independently on parallel machines. We develop several dominance properties and lower bounds for the problem, and suggest a branch and bound algorithm using them. Computational experiments are performed on randomly generated test problems and results show that the suggested algorithm solves problems of moderate sizes in a reasonable amount of computation time.  相似文献   

This paper presents a study of the problem of online deadline scheduling under the preemption penalty model of Zheng, Xu, and Zhang (2007). In that model, each preemption incurs a penalty of ρ times the weight of the preempted job, where ρ ? 0 is the preemption penalty parameter. The objective is to maximise the total weight of jobs completed on time minus the total penalty.  相似文献   

We study a generalized job-shop problem called the body shop scheduling problem (BSSP). This problem arises from the industrial application of welding in a car body production line, where possible collisions between industrial robots have to be taken into account. BSSP corresponds to a job-shop problem where the operations of a job have to follow alternating routes on the machines, certain operations of different jobs are not allowed to be processed at the same time and after processing an operation of a certain job a machine might be unavailable for a given time for operations of other jobs. As main results we will show that for three jobs and four machines the special case where only one machine is used by more than one job is already $\mathcal NP $ -hard. This also implies that the single machine scheduling problem that asks for a makespan minimal schedule of three chains of operations with delays between the operations of a chain is $\mathcal NP $ -hard. On the positive side, we present a polynomial algorithm for the two job case and a pseudo-polynomial algorithm together with an FPTAS  for an arbitrary but constant number of jobs. Hence for a constant number of jobs we fully settle the complexity status of the problem.  相似文献   

We investigate the problem of scheduling n jobs in s-stage hybrid flowshops with parallel identical machines at each stage. The objective is to find a schedule that minimizes the sum of weighted completion times of the jobs. This problem has been proven to be NP-hard. In this paper, an integer programming formulation is constructed for the problem. A new Lagrangian relaxation algorithm is presented in which precedence constraints are relaxed to the objective function by introducing Lagrangian multipliers, unlike the commonly used method of relaxing capacity constraints. In this way the relaxed problem can be decomposed into machine type subproblems, each of which corresponds to a specific stage. A dynamic programming algorithm is designed for solving parallel identical machine subproblems where jobs may have negative weights. The multipliers are then iteratively updated along a subgradient direction. The new algorithm is computationally compared with the commonly used Lagrangian relaxation algorithms which, after capacity constraints are relaxed, decompose the relaxed problem into job level subproblems and solve the subproblems by using the regular and speed-up dynamic programming algorithms, respectively. Numerical results show that the new Lagrangian relaxation method produces better schedules in much shorter computation time, especially for large-scale problems.  相似文献   

We consider the scheduling of N jobs divided into G families for processing on M identical parallel machines. No set-up is necessary between jobs belonging to the same family. A set-up must be scheduled when switching from the processing of family i jobs to those of another family j, ij, the duration of this set-up being the sequence-independent set-up time sj for family j. We propose heuristics for this problem and computationally evaluate the performance of the heuristics relative to lower bounds and solutions obtained using an exact algorithm.Scope and purposeWe study a machine-scheduling problem within which we have identical parallel machines, jobs arranged into families, and sequence-independent set-up times between jobs of different families on these machines. Our purpose is to develop simple, effective and efficient heuristics for this problem, and we seek to maximise the use of ideas and algorithms that have appeared previously in the literature for related problems. In our computational experiments, we seek to study the behaviour of these heuristics and uncover relevant properties of the scheduling problem. Within this experiment, we compare the observed performance of the heuristics relative to lower bounds and optimal solutions.  相似文献   

In many organizations, it is desirable to distribute workload as equally as possible among a group of employees or machines. This paper proposes a performance measure, that we call the Normalized Sum of Square for Workload Deviations (NSSWD), and studies the problem of how to schedule a set of n jobs on m parallel identical processors in order to minimize the NSSWD. The NSSWD criterion is relevant where uniformity of wear to machines or of workload to employees is desirable. An algorithm, called Workload Balancing (WB), is proposed for solving this problem. Moreover, we perform a simulation experiment to evaluate WB against several well-known heuristics in the literature. Lastly, we discuss the computational results obtained from the simulation experiment.  相似文献   

In this paper we study the unrelated parallel machines problem where n independent jobs must be assigned to one out of m parallel machines and the processing time of each job differs from machine to machine. We deal with the objective of the minimisation of the maximum completion time of the jobs, usually referred to as makespan or Cmax. This is a type of assignment problem that has been frequently studied in the scientific literature due to its many potential applications. We propose a set of metaheuristics based on a size-reduction of the original assignment problem that produce solutions of very good quality in a short amount of time. The underlying idea is to consider only a few of the best possible machine assignments for the jobs and not all of them. The results are simple, yet powerful methods. We test the proposed algorithms with a large benchmark of instances and compare them with current state-of-the-art methods. In most cases, the proposed size-reduction algorithms produce results that are statistically proven to be better by a significant margin.  相似文献   

We consider the off-line scheduling problem of minimizing the maximal starting time. The input to this problem is a sequence of n jobs and m identical machines. The goal is to assign the jobs to the machines so that the first time at which all jobs have already started running is minimized, under the restriction that the processing of the jobs on any given machine must respect their original order. Our main result is a polynomial time approximation scheme (PTAS) for this problem in the case where m is considered as part of the input. As the input to this problem is a sequence of jobs, rather than a set of jobs where the order is insignificant, we present techniques that are designed to handle order constraints imposed by the sequence. Those techniques are combined with common techniques of assignment problems in order to yield a PTAS for this problem. We also show that when m is a constant, the problem admits a fully polynomial time approximation scheme. Finally, we show that the makespan problem in the linear hierarchical model may be reduced to the min-max starting time problem, thus concluding that the former problem also admits a PTAS.Received: 26 May 2003, Published online: 5 August 2004A preliminary version of this paper appeared in Proc. of 28th Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (2003)...... Research supported in part by the Israel Science Foundation, (grant no. 250/01)  相似文献   

Shachnai  Tamir 《Algorithmica》2002,32(4):651-678
Abstract. Modern computer systems distribute computation among several machines to speed up the execution of programs. Yet, setup and communication costs, as well as parallelism constraints, bound the number of machines that can share the execution of a given application, and the number of machines by which it can be processed simultaneously . We study the resulting scheduling problem, stated as follows. Given a set of n jobs and m uniform machines, assign the jobs to the machines subject to parallelism and machine allotment constraints, such that the overall completion time of the schedule (or makespan ) is minimized. Indeed, the multiprocessor scheduling problem (where each job can be processed by a single machine) is a special case of our problem; thus, our problem is strongly NP-hard. We present a (1+ α) -approximation algorithm for this problem, where α ∈ (0,1] depends on the minimal number of machine allotments and the minimal parallelism allowed for any job. Also, we show that when the maximal number of machines that can share the execution of a job is some fixed constant, our problem has a polynomial time approximation scheme ; for other special cases we give optimal polynomial time algorithms. Finally, through the relation of our problem to the classic preemptive scheduling problem on multiple machines, we shed some fresh light on what is known in scheduling folklore as the power of preemption.  相似文献   

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