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构建面向智能园区的多能源微网是实现不同类型物理能源系统耦合,提高可再生能源终端能源消费占比的重要途经。通过制定恰当的多能源微网规划,对于保证多能源微网项目投资收益以及推动多能源微网有序发展具有重要意义。鉴于此,该文以园区级多能源微网为研究对象,在利用隐马尔可夫构建典型场景集以压缩系统历史数据的基础上,构建多能源微网配置多目标优化模型架构,并利用某园区实际负荷数据和分布情况,对比分析不同情景下2种不同配置方案的结果和优劣势,定量阐述了多能源微网在降低系统排放强度和系统投资成本方面的优势。  相似文献   

基于可再生能源的离网混合型微电网技术是解决风能、太阳能开发利用中瓶颈问题的主要突破口。澳大利亚国王岛离网混合型可再生能源综合项目(KIREIP)属于孤立运行的微电网,是基于可再生能源技术,并整合了传统能源的分布式智能微电网发配电系统。它集风电、光伏、柴油发电、储能技术及智能控制系统和用户需求侧管理于一体,具备采用可再生能源供应全岛65%的能源需求,以及在不影响系统安全稳定的前提下实现100%可再生能源发电的能力。KIREIP系统开发最显著的特征就是通过对系统控制方法和促成技术的优化设计及合理配置,使得可再生能源发电效益最大化。项目引进的促成技术包括动态电阻、柴油机不间断供电系统(D-UPS)和电池储能系统,并辅以智能电网和需求侧响应的配合。KIREIP系统很好地解决了岛内居民的生产生活用电问题,而且实现了高渗透率的可再生能源利用和零柴油运行模式,降低了离网型微电网系统的运行成本,极大地减少了柴油使用量和污染排放,为世界各国发展分布式能源和智能微电网提供了重要的参考经验和成功借鉴。  相似文献   

自2003年1月始,中国、荷兰两国政府合作开展"促进中国西部可再生能源综合发展应用"项目.该项目总体目标:通过综合开发利用可再生能源,改善西部农村地区的用能结构,提高农民的能源消费水平,建立起适应可持续发展目标的农村能源开发利用系统,改善生态环境,增加农民收入,减少贫困,促进西部大开发战略目标的实现.经过4年多的实施,项目已经基本实现了上述目标,取得了很好的效果.作为项目的具体组织者,通过对项目的实施,我有以下几点体会.  相似文献   

针对全可再生能源孤岛微电网中的源荷功率平衡问题,研究基于抽水蓄能快速启停和强调节能力的风-光-抽蓄联合孤岛微电网电源与储能系统容量配置多场景鲁棒优化方法。针对海岛负荷需求特性及可再生能源、抽蓄资源分布特性,研究了适用于海岛的包含风、光、抽蓄和蓄电池组的孤岛微网拓扑结构模型;考虑海岛抽水蓄能及蓄电池电能储放特性、可再生能源出力不确定性以及岛内负荷需求不确定性,研究了微网功率协调优化方法,建立以孤岛微网成本最小为目标的容量配置鲁棒优化模型及其求解算法。以某海岛的实际负荷需求及可再生能源发电资源数据为基础的仿真结果表明,文章所提出的抽蓄联合孤岛微电网的容量优化配置方法,在实现经济性目标的同时,可以有效地提升可再生能源利用率和微网在多种场景下的运行可靠性。  相似文献   

为实现100%可再生能源综合能源系统的安全稳定运行,合理的容量配置至关重要.首先,考虑氢能的利用特性,构建电热氢多能耦合的综合能源系统.其次,以运行成本最低和污染物排放量最小为目标,建立一种100%可再生能源综合能源系统的容量优化配置模型,并采用折衷规划和模糊方法构造Pareto前沿对多目标问题进行求解.最后,基于3个...  相似文献   

2003年12月2日,由农业部与荷兰政府合作开展的“促进中国西部地区农村可再生能源综合发展应用”项目,开始进入实施阶段。来自全国西部12个省区及项目试点所在县等单位的农村能源管理与推广人员在北京参加了项目管理和农村能源发展政策培训。近年来,随着我国农村经济的发展,农村  相似文献   

为有效应对气候变化与能源危机,早日实现碳达峰与碳中和目标,提出多源异质全可再生能源热电气储耦合系统,在供能侧实现100%全可再生能源。首先,构建了全可再生能源系统的物理架构,并对系统内典型设备进行建模;然后,以系统年总经济成本最小为目标函数,构建了可实现系统结构、设备配置与运行策略协同优化的混合整数线性规划模型;最后,通过具体算例分析,验证了所提优化模型的正确性和可行性,确立了所提出的多源异质全可再生能源热电气储耦合系统在降低碳排放、实现全额消纳可再生能源等方面的有效性。  相似文献   

2003年12月2日,由农业部与荷兰政府合作开展的“促进中国西部地区农村可再生能源综合发展应用”项目,开始进入实施阶段。来自全国西部12个省区及项目试点所在县等单位的农村能源管理与推广人员在北京参加了项目管理和农村能源发展政策培训。  相似文献   

户用可再生能源发电系统成本效益研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对在无电地区推广的离网型户用可再生能源发电系统的供电成本、经济效益和能源环境效益进行了定量分析,对于解决无电地区的用电问题,为各级政府在技术方案选择上提供可靠的决策支持。  相似文献   

为实现“双碳目标”,减少“限电”带来的不利影响,提出了风光-氢储能的微电网方案,介绍了系统容量配置原理,并建立数学模型。采用Homer Pro软件和改进BAS GA算法创建多目标风光-氢储能容量优化配置模型。在离网运行状态下,对风光-氢储能系统容量优化配置模型进行实例验证。结果表明:相较于风储、光储、风光储、风光柴储系统,风光-氢储能系统的净现值及度电成本分别降低为1 425.036 8万元和1.529 元/(kW〖DK〗•h);可再生能源利用率提升至98.7%,负荷缺失率降低至5.50%。  相似文献   

Renewable energy based off-grid rural electrification programs are one of the most effective ways to increase access to energy in remote areas of developing countries. While a large number of such programs have been implemented, the rate of success, to ensure a long-term sustainable program, is low. Many of these programs have failed to appropriately address the social and cultural issues of target communities, which resulted low or no acceptance by the users. Similarly, many rural electrification policies fail to incorporate the needs and views of the users resulting in an unresponsive policy measures. In this paper a framework is presented that would assist in assessing community attitudes and their needs by presenting key factors that need to be considered in different stages of program development and implementation. The framework has been developed in line with the concept of “diffusion of innovation”, which has been found to be in agreement with the stages of off-grid renewable energy program development. It is anticipated that this holistic framework will not only help to achieve a long-term sustainable program, but will also offer a significant contribution in achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by improving access to energy for rural people in developing countries.  相似文献   

Low-carbon off-grid electrification for rural areas is becoming increasingly popular in the United Kingdom. However, many developing countries have been electrifying their rural areas in this way for decades. Case study fieldwork in Nepal and findings from United Kingdom based research will be used to examine how developed nations can learn from the experience of developing countries with regard to the institutional environment and delivery approach adopted in renewable energy off-grid rural electrification. A clearer institutional framework and more direct external assistance during project development are advised. External coordinators should also engage the community in a mobilization process a priori to help alleviate internal conflicts of interest that could later impede a project.  相似文献   

The economics and livelihoods impacts of stand-alone, small-scale (less than 2 kW) renewable energy technologies for rural electrification are assessed using a representative sample of 531 rural households in three provinces of Western China. Over 20 small wind, photovoltaic (PV) and wind–PV hybrid configurations were evaluated for their potential to meet local electricity needs. The assessment integrates lifecycle costing and geographic information system (GIS) methods in order to provide a comprehensive resource, economic, technological and livelihoods assessment. The results of the analysis indicate that off-grid renewable energy technologies can provide cost-effective and reliable alternatives to conventional generator sets in addressing rural livelihoods energy requirements. Findings also demonstrate the existence of a sizeable market potential for stand-alone renewable energy systems in Western China. In support of market development for these technologies, policy recommendations are provided.  相似文献   

Financing off-grid rural electrification: Country case Nepal   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
More than 61% of the total population of Nepal has no access to electricity. The majority is poor and live in rural areas. In recent years, rural electrification has had high priority in government policies, and micro hydro and solar PV have been the most commonly adopted off-grid technologies. The financial mix in the off-grid rural electrification is generally characterized by subsidy, equity and credit. In this paper, we analyze how rural electrification has been funded and the impact of subsidy policies on the renewable energy market, focusing on the projects implemented under the ‘subsidy policy 2000’. Our study is based on official data obtained from authorities in Nepal and a survey carried out among private supply and installation companies, NGOs and financial institutions. The study shows that awareness levels in adopting RE-technologies and willingness of people to access and pay for electricity have increased significantly. However, there is a huge financial gap between the cost of electrification and the affordability. Bridging this gap is a crucial issue that needs to be addressed for the smooth expansion of rural electrification in the country.  相似文献   

The investigation summarised in this paper applied a sustainability assessment methodology on a renewable energy technological system in a rural village project that was commissioned by the South African Department of Minerals and Energy. The project comprised of wind, solar and lead-acid battery energy storage technologies that were implemented as a mini-hybrid off-grid electrification system for the village. The sustainability assessment methodology predicts the outcomes of such interventions by way of a learning model using discipline experts in the fields of economics, sociology, ecosystem sustainability, institutional governance, and the physics and chemistry of energy conversion processes. The comparison of the project's outcomes with a South African sustainable development framework shows that the specific village renewable off-grid electrification system is not viable. The main reason is that charges for electricity supply costs in village grids are too high for available subsidies; the economies of scale for renewable energy supply technologies favour national grids. The failure of the integrated system may also be attributable to the complexity of the social-institutional sub-system, which resulted in uncertainty for project planners and system designers, and the lack of resilience of the technological system to demands from the socio-economic and institutional sub-systems. Policy-related recommendations are made accordingly.  相似文献   

The use of small-scale off-grid renewable energy for rural electrification is now seen as part of the sustainable energy solutions. The expectation from such small-scale investment is that it can meet the basic energy needs of a household and subsequently improve some aspects of household welfare. However, these stated benefits remain largely hypothetical because there are data and methodological challenges in existing literature attempting to isolate such impact. This paper uses field data from microhydro schemes in Kenya, and propensity score matching technique to demonstrate such an impact. We find that on average, households connected to microhydroelectricity consume 1.5 l less of kerosene per month compared to households without any such electricity connection. In addition, non-connected households spend 0.92 USD more for recharging their cell phone batteries per month in comparison to those who were using microhydroelectricity service. Finally, school children from households that are connected to microhydroelectricity were found to devote 43 min less on evening studies compared to those without electricity. The findings provide interesting insights to some of the claims made for or against use of off grid renewable energy for rural electrification.  相似文献   

Renewable energy (RE) systems represent the most environmentally friendly and cost-effective means of providing electricity to those living in rural communities or regions in developing countries, however, this has been relatively slow and in many countries the proportion of the rural population supplied with electricity remains low and the proportion supplied with electricity from renewable energy systems is even lower. To understand the causes of this slow progress, a literatures review on renewable rural electrification programs was undertaken. The review suggested a need for better coordination at the national level between those institutions involved in the development and implementation of these programs. This paper compiles and analyse the issues associated with rural electrification in developing countries in Asia and the Pacific. Two case studies of programs are presented, one in Bangladesh and the other in Fiji. Based on the literature review and these two case studies, comments are provided on the policies and strategies required for renewable energy based rural electrification programs.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the field performance of different off-grid generation technologies applied to the electrification of rural villages. Autonomous diesel generators are the most extended technology. It is a well known application, although it has also some disadvantages: fuel transportation and consumption costs, maintenance needs or environmental problems. In places where accessibility is difficult and costly, the use of local energy resources (basically renewable) constitutes a significant advantage. Due to the intermittent character of those resources, renewable generation systems are sometimes associated to diesel gen-sets in order to increase the reliability of supply of small and medium-size communities. A comparative analysis between diesel, hydro-diesel and photovoltaic-diesel technologies is presented in this article. It is based on data collected from systems installed in the rural area of the province of Jujuy, northwest of Argentina. The study covers from year 2001 to 2008, with a research universe of 16 locations supplied by thermal diesel generation (1 with a large-diesel system and other 15 with smaller ones), 5 locations with hydro-diesel and 7 with photovoltaic-diesel systems. The energy demand evolution of rural villages is also studied because of its influence on the system operation and sustainability.  相似文献   

A great deal of attention has been paid to the needs of the rural poor in their pursuit of economic, social and political development. In this light the merits of rural electrification are often debated with mixed conclusions and conjectures. The positive role renewable energy plays in the drama of human development is enjoying greater receptivity by both policy makers and villagers. However, institutional barriers still inhibit increased adoption of renewable energy technologies. This article argues that the question of how renewable energy services can be delivered to and paid for by the rural and peri-urban populations is answered not so much by the technology selected as by the institutional and organizational structures erected. By addressing financial infrastructure, capacity building, and village empowerment sustainable rural electrification programs are possible.  相似文献   

This article suggests that the use of some new and renewable sources of energy (NRSE) in rural electrification may lead to ‘subsistence electrification’. Grid rural electrification, it is argued, contributes to development not by substituting for existing fuels and energy sources at lower cost but by transforming the marginal costs of supply. Techniques commonly used to evaluate NRSE do not capture the developmental implications.  相似文献   

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