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在经济全球化的背景下,企业之间的竞争愈发依赖供应链技术。传统供应链存在数据不统一、响应速度慢等痛点,急需改变。近年来,工业互联网平台得到国家大力发展,其中标识解析技术作为重点并逐步应用于供应链,取得了明显效益。文章以华峰超纤集团为背景,研究制定了一套标识解析的标准体系,方便行业统一编码,进行规范化管理。本文以供应链上下游企业最基本的采销协同为切入点,建设基于标识解析的智慧供应链服务平台,以实现上下游的数据交换、集成共享与互联互通的业务需求。并以华峰超纤及上下游企业为例,进行智慧供应链平台的具体应用说明。对供应商的出库及客户采购入库的流程进行介绍。最终达到增快信息流动速度,提高效率,快速响应的目的。  相似文献   

国有大型企业的电信运营商肩负基础设施建设的重任,同时也是国家数字经济发展的主力军。落实企业的高质量发展,推动工业互联网的创新应用,对于电信运营商有着重要意义。从运营商的智能终端业务切入,尝试通过标识解析的应用,提升运营商这一业务维护服务的效率和能力,并以此为突破口,逐渐以标识解析为基础,实现运营商的资产数字化,推进企业的智能化运维。  相似文献   

为了实现全生产要素的网络化协同以及智能化生产,解决生产过程中因不同地区、不同企业、不同编码体系而导致的无法协同设计、生产,以及产品追溯不完整,设计了基于工业互联网平台的标识解析体系,对不同企业、订单、设备、物料、生产过程、产品等进行统一分级注册,按需实时解析;设计了相应的智能示范产线,实现了在个性化定制模式下的全程自主控制;融合数字孪生与图像识别等先进技术,测试验证了基于工业互联网标识体系在异主异地异构生产时的有效性。  相似文献   

当前,互联网、大数据、人工智能等新一代信息技术持续创新并与制造业加速渗透融合,正在引发新一轮工业革命。在政策指引下,涌现出一批工业互联网平台。但制约平台发展的问题依然存在。一是很多平台缺乏足够的应用场景;二是“信息孤岛”阻碍了制造资源、数据的集成共享和创新应用;三是开源社区建设滞后,产业生态亟待完善;四是工业互联网平台发展是一个长期迭代、试错、演进的过程。本平台从以上问题入手,设计平台架构,满足“端边管用”的构建维度,通过对微服务的灵活调用和配置,降低工业APP开发门槛和开发成本,实现工业技术的全方位传承和快速复用。  相似文献   

吴喆  罗冠洲 《长江信息通信》2021,34(10):181-183
以现有企业数字标识使用过程中的重要场景和共性问题为例,对于国家工业互联网标识推广过程中遇到的问题进行了详细的阐述,并分析及其背后深层次原因,并提出相应的商业运营模式。  相似文献   

工业互联网是新一代信息通信技术与制造业深度融合的关键基础设施、新型应用模式和全新产业生态,通过人、机、物的全面互联,构建起全要素、全产业链、全价值链的全面连接、数据驱动的工业生产制造和服务体系,成为建设国家数字化治理体系和治理能力现代化的重要基础设施。工业互联网标识解析体系通过唯一的识别物理实体和数字实体,实现“跨企业—跨行业—跨地区—跨国家”标识数据管理和交互,支撑工业互联网网络互联互通、数据共享共用,有利于突破数据治理困境,加快数字化治理的进程。  相似文献   

现有互联网的标识体系以IP地址为核心、以身份和位置的绑定为特征,难以满足未来互联网可扩展性、移动性和安全性等方面的需求。对各种国际主流的未来互联网体系结构的标识体系进行了分类,将其沿着"改良式"和"革命式"两种路线进行总结,分析了标识体系设计中所面临的问题和挑战,并结合互联网体系结构的发展趋势,提出了标识体系的演进和发展建议。  相似文献   

工业互联网中的标识解析技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨震  张东  李洁  张建雄 《电信科学》2017,33(11):134-140
工业互联网的核心是数据的价值发现问题,但由于历史原因,“信息孤岛”现象在企业内部、企业之间大量存在。标识解析技术是目前可见解决“信息孤岛”、完成工业大数据汇聚以及在此基础上形成信息融合理解的关键技术。分析了标识解析在工业互联网领域应用要解决的几个关键环节,并且给出了进行工业互联网数据理解的研究思路。  相似文献   

工业与互联网的融合与渗透,促进工业升级和技术水平提升,有助于产业创新与发展。这是工业互联网的优势,但随之也产生了较大的网络安全问题,不利于互联网时代工业发展。文章以从工业互联网安全角度出发,介绍这个部分现存安全风险基础上,针对安全发展提供策略。  相似文献   

王佳  邵枝华  徐砚 《通信技术》2020,(3):625-633
工业互联网是制造业与信息技术融合形成的应用结构,通过大数据分析、互联网技术与生产现场设备机器的全面结合,完成制造业和互联网融合的升级发展。因此,主要从国内外工业互联网的发展状况、工业互联网典型的应用场景、框架结构进行分析,概括涵盖的关键技术主要包括工业数据采集、存取和利用技术、工业产品的智能化技术、异构网络的融合技术和工控安全的防护技术,然后通过技术和行业的实施分析说明工业互联网平台在行业中产生的效果。  相似文献   

5G无线通信网是工业互联网未来蓬勃发展的重要网络基础,工业领域的多种复杂应用及多变的使用场景对频谱资源提出了新的需求。通过梳理国外典型的频谱分配和使用现状、相应频段的应用法规限制,并结合我国的具体国情,为当前的国内频谱资源分配方式给出合理化建议。  相似文献   

工业互联网业务呈现出小规模、确定性的特征,通常运行在大规模、异构的网络环境中,业务的调度与功能链的编排难以与异构承载网资源匹配.基于此该文提出非工作保持型的多节点联合调度模型,首先采用全路径时间协调算法,将功能链从空间维度的拓扑编排扩展至时空维度;其次,针对网络节点中的同步调度问题,提出了基于紧急度的流调度算法来平滑时...  相似文献   

刘炜  张为 《光通信研究》2021,(2):7-13,58
边缘智能是人工智能(AI)技术与边缘计算的结合,能满足行业数字化在实时业务、数据优化和应用智能等方面的关键需求。文章开创性地提出了边缘智能2.0的概念,以此为基础设计并搭建了基于开源框架的工业互联网平台,并引入了云网融合、云边协同与边边协作的理念,达到云、网、边、端4位一体的协同。将边缘智能应用到表面贴装技术(SMT)生产线,通过数据建模与分析和优化制程参数,以实现制造企业的降本减存与提质增效。  相似文献   

在通信行业不断发展的过程中,通信技术得到全新的更新,其中5G技术顺时而生,并且为工业互联网的建设和发展提供了有利保障。由于工业互联网对网络技术的要求相对较高,而5G技术的出现正好可以满足工业互联网的发展需求。  相似文献   

A wireless LAN (WLAN)-based Internet service, called NESPOT, of Korea Telecom (KT), the biggest telecommunication and Internet service company in Korea, has been operational since early 2002. As the numbers of subscribers and deployed access points (APs) increase, KT has been endeavoring to improve its service quality as well as the network management. In this paper, we introduce a joint effort between Seoul National University (SNU) and KT to achieve it. We have been addressing two major issues as part of the joint project thus far: (1) a unified WLAN management/maintenance tool; and (2) real-time traffic support enhancement. We present our on-going efforts as well as some preliminary results. Some issues, which need further attention for the future NESPOT service enhancement, are also introduced.The work reported in this paper was financed and supported by KT. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of KT. Youngkyu Choi is an M.S. candidate in the department of electrical engineering at Seoul National University (SNU), Seoul, Korea. He received his B.S. with honors in electrical engineering from SNU in 2002. He has a lot of project experiences related with system software development. His current research interests are the design of MAC layer from distributed system to centralized cellular system, resource management in next-generation (4G) cellular system, and mathematical analysis of system performance. He had served in the Korean Army for 3 years from 1998. Sekyu Park is a research staff at the Multimedia & Wireless Networking Lab. (MWNL), Seoul National University (SNU), Seoul, Korea. Before joining MWNL in September 2003, he was with MMC Technology, Seoul, Korea as a Research Staff for five years. His current research interests are in the area of wireless/mobile networks and embedded OS. Sunghyun Choi is an assistant professor at the School of Electrical Engineering, Seoul National University (SNU), Seoul, Korea. Before joining SNU in September 2002, he was with Philips Research USA, Briarcliff Manor, New York, USA as a Senior Member Research Staff and a project leader for three years. He received his B.S. (summa cum laude) and M.S. degrees in electrical engineering from Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) in 1992 and 1994, respectively, and received Ph.D. at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor in September, 1999. His current research interests are in the area of wireless/mobile networks with emphasis on the QoS guarantee and adaptation, resource management, wireless LAN and PAN, next-generation mobile networks, data link layer protocols, and connection and mobility management. He authored/coauthored over 45 technical papers and book chapters in the areas of wireless/mobile networks and communications. He is the technical program co-chair for ACM International Workshop on Wireless Mobile Applications and Services on WLAN Hotspots (WMASH’2004). He is currently serving on program committees of a number of leading wireless and networking conferences including IEEE INFOCOM, IEEE GLOBECOM, and IEEE VTC. He is also a guest co-editor for a special issue on “Emerging WLAN Applications and Technologies” of Wiley Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Journal. He is an active participant and contributor of the IEEE 802.11 WLAN standardization committee. Dr. Choi was a recipient of the Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies Scholarship and the Korean Government Overseas Scholarship during 1997–1999 and 1994–1997, respectively. Go Woon Lee is a researcher at Service Development Laboratory, Korea Telecom (KT), Seoul, Korea. She received her B.S. degrees in computer science and material engineering from Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) in 1995. She was with Microsoft Korea R&D Group as a research staff in 1995. She received M.S. degree in information & communication from Kwang-Ju Institute of Science and Technology (K-JIST) in 1998. Her current research interests are in the area of wireless/mobile networks with emphasis on data link layer protocols, remote diagnosis, and wireless service management. Jaehwan Lee is a researcher at Korea Telecom (KT), Seoul, Korea. He received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical engineering from Seoul National University (SNU) in 1998 and 2000, respectively. His master’s research was about estimation theory related to Global Positioning System (GPS) and image processing in robot soccer. His current research interest is to analyze and enhance the performance of wireless/mobile networks (IEEE 802.11, sensor networks and mobile ad-hoc networks) regarding QoS, energy-efficiency and high-throughput considering hand-off and inter-networking with heterogeneous networks. Before joining wireless LAN group in KT, he developed the Web-GIS (Geographical Information System) client-server system from 2000 to 2001. Hanwook Jung, Ph.D joined KT in 1985 and got his Ph.D degree with the company finalcial scholarship of KT from 1991 to 1996 at SUNY at Buffalo. His thesis is about “Wireless signal transmission over Fiber by subcarrier multiplexing” which is current heavily utilized for PCS and cellular repeater line. From 1985 to 1991, he had developed a Videotex service which is now known as Hitel. From 1996 to 1999, he developed 26GHz broadband wireless local loop system and contributed to get the license from the government. Since 1999, he has led a business model and service with wireless LAN. The KT Wi-Fi public service, “NESPOT” has 300,000 subscribers and 10,000 public hotspots. In 2003 he was promoted as an assistant vice president leading NESPOT research team to enhance KT’s broadband with 5,000,000 subscribers. His vision regarding next generation communications service is believed to be true by combining the broadband access and wireless technology including WiFi wireless LAN, UWB, and bluetooth in those areas such as wireless home-networking, device-to-device communications, and ubiqutous networking.This revised version was published online in August 2005 with a corrected cover date.  相似文献   

面对移动互联网业务的发展,核心业务、业务能力、生态圈成为行业竞争的焦点。本文从移动互联网环境下的业务特征入手,论述了移动互联网业务提供的3种模式,详细阐述了业务生态链模型,并提出了移动互联网业务创新生态环境的总体架构。对总体架构中的各个子系统,包括业务能力开放中间件、业务开发生成环境、业务部署运行环境、内容发布环境、业务运营和管理环境、业务能力系统、应用和内容商店、自助服务等进行了研究分析。  相似文献   

云计算和产业应用的结合成为发展“互联网+”的关键,PaaS平台服务模式可以有效地降低产业应用初期开发和构建的成本,从而形成一套行之有效的产业互联网应用孵化创新机制.介绍了产业应用孵化平台的发展现状和问题;通过设计其服务功能和商业模式,提出了一套基于云计算PaaS技术的适合产业应用的系统架构;分析了涉及的如容器托管、移动应用开发等关键技术;进一步分析了方案实施的可行性;最后展望了平台的后续发展.  相似文献   

工业SCADA系统网络是当前自动化技术领域的热门技术,在重要工业过程中得到了广泛的应用。但工业控制网络的安全性是伴随其普遍应用而客观存在的,近年来,工业控制网络的安全问题已经越来越引起业界的重视。在研究了工业SCADA系统网络面临的安全问题,分析了现有工业控制网络安全产品及方案的能力与不足后,提出了一种工业SCADA系统网络的安全服务框架。  相似文献   

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