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Hydraulic lime concrete with the addition of metakaolin in various percentages and cured under different conditions was studied in order to evaluate the effect of the pozzolanic additions over time (7, 28, 90 and 360 days). This study was performed using NHL 5, a metakaolin of Portuguese origin, siliceous sand and calcareous coarse aggregate, with increasing percentages of substitution of hydraulic lime by metakaolin in weight. In order to evaluate the pozzolanic effect, compressive strength test were performed and analysed by relative strength–time plots and by the application of different indexes such as the index of specific strength and the pozzolanic index. Thermogravimetric analysis was performed at the age of 28 days in order to evaluate the phases present in the concrete specimens. As main conclusions metakaolin is an adequate material for application in concrete with hydraulic lime binder as a pozzolanic addition providing an increase in mechanical strength for the studied substitutions of 20% and 30%. Testing should be performed at 28 days when portlandite consumption is complete.  相似文献   

蒸养粉煤灰混凝土力学性能试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
贺智敏  谢友均  刘宝举 《混凝土》2003,(8):25-27,48
本文主要采用对比试验研究的方法,研究了粉煤灰掺量、水胶比对蒸养混凝土抗压强度、劈拉强度、抗折强度的影响。试验结果表明:在低水胶比时,掺量为20%粉煤灰的蒸养混凝土28天抗压、劈拉强度可与基准蒸养混凝土的相近。且比基准标养混凝土的高,后期强度发展优干基准蒸养、标养混凝土。掺入粉煤灰后,蒸养混凝土的抗折强度有较大幅度提高。水胶比对蒸养粉煤灰混凝土的影响规律与普通混凝土相似。  相似文献   

The soil of the Guabirotuba geological formation(Paraná Basin, Brazil) has physico-mechanical properties which are not suitable for its utilization in pavement construction, in protection of hillsides and slopes, or as shallow foundation support. Treatment of this soil by lime addition would improve its usability. The present context intends to determine the ratio between the splitting tensile strength(q_t)and the unconfined compressive strength(q_u) of clayey soil in the metropolitan region of Curitiba City,which has been treated with different lime contents and curing times. The control parameters evaluated include lime content(L), curing time(t), moisture content(w), and ratio of porosity to volumetric lime content(η/L_v). It was observed that the q_t/q_u ratio is between 0.17 and 0.2 in relation to the curing time,and an exponential relation exists between them. Meanwhile, the unconfined compressive strength of lime-treated soil was found to be approximately four times the initial value.  相似文献   

为了明确轻质管片混凝土的最佳养护制度,利用力学性能和29Si NMR试验分别研究了标准养护、蒸汽养护和蒸压养护对轻质管片混凝土抗压强度、抗折强度、水化程度和C-S-H聚合度的影响。结果表明:蒸汽养护和蒸压养护相对标准养护均可显著提升轻质管片混凝土3 d龄期的力学性能、水化程度和C-S-H凝胶聚合度,但28d龄期时的提升效果一般;轻质管片混凝土宜根据生产周期和成本要求选择蒸汽养护制度或标准养护制度。  相似文献   

黄春霞  张艳  郭欢 《山西建筑》2014,(26):128-129
鉴于粉煤灰掺量是影响粉煤灰混凝土强度及碳化深度的重要因素,为此,对不同掺量的粉煤灰混凝土在自然气候中的强度发展和碳化深度进行了试验研究,结果表明,粉煤灰掺量过大或过小,混凝土的强度和耐久性能均不稳定,当粉煤灰掺量为20%~60%时,混凝土的强度发展与碳化速度均较稳定。  相似文献   

对强度等级为C40掺粉煤灰和C70掺硅灰的两种混凝土进行了模拟火灾的一定时间的高温加热,研究了两种混凝土在高温后不同养护条件下84 d内的强度变化和微观结构的变化。结果表明:C40混凝土高温后强度提高,在养护一段时间后强度会持续下降,之后强度又出现回升,基本上能到达到为加热前的强度水平;C70混凝土高温后强度下降,在养护后强度持续的升高,最后能达到加热前强度的90%以上。外部水进入混凝土内部的速率对混凝土的强度变化有重要的影响,特别是对C40混凝土强度下降的速率以及最低强度影响显著。  相似文献   

2018年以来,中美贸易摩擦不断升级,美国政府针对我国出口商品征收大幅关税,实施严苛投资限制,对我国跨境电商物流发展形成了比较大的冲击。在这样的形势下,为最大程度降低中美贸易摩擦带来的潜在风险,面对物流需求模式的较大转变以及物流资源供给的动态竞争,我国跨境电商物流企业作为进出口贸易供应链必不可少的一环,要迅速组建物流联盟,借助高新技术向自动化、可视化、可控化、智能化、信息化、网络化新型智慧物流转型升级,在物流作业各环节不断寻求突破与创新。当前,我国跨境电商物流联盟面临的外部风险主要包括一般环境风险、经济环境风险和市场环境风险,内部风险主要包括融资风险、物流能力风险和管理协调能力风险。可以据此构建风险预警机制和风险指标体系,进而从战略层面和操作层面入手设计战略突围方针和相应的突围对策。具体而言,就是要确立以创新性构建跨境电商智慧物流生态圈、实时打造跨境电商智慧物流运营全方位信息系统、积极挖掘跨境电商智慧物流核心技术为核心的战略突围方针;就是要从政策法规变动、社会不稳定、经济衰退、市场需求变动四个方面入手做好精准调研预测,从时间、成本、质量、技术四个维度入手提升物流能力,从沟通、文化、信用、激励四个角度入手加强管理协调,三位一体进行跨境电商风险防控,积极进行战略突围。  相似文献   

研究了高吸水树脂(SAP)对高水胶比普通预拌混凝土工作性能、力学性能、收缩性能的影响,结果表明SAP的引入会在一定程度上增加外加剂的掺量,比普通预拌混凝土约提高0.1%~0.2%。SAP对混凝土的早期强度有一定的负面影响,后期强度比普通混凝土略高。SAP对预拌混凝土的干燥收缩有较好的补偿作用,有助于降低开裂风险。对比了内养护预拌混凝土,膨胀剂混凝土及普通混凝土在高温炎热环境条件下的道面应用效果,结果表明内养护混凝土应用效果良好,而膨胀剂混凝土及普通混凝土地坪均有不同程度的开裂,显示出内养护技术对于解决混凝土的干燥收缩开裂问题具有较好的效果。  相似文献   


Carbide lime is a by-product obtained during the manufacturing of acetylene from the reaction of calcium carbide and water. A major portion of carbide lime is dumped in waste deposition areas, creating an environmental problem. Carbide lime and fly ash have possible applications in slope stabilization, subgrade improvement of roads, and soil treatments under shallow foundations. A series of Atterberg limits tests, compaction tests, unconfined compressive strength tests, ultrasonic pulse velocity tests, and wetting–drying tests were performed on carbide lime and fly ash treated clay soils to evaluate the effects of additive content, curing time, strength development, and the effects of wetting and drying. A total of 8% of carbide lime constituted the fixation point, and peak strength was achieved at 12% carbide lime content. A total amount of 25% additive was found as a threshold changing the Atterberg limits. Test results indicated that the strength of the treated soil improved by the existence of carbide lime and fly ash; best performance was observed in 28-day specimens with 10% carbide lime and 20% fly ash content reaching to 8 times larger strength than untreated soil. The failure patterns of the specimens reflected the curing time and wetting–drying effects. Although, the application of wetting–drying cycles deteriorated the treated soil, the presence of carbide lime partially prevented the strength loss. New relationships between normalized strength and curing time depending on carbide lime content were proposed. Furthermore, a linear relationship between the unconfined compressive strength and the ultrasonic pulse velocity of the treated soils was established.


低温养护下混凝土强度增长试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了恒定低温养护情况下,混凝土早期抗压与抗拉强度的增长规律。试验遵照水工混凝土试验规程,采用同批次100 mm×100 mm×100 mm立方体混凝土试块,分别在0、5、10、20℃恒定温度条件下养护,并在不同龄期下测定其轴压与劈拉强度,得到强度增长过程曲线。同时还参照前人所做试验,对低温条件下养护的混凝土强度变化规律进行了分析。  相似文献   

In this article, the effects of mixing and curing concrete with seawater on the compressive, tensile, flexural and bond strengths of concrete are investigated. Concrete mixes were prepared by varying coarse aggregates, cement proportions and types. Six groups of concrete mixes were mixed and cured in fresh water, six groups were mixed and cured in seawater, while four groups were mixed with fresh water and cured in seawater. The compressive strength and subsequently the other related strengths of concrete were shown to increase for specimens mixed and cured in seawater at early ages up to 14 days, while a definite decrease in the respective strengths was observed for ages more than 28 days and up to 90 days. The reduction in strength increases with an increase in exposure time, which may be due to salt crystallisation formation affecting the strength gain.  相似文献   

蒸养混凝土抗压强度和抗冻性能试验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
谢友均  冯星  刘宝举  刘伟 《混凝土》2003,(3):32-34,51
本文结合青藏铁路环境特征,研究了粉煤灰、硅灰对预应力轨枕用蒸养混凝土的抗压强度和抗冻性能的影响。试验研究结果表明,粉煤灰掺量小于30%或硅灰小于5%时,单掺或双掺取代水泥配制的蒸养混凝土,其抗压强度和抗冻性能均能满足青藏线预应力轨枕要求。  相似文献   

马军涛  水中和  陈伟  徐文冰 《混凝土》2011,(1):24-27,33
在混凝土中掺入一定量膨胀剂可以减小混凝土收缩趋势、补偿收缩,而养护湿度对膨胀剂的补偿收缩效果具有决定性的影响.研究了养护湿度对补偿收缩混凝土抗碳化能力的影响规律,并运用显微硬度分析和TG-DSC耦合分析等方法对其影响机理进行了探讨,研究四种不同的养护制度(自然养护RH=60%、标准养护RH=90%、浸水养护3d后自然养...  相似文献   

针对道路混凝土早期开裂现象,设计蒸发率、早期开裂试验对3种养生剂进行比较,研究养生剂对混凝土硬化阶段水分散失和早期裂缝形成的影响.研究表明:养生剂对混凝土不但起到了保湿作用,还缩短了其水分散失的时间进程,对混凝土裂缝的数量、长度和宽度均有明显的抑制作用.  相似文献   

林辰  金贤玉  李宗津 《混凝土》2004,(7):5-6,15
应用RILEM推荐的双参数模型,确定两种不同配合比混凝土NSC,HSC在不同养护条件下的临界应力强度因子KIC^S和临界裂缝尖端张开位移CTOD。标准养护的时间分别为0天,2天,6天和27天,试验龄期均为28天。文章同时给出相应的抗压强度、弹性模量以及抗拉强度。试验结果表明,抗压强度、弹性模量、抗拉强度以及临界应力强度因子随标准养护时问的增长而增大,弹性模量对养护条件的敏感性最大。无论是NSC还是HSC,标准养护6天的力学参数都能达到标准养护27天的90%左右。试验结果还表明虚拟裂缝模型中定义的特征长度1ch可以作为混凝土脆性大小的判断依据。  相似文献   

岳文辉 《山西建筑》2010,36(36):154-155
采用ASTMC1202试验方法研究了矿物掺合料对蒸养混凝土抗氯离子渗透性能的影响,试验结果表明:单掺粉煤灰可明显降低180d时混凝土6h库仑电量,以10%粉煤灰与20%矿渣组合等量取代水泥时,28d和180d抗氯离子渗透性最佳。  相似文献   

Compressive and bending strength, thermal conductivity, specific heat capacity, water sorptivity, moisture diffusivity, water vapor diffusion coefficient, sorption isotherms, and linear thermal and hygric expansion coefficients of three lime plasters with pozzolanic admixtures are determined in the paper. Comparative measurements with common lime plaster are done as well. On the basis of the experiments performed, it can be concluded that all the three analyzed lime-pozzolana plasters are suitable for an application in reconstruction of historical buildings. While their mechanical properties are significantly better compared to the reference lime plaster, their thermal and hygric properties are mostly similar or slightly improved. The only parameter that is found to be worse than for the common lime plaster is the linear hygric expansion coefficient but its worsening can be matched by the improved mechanical properties.  相似文献   

采用相似材料模型试验对相同EPS颗粒含量不同土灰比二灰土以及相同土灰比不同EPS掺量二灰土通过无侧限抗压试验和直剪实验对其强度性质进行了研究。结果表明:EPS颗粒二灰土试样与纯二灰土试样无侧限抗压强度接近。EPS颗粒混合轻质土的粘聚力随EPS颗粒掺入量和土灰比的增大而减小,但是当土灰比和EPS掺量较小时,对轻质土抗剪性能影响不大。  相似文献   

为研究不同龄期混凝土高温后的力学性能变化,对不同养护龄期的混凝土设置不同的温度和继续养护时间,对其抗压强度和劈裂抗拉强度进行试验.结果表明:各龄期混凝土的抗压强度和劈裂抗拉强度随经历温度的升高基本呈下降趋势,但当温度不高于100℃,龄期不大于14 d时,其强度反而略有上升.混凝土经历相同温度情况下,高温时龄期越早,强度...  相似文献   

养护制度对混凝土变形性能影响的试验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
针对混凝土所处环境特点,研究养护制度对混凝土收缩体积变形的影响,结果表明:各种养护制度下,粉煤灰均有利于减少混凝土的干缩,而矿渣却是增大干缩;延长混凝土的早期水养时间,并不会减少混凝土的干燥收缩值,反而会使干缩速率加快;但早期充分水养可避免混凝土过早产生收缩应力,对提高混凝土早期的体积稳定性具有一定的作用和意义。  相似文献   

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