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陈娜 《山西电子技术》2015,(2):56-57,81
由于移动终端具有个性化、便利性、即时性以及可结合用户的位置信息的特点,将为旅游业带来全新的业务模式和商机。因此,本文从实际出发,总结了基于移动终端的智慧旅游信息服务的十大应用。移动智慧旅游是未来旅游的重要发展方向,其发展必将为我国旅游业的发展注入新的活力。  相似文献   

张力平 《电信快报》2013,(12):10-10
智能手机、平板电脑等移动终端和移动互联网使人们的生活发生了改变。旅游,作为在移动中进行的活动,更是变化巨大。移动与旅游的无缝链接。使移动旅游不断产生特色附加值。各大在线旅游企业先后推行无线战略,大力进军移动互联网.移动旅游也因此成为资本的又一关注点.移动旅游市场的活跃度持续提升。  相似文献   

文仆 《无线互联科技》2014,(12):110-110
到目前为止,移动电子商务除了在娱乐业中具有一定的作用之外,并未真正较为深入地进入至行业应用领域,旅游移动电子商务在国内也仅仅处于探讨阶段。对于这一点,本研究首先对旅游业移动电子商务的相关概念进行概述,然后阐述了移动电子商务在旅游业中的应用情况,最后着重阐述了旅游移动电子商务过程的SWOT分析,旨在为移动电子商务在旅游业中的实际应用提供一定的依据与参考。  相似文献   

为解决国外游客来西安旅游和生活而产生的交流不便和地域不熟悉的问题,文章基于Flutter技术,设计实现了一款全英文版本的帮助国外游客在西安旅游和生活的移动应用.该应用能够便捷的帮助解决外籍人士在西安工作、生活、学习等方面遇到的问题.  相似文献   

黄华斌 《通讯世界》2016,(9):253-254
随着时代的发展,移动互联网已经成为了人们生产、生活中的重要组成部分。在智能手机普及的今天,移动互联网在旅游业之中的发展已经成为了旅游行业发展的一种趋势。移动互联网在旅游行业中的应用不仅可以为人们对景点与路线的选择提供便利,还能够提高旅游景区的宣传力度,让游客获得最新的信息,规避风险。本文通过对移动互联网技术在旅游业中人们对于旅途线路与景区选择方面的进行了详细的探讨,以期通过本文的讨论能够促进移动互联网在旅游业中的应用。  相似文献   

随着移动通信和互联网技术的迅速发展,移动电子商务应运而生并很快得到了广泛的应用。本文运用旅游学相关理论,采用SWOT矩阵分析的方法,对我国当前移动旅游电子商务的现状进行了分析,并在此基础上提出了移动旅游电子商务发展的几点建议。  相似文献   

旅游业是典型的资源依托型和信息密集型产业,其与电子商务的天然适应性使得旅游电子商务走在产业电子商务应用的前沿。三维全景虚拟展示的应用将极大发掘旅游潜在需求;移动电子商务可以最快捷、最广泛的个性化、自助式的即时旅游服务,实现创新性的旅游营销活动。基于电子商务的旅游产业创新发展将是未来旅游企业和区域旅游产业升级的重要途径。  相似文献   

旅游行业作为服务型行业,品牌塑造一直是其发展的关键因素之一。随着消费者需求的不断升级和市场竞争的加剧,如何通过有效的品牌塑造来提升企业的竞争力和市场影响力已成为亟待解决的问题。而移动边缘计算作为一种新兴的信息技术,可以为旅游品牌塑造提供了全新的思路和方法,值得深入研究和探讨。文章旨在通过对移动边缘计算在旅游品牌塑造中的应用进行深入分析和探讨,揭示其对旅游品牌塑造的影响机制,提出相应的应对策略,以期为促进旅游行业的健康发展和品牌建设提供有益的启示和建议。  相似文献   

随着智能手机以及新一代移动通信技术迅速发展,手机的基本功能已不仅仅局限于通信,更在人们的工作、生活、娱乐中扮演着重要的角色,使得移动应用开发成为炙手可热的研究方向。同时,为了完善传统的旅游信息系统,提供给游客必要的旅游信息资讯,文中将An-droid移动开发平台与基于离线地图服务的旅游信息系统相结合,以向游客提供个性化旅游服务为宗旨,开发出一套内容新颖,使用可靠,具有一定的推广和应用价值的便携式智能化导览系统。  相似文献   

随着信息时代的到来,科学技术得到蓬勃发展,移动互联网较于台式互联网更加方便快捷,所以人们对移动应用开发的需求日益强烈,积极开发移动互联网也成为必然趋势.而如果运用云服务技术与html5技术进行移动应用开发,可以使移动应用的安装和使用更加快捷与便利,提升客户端的体验.因此,如果html5技术以及服务云技术被运用到移动应用开发,将会很有发展前景.在本文中,笔者就将对云服务下的html5在移动应用开发上的发展进行探究.  相似文献   

青幼蕾  谭妙  童强  罗琪  孙怀琳  徐帅 《电子测试》2021,(4):56-58,92
随着信息时代的飞速发展,智能手机逐渐进入普通人的生活,成为人们获取信息的主要设备."旅游服务"是一款专门为各地旅游服务业和旅游爱好者定制的APP,它利用Android Studio 2.2在Windows平台上基于Android 6.0操作系统进行移动应用程序开发.最终能够实现概览、景点、行程、美食四个主页面的展示,侧...  相似文献   

We have developed a standing style transfer system, or "ABLE," for a person with disabled legs. It allows travel in a standing posture even on uneven ground, a standing up motion from a chair, and allows the stairs. ABLE consists of three modules: a pair of telescopic crutches, a powered lower extremity orthosis, and a pair of mobile platforms. We present here the conceptual design of ABLE and the motion of each module. Cooperative operations using the three modules are discussed through simulations. The standing up motion from a chair and ascending the stairs, however, have problems with adaptability to the environment and safety, because it executes the movement that has till now relied on telescopic crutches. To solve these problems, we propose a new motion technique and compare it with the previous one. In this paper, some experimental results are also presented.  相似文献   

随着社会经济的快速发展,各种智能化的电子产品开始普遍的运用于人们的日常生活中,为人们的自助旅游提供了极大的便利.在旅游发展过程中,游客越来越倾向于自助旅游,自主做出旅行决策,自助安排旅游行程.本文以Android手机为平台,为旅游者提供一种全新的旅游景区自助导游系统,对整个系统的功能模块开发、系统整体设计等方面的内容进行分析,用户只需要借助手机客户端,就可以获取到相关旅游路线、各个景区的景点介绍、景点资费、路线图等方面的信息,为自助旅游者提供服务和帮助.  相似文献   

Market research in the transportation sector is often based on traditional surveys, such as travel diaries, which have well-documented shortcomings and biases. The advent of mobile and wireless technologies enables new methods of investigation of passengers’ behaviour that can eventually provide original insights into mobility studies. Because these technologies can capture travellers’ experience in context and real time, they pave the road for new survey methods. In this article, we demonstrate that mobile phones can recognise air travel with a light algorithm that scans their connectivity to cellular networks. The originality of our method is that it does not rely on any Global Positioning System-like location information and runs on a large variety of mobile phones. It detects flights on a worldwide scale and asks travellers to report on their travel experiences as they occur, eliminating the recall bias of traditional solutions. Once the system detects a journey, it triggers a flight satisfaction questionnaire that sends answers to a centralised server. This approach respects the traveller's privacy and proved a 97% success rate in detecting flights in a 12-months study involving six travellers who boarded on 76 planes.  相似文献   

针对4G用户和VoLTE用户的快速增长以及室内移动业务的快速提升,尤其是视频、手游和网络直播等对数据业务的高要求,室内深度覆盖问题成为各大运营商建设精品网络、抢占市场,创造经济效益的重要环节。新型数字化分布系统,相比传统的DAS系统,具有高效吸收话务、灵活快速组网及快速实施的能力,能够对目标区域达到全监控、高定位、高容量、易协同及多制式覆盖的效果,是LTE网络室内深度覆盖的不二选择,亦是5G室内网络覆盖的必然趋势。  相似文献   

A blind traveler walking through an unfamiliar environment and a mobile robot navigating through a cluttered environment have an important feature in common: both have the kinematic ability to perform the motion, but they are dependent on a sensory system to detect and avoid obstacles. The paper describes the use of a mobile robot obstacle avoidance system as a guidance device for blind and visually impaired people. Just as electronic signals are sent to a mobile robot's motion controllers, auditory signals can guide the blind traveler around obstacles, or alternatively, they can provide an “acoustic image” of the surroundings. The concept has been implemented and tested in a new travel aid for the blind, called the Navbelt. The Navbelt introduces two new concepts to electronic travel aids (ETA's) for the blind: it provides information not only about obstacles along the traveled path, but also assists the user in selecting the preferred travel path. In addition, the level of assistance can be automatically adjusted according to changes in the environment and the user's needs and capabilities. Experimental results conducted with the Navbelt simulator and a portable experimental prototype are presented  相似文献   

基于Android移动开发平台,设计了一款公交辅助导航软件系统.该系统基于Android操作系统,结合SQLite数据库和谷歌地图应用程序编程接口,通过全球定位系统,实时定位用户当前位置,完成公交线路查询、公交站点查询、出行线路规划等功能.能满足用户在不同情况下完成公交信息查询和路线规划需求.实验结果表明,该系统能运行于基于Android系统的移动设备,为用户出行带来了方便.  相似文献   

With the rapid growth in the number of mobile devices, such as cellular phones, PDAs and laptops, the need for seamless and ubiquitous Internet connectivity is tangible. Vehicular ad-hoc network (VANET) is a rapidly developing technology, which makes vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communication feasible. However, when a vehicle travels from one point of attachment to another, handoff delays and provision of seamless connectivity are considered as important issues. Ubiquitous and integrated Internet connectivity can be achieved if on road moving vehicles are connected. However, when vehicle density is small and/or vehicle velocities are different, end users may suffer from a high level of connection failure. IP mobility protocols are designed by Internet Engineering Task Force to provide acceptable levels of continuous Internet connectivity, maintaining mobile node communications as they travel amongst points of attachments. However, the current IP mobility approaches applied on VANET did not resolve the connection failure issues efficiently. Therefore, in this paper a new effective solution is proposed in order to eliminate the large amount of handover latency and eventually high packet loss ratio.  相似文献   

小型无人机和移动机器人技术迅速发展,对室内导航技术的要求越来越高,针对当前室内导航精度不高、导航设备比较复杂的问题,提出一种采用激光雷达定位和地磁传感器检测相结合的室内主动导航方法。该方法首先使用激光雷达扫描室内环境,用采集到的数据拟合出室内地图,根据目的地信息和室内的环境信息来规划行进的路线;然后在行进中使用激光雷达连续地扫描得到数据与地图数据进行比较,来确定所处的位置,同时使用地磁传感器取得行驶的方向,二者相结合判断是否在规划的路线上行驶,及时地对出现的偏差进行纠正;最后通过搜索RFID地标确定是否已经到达指定位置。仿真和实验的结果表明:所设计的室内激光雷达导航系统结构简单、可靠性高,能够较好地满足室内导航的要求。  相似文献   

为了提高公共交通系统智能化程度,本文提出了一种基于RFID的智能公共交通物联网的总体方案,设计和实现了其中与用户交互的安卓手机客户端程序.用户可以通过安卓手机终端实时获取交通信息,通过扫描二维码实现自行车自助租赁,大大提高了出行质量.  相似文献   

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