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A C-band accelerator structure was used to accelerate electrons at the Shanghai soft X-ray free-electron laser test facility(SXFEL-TF) in Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics(SINAP). The microwave system of this accelerator structure used a 110 MW pulse modulator and a klystron(PV-5050) to provide the power supply. A pulse transformer is a crucial device in a modulator klystron system and plays significant roles in voltage level transformation, matching impedances, and polarity inversion.This study presents the optimization of a high-voltage pulse transformer. The design considerations of reducingflattop ringing and flattop droop, and shortening leading edge are provided. The model simulation, mechanical design, and the relevant experimental results are also presented.  相似文献   

A C-band RF pulse compressor is in development at SINAP It comprises of two resonant cavities,two mode convertors and a 3 dB power divider.TE_(0.1.15)mode is selected for obtaining higher quality factor Q_0 of the RF pulse compressor cavities,so that the power gain factor can be 3.2,which is supposed to multiply the RF power from 50 MW to 1 60 MW.In this paper,we report our work on C-band RF pulse compressor,namely the design simulation and cold test results.  相似文献   

A bunch arrival-time monitor(BAM) based on an electro-optical intensity modulation scheme is currently under development at Shanghai Soft X-ray Free-Electron Laser to meet the high-resolution requirements for bunch stability. The BAM uses a radio frequency signal generated by a pickup cavity to modulate the reference laser pulses in an electro-optical intensity modulator(EOM), and the bunch arrival-time information is derived from the amplitude change of the laser pulse after laser pulse modulation.EOM is a key optical component in the BAM system.Through the basic principle analysis of BAM, many parameters of the EOM are observed to affect the measurement resolution of the BAM system. Therefore, a systematic analysis of the EOM is crucial. In this paper, we present two schemes to compare and analyze an EOM and provide a reference for selecting a new version of the EOM.  相似文献   

Besides the original seeded undulator line,in the soft X-ray free-electron laser (SXFEL) user facility in Shanghai,a second undulator line based on self-amplified spontaneous emission is proposed to achieve 2-nm laser pulse with extremely high brightness.In this paper,the beam energy deviation induced by the undulator wakefields is numerically calculated,and 3D and 2D results agree well with each other.The beam energy loss along the undulator degrades the expected FEL output performances,i.e.,the pulse energy,radiation power and spectrum,which can be compensated with a proper taper in the undulator.Using the planned time-resolved diagnostic,a novel experiment is proposed to measure the SXFEL longitudinal wakefields.  相似文献   

The article proposes a qualitative explanation for certain properties of hard radiations from high-power puIse discharges; the explanation is based on the statistical mechanism of the acceleration of particles by plasma waves.Translated from Atomnaya Énergiya, Vol. 17, No. 3, pp. 185–188, September, 1964  相似文献   

As a combination device for a step-up pulse transformer and a magnetic switch,the saturable pulse transformer is widely used in pulsed-power and plasma technology.A fractional-turn ratio saturable pulse transformer is constructed and analyzed in this paper.Preliminary experimental results show that if the primary energy storage capacitors are charged to 300 V,an output voltage of about 19 kV can be obtained across the capacitor connected to the secondary windings of a fractional-tum ratio saturable pulse transformer.Theoretical and experimental results reveal that this kind of pulse transformer is not only able to integrate a step-up transformer and a magnetic switch into one device,but can also lower the saturable inductance of its secondary windings,thus leading to the relatively high step-up ratio of the pulse transformer.Meanwhile,the application of the fractional-turn ratio saturable pulse transformer in a μs range pulse modulator as a voltage step-up device and main switch is also included in this paper.The demonstrated experiments display that an output voltage with an amplitude of about 29 kV,and a 1.6 μs pulse width can be obtained across a 3500 Ω resistive load,based on a pulse modulator,if the primary energy storage capacitors are charged to 300 V.This compact fractional-turn ratio saturable pulse transformer can be applied in many other fields such as surface treatment,corona plasma generation and dielectric barrier discharge.  相似文献   

In pursuit of high-precision beam position measurements at micrometers or submicrometers for the Shanghai soft X-ray free-electron laser (SXFEL) facility which is under construction in the vicinity of the Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility,a high Q cavity beam position monitor (CBPM) with a resonant frequency of 4.7 GHz is developed by the Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics,and the relevant BPM electronics with a dedicated RF front end,and a digital BPM,are completed.The cavity design,cold test,system architecture,and first beam test are performed at the Shanghai deep ultraviolet free-electron laser (Zhao et al.in Nucl Instrum Meth A 528(1-2):591-594,2004.doi:10.1016/j.nima.2004.04.108) facility.Results of the beam experiment show that the performance of the CBPM is consistent with basic expectations,and the beam position resolution can fulfill the requirements for the SXFEL project if the beam conditions are optimized.  相似文献   

A bunch arrival-time monitor(BAM) system,based on electro-optical intensity modulation scheme, is under study at Shanghai Soft X-ray Free Electron Laser.The aim of the study is to achieve high-precision time measurement for minimizing bunch fluctuations. A readout electronics is developed to fulfill the requirements of the BAM system. The readout electronics is mainly composed of a signal conditioning circuit, field-programmable gate array(FPGA), mezzanine card(FMC150), and powerful FPGA carrier board. The signal conditioning circuit converts the laser pulses into electrical pulse signals using a photodiode. Thereafter, it performs splitting and low-noise amplification to achieve the best voltage sampling performance of the dual-channel analog-to-digital converter(ADC) in FMC150. The FMC150 ADC daughter card includes a 14-bit 250 Msps dual-channel high-speed ADC,a clock configuration, and a management module. The powerful FPGA carrier board is a commercial high-performance Xilinx Kintex-7 FPGA evaluation board. To achieve clock and data alignment for ADC data capture at a high sampling rate, we used ISERDES, IDELAY, and dedicated carry-in resources in the Kintex-7 FPGA. This paper presents a detailed development of the readout electronics in the BAM system and its performance.  相似文献   

上海软X射线装置中纯永磁移相器的积分场垫补   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
X射线自由电子激光(Free-electron Laser,FEL)达到饱和功率输出时所需要的波荡器总长度为数十米甚至上百米,目前国内外研制的波荡器只能分段加工,且每段长度一般在5 m以内。为了保证两相邻波荡器间辐射光的相位相互匹配,通用的设计是在相邻波荡器之间增加移相器。移相器的加入不应对电子束流产生影响,其产生的磁场沿束流方向的一二次积分必须达到技术要求。由于移相器较短,二次积分较小,可不予考虑。在不考虑永磁块非线性的基础上,导出了纯永磁移相器的磁场一次积分以及调整移相器中某些磁化块的高度和倾斜角度产生的磁场一次积分变化量的解析表达式。利用这种方法对上海软X射线自由电子激光装置中的5台移相器做积分场垫补,使得每台移相器的磁场一次积分在好场区内都小于20 Gs·cm,满足工程设计要求。  相似文献   

For developing the X-ray Free Electron Lasers test facility(SXFEL) at Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences(SINAP), ultra-short bunch is the crucial requirement for excellent lasing performance. It is a big challenge for deflecting cavity to measure the length of ultra-short bunch, and higher deflecting gradient is required for higher measurement resolution. X-band travelling wave deflecting structure has features of higher deflecting voltage and compact structure, which has good performance at ultra-short bunch length measurement. In this paper, a new X-band deflecting structure is designed to operate in HEM11-2π/3 mode.For suppressing the polarization of deflecting plane of the HEM11 mode, two symmetrical caves are added on the cavity wall to separate two polarized modes.  相似文献   

在上海软X射线自由电子激光(Soft X-ray Free-electron Laser,SXFEL)中的微波低电平控制系统中,通过对各速调管的输出信号进行测量和控制,保证加速器的稳定运行并且达到技术指标。另一方面,SXFEL中的脉冲速调管的输入输出特性存在非线性的关系,这种电子管放大器不理想的非线性特性会导致微波低电平(Low Level Radio Frequency,LLRF)控制系统调节的效率降低。基于SXFEL装置,采用基于现场可编程门阵列(Field Programmable Gate Array,FPGA)的数字预失真方法,在LLRF控制系统中设计了一套实现高功率速调管放大器线性化的在线系统。S波段加速装置和其相应的东芝E3730A速调管及高压调制器和低电平系统实地测试结果表明,在LLRF控制系统中建立的在线系统能够有效补偿速调管带来的非线性问题,提高微波低电平控制系统的精度及准确性。  相似文献   

A new concept for a dump for the ion and neutral beams used in the controlled nuclear fusion program uses thin sheets of a refractory metal such as tungsten formed into troughs having semi-circular cross sections. High-velocity water flowing circumferentially removes heat by subcooled nucleate boiling. Possible advantages are modular construction, relatively long sputtering lifetime, and a lower pressure drop than in tubular beam dumps. An example design calculation is shown for a dump estimated to be capable of absorbing an incident flux of 10 kW/cm2 with reasonable safety factors.  相似文献   

Fundamental power couplers are crucial components for feeding radio frequency power to accelerating cavities. Couplers must be tested and conditioned on a room-temperature test stand to evaluate and potentially improve their performance before being installed in an accelerating cavity. A new test system has been designed and is under construction at the institute of modern physics.For this test system, multiple conditioning modes, including the pulse mode, CW mode, and amplitude-sweeping mode, have been embedded in the low-level radio frequency system of the test stand. All of these conditioning modes can be run manually or automatically. In addition, a novel test cavity is proposed and has been designed, which facilitates non-contact conditioning and a multi-purpose test stand.  相似文献   

Output voltage is an important performance characteristic of planar insulating core transformer (PICT).In PICT magnetic cores are insulated from their neighboring magnetic cores by solid insulating materials.Solid insulating materials can increase leakage flux.This results in a low generated voltage in secondary coils,especially on the upper stages.Connecting flux compensation capacitors to secondary coils can compensate the flux loss.Design equations to calculate the flux compensation capacitors value and relevant simulation by CST and Protel software were presented.Simulation results of an actual PICT showed that output voltage increased by 19% after being connected to flux compensation capacitors and the voltage on every stage was equally distributed.Results of simulation were consistent with the following experimental test,which revealed that flux compensation capacitors were effective.  相似文献   

Thermal-hydraulic performance is a challenging issue in helium-cooled ceramic breeder (HCCB) blanket design due to the extremely complicated working environment and the strict limits of materials temperature. The heat loads deposited on the HCCB blanket comprises of severe surface heat flux from plasma and the volumetric nuclear heat from neutron irradiation, which can be exhausted by the built-in cooling channels of the components. High pressure helium with 8 MPa, distributed from the coolant manifolds is employed as coolant in the blanket. The design and optimization of the manifolds configuration was performed to guarantee the accurate flow control of helium coolant. The flow distribution in the coolant manifolds was investigated based on the structural improvement of manifolds aiming at overall uniform mass flow rates and better flow streamline distribution without obvious vortexes. The peak temperature of different functional materials in the blanket under normal operating condition is below allowable material limits. It is found that the components in the current blanket module could be cooled effectively under the intense thermal loads due to the updated design and optimization analysis of manifolds.  相似文献   

王贵诚  方志高 《核技术》1996,19(7):427-431
用等效电路法探讨了电子枪栅控脉冲板的短脉冲输出波形及幅度,并给出与关晶体管数量间的关系。依此研制成功的脉冲板满足了中国科学技术大学国家同步辐射实验室200MeV电子直线加速器的要求,该设备几年来一直稳定工作。  相似文献   

高速、大功率LED(≥3W)光源驱动电路是中子墙探测器光刻度系统的重要组成部分.本文简要介绍高速、大功率LED光源驱动电路的设计.该电路具有稳定性好、驱动脉冲前、后沿快,大电流脉冲输出等特点.内置信号源信号经过成形电路后,形成具有一定脉宽的快脉冲信号作为驱动信号,驱动信号上升时间tr><10 ns,下降时间tf><10 ns,其脉冲宽度分5档可调.该脉冲信号通过驱动电路控制输出电流开关,最大输出脉冲电流为800 mA,控制LED在额定功率下工作.该驱动电路最多可同时驱动六个大功率LED光源工作,目前已用于我所中子墙探测器阵列探测单元的初步刻度与测试.  相似文献   

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