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Maintenance strategy based on a multicriterion classification of equipments   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In an industrial plant, the level of maintenance provided to individual equipment is directly related to the availability that is expected from it. Thus, it is hoped that the most critical equipments will not fail or, at least, that any failure will be rapidly detected and corrected in the minimum time possible. Since resources are limited, it is necessary to determine how they should be distributed, so that no important equipment remains neglected while more resources are concentrated on the most critical items. Therefore, it is necessary to classify equipment in an objective way according to its importance. The method of multicriterion classification of critical equipments (MCCE)2, which is described in the present work, allows systematic and detailed quantification of the criticality of all equipment, that is to say, it provides an evaluation of the importance that its correct operation has for the plant. To provide this information, the consequences for a company of any failure in the equipment concerned are analysed. Finally, a real case example of an urban wastewater treatment plant is described, in which the MCCE method is applied.  相似文献   

This work proposes a general approach to study and improve the effectiveness of the system with respect to its expected life-cycle cost rate. The model we propose considers a production system which is protected against demand fluctuations and failure occurrences with elements like stock piles, line and equipment redundancy, and the use of alternative production methods. These design policies allow to keep or minimize the effect on the nominal throughput, while corrective measures are taken. The system is also subject to an aging process which depends on the frequency and quality of preventive actions. Making decisions is difficult because of discontinuities in intervention and downtime costs and the limited budget. We present a non-linear mixed integer formulation that minimizes the expected overall cost rate with respect to repair, overhaul and replacement times and the overhaul improvement factor proposed in the literature. The model is deterministic and considers minimal repairs and imperfect overhauls. We illustrate its application with a case based on a known benchmark example.  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of recent progress made in the area of cellulose nanofibre-based nanocomposites. An introduction into the methods used to isolate cellulose nanofibres (nanowhiskers, nanofibrils) is given, with details of their structure. Following this, the article is split into sections dealing with processing and characterisation of cellulose nanocomposites and new developments in the area, with particular emphasis on applications. The types of cellulose nanofibres covered are those extracted from plants by acid hydrolysis (nanowhiskers), mechanical treatment and those that occur naturally (tunicate nanowhiskers) or under culturing conditions (bacterial cellulose nanofibrils). Research highlighted in the article are the use of cellulose nanowhiskers for shape memory nanocomposites, analysis of the interfacial properties of cellulose nanowhisker and nanofibril-based composites using Raman spectroscopy, switchable interfaces that mimic sea cucumbers, polymerisation from the surface of cellulose nanowhiskers by atom transfer radical polymerisation and ring opening polymerisation, and methods to analyse the dispersion of nanowhiskers. The applications and new advances covered in this review are the use of cellulose nanofibres to reinforce adhesives, to make optically transparent paper for electronic displays, to create DNA-hybrid materials, to generate hierarchical composites and for use in foams, aerogels and starch nanocomposites and the use of all-cellulose nanocomposites for enhanced coupling between matrix and fibre. A comprehensive coverage of the literature is given and some suggestions on where the field is likely to advance in the future are discussed.  相似文献   

The design of instrumentation and control (I&C) systems for nuclear power plants (NPPs) is rapidly moving towards fully digital I&C systems and is trending towards the introduction of modern computer techniques into the design of advanced main control rooms (MCRs) of NPPs. In the design of advanced MCRs, human–machine interfaces have improved and various types of decision support systems have been developed. It is important to design highly reliable decision support systems in order to adapt them in actual NPPs. In addition, to evaluate decision support systems in order to validate their efficiency is as important as to design highly reliable decision support systems. In this paper, an operation advisory system based on the human cognitive process is evaluated in order to estimate its effect. The Bayesian belief network model is used in the evaluation of the target system, and a model is constructed based on human reliability analysis event trees. In the evaluation results, a target system based on the operator's cognitive process showed better performance compared to independent decision support systems.  相似文献   

本文分析了地铁杂散电流对地下金属设施的危害,提出了地铁杂散电流的监测方法。阐述了地铁杂散电流监测控制系统的功能,论文对该系统的硬件结构、软件各功能模块的设计进行了较为详细的介绍。该系统实现了数据的采集、实时显示、查询、存储、超限报警和在一定条件下向牵引变电所内的智能排流柜输出控制量等功能。该系统具有结构简单、安装测量方便等特点。  相似文献   

In this paper, we look at decision support for post-operative breast cancer care. Our main concerns are to support autonomy of decision making whilst maintaining the governance and reliability of the decision-making process. We describe the context of our work in the wider medical setting. We then present a set of decision support tools based on the situation calculus as a means of maintaining the integrity of rule bases underlying the decision-making system. The decision support system, Neptune, allows for the authoring, maintenance and delivery of decisions in a self-governing framework. Finally we discuss the implications of our work.  相似文献   

The Swedish Road Administration (SRA) has developed an information technology (IT) based bridge and tunnel management system (BaTMan) that is widely implemented by the organisation. The system is a tool for operational, tactical and strategic management. However, this system does not include systems and tools for managing optimisation and long-term planning of␣Maintenance, Repair and Rehabilitation (MR&R) actions due to service life performance aspects. This paper discusses the need of service life performance analysis for sound optimisation and long-term planning of MR&R actions in the bridge management. The paper presents a service life performance analysis model that is based on a Markov chain model and the MEDIC method. The model is developed to manage different kinds of degradation characteristic and yet present a uniform result expressed in conditional probabilities. The paper discusses also the need of systems and tools for describing objects on both an overall level and on a component level.  相似文献   

Spare parts and maintenance are closely related logistics activities where maintenance generates the need for spare parts. When preventive maintenance is present, it may need more spare parts at one time because of the planned preventive maintenance activities. This paper considers the joint optimisation of three decision variables, e.g., the ordering quantity, ordering interval and inspection interval. The model is constructed using the well-known Delay-Time concept where the failure process is divided into a two-stage process. The objective function is the long run expected cost per unit time in terms of the three decision variables to be optimised. Here we use a block-based inspection policy where all components are inspected at the same time regardless of the ages of the components. This creates a situation that the time to failure since the immediate previous inspection is random and has to be modelled by a distribution. This time is called the forward time and a limiting but closed form of such distribution is obtained. We develop an algorithm for the optimal solution of the decision process using a combination of analytical and enumeration approaches. The model is demonstrated by a numerical example.  相似文献   

To prevent the southwest of The Netherlands from flooding, the Eastern-Scheldt storm-surge barrier was constructed, has to be inspected and, when necessary, repaired. Therefore, one is interested in obtaining optimal rates of inspection for which the expected maintenance cost is minimal and the barrier is safe. For optimisation purposes, a maintenance model was developed for part of the sea-bed protection of the Eastern-Scheldt barrier, namely the block mats. This model enables optimal inspection decisions to be determined on the basis of the uncertainties in the process of occurrence of scour holes and, given that a scour hole has occurred, of the process of current-induced scour erosion. The stochastic processes of scour-hole initiation and scour-hole development was regarded as a Poisson process and a gamma process, respectively. Engineering knowledge was used to estimate their parameters.  相似文献   

秦斌  王欣 《包装工程》2001,22(6):33-35,45
讨论了人才管理决策支持系统的功能需求和分析方法,以人才资源管理理论为基础,结合包装工业科技人才管理工作实际,提出了基于知识的包装行业科技人才管理决策支持系统总体设计思想及其实现方法,为包装基层企业或高层人事管理决策部门的人才结构微观与宏观分析和决策提供了科学手段。  相似文献   

The Department of Auxiliary Services of the University of Miami had been the recipient of numerous anecdotal complaints by resident students regarding the service of the laundry system offered at the residential on-campus dormitories (students often complained about nonworking and/or busy machines). In this paper we present a holistic systems approach that utilizes total quality management and quantitative decision-making tools in a seamless fashion to improve the students' satisfaction and perception related to the laundry system. At the same time, other departmental important objectives, such as the implementation of an ongoing in-house procedure that supports its continuous-improvement program, are taken into account. Results that document the improved system performance are further presented.  相似文献   

We have developed and implemented a computerized reliability monitoring system for nuclear power plant applications, based on a neural network. The developed computer program is a new tool related to operator decision support systems, in case of component failures, for the determination of test and maintenance policies during normal operation or to follow an incident sequence in a nuclear power plant. The NAROAS (Neural Network Advanced Reliability Advisory System) computer system has been developed as a modularized integrated system in a C++ Builder environment, using a Hopfield neural network instead of fault trees, to follow and control the different system configurations, for interventions as quickly as possible at the plant. The observed results are comparable and similar to those of other computer system results. As shown, the application of this neural network contributes to the state of the art of risk monitoring systems by turning it easier to perform online reliability calculations in the context of probabilistic safety assessments of nuclear power plants.  相似文献   

This paper considers age-based replacement and block replacement when reliability is also a decision criterion. We describe how specification of the operational reliability of component function determines the replacement policy, and that setting a value for the cost of failure and specifying an operational reliability requirement are equivalent. This duality then implies a simple method for checking the consistency of the cost of failure and operational reliability measures when they are set system operators and maintainers. A simple expression for the median time between operational failures for a socket subject to age-based replacement is also obtained. These ideas are considered briefly in the context of block replacement. Data from an actual case relating to the maintenance and replacement of train traction motors is used for illustration.  相似文献   

The Australian government-supported Co-operative Research Centre for Sustainable Resource Processing (CSRP) has undertaken a comprehensive review of sustainability metrics and decision support frameworks used by the global mining/minerals/metals sector. This paper provides a summary of that larger review. In particular, attention is given to the extent to which the plethora of current tools and approaches used by the industry are similar; the degree to which they conform with more formal approaches to decision making, as espoused by the management sciences community; and how indicators are, or should be, used to support decision making, or to set targets for achieving more sustainable outcomes from practices within the industry. We cite experience from six major companies within the sector as examples of current practice. Finally, we suggest how current best practice should be augmented by additional tools, which focus on information quality and management.  相似文献   

The layout design of multiple-cell automated manufacturing systems includes cell layout design and flow path layout design. Traditional layout methods often treat these two as separate problems and the sequence for solving them is usually cell layout first and flow path layout later. However, approaches of these kinds have one major drawback, that is, they may produce cell layouts that are awkward or difficult for designers to conduct flow path layouts, or cell layouts that do not turn out to be as good as expected after flow path layouts have been performed. Other drawbacks of traditional layout methods include irregular shapes of cells, inaccurate calculations of flow distances, etc. This paper addresses the layout problem of cells and their connecting flow paths in a tree configuration. The proposed layout procedure is designed to avoid the aforementioned drawbacks of traditional layout methods by emphasizing concurrent layout design of cells and flow paths. It combines a search algorithm and mathematical programming models. The search algorithm has a backtracking procedure that allows one to explore alternative layouts, while the mathematical programming models help one obtain accurate layouts of cells and flow paths. The proposed layout procedure also interacts with designers and allows designers to include their qualitative consideration into the layout design. As a result, one can obtain more accurate and good-quality layouts with the proposed layout procedure.  相似文献   




Periodically, some m of the n redundant components of a dependable system may have to be taken out of service for inspection, testing or preventive maintenance. The system is then constrained to operate with lower (nm) redundancy and thus with less reliability during these periods. However, more frequent periodic inspections decrease the probability that a component fail undetected in the time interval between successive inspections. An optimal time schedule of periodic preventive operations arises from these two conflicting factors, balancing the loss of redundancy during inspections against the reliability benefits of more frequent inspections.Considering no other factor than this decreased redundancy at inspection time, this paper demonstrates the existence of an optimal interval between inspections, which maximizes the mean time between system failures. By suitable transformations and variable identifications, an analytic closed form expression of the optimum is obtained for the general (m, n) case. The optimum is shown to be unique within the ranges of parameter values valid in practice; its expression is easy to evaluate and shown to be useful to analyze and understand the influence of these parameters.Inspections are assumed to be perfect, i.e. they cause no component failure by themselves and leave no failure undetected. In this sense, the optimum determines a lowest bound for the system failure rate that can be achieved by a system of n-redundant components, m of which require for inspection or maintenance recurrent periods of unavailability of length t.The model and its general closed form solution are believed to be new [2] and [5]. Previous work [1], [4] and [10] had computed optimal values for an estimation of a time average of system unavailability, but by numerical procedures only and with different numerical approximations, other objectives and model assumptions (one component only inspected at a time), and taking into account failures caused by testing itself, repair and demands (see in particular [6], [7] and [9]).System properties and practical implications are derived from the closed form analytical expression. Possible extensions of the model are discussed. The model has been applied to the scheduling of the periodic tests of nuclear reactor protection systems.  相似文献   

Most manufacturing processes can benefit from an automated scheduling system. However, the design of a fast, computerised scheduling system that achieves high-quality results and requires minimal resources is a difficult undertaking. Efficient scheduling of a semiconductor device test facility requires an information system that provides good schedules quickly. Semiconductor device testing is the last stage of the long semiconductor manufacturing process, and therefore is subjected to customer service pressures. The cost of an off-the-shelf computerised scheduling system may be prohibitive for many companies. In addition, many companies are taken aback by other characteristics of off-the-shelf scheduling systems, such as code confidentiality, maintenance costs, and failure rates. We draw upon the literature and our field case to discuss some of the trade-offs between in-house development and off-the-shelf acquisition of software. We describe the in-house design and implementation of a scheduling decision support system for one device test facility. Using the design and implementation process of this system as a case study, we discuss how one facility uses in-house design of systems in a strategic way, as a competitive capability.  相似文献   

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