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Binocular information has been shown to be important for the programming and control of reaching and grasping. But even without binocular vision, people are still able to reach out and pick up objects accurately - albeit less efficiently. As part of a continuing investigation into the role that monocular cues play in visuomotor control, we examined whether or not subjects could use retinal motion information, derived from movements of the head, to help program and control reaching and grasping movements when binocular vision is denied. Subjects reached out in the dark to an illuminated sphere presented at eye-level, under both monocular and binocular viewing conditions with their head either free to move or restrained. When subjects viewed the display monocularly, they showed fewer on-line corrections when they were allowed to move their head. No such difference in performance was seen when subjects were allowed a full binocular view. This study, combined with previous work with neurological patients, confirms that the visuomotor system "prefers" to use binocular vision but, when this information is not available, can fall back on other monocular depth cues, such as information produced by motion of the object (and the scene) on the retina, to help program and control manual prehension.  相似文献   

A fast transient voltage dependent outward current (TOC) in trigeminal motoneurons (TMNs) was studied in guinea pig brainstem slices by use of sharp electrodes in combination with single electrode voltage clamp techniques. In solutions containing TTX, low Ca2+/Mn2+ and 20 mM TEA this current activated around -55 to -60 mV from holding potentials negative to resting potential, obtained its peak amplitude within 5 ms and decayed as a single exponential with a time constant of 6-8 ms. Half maximal values for inactivation and activation were -72 and -37 mV, respectively. Bath application of 5 mM 4-AP suppressed this current by approximately 90% and eliminated the early depolarizing transient membrane rectification observed in response to a constant depolarizing current pulse, prolonged the action potential duration, and reduced the threshold voltage and delay to onset of the action potential. It is suggested that this current resembles the typical A-current observed in many CNS neurons and, as a result of its voltage and time dependent properties, could contribute to control of motoneuronal discharge and timing of burst onset during rhythmical jaw movements. Therefore, any cellular models of masticatory activity should include the properties of this current.  相似文献   

The alpha subunits are an important determinant of the pharmacology of gamma-aminobutyric acidA (GABAA) receptors with respect to agonists, antagonists, and modulatory compounds, particularly the benzodiazepines. The alpha 4 subunit is the least abundant subunit in the brain and the most similar in deduced primary amino acid sequence to the alpha 6 subunit. We demonstrate that the human alpha 4 subunit forms a functional receptor when expressed with beta gamma 2, demonstrating some properties similar to alpha 6 beta gamma 2 and some properties more akin to alpha 1 beta gamma 2. It also exhibited some properties that were unlike any other alpha subunit-containing receptor. GABA affinity seemed to be identical to that of the alpha 1 beta 1 gamma 2 receptor; however, the partial agonists 4,5,6,7-tetrahydroisoxazolo-[5,4-c]pyridin-3-ol and piperidine-4-sulfonic acid showed lower efficacy than at either alpha 1 beta 1 gamma 2 or alpha 6 beta 1 gamma 2. Benzodiazepine pharmacology of alpha 4-containing receptors was similar to that of alpha 6-containing receptors with the exception of dimethoxy-4-ethyl-beta-carboline-3-carboxylate, which behaved as a partial inverse agonist. Pentobarbital potentiated alpha 4 beta 1 gamma 2 receptor GABA responses to a level comparable with alpha 6 beta 1 gamma 2 (approximately 700% of EC20); however, unlike alpha 6 beta 1 gamma 2 receptors, it did not elicit any direct activation of the receptor. Propofol also potentiated alpha 4 beta 1 gamma 2 GABA responses but to a level more comparable to that of alpha 1 beta 1 gamma 2, suggesting that these compounds act via different sites. Unlike other subunit combinations, propofol did not elicit a direct activation of the receptor. These results suggest that the mechanism for direct activation of the GABAA receptor by pentobarbital and propofol is absent on alpha 4-containing receptors. Furosemide, which non-competitively inhibits the GABAA receptor, showed 700-fold selectivity for alpha 6 beta 3 gamma 2 receptors over alpha 1-, alpha 2-, alpha 3-, and alpha 5-containing receptors and exhibited selectivity for alpha 4 beta 3 gamma 2 receptors (> 50-fold). These experiments reveal a unique pharmacology for alpha 4-containing receptors with some similarities to both alpha 6- and alpha 1-containing receptors.  相似文献   

Actions of the new antiepileptic drug lamotrigine were characterised using whole cell patch clamp recordings from rat CA1 pyramidal cells in vitro. The results suggest that lamotrigine, besides its previously described effect on the fast sodium inward current and calcium currents, modulates the transient potassium outward current ID. This may be an effective mechanism to inhibit pathological excitation.  相似文献   

Skeletal formation is a fundamental element of body patterning and is strictly regulated both temporally and spatially by a variety of molecules. Among these, retinoic acid (RA) has been shown to be involved in normal skeletal development. However, its pleiotropic effects have caused difficulty in identifying its crucial target cells and molecular mechanisms for each effect. Development of cartilage primordia is an important process in defining the skeletal structures. To address the role of RA in skeletal formation, we have generated mice expressing a dominant-negative retinoic acid receptor (RAR) in chondrogenic cells by using the type II collagen alpha1 promoter, and we have analyzed their phenotypes. These mice exhibited small cartilage primordia during development and retarded skeletal formation in both embryonic and postnatal periods. They also showed selective degeneration in their cervical vertebrae combined with homeotic transformations, but not in their extremities. The cervical phenotypes are reminiscent of phenotypes involving homeobox genes. We found that the expression of Hoxa-4 was indeed reduced in the cartilage primordia of cervical vertebrae of embryonic day 12.5 embryos. These observations demonstrate that endogenous RA acts directly on chondrogenic cells to promote skeletal growth in both embryonic and growing periods, and it regulates the proper formation of cervical vertebrae. Furthermore, RA apparently specifies the identities of the cervical vertebrae through the regulation of homeobox genes in the chondrogenic cells. Great similarities of the phenotypes between our mice and reported RAR knockout mice revealed that chondrogenic cells are a principal RA target during complex cascades of skeletal development.  相似文献   

Voltage-gated K+ channel (Kv) pore-forming (alpha) subunits of the Kv1 and Kv4 subfamilies have been cloned from heart cDNA libraries, and are thought to play roles in the generation of the transient outward K+ current, Ito. Heterologous expression of these subunits in Xenopus oocytes, however, reveals K+ currents that are quite distinct from Ito. In the experiments here, the detailed time- and voltage-dependent properties of the currents expressed in mammalian cell lines and in cardiac myocytes by Kv1.4 and Kv4.2 were examined and compared to previous findings in studies of oocytes, as well as to Ito characterized in various myocardial cells. As in oocytes, expression of Kv1.4 in HEK-293, Ltk- or neonatal rat ventricular cells reveals rapidly activating K+ currents. In contrast to the currents in oocytes, however, there are two components of inactivation of the Kv1.4-induced currents in mammalian cells, and both components are significantly slower in myocytes than in either HEK-293 or Ltk- cells. In addition, in all three cell types, recovery of Kv1.4 from steady-state inactivation is very slow, proceeding with mean time constants in the range of 6-8 s. The properties of Kv4.2-induced currents also vary with cell type and, importantly, the rates of activation, inactivation and recovery from inactivation are significantly faster in mammalian cells than in Xenopus oocytes. In HEK-293, Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) and neonatal rat ventricular cells, for example, the currents recover from steady-state inactivation with mean (+/-SD) time constants of 153+/-32 (n=12), 245+/-112 (n=10) and 86+/-38 (n=11) ms, respectively; therefore, recovery proceeds 5-10 times faster than observed for Kv4.2 in oocytes. These results emphasize the importance of the cellular expression environment in efforts to correlate endogenous K+ currents with heterologously expressed K+ channel subunits. In addition, the finding that Kv alpha subunits produce distinct K+ currents in different cells suggests that cell-type-specific associations with endogenous Kv alpha or accessory beta subunits and/or post-translational processing play roles in determining the properties of functional K+ channels.  相似文献   

Transient K+ outward currents (Ito) were measured in enzymatically isolated ventricular mouse heart cells with a patch clamp technique in the whole cell configuration. Exposure of the cells to substrate-free anoxia gradually decreased both the peak and the late Ito. The inactivation time course of Ito was fitted with two exponentials. After 4-10 min of anoxia, the contribution of the fast and slow exponential decreased to 60 +/- 7% and 62 +/- 4% of the control value and recovered after reoxygenation within 1-3 min to 84 +/- 5% and 75 +/- 6% (n = 10; all mean +/- SEM), respectively. The time constants of the exponentials were invariant to anoxia. Voltage dependence of activation and inactivation of Ito were not influenced by anoxia. Application of stimulators of protein kinase A and C, cGMP- dependent protein kinase, or of the oxidant diamide during anoxia did not recover Ito. It is concluded that under conditions of metabolic stress, Ito is reversibly down-regulated leaving inactivation kinetics unchanged. The underlying mechanism is as yet unknown but does neither involve a decreased activity of protein kinase A, protein kinase C, nor c-GMP dependent protein kinase.  相似文献   

Experimental evidence increasingly implicates the beta-amyloid peptide in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease. Beta-amyloid filaments dramatically accumulate in the neuritic plaques and vascular deposits as the result of the brain's inability to clear these structures. In this paper, we demonstrate that in addition to the intrinsic stability of A beta N-42, the time dependent generation of irreversibly associated A beta dimers and tetramers incorporated into A beta filaments are themselves resistant to proteolytic degradation. The presence of post-translational modifications such as isomerization of aspartyls 1 and 7, cyclization of glutamyl 3 to pyroglutamyl and oxidation of methionyl 35, further contribute to the insolubility and stability of A beta. All these factors promote the accumulation of neurotoxic amyloid in the brains of patients with Alzheimer's disease, and should be considered in therapeutic strategies directed towards the dissociation of the brain's A beta filaments.  相似文献   

The voltage-sensitive Na+ channel is responsible for generating action potentials in the heart which are critical for coordinated cardiac muscle contraction. Cardiac Na+ channels are regulated by cAMP-dependent phosphorylation, but the sites of phosphorylation are not known. Using mammalian cells expressing the rat cardiac Na+ channel (rH1) alpha subunit and site-specific antibodies, we have shown that the alpha subunit of rat heart Na+ channel is phosphorylated selectively by cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) in vitro and in intact cells. Analysis of the sites of phosphorylation by two-dimensional phosphopeptide mapping and site-directed mutagenesis of fusion proteins revealed that the cardiac alpha subunit is phosphorylated selectively in vitro by PKA on Ser526 and Ser529 in the intracellular loop connecting homologous domains I and II (LI-II). These two residues were phosphorylated in intact cells expressing the rH1 alpha subunit when PKA was activated. Our results define a different pattern of phosphorylation of LI-II of cardiac and brain Na+ channels and implicate phosphorylation of Ser526 and Ser529 in the differential regulation of cardiac and brain Na+ channels by PKA.  相似文献   

During kinetic studies of mutant rat Na,K-ATPases, we identified a spontaneous mutation in the first cytoplasmic loop between transmembrane helices 2 and 3 (H2-H3 loop) which results in a functional enzyme with distinct Na,K-ATPase kinetics. The mutant cDNA contained a single G950 to A substitution, which resulted in the replacement of glutamate at 233 with a lysine (E233K). E233K and alpha1 cDNAs were transfected into HeLa cells and their kinetic behavior was compared. Transport studies carried out under physiological conditions with intact cells indicate that the E233K mutant and alpha1 have similar apparent affinities for cytoplasmic Na+ and extracellular K+. In contrast, distinct kinetic properties are observed when ATPase activity is assayed under conditions (low ATP concentration) in which the K+ deocclusion pathway of the reaction is rate-limiting. At 1 microM ATP K+ inhibits Na+-ATPase of alpha1, but activates Na+-ATPase of E233K. This distinctive behavior of E233K is due to its faster rate of formation of dephosphoenzyme (E1) from K+-occluded enzyme (E2(K)), as well as 6-fold higher affinity for ATP at the low affinity ATP binding site. A lower ratio of Vmax to maximal level of phosphoenzyme indicates that E233K has a lower catalytic turnover than alpha1. These distinct kinetics of E233K suggest a shift in its E1/E2 conformational equilibrium toward E1. Furthermore, the importance of the H2-H3 loop in coupling conformational changes to ATP hydrolysis is underscored by a marked (2 orders of magnitude) reduction in vanadate sensitivity effected by this Glu233 --> Lys mutation.  相似文献   

Human embryonic kidney (HEK293) cells were transfected with cDNA encoding the human beta4 neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine (ACh) receptor subunit in pairwise combination with human alpha2, alpha3 or alpha4 subunits. Cell lines A2B4, A3B4.2 and A4B4 were identified that stably express mRNA and protein corresponding to alpha2 and beta4, to alpha3 and beta4 and to alpha4 and beta4 subunits, respectively. Specific binding of [3H]epibatidine was detected in A2B4, A3B4.2 and A4B4 cells with Kd (mean +/- S.D. in pM) values of 42 +/- 10, 230 +/- 12 and 187 +/- 29 and with Bmax (fmol/mg protein) values of 1104 +/- 338, 2010 +/- 184 and 3683 +/- 1450, respectively. Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings in each cell line demonstrated that (-)nicotine (Nic), ACh, cytisine (Cyt) and 1, 1-dimethyl-4-phenylpiperazinium iodide (DMPP) elicit transient inward currents. The current-voltage (I-V) relation of these currents showed strong inward rectification. Pharmacological characterization of agonist-induced elevations of intracellular free Ca++ concentration revealed a distinct rank order of agonist potency for each subunit combination as follows: alpha2beta4, (+)epibatidine (Epi) > Cyt > suberyldicholine (Sub) = Nic = DMPP; alpha3beta4, Epi > DMPP = Cyt = Nic = Sub; alpha4beta4, Epi > Cyt = Sub > Nic > DMPP. The noncompetitive antagonists mecamylamine and d-tubocurarine did not display subtype selectivity. In contrast, the Kb value for the competitive antagonist dihydro-beta-erythroidine (DHbetaE) was highest at alpha3beta4 compared with alpha2beta4 or alpha4beta4 receptors. These data illustrate that the A2B4, A3B4.2 and A4B4 stable cell lines are powerful tools for examining the functional and pharmacological properties of human alpha2beta4, alpha3beta4 and alpha4beta4 neuronal nicotinic receptors.  相似文献   

In this study, we used mice lacking the G11alpha [G11 knockout (KO)] or Gqalpha gene (Gq KO) to examine LH release in response to a metabolically stable GnRH agonist (Buserelin). Mice homozygous for the absence of G11alpha and Gqalpha appear to breed normally. Treatment of (5 wk old) female KO mice with the GnRH agonist Buserelin (2 microg/100 microl, sc) resulted in a rapid increase of serum LH levels (reaching 328 +/- 58 pg/25 microl for G11 KO; 739 +/- 95 pg/25 microl for Gq KO) at 75 min. Similar treatment of the control strain, 129SvEvTacfBr for G11 KO or the heterozygous mice for Gq KO, resulted in an increase in serum LH levels (428 +/- 57 pg/25 microl for G11 KO; 884 +/- 31 pg/25 microl for Gq KO) at 75 min. Both G11 KO and Gq KO male mice released LH in response to Buserelin (2 microg/100 microl of vehicle; 363 +/- 53 pg/25 microl and 749 +/- 50 pg/25 microl 1 h after treatment, respectively). These values were not significantly different from the control strain. In a long-term experiment, Buserelin was administered every 12 h, and LH release was assayed 1 h later. In female G11 KO mice and control strain, serum LH levels reached approximately 500 pg/25 microl within the first hour, then subsided to a steady level (approximately 100 pg/25 microl) for 109 h. In male G11 KO mice and in control strain, elevated LH release lasted for 13 h; however, LH levels in the G11 KO male mice did not reach control levels for approximately 49 h. In a similar experimental protocol, the Gq KO male mice released less LH (531 +/- 95 pg/25 microl) after 13 h from the start of treatment than the heterozygous male mice (865 +/- 57 pg/25 microl), but the female KO mice released more LH (634 +/- 56 pg/25 microl) after 1 h from the start of treatment than the heterozygous female mice (346 +/- 63 pg/25 microl). However, after the initial LH flare, the LH levels in the heterozygous mice never reached the basal levels achieved by the KO mice. G11 KO mice were less sensitive to low doses (5 ng/per animal) of Buserelin than the respective control mice. Male G11 KO mice produced more testosterone than the control mice after 1 h of stimulation by 2 microg of Buserelin, whereas there was no significant difference in Buserelin stimulated testosterone levels between Gq KO and heterozygous control mice. There was no significant difference in Buserelin stimulated estradiol production in the female Gq KO mice compared with control groups of mice. However, female G11 KO mice produced less estradiol in response to Buserelin (2 microg) compared with control strain. Although there were differences in the dynamics of LH release and steroid production in response to Buserelin treatment compared with control groups of mice, the lack of complete abolition of these processes, such as stimulated LH release, and steroid production, suggests that these G proteins are either not absolutely required or are able to functionally compensate for each other.  相似文献   

Many lines of evidence have suggested that angiotensin II (AngII) plays an important role in the development of cardiac hypertrophy through AngII type 1 receptor (AT1). To determine whether AngII is indispensable for the development of mechanical stress-induced cardiac hypertrophy, we examined the activity of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) family and the expression of the c-fos gene as hypertrophic responses after stretching cultured cardiac myocytes of AT1a knockout (KO) mice. When cardiac myocytes were stretched by 20% for 10 min, extracellular signal-regulated protein kinases (ERKs) were strongly activated in KO cardiomyocytes as well as wild type (WT) myocytes. Both basal and stimulated levels of ERKs were higher in cardiomyocytes of KO mice than in those of WT mice. Activation of another member of the MAPK family, p38(MAPK), and expression of the c-fos gene were also induced by stretching cardiac myocytes of both types of mice. An AT1 antagonist attenuated stretch-induced activation of ERKs in WT cardiomyocytes but not in KO cardiomyocytes. Down-regulation of protein kinase C inhibited stretch-induced ERK activation in WT cardiomyocytes, whereas a broad spectrum tyrosine kinase inhibitor (genistein) and selective inhibitors of epidermal growth factor receptor (tyrphostin, AG1478, and B42) suppressed stretch-induced activation of ERKs in KO cardiac myocytes. Epidermal growth factor receptor was phosphorylated at tyrosine residues by stretching cardiac myocytes of KO mice. These results suggest that mechanical stretch could evoke hypertrophic responses in cardiac myocytes that lack the AT1 signaling pathway possibly through tyrosine kinase activation.  相似文献   

To examine the in vivo effects of a kinase-deficient mutant human insulin receptor, we used the muscle creatine kinase promoter to express a putative dominant-negative receptor: Ala1134-->Thr (Moller, D. E., Yokota, A., White, M. F., Pazianos, A. G., and Flier, J. S. (1990) J. Biol. Chem. 265, 14979-14985) in transgenic mice. Two lines were generated, where receptor expression was restricted to striated muscle and was increased by 5-12-fold in skeletal muscle. Transgenic gluteal muscle insulin receptor kinase activity was reduced by approximately 80% after maximal in vitro insulin stimulation. Glycogen content in this muscle was reduced by 45% in transgenic mice. Insulin levels were approximately 2-fold higher, and glucose concentrations were 12% higher in transgenics fed ad libitum. Transgenic mice exhibited reduced in vivo sensitivity to low dose (0.1 milliunits/g) intravenous insulin. In isolated soleus muscles from transgenics, where mutant receptors were expressed at lower levels, insulin-stimulated receptor kinase activity was reduced by 42%, but insulin-stimulated 2-deoxyglucose uptake was unaffected. These results indicate that (i) overexpression of a kinase-deficient human insulin receptor in muscle causes dominant-negative effects at the level of receptor kinase activation, (ii) impairment of insulin-stimulated muscle receptor tyrosine kinase activity can cause decreased insulin sensitivity in vivo, (iii) kinase-defective receptor mutants may be used to create novel animal models of tissue-specific insulin resistance.  相似文献   

Tachycardia-dependent QT/T alternans occurs in patients with the congenital or idiopathic form of long-QT syndrome (LQTS) and may presage the onset of polymorphic ventricular tachyarrhythmias. To examine the electrophysiological basis of arrhythmogenicity of QT/T alternans in LQTS, the tridimensional repolarization pattern of QT/T alternans was studied in the anthopleurin-A model of LQTS, a surrogate for LQT3. In 11 anesthetized mongrel puppies, tridimensional repolarization and activation patterns were analyzed from 256 to 384 unipolar electrograms. Cardiac repolarization was evaluated as the activation-recovery interval (ARI) of local electrograms. To induce QT/T alternans, the pacing cycle length (CL) was abruptly shortened in steps of 50 ms from a basic drive of 1000 ms. ARIs were calculated at epicardial (Epi), midmyocardial (Mid), and endocardial (End) sites. ARI restitution at each site was assessed by using a single premature stimulation delivered after the basic drive. ARI alternans occurred at longer CLs at Mid sites compared with End and Epi sites, and the magnitude of alternans at Mid sites was greater. Two factors contributed to the modulation of ARI during QT/T alternans: (1) differences in restitution kinetics at Mid sites, characterized by larger DeltaARI and a slower time constant (tau), and (2) differences in diastolic intervals resulting in different input to restitution at the same constant CL. These 2 factors could explain not only the onset of alternans at Mid sites at longer CLs but also the critical observation that ARI dispersion between Epi and Mid sites during alternans was greater than during the slower basic CL. Marked ARI alternans could be present in local electrograms without manifest alternation of the QT/T segment in the surface ECG. The latter was seen at critically short CLs associated with reversal of the gradient of ARI between Epi and Mid sites, with a consequent reversal of polarity of the intramyocardial QT wave in alternate cycles. The arrhythmogenicity of QT/T alternans was primarily due to the greater degree of spatial dispersion of repolarization during alternans than during slower rates not associated with alternans. This could result in functional conduction block and reentrant ventricular tachyarrhythmias during the fixed drive associated with alternans.  相似文献   

The dy/dy mouse is an animal model for human merosin-negative congenital muscular dystrophy (CMD), which has been reported to have reduced or no expression of the basement membrane protein laminin alpha2. We here investigate various myogenic and nonmyogenic tissues of mature dy/dy and control 129ReJ mice histologically and for laminin alpha2 expression. In addition, expression patterns of laminin alpha1, alpha2, alpha4, and alpha5 chains, the interstitial proteins fibronectin and tenascin-C, and the adhesion molecules VCAM-1, ICAM-1, and alpha4 integrin were characterized in skeletal muscle of 1- and 7-day and mature (>6 weeks old) dy/dy and control 129ReJ mice. The laminin alpha2 chain remained detectable in myogenic tissues of dy/dy mice by immunofluorescence using two different monoclonal antibodies and by Northern blot analysis. However, laminin alpha2 expression was significantly reduced or not detectable in nonmyogenic tissues of dy/dy mice, including skin, lung, kidney, brain, thymus, and eye. Focal lesions were observed in mature skeletal muscle only, characterized by necrotic tissue, isolated VCAM-1- and ICAM-1-positive cells indicative of inflammatory processes, and regenerating muscle fibers surrounded by intense tenascin-C and fibronectin expression. In contrast to studies on human CMD muscle, laminin alpha1 was not detectable in either dy/dy or control skeletal muscle using immunofluorescence or Northern blot analysis. Immunofluorescence localized laminin alpha4 to basement membranes of blood vessels, the endoneurium of the intramuscular nerves, and the neuromuscular junction in skeletal muscle of 1- and 7-day-old dy/dy and control mice. In mature muscle, laminin alpha4 expression shifted to the perineurium of intramuscular nerves in both dy/dy and control mice. Furthermore, strong upregulation of laminin alpha4 in the basement membranes of blood vessels, the perineurium of intramuscular nerves, and of isolated regenerating muscle fibers in the dy/dy mice was apparent. Investigation of 1-day-old animals revealed expression of laminin alpha5 in skeletal muscle fiber basement membranes of dy/dy but not control animals. This difference between dy/dy and control animals was no longer apparent at 7 days after birth, indicating a temporary shift in expression pattern of laminin alpha5 in dy/dy animals. Analysis of the extracellular matrix components of 1- and 7-day-old dy/dy and control skeletal muscle revealed an early onset of the dystrophy, even before histopathological features of the disease were evident. Our data confirm the absence of laminin alpha1 chain in myogenic tissues of both dy/dy and control mice and suggest compensation for reduced laminin alpha2 in dy/dy skeletal muscle by laminin alpha4 and, in early development, also laminin alpha5. These results have significant ramifications in the diagnosis of human merosin-negative CMD.  相似文献   

Placental expression of the alpha subunit gene of the human glycoprotein hormones requires a multicomponent enhancer composed of tandem cAMP-response elements and an adjacent upstream regulatory element. Based on recent studies indicating that the upstream regulatory element includes binding sites for more than one protein, we investigated how functional activity correlated with these binding sites. Through extensive replacement mutagenesis of the native promoter regulatory region, we provide the first functional map of the upstream regulatory element. Within this region, we find that distinct proteins interact with three overlapping binding sites. While each site is functionally significant, no single site is essential or displays clear dominance. This is surprising since one of the sites binds a placenta-specific protein that heretofore has been regarded as essential for activity of the human alpha subunit placenta-specific enhancer. Consequently, our refined functional map of the upstream regulatory element reveals a complex combinatorial code that directs expression of the human alpha subunit gene to placenta.  相似文献   

Rat superior cervical ganglion (SCG) neurons express low-threshold noninactivating M-type potassium channels (IK(M)), which can be inhibited by activation of M1 muscarinic receptors. This inhibition occurs via pertussis toxin-insensitive G-proteins belonging to the Galphaq family (Caulfield et al., 1994 ). We have used DNA plasmids encoding antisense sequences against the 3' untranslated regions of Galpha subunits (antisense plasmids) to investigate the specific G-protein subunits involved in muscarinic inhibition of IK(M). These antisense plasmids specifically reduced levels of the target G-protein 48 hr after intranuclear injection. In cells depleted of Galphaq, muscarinic inhibition of IK(M) was attenuated compared both with uninjected neurons and with neurons injected with an inappropriate GalphaoA antisense plasmid. In contrast, depletion of Galpha11 protein did not alter IK(M) inhibition. To determine whether the alpha or beta gamma subunits of the G-protein mediated this inhibition, we have overexpressed the C terminus of beta adrenergic receptor kinase 1 (betaARK1), which binds free beta gamma subunits. betaARK1 did not reduce muscarinic inhibition of IK(M) at a concentration of plasmid that can reduce beta gamma-mediated inhibition of calcium current (). Also, expression of beta1gamma2 dimers did not alter the IK(M) density in SCG neurons. In contrast, IK(M) was virtually abolished in cells expressing GTPase-deficient, constitutively active forms of Galphaq and Galpha11. These data suggest that Galphaq is the principal mediator of muscarinic IK(M) inhibition in rat SCG neurons and that this more likely results from an effect of the alpha subunit than the beta gamma subunits of the Gq heterotrimer.  相似文献   

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