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结合最新引进的德国DDR-1200型千米定向钻机,提出在工作面顶板裂隙带内打千米定向钻孔抽采瓦斯的新方法,构建千米定向钻孔煤与瓦斯共采体系.结果表明,工作面上覆岩层存在大量横向间隙和竖向裂隙,裂隙带高度为34m左右,最大离层裂隙发生在主关键层下方,距离工作面顶板22m左右,最大离层量240mm,形成瓦斯富集区域;工作面倾向方向,回采巷道向采空区方向0~60m范围内裂隙最发育,并能长期稳定存在.据此在14301工作面进行工业性试验,试验结果表明,钻孔布置在14301工作面上方顶板22m左右,倾向方向距运输巷15m处,抽采浓度达70%以上,抽采时间在120d以上,取得最佳瓦斯抽采效果,实现煤与瓦斯共采.  相似文献   

为了研究覆岩采动裂隙分布状态及瓦斯运移规律,合理地确定出瓦斯富集区并优化瓦斯抽采钻场布置方案.借助于高精度的微震监测系统,结合淮南矿区工业性试验,对覆岩采动裂隙发育实时动态的分布状态进行了研究.结果表明:工作面采动效应引起了采场背景应力场的变化,高应力区的出现促使煤岩体萌生了微裂隙,而微裂隙的扩展和逐渐贯通又成了瓦斯解析、运移及连通的通道;覆岩产生大量的微裂隙,采空区中部的离层裂隙会被覆岩的移动所压实,而在采空区周围则形成了一个不规则闭合"圆柱形横卧体"裂隙区,其边界为:高约25~40m;宽约30~50m;左边界为采动影响边界线,与煤层底板夹角约为105°,右边界以45°左右偏向采空区发展,此裂隙区覆岩的透气性成倍增加,为瓦斯的运移提供了通道和聚积的空间.  相似文献   

为揭示瓦斯在本煤层抽采时的渗流机理,开展了煤岩体变形与瓦斯渗流相互作用规律研究.根据煤层瓦斯渗流特性,考虑渗透率的动态变化过程,研究裂隙瓦斯渗流、微孔隙吸附瓦斯解吸扩散和煤岩体变形等过程,建立耦合渗流模型.针对特定矿井抽采煤层的瓦斯地质条件,进行了耦合模型的数值模拟研究.结果表明:抽采初期瓦斯压力下降较快,抽采稳定后下降趋缓,距抽采孔越远下降梯度越小,有效抽采半径约为3m.现场实验孔距6m顺层瓦斯抽采,抽采稳定时瓦斯纯量达5~7m3/min,抽采效果较理想.  相似文献   

为了解决蹬空对巷道围岩变形影响严重等问题,针对张集矿1410(1)工作面复杂的地质条件,采用计算机数值模拟(UEDC)系统和现场工程实践相结合的方法,对工作面推进不同距离时上覆岩层垮落形态、初次来压步距、周期来压步距、液压支架受力以及巷道围岩的变形特征进行研究。研究表明:工作面老顶初次来压步距约为32 m左右,周期来压步距约为16 m左右。工作面液压支架所需支撑的最大岩层高度约为25m。在工作面每天正常推进8m的情况下,工作面压架的危险性较小。  相似文献   

放顶煤开采时上覆巨厚砾岩层垮落直接影响综放工作面的安全生产,为了研究放顶煤开采上覆巨厚砾岩层变形移动规律,以河南大有能源股份有限公司耿村煤矿综放工作面特厚煤层及其上覆巨厚砾岩层为工程背景,采用相似材料模拟试验,研究了放顶煤开采时上覆巨厚砾岩层变形移动全过程。结果表明:(1)随着煤层开采,依据巨厚砾岩层裂隙场的特征,巨厚砾岩层变形移动和垮落的全过程分为下位和上位垮落过程,其中下位砾岩层初次断裂时垮落体形态为梯形,上位砾岩层断裂控制着地表的变形;(2)当工作面停采后,巨厚砾岩层裂隙演化发展具有较明显的时间效应;(3)下位砾岩层初次垮落步距650. 0 m,周期垮落步距175. 0 m,上位砾岩层初次垮落步距825. 0 m,地表下沉系数0. 267。研究结果可为耿村煤矿巨厚砾岩层下综放开采提供安全技术支撑。  相似文献   

断层带煤岩应力分布特征数值模拟研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过FLAC3D软件对演马庄矿掘进巷道过F147断层过程中煤岩内部应力场分布规律进行数值模拟,研究巷道掘进过程中断层附近应力值的变化.模拟结果表明:F147断层带附近煤岩体破碎、裂隙发育,在采动影响下断层"活化".随着距断层面距离的减小,煤层及其顶板岩体破坏程度随之增加,使得断层面附近应力得到释放,断层面处压剪应力集中得以缓解,但是拉应力增大.通过进一步研究,确定了F147断层带的影响范围约为10 m,从而说明该方法能正确模拟巷道掘进过断层过程中煤岩内部应力场分布规律,进而可以有效地指导实践.  相似文献   

为探究孤岛工作面开采时覆岩破断、运移和矿压显现规律,利用FLAC~(3D) Fish语言开发了数值算法,基于采空区压实理论和双屈服模型,提出一种孤岛工作面推进过程中覆岩破断演化、垮落带岩体的压实效应和采动静载、动载响应数值模拟方法.采用该方法对朝阳煤矿3108孤岛工作面采动全过程及其动静载演化机制进行了数值模拟,所得结果与现场实际具有较好的一致性.结果表明:由于两侧采空区工作面长度较小(70 m),开采后覆岩垮落不充分,垮落带和裂隙带演化高度有限,约为30.98和66.91 m;动载主要来源于顶板破断释放能量,震源和覆岩裂隙带演化的最大高度基本一致,其震源包络线与裂隙带的发育范围吻合度较高.  相似文献   

在瓦斯抽采、煤层气开采及煤与瓦斯突出过程中,煤岩蠕变引起岩体变形会对瓦斯渗流产生影响。为研究含瓦斯煤蠕变–渗流的演化规律,得到蠕变–渗流的耦合关系,作者进行了不同瓦斯压力下分级加载轴压时煤体常规三轴蠕变–渗流试验。试验结果发现:轴向应变呈梯度增大,直至煤样破坏;期间,煤体内部瓦斯渗透率呈先减小后增大的趋势。这表明煤样蠕变过程中煤体内部孔隙或微裂隙发生了两次变化:前期蠕变过程中,孔隙或微裂隙压密,瓦斯流通受阻渗透率减小;当应变超过一定阈值时,煤体骨架发生变化,孔隙或微裂隙出现增生或扩展,瓦斯通道贯通渗透率增大。此外,由试验结果可知,煤岩发生失稳破坏时,必须具备应力超过长期强度、应变超过应变阈值两个条件。这一结论为煤岩失稳破坏提供了一条新的思路。进而,为进一步研究蠕变变形和渗透率的关系,基于Kozeny-Carman公式进行合理地假设及推导,得到应变与渗透率的数学关系式。最后,利用蠕变–渗流试验数据验证时,发现应变–渗透率公式能很好地反映蠕变–渗流过程中的耦合规律。结论能为应力场–裂隙场–渗流场耦合研究提供一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

近距离煤层群被保护层开采瓦斯综合治理技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近距离煤层群被保护层回采过程中,由于被保护层与保护层之间距离较小,保护层采空区内积聚的瓦斯通过采动影响所产生的裂隙大量涌入被保护层工作面,容易造成工作面瓦斯超限.本文以新庄孜矿62113被保护层工作面回采为例,通过调节通风负压和抽采系统相结合的瓦斯治理措施,改变工作面及邻近层瓦斯流向,抑制瓦斯涌向回采工作面,从而增加瓦斯抽采量,降低回风瓦斯浓度,有效的保证了工作面的安全回采.  相似文献   

确定顶板瓦斯运移规律及其富集区是综合治理高瓦斯工作面卸压瓦斯的关键。本文对我国西部地区典型的近距离高瓦斯煤层群4.2m大采高工作面回采过程中顶板裂隙演化特征进行FLAC3D模拟,研究得出在工作面顶板覆岩10倍采高处,纵向裂隙和横向裂隙发育最剧烈且相互导通,形成高瓦斯富集区。此对大采高工作面卸压瓦斯的安全高效治理具有理论和实际指导意义。  相似文献   

吉克煤矿首采区上行开采可行性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过理论计算和数值模拟方法,对吉克煤矿首采区M11煤层上行开采的可行性进行了研究。结果表明,计算得出M11煤层开采后覆岩最大垮落带高度为8.47m,导水裂隙带高度为21.1m-32.4m,M9煤层位于导水裂隙带之内。数值模拟结果表明,M9煤层内部的垂直应力显著下降,垮落带和导水裂隙带高度分别为10m和36m,M11煤层开采对M9煤层的卸压效果明显。首采区利用M11煤层作为M9煤层的解放层是可行的。  相似文献   

Mining-induced fracture zone will be produced in the overlying strata after the coal was mined. In this article, the mining-induced deformation of overlying strata and the time-space evolution law of fissure were studied by the methods of physical simulation and field measurement. The results show that bed separation fissure and vertical fissure will appear in the overlying strata above mining face, which form the wedge-shaped fissure zone. The open degree of fissure depends on the size of uncoordinated deformation between neighbor layers, and the absolute strata sinking controls both the width of bed separation zone and the open degree of vertical breakage fissure. At last, the calculating formula was deducted based on theoretical analysis.  相似文献   

基于非线性大变形几何场论,建立了覆岩断裂带高度预计的差分余量法,使得地表移动预计和覆岩断裂带的确定统一为一个有机整体;证明了介质变形连续性的协调条件可以用转动协调方程等价表示,微观转动不协调是导致岩石类材料颗粒与夹杂接触边界产生微裂纹的原因。算例的计算结果表明,该方法简单、快速,有望在放顶煤开采和水体下采煤中得到应用。  相似文献   

Henan Pingdingshan No.10 mine is prone to both coal and gas outbursts. The E9–10 coal seam is the main coal-producing seam but has poor quality ventilation, thus making it relatively difficult for gas extraction. The F15 coal seam, at its lower section, is not prone to coal and gas outbursts. The average seam separation distance of 150 m is greater than the upper limit for underside protective seam mining. Based on borehole imaging technology for field exploration of coal and rock fracture characteristics and discrete element numerical simulation, we have studied the evolution laws and distribution characteristics of the coal and rock fissure field between these two coal seams. By analysis of the influential effect of group F coal mining on the E9–10 coal seam, we have shown that a number of small fissures also develop in the area some 150 m above the overlying strata. The width and number of the fissures also increase with the extent of mining activity. Most of the fissures develop at a low angle or even parallel to the strata. The results show that the mining of the F15 coal seam has the effect of improving the permeability of the E9–10 coal seam.  相似文献   

Ascending mining is one of the most effective ways to solve problems of water inrush, gas outburst and rock burst in coal seams mining. In order to reveal the law of motion and spatiotemporal relationship of overlaying strata, field measurement has been done in a mine. Long distance drillings were constructed from 4# coal seam to 6# coal seam at several certain typical positions, and movement and failure law of overlying strata after mining was analyzed by drilling video and observing the fluid leakage. Besides, we also analyzed the spatiotemporal development law of overlying strata failure with different mining heights and time intervals in the lower coal seam. The results show that: ascending mining is significantly affected by time-domain characteristics of overlaying strata failure after the lower coal seam’s mining, height equations of caving zone and fractured zone are given in this paper, and the feasibility of ascending mining was compartmentalized concretely according to the spatiotemporal relationship. Research methods and conclusions of this paper have certain referential significance for the study of ascending mining, mining under water, mining under building, mining under railway and stress-relief mining.  相似文献   

While the fully-mechanized longwall mining technology was employed in a shallow seam under a room mining goaf and overlained by thin bedrock and thick loose sands, the roadway pillars in the abandoned room mining goaf were in a stress-concentrated state, which may cause abnormal roof weighting, violent ground pressure behaviours, even roof fall and hydraulic support crushed(HSC) accidents. In this case,longwall mining safety and efficiency were seriously challenged. Based on the HSC accidents occurred during the longwall mining of 3-1-2 seam, which locates under the intersection zone of roadway pillars in the room mining goaf of 3-1-1 seam, this paper employed ground rock mechanics to analyse the overlying strata structure movement rules and presented the main influence factors and determination methods for the hydraulic support working resistance. The FLAC3 D software was used to simulate the overlying strata stress and plastic zone distribution characteristics. Field observation was implemented to contrastively analyse the hydraulic support working resistance distribution rules under the roadway pillars in strike direction, normal room mining goaf, roadway pillars in dip direction and intersection zone of roadway pillars. The results indicate that the key strata break along with rotations and reactions of the coal pillars deliver a larger concentrated load to the hydraulic support under intersection zone of roadway pillars than other conditions. The ‘‘overburden strata-key strata-roadway pillars-immediate roof" integrated load has exceeded the yield load that leads to HSC accidents. Findings in HSC mechanism provide a reasonable basis for shallow seam mining, and have important significance for the implementation of safe and efficient mining.  相似文献   

针对不等长工作面煤层开采日渐增多的现状,采用数值模拟与理论分析相结合的方法,对采场覆岩的破坏特征及支承压力的分布状态进行系统研究,并相应模拟出工作面前方应力场与位移场的演化规律。结果表明:工作面自开切眼开始向前推移,推进到工作面“见方”期或斜长的整数倍位置时,顶板活动剧烈,覆岩空间结构发生新旧更替,形成了“0”型破断区;不等长工作面推进过程中岩层运移极不规则,推进距离在衔接面前后20~30m的范围内,应力波动较大,数值变化明显;回采期间支承压力对覆岩活动产生了重要影响,其大小约为水平应力的1.5~2倍;就采动过程中竖向位移的变化而言,巷帮移近量远大于顶底板变形量,故工程实践中应特别注意对巷帮及顶板的加固和维护。  相似文献   

A gas–solid coupling model involving coal seam deformation,gas diffusion and seepage,gas adsorption and desorption was built to study the gas transport rule under the effect of protective coal seam mining.The research results indicate:(1) The depressurization effect changes the stress state of an overlying coal seam and causes its permeability to increase,thus gas in the protected coal seam will be desorbed and transported under the effect of a gas pressure gradient,which will cause a decrease in gas pressure.(2) Gas pressure can be further decreased by setting out gas extraction boreholes in the overlying coal seam,which can effectively reduce the coal and gas outburst risk.The research is of important engineering significance for studying the gas transport rule in protected coal seam and providing important reference for controlling coal and gas outbursts in deep mining in China.  相似文献   

It is very important to determine the extent of the fractured zone through which water can flow before coal mining under the water bodies.This paper deals with methods to obtain information about overburden rock failure and the development of the fractured zone while coal mining in Xin'an Coal Mine.The risk of water inrush in this mine is great because 40% of the mining area is under the Xiaolangdi reservoir.Numerical simulations combined with geophysical methods were used in this paper to obtain the development law of the fractured zone under different mining conditions.The comprehensive geophysical method described in this paper has been demonstrated to accurately predict the height of the water-flow fractured zone.Results from the new model,which created from the results of numerical simulations and field measurements,were successfully used for making decisions in the Xin'an Coal Mine when mining under the Xiaolangdi Reservoir.Industrial scale experiments at the number 11201,14141 and14191 working faces were safely carried out.These achievements provide a successful background for the evaluation and application of coal mining under large reservoirs.  相似文献   

煤层倾角是影响区段煤柱稳定性的关键因素之一.利用理论分析、相似模拟、数值模拟等方法研究了倾斜煤层开挖后倾向覆岩结构演化特征、煤柱变形及失稳破坏形式.研究结果表明,0~45°范围内随着煤层倾角增大,区段煤柱发生剪切失稳破坏的可能性增大;煤柱两侧覆岩结构呈现不对称分布,煤柱上侧砌体梁结构形成层位较低,煤柱下侧形成冒空区,砌体梁结构形成层位高于上侧;与水平煤层煤柱破坏以挤压变形为主不同,倾斜煤柱以沿着弱面剪切滑移破坏为主;不同倾角煤层煤柱围岩变形量呈不对称分布,煤柱下侧围岩变形量大于上侧,煤层倾角越大煤柱围岩变形量不对称分布趋势越明显.  相似文献   

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