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BACKGROUND: We wanted to characterize a Swedish version of the Rating Form of Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patient Concerns (RFIPC) with regard to validity, reliability, and responsiveness. METHODS: Two hundred and three consecutive patients with ulcerative colitis were studied. Health-related quality of life (HRQOL) was measured with the disease-specific questionnaire, the RFIPC, and a general questionnaire, the Sickness Impact Profile (SIP). Concerns about general well-being were also reported. Disease activity was measured by means of symptom cards, laboratory tests, and two clinical indices for disease activity. RESULTS: Test-retest reliability using Spearman's r (rs) was 0.79, and internal consistency measured with Cronbach's alpha was 0.95. RFIPC had a fair correlation with concerns about general well-being (rs = 0.69, P < 0.001). There was also a stronger correlation with another measure of HRQOL, the overall SIP score (rs = 0.43), than with measures of disease activity such as stool frequency (rs = 0.28) and sigmoidoscopic grading (NS). The group of patients in relapse had a higher RFIPC sum score than patients in remission (P = 0.001). Measures of HRQOL had a low correlation with disease activity and did not respond to changes in disease activity. CONCLUSION: The Swedish version of the RFIPC is a valid and reliable measure of HRQOL. The SIP and the RFIPC have a good discriminative ability between groups of patients in remission and in relapse. However, they do not seem to be useful in predicting the disease activity or change in disease activity over time in the individual patient.  相似文献   

Infections by Aeromonas spp. are a rare cause of systemic infection in normal and immunocompromised hosts. We report the cases of two patients with acute non-lymphoblastic leukemia who developed septic shock by Aeromonas species with unusual soft-tissue complications. One patient who was undergoing consolidation chemotherapy developed septic shock by Aeromonas hydrophila with rhabdomyolysis and subsequent soft-tissue destruction consistent with myonecrosis. She recovered with combination antibiotic therapy and supportive care. The second patient developed neutropenia due to ganciclovir treatment for post-allogeneic transplant cytomegalovirus antigenemia. He developed a rapidly progressive septic shock due to Aeromonas sobria with rhabdomyolysis, multi-organ failure and bilateral lower limb myonecrosis, and died within 48 hours. The portal of entry was not identified in either case. These cases confirm the potentially aggressive nature of these bacteria in neutropenic cancer patients with an unusual tendency to produce muscular and soft-tissue destruction.  相似文献   

There is evidence that bronchial responsiveness to allergen is quantitatively correlated with bronchial responsiveness to nonspecific stimuli in subjects with allergic asthma. This association has been questioned in occupational asthma due to low molecular weight substances. It was the aim of this study to assess the quantitative association of bronchial responsiveness to methacholine (MCH) and platinum salts (Pt), in the form of hexachloroplatinic acid, in workers with occupational asthma due to Pt salts. Fifty-seven subjects with exposure to Pt, work-related asthma, and a positive bronchial challenge with Pt underwent skin prick test with Pt and bronchial challenge with MCH. Using the provocation concentration causing a > or = 50% fall in specific airway conductance (PC50sGaw(Pt)) as a dependent variable, anamnestic data (period from first symptoms to removal, period between removal from exposure and diagnosis, and smoking), season of the investigation, skin prick tests with environmental allergens, total immunoglobulin E (IgE), skin reactivity to Pt (Pt concentration causing a 2 mm wheal), and PC50sGaw(MCH) were included as independent variables for regression analysis. Fifty-two subjects (91%) showed a PC50sGaw(MCH) < 8 mg.mL-1 (geometric mean for all subjects 1.6 mg.mL-1). Responsiveness to Pt varied widely between subjects (geometric mean of PC50sGaw(Pt) 9 x 10(-5) mol.L-1, range 2 x 10(-7) to 10(-2) mol.L-1). There was no univariate correlation between bronchial responsiveness to MCH and Pt, but there was a correlation between skin reactivity to Pt and PC50sGaw(Pt) (r = 0.6). This association could not be improved by considering PC50sGaw(MCH), the period from first symptoms to removal, or the period between removal from exposure and diagnosis. The parameters that showed the highest (negative) associations with PC50sGaw(Pt) were skin reactivity to Pt and the period between removal from exposure and diagnosis (r = 0.65). We conclude that there is a moderate association between bronchial responsiveness to platinum salts and skin reactivity to platinum salts. However, there is no association between methacholine responsiveness and bronchial responsiveness to allergen in occupational asthma due to platinum salts.  相似文献   

The epidemiology of neuromuscular diseases was studied in the county of Orebro, Sweden (study population 270,000). Several different sources of data were utilized, compared and validated. On the prevalence of day (January 1, 1988) 474 patients were identified. The rate per 100,000 population was 92 for the postpolio sequelae (PPS) and 84 for the other neuromuscular diseases (motor neuron disease 9, hereditary neuropathies 9, myoneural disorders 16, myotonic disorders 19, muscular dystrophies 20 and myositis 11). Of the patients with the PPS, 80% reported late-onset symptoms. On the basis of an expanded survey including all medical records in one health care district, the prevalence of the PPS was estimated to be 186/100,000 population.  相似文献   

Eighty-five consecutively seen HIV-positive persons with oral candidiasis were evaluated for clinical characteristics, staging of HIV disease, quantitation of candidal colony formation, and response to systemic antifungal treatment with Nizoral (ketoconazole). Fifty-five had CD4 counts less than 200. There was an inconsistent association between clinical signs, patient symptoms, CD4 counts, and candidal colony-forming units. However, there was a trend toward higher colony-forming unit counts (> 500) in patients with lower CD4 cells (< 200). Sixty-five patients had a complete clinical response to the ketoconazole treatment (200 mg daily for 7 days), even though 81% of posttreatment cultures remained positive. Nonsmokers were more likely to respond to antifungal treatment when compared with smokers, and there was a slight tendency for complete responses when colony-forming unit counts were low. The most common lesion presentation was a combination of the white (pseudomembranous) and red (erythematous) forms. Forty-nine percent had complaints of pain. The variable responses indicated the importance of flexible dose-time and drug considerations in antifungal management. Candida albicans was the predominant species.  相似文献   

A soil reinforcement system using the combination of glass-fiber-reinforced polymer (GFRP) pipe and pressure grouting has been developed by a Korean company. The system is being adopted as slope stabilization measures in Hong Kong. Individual GFRP pipes were designed and installed as soil nails with the exception that two-stage pressure grouting was applied instead of gravity grouting. A full-scale field evaluation on constructability and in situ performance of the system was performed in Hong Kong. The performance of the constructed nails was evaluated by pullout tests. The construction procedure, site adaptations of the Korean product made in Hong Kong, field test procedure, and performance of the constructed soil nails are reported in this paper.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To analyse survival rates and the causes of death in a systemic sclerosis (SSc) population, and to evaluate the occurrence of fatal malignant neoplasms and their possible association with oral cyclophosphamide (CYC) treatment. METHODS: Survival was calculated for 249 SSc patients followed up for up to 13 years. Mean (SD) follow up was 5.8 (4.2) years. The 49 decreased patients were subdivided according to causes of death and its relation to SSc. Fatal malignancies in CYC treated patients were compared with those occurring in non-CYC treated patients. RESULTS: The overall 5 and 10 year survival rates were 86% and 69% respectively. There was a 4.6-fold increased risk of death, as compared with the general population. Prognosis was worse in the diffuse cutaneous involvement (dSSc) and male subgroups than in the limited cutaneous involvement (1SSc) and female subgroups. Of the 49 deaths, 24 were attributable to pulmonary complications such as pulmonary fibrosis, pulmonary hypertension, pneumonia or pulmonary malignancy. Treatment with oral CYC did not increase the risk of dying of cancer. CONCLUSIONS: Mortality is increased both in the SSc population as a whole and in its different subsets (dSSc and 1SSc). Prognosis is worst among male patients with dSSc. However, the 5 year survival rate was better than those reported from earlier studies. Most patients die of cardiopulmonary disease. Five of seven fatal lung cancers were adenocarcinomas, possibly caused by chronic inflammatory disease of the lung. In this study, CYC treatment was not associated with an increased incidence of fatal malignant neoplasms.  相似文献   

Milrinone, a derivative of amrinone, has nearly 20 times the inotropic potency of the parent compound and does not cause fever or thrombocytopenia in normal volunteers or in animals sensitive to amrinone. In 20 patients with severe congestive heart failure, intravenous milrinone resulted in significant decreases in left ventricular end-diastolic pressure (from 27 +/- 2 to 18 +/- 2 mm Hg), pulmonary wedge pressure, right atrial pressure, and systemic vascular resistance, as well as a slight reduction in mean arterial pressure. Significant increases occurred in cardiac index (from 1.9 +/- 0.1 to 2.9 +/- 0.2 liters per minute per square meter) and the peak positive first derivative of left ventricular pressure, with a slight increase in heart rate. Hemodynamic improvement was sustained during a 24-hour continuous infusion. Nineteen of the 20 patients subsequently received oral milrinone (29 +/- 2 mg per day) for up to 11 months (mean, 6.0 +/- 0.8), with sustained improvement in symptoms of heart failure. In 10 patients receiving long-term oral milrinone (greater than or equal to 6 months) radionuclide ventriculography showed continued responsiveness, with a 27 per cent increase in left ventricular ejection fraction after 7.5 mg of the drug. Four patients died after a mean of 4.8 months of therapy, and three patients with severe underlying coronary-artery disease and angina pectoris required additional antianginal therapy. No patient had fever, thrombocytopenia, gastrointestinal intolerance, or aggravation of ventricular ectopy. We conclude that milrinone shows promise for the longterm treatment of congestive heart failure.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Whether a family history of glaucoma (FHG) in patients with pigmentary glaucoma (PG) is a prognostical indicator, is unknown. Therefore the aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of FHG on the severity of the disease in PG and pigment dispersion syndrome (PDS). Furthermore risk factors in PG and PDS were evaluated. METHODS: The findings of 207 patients with PG and PDS, who were able to give information about FHG, were evaluated (149 PG, 43 PDS with ocular hypertension (OH), 15 PDS without OH). RESULTS: Significance of FHG: FHG was found in 39.1%, and in one third of the patients more than one relative had the disease. FHG was found in PG not more frequent than in PDS. Pigmentary glaucomas in advanced stages of the disease did not have a higher incidence of FHG than patients in beginning stages. Out of 207 patients with PG and PDS 71% were male and 29% female (p < 0.001). In patients with FHG the share of men was 64.2% and not significantly different to the group without FHG with 75.4%. The sex distribution in parents and grandparents having a glaucomatous disease was 1:1. Risk factors: The pf1p4nts with and without FHG in PDS with and without OH, PG, and within the different stages of visual field loss, showed no significant differences in risk factors, for example in maximum intraocular pressure, refraction and cup-disc ratio. Myopia: Patients with PG had a significantly higher myopia than patients with PDS (p < 0.01). The higher the myopia, the earlier the disease was diagnosed (p = 0.008). Krukenberg spindle: During miotic therapy the Krukenberg spindle decreased in the upper half of the cornea. Time of diagnosis: PG was diagnosed at a higher age compared to PDS. CONCLUSION: FHG does not influence the severity of the disease in PG. Family history of glaucoma is a risk factor in patients with PG, but no prognostical indicator. Patients with FHG do not have primarily larger cup-disc ratios than patients without FHG. Myopia is a risk factor.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to measure morphometric parameters of the optic disc in Togolese glaucoma patients and suspects by the mean of the millimetric scale of the slit lamp and the Goldmann contact lens. MATERIAL AND METHOD: We selected 202 patients (393 eyes) with a mean age of 36.69 years +/- 15.33 (standard deviation); they were divided into 2 subgroups A (162 glaucomatous) and B (40 glaucoma suspects); direct reading of the slit lamp millimetric scale and the Goldmann contact lens was used. RESULTS: In the group A, the optic disc vertical diameter was 1.792 +/- 0.21 mm; the horizontal diameter was 1.701 +/- 0.198 mm. In the group B, vertical disc diameter was 1.700 +/- 0.262 mm; the horizontal one was 1.662 +/- 0.190 mm. The vertical cup disc diameter was 1.147 +/- 0.274 mm in the group A and 0.708 mm +/- 0.274 mm in the group B. The neuroretinal area was 1.360 +/- 0.524 mm2 in group A and 1.786 +/- 0.467 mm2 in group B. CONCLUSION: This study using millimetric scale of the slit lamp and the three mirrors Goldmann contact lens was easy, simple and useful clinically. It could be helpful in conducting quantitative studies in countries with low resources because this method is costless compared with others.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: This study was designed to evaluate a new point-of-care test (HemoSTATUS) that assesses acceleration of kaolin-activated clotting time (ACT) by platelet activating factor (PAF) in patients undergoing cardiac surgery. Our specific objectives were to determine whether HemoSTATUS-derived measurements correlate with postoperative blood loss and identify patients at risk for excessive blood loss and to characterize the effect of desmopressin acetate (DDAVP) and/or platelet transfusion on these measurements. METHODS: Demographic, operative, blood loss and hematologic data were recorded in 150 patients. Two Hepcon instruments were used to analyze ACT values in the absence (channels 1 and 2: Ch1 and Ch2) and in the presence of increasing doses of PAF (1.25, 6.25, 12.5, and 150 nM) in channels 3-6 (Ch3-Ch6). Clot ratio (CR) values were calculated with the following formula for each respective PAF concentration: clot ratio = 1-(ACT/control ACT). These values also were expressed as percent of maximal (%M = clot ratio/0.51 x 100) using the mean CRCh6 (0.51) obtained in a reference population. RESULTS: When compared with baseline clot ratios before anesthetic induction, a marked reduction in clot ratios was observed in both Ch5 and Ch6 after protamine administration, despite average platelet counts greater than 100 K/microliter. There was a high degree of correlation between clot ratio values and postoperative blood loss (cumulative chest tube drainage in the first 4 postoperative hours) with higher concentrations of PAF: CRCh6 (r = -0.80), %M of CRCh6 (r = -0.82), CRCh5 (r = -0.70), and %M of CRCh5 (r = -0.85). A significant (P < 0.01) improvement in clot ratios was observed with time after arrival in the intensive care unit in both Ch5 and Ch6, particularly in patients receiving DDAVP and/or platelets. CONCLUSIONS: Activated clotting time-based clot ratio values correlate significantly with postoperative blood loss and detect recovery of PAF-accelerated coagulation after administration of DDAVP or platelet therapy. The HemoSTATUS assay may be useful in the identification of patients at risk for excessive blood loss and who could benefit from administration of DDAVP and/or platelet transfusion.  相似文献   

Lungs from eight goats of mixed sexes and breeds (Cashmere, Nubian and Toggenburg) aged between 10 and 48 months were used in this study. Tissues from lung parenchyma were minced and routinely prepared for transmission electron microscopy (TEM) after using different methods of fixation. Thick sections were examined with a light microscope and samples, to include terminal bronchioles, respiratory bronchioles, alveolar ducts and alveolar membrane, were selected for ultrathin sectioning. Six cell types, ciliated, non-ciliated bronchiolar epithelial, mucus-producing, alveolar Type I, alveolar Type II and capillary endothelial cell were identified and characterised cytologically. It was established that the cell population in the distal airways is similar to that observed in other domestic mammals. The mucus-producing cell, which appears to be a common cell type in the distal airways of man and Rhesus monkey, was encountered particularly in adult goats in the present study. This study has also established that the Clara cell of the goat shows some cytological differences from those of some other mammalian species by having a large amount of SER, particularly in the apical region. Lipid vacuoles were seen to be a feature of the alveolar Type II cells; these do not appear to have been reported in other mammalian species. The study has provided a basic understanding of the morphological features of the cell population of the epithelium lining the distal airways in the goat's respiratory tract. The difference in junctional complexes between the various alveolar epithelial cells perhaps signify a different pattern of intercellular transport, thus influencing the pathogenesis and resolution of alveolar pulmonary edema.  相似文献   

At least a third of autistic toddlers regress in language, sociability, play, and often cognition. Many fewer children undergo a similar, unexplained regression after language is fully developed (disintegrative disorder [DD]). Epilepsy or a paroxysmal electroencephalogram (EEG) with/without clinical seizures, including electrical status epilepticus in slow wave sleep (ESES), may be associated, in occasional children, with either selective loss of language (Landau-Kleffner syndrome [LKS]) or with pervasive autistic regression. Fluctuation in language and behavior deficits should raise the suspicion of epilepsy. Review of the literature and of the author's experience suggests that epilepsy probably plays a relatively minor, although non-negligible, pathogenetic role in autistic regression. Multidisciplinary, possibly multi-institutional, longitudinal studies that encompass the regression are needed to sharpen diagnostic criteria to devise more effective therapies.  相似文献   

In an objective test to determine compliance with acetazolamide regimens by patients with glaucoma, treated inpatients had lower carbon dioxide levels (less than or equal to mEq/L) than untreated patients (greater than or equal to 25 mEq/L). The test results may be inaccurate in some obese diabetic patients with hyperglycemia and in some patients with obstructive lung disease, such as asthma and emphysema. In an outpatient clinic population, the test showed that 35% (30/87) of the patients did not seem to be taking acetazolamide and 22% (19/87) seemed to be taking it less frequently.  相似文献   

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