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陈荣圻 《纺织学报》2006,27(1):96-98
活性黑5(活性黑KN-B)是活性染料中产量最多、用途最广的一种染料,但是最大的不足是乌黑度不高。10余年前,利用补色原理,复配了活性橙82,乌黑度有所改进,但尚有不少问题。提高活性黑5的乌黑度是当前热门的研究课题之一,主要筛选溶解度高,直接性、反应性、相容性与活性黑5匹配的橙色和红色活性染料。  相似文献   

采用高效液相色谱-比色法研究活性染:C.I.活性蓝222的水解性能,并准确地定性了不同的水解产物.研究结果表明:在30℃碱性溶液中,硫酸酯乙基砜首先发生消除反应生成乙烯砜基,然后乙烯砜基和一氯三嗪基各自发生水解反应,但两者的水解反应是不均衡的.pH值为9时,染料的硫酸酯结构需要一定时间发生消除反应生成乙烯砜结构,同时生成的乙烯砜结构缓慢水解生成羟基乙烯砜,而一氯三嗪基不发生水解;pH值为12时,染料的硫酸酯结构在极短的时间内发生消除反应生成乙烯砜结构,乙烯砜结构发生水解生成羟基乙烯砜,随着时间增加,一氯三嗪基团也发生水解,最终2个活性基都发生水解,生成最终的水解染料Ⅲ.  相似文献   

应用高效液相色谱对C.I.活性紫5在低温30℃条件下的水解性能进行了研究,结果表明,在低温条件下,随着pH值的增加,硫酸酯型染料向乙烯砜结构染料转化的速率及乙烯砜结构染料的水解速率均逐渐增大.在pH9、pH10缓冲液中,乙烯砜型结构染料水解速率接近;而染料在pH11的缓冲液中的水解速率是在pH10缓冲液中的3倍多.就该染料的水解特性而言,在低温染色时,应将染浴pH值控制在10左右.  相似文献   

商李金  何洁蓉  何瑾馨 《印染》2012,38(5):26-29
为有效解决C.I.活性蓝19在棉织物染色中易出现色花等问题,对染色用分散助剂和碱剂进行了筛选,并比较了它们对染料吸色率、固色率、色光和提升力的影响。结果表明,自制β-萘磺酸甲醛缩合物ZNF与蒽醌-2磺-酸钠复配,既有效地提高了染料的耐碱稳定性,又减小了其对染料染色性能的影响。采用30℃时先加少量纯碱,60℃时再加代用碱QF-4的预加碱工艺,可以提高染料的匀染性,降低碱剂成本,且不影响固色率。  相似文献   

活性黑5(活性黑KN—B)是活性染料中产量最多,用途最广的一种染料,但是存在问题最严重的是乌黑度不高。十余年前利用补色原理,复配活性橙82,乌黑度有所改进,而存在不少问题。提高活性黑5的乌黑度是当前热门研究课题之一,主要筛选溶解度高,直接性、反应性、相容性与活性黑5匹配的橙色和红色活性染料。  相似文献   

研究C.I.分散黄114与C.I.分散黄126的主要染色性能,结合密度泛函理论,解释染料的染色机理。研究结果表明:C.I.分散黄114和C.I.分散黄126的最大吸收波长分别为438和443nm,色调均为绿光黄色;在80~130℃染色区间染料上染量缓慢增加,没有明显上染终点,染料的染深性一般;染料的耐高温性较好,适宜的染色温度为130℃;染料的耐碱性较差,最佳上染pH值为3.5~4.0;染料各项色牢度均较好,当染料相对织物质量的百分数(o.w.f)为2%和4%时,多纤维沾色牢度均可达到4~5级。  相似文献   

为提高棉织物的防皱性能,采用不同活性基团的活性染料,通过冷轧堆工艺对棉织物进行染色。借助X射线衍射仪、傅里叶红外光谱仪和扫描电子显微镜对染色棉织物的化学性能和表面形貌进行表征,探究了活性染料基团数量、种类、距离对染色棉织物防皱性能的影响,并对染色棉织物的颜色性能进行分析。结果表明:相较于单活性基团染料,双活性基团染料可以提高棉织物的防皱性能;相较于含有异双基团的活性红198染色棉织物,含有双乙烯砜基团的活性黑5染色棉织物具有更好的防皱性能;在活性黑5、活性橙131、活性蓝203以及活性红AS这4种双乙烯砜基团染料中,活性基团距离越大,染色织物的防皱性能越好,其中活性黑5染料染色织物的折皱回复角可达到210°;染料主要在纤维的无定形区与大分子链上的羟基发生共价键合反应,形成交联结构提升了棉织物的防皱性能。  相似文献   

以活性蓝C.I.49配制液体染料,用高效液相色谱分离法及pH的变化表征染料的水解率,并研究了无机盐质量浓度、非离子表面活性剂、pH缓冲溶液体系对染料水解率的影响.结果表明:无机盐的加入在一定程度上减少了染料的水解;非离子表面活性剂的加入能提高液体染料的溶解度和稳定性;pH为6.0(实测值为5.87)的缓冲溶液对液体染料有较好的缓冲作用,能在一定程度上控制染料的水解.  相似文献   

Mason等人定量探讨了超声波作用下粒子粒度的减小 ,Schram综述了粒子在超声波作用下行为的广泛研究的结果。多篇文献提到粒子行为的改变归因于空穴冲击波所产生的定位高温高压。在以前的研究中我们报道了染料粒子的破碎率取决于染料的结晶性能。但是有关超声波对染料的破碎性尚没有系统地加以研究。本文通过粒度分析仪定量测试了超声波作用下染料的粒度。同时考察了超声波辐射强度、染料分散液体积、液体介质温度对破碎率的影响。1 实验实验所用C .I .分散红 6 0滤饼由韩国Rifa公司提供。将 1 0 g滤饼、1 0 g分散剂 (韩…  相似文献   

由于分散染料在接近沸点时扩散速率较低 ,因此聚酯纤维通常在 1 2 5℃~ 1 35℃范围内染色。而且由于分散染料分散性的热力学不稳定性 ,染料粒度随体系自由能的减少而增大。此外 ,染色条件下分散剂从染料颗粒表面解吸也加速了染料粒度的增大。许多商品分散染料加工成亚稳态的结晶形式 ,它的上染率高于热稳定态的分散染料。在聚酯高温染色过程中 ,亚稳态形式有时能重结晶转化为稳定形式而沉积在纤维表面。因此有必要了解在高温染色过程中染料的分散行为。在以前的论文中 ,我们讨论了C .I.分散黄 5 4和C .I .分散蓝 5 6两只染料的浊度比和…  相似文献   

采用反相离子对高效液相色谱法(HPLC)研究了双一氟均三嗪活性染料C.I.活性红268在130℃、p H值为7.0~8.0条件下的水解反应及其稳定性。计算了该条件下染料的双一氟均三嗪形式和一氟一羟基双均三嗪形式的水解速率常数k1和k2。130℃下,随着p H值的增大,染料2种形式的水解速率均不断变大,p H值在7.5和8.0下的准一级反应的水解速率常数k1相对7.0而言分别增加了8.8倍和30.2倍。但与70、80℃,p H值为11.0条件相比,高温(130℃)下双一氟均三嗪染料形式和一氟一羟基双均三嗪染料形式在水解反应性上的差距显著减小。作为水解反应的副产物,130℃下染料降解产物的量与80℃时相当,表明母体染料在高温下仍具有较好的稳定性。  相似文献   

The photocatalytic degradation mechanism of an azo dye, C.I. Reactive Black 5 (RB5), has been investigated in an aqueous suspension of SrTiO3/CeO2 composite under 250 W UV irradiation at pH 12.0. The process was studied by monitoring the change in RB5 concentration and the intermediate products employing UV-visible spectrophotometry, ion chromatography (IC), and gas chromatography/ mass spectrometry (GC/MS) techniques and depletion in total organic carbon (TOC) content as a function of irradiation time. The adsorption peaks at wavelengths of 600, 312, and 254 nm were identified as the chromophore structure, and the naphthalene and benzene components of RB5, respectively. Little influence of iodide ion, tert-butyl alcohol, fluoride ion, or persulfate ion as h(vb)+, *OH, or e(cb)- scavengers on the decolorization proved that the decolorization of RB5 primarily proceeded by photolysis and/or O2*- in the bulk solution. After the decolorization, the process could shift progressively from the bulk solution to the surface of the catalysts and cleavage of the naphthalene and benzene rings was mainly attributed to the h(vb)+ pathway and *OH(ads) reactions, which was further verified by the effect of scavengers.  相似文献   

Generally, textile dyeing is based on a mixture of several dyestuffs used in different proportions to achieve the desired-colors. The dyes used in a mixture should react with the fiber similarly; thus they must be compatible among themselves. So, to realize mixtures it is indispensable to study the compatibility of dyes, in order to ensure optimal dyeing formulation. This paper describes the characterization and studies the compatibility of three cold bifunctionnal reactive dyes (C.I. Reactive Yellow 145, C.I. Reactive Red 238, and C.I. Reactive Blue 235) in order to explore the possibility to use them in mixtures. The dye compatibility was studied based on several criteria such as dye extinction coefficients, exhaustion and fixation yield rates, adsorption kinetics, and adsorption isotherms. The exhaustion and fixation yield rates of all three dyes was compared between them and their adsorption kinetics and adsorption isotherms models were drawn and discussed. Between the different studied models, the Elovich model presents the best model describing the kinetics of different dyes, and Freundlich model presents the best model for analyzing the adsorption isotherms. The obtained results show that the analyzed dyes are perfectly compatible and have the same dyeing properties. They present close extinction coefficients as well as similar exhaustion and fixation yield rates.  相似文献   


This article models and optimizes the effect of dyeing parameters on obtained color of fabric samples dyed with three cold bifunctional reactive dyes, namely, C.I. Reactive Yellow 145, C.I. Reactive Red 238 and C.I. Reactive Blue 235, in order to use them in color formulation. The studied dyeing parameters are electrolyte concentration, alkali concentration, liquor-to-fiber ratio and temperature of dyeing process. The influence of these parameters was analyzed for four different shades: 0.1%, 1%, 2% and 4%. Two criteria of evaluation are studied and optimized: the exhaustion and the fixation yields. Linear modeling of optimal concentrations of electrolyte and alkali according to the dye concentration was developed, allowing the calculation of optimal quantities which should be added to the dye bath for any dye concentration. Color coordinates and fastness (washing, rubbing and light fastness) of samples dyed with optimal conditions are also evaluated and discussed.  相似文献   

马宁  尹红  袁慎峰  陈志荣 《纺织学报》2010,31(12):93-97
为更好地了解乙烯砜型活性染料在近中性条件下的稳定性,采用高效液相色谱法(HPLC)研究了乙烯砜型活性染料C.I.活性蓝19的消除反应动力学。实验结果表明,C.I.活性蓝19的消除反应为二级反应,在缓冲溶液中可看成拟一级反应,其拟一级反应速率常数K=kc(OH-)。一定温度下,由于原盐效应,二级反应速率常数k随着缓冲溶液离子强度的增大而增大;在无限稀释的条件下,k仅与温度有关,k=8.86×1011exp(-6604/T),反应活化能约为54.91 kJ/mol。  相似文献   

分别以NaCl、AEO9、AEO3、JFC、AES和L-64为添加剂,研究了它们对C.I.活性蓝221在25 ℃水中的溶解度的影响。实验结果表明,NaCl的加入会大幅降低染料的溶解度;而五种表面活性剂对染料都有增溶作用,增溶效果依次为:JFC(L-64)>AEO9>AEO3>AES。当JFC或L-64用量为80 g/L时,可使C.I.活性蓝221的溶解度由空白时的100 g/L提高至190 g/L。以JFC,L-64,AEO9为混合助溶剂时,当溶液中含有15 g/L JFC, 20 g/L L-64和5 g/L AEO9时,C.I.活性蓝221的溶解度可以提升至200 g/L,染料溶液稳定时间达20 h以上。  相似文献   

Cells of Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. lactis I produced hydrogen peroxide at 5°C in sodium phosphate buffer (0.2M, pH 6.5) with or without glucose. However, if the cells were starved by preincubation in buffer alone, glucose or sodium lactate were necessary to cause hydrogen peroxide production at 5°C. Hydrogen peroxide production by nonstarved cells was confirmed to be in part due to a NADH oxidase. The production of hydrogen peroxide by starved cells in buffer plus glucose in the early stage of incubation was associated with the production of a small portion of lactic acid which disappeared upon further incubation. Additional experiments revealed that hydrogen peroxide was produced in buffer containing sodium lactate added in place of glucose. Results suggested the presence of a lactate oxidase in the organism which used D-lactate to produce hydrogen peroxide.  相似文献   

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