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Abstract— An advanced screen for use with LCD/LCoS/DMD rear‐projection TV has been developed. A lenticular lens having a pitch of 64 μm has been developed without loss in any other optical property. A 70% black‐stripe ratio was obtained by optimizing the patterning process, which maintains high contrast. As described in this paper, the FC‐Screen manufacturing technology has been further developed.  相似文献   

Abstract— Two pico‐projection systems, a monochrome green and a full‐color system, based on high‐efficiency OLED microdisplays (VGA; pixel size, 12 μm) are presented. Both optical systems are described by a numerical aperture of about 0.3, a magnification of 15x, and a working distance of 300–360 mm. The frequency limit of both systems is 42 cycles/mm at an image contrast of about 60%. The monochrome projection system with a volume smaller than 10 cm3 consists of one green OLED and a projection lens with five elements. The measured luminance in the image plane is about 0.061 lm. The image has a diagonal of 150 mm with a working distance of about 300 mm and has a considerable image contrast of 396:1. The second system combines three high‐brightness OLEDs, red, green, and blue colored, together with a projection lens and an image‐combining element, and an X‐Cube to achieve full‐color projection. The estimated luminance value for the three‐panel projection unit with an OLED luminance of 10,000 cd/m2 for each display will be about Φcalculated = 0.147 lm. In this paper, the system concepts, the optical designs, and the realized prototypes of the monochrome and full‐color projection system are presented.  相似文献   

Abstract— The problem with front‐projection displays is that the screen contrast ratio decreases under bright‐ambient conditions. To overcome this problem, the design of a special screen, composed of the diffuser whose diffusing property shows top‐hat characteristics and a sawtooth reflector, is proposed. The screen diffuses the incident image light arriving at a projection‐angle range that is a lower‐angle range than the viewing‐angle range, and reflects the ambient light out of the viewing‐angle range. In this paper, the projection‐angle range and the viewing‐angle range was optimized to improve the contrast ratio of a front‐projection display. As a result, a special screen with the above‐mentioned diffusing property was realized, and a high‐quality front‐projection display with a high contrast ratio, even in a bright room, was achieved.  相似文献   

Abstract— Projection systems have found widespread use in conference rooms and other professional applications during the last decade and are now entering the home‐TV market with considerable pace. Projectors as small as about one liter are nowadays able to deliver a screen flux of several thousand lumens and are, with a system efficacy of more than 10 lm/W, the most‐efficient display system realized today. Because such highly efficient projectors employ microdisplays as light valves, short‐arc lamps are a key component in realizing these properties. The introduction of the UHP‐lamp system by Philips in 1995 can be identified as one of the key enablers for the commercial success of projection systems. The ultra‐high‐performance (UHP) lamp concept features outstanding arc luminance, a well‐suited spectrum, long life, and excellent flux maintenance. For the first time, it combines a very‐high‐pressure mercury‐discharge lamp having an extremely short and stable arc length with a regenerative chemical cycle that keeps the discharge walls free from blackening, leading to lifetimes of over 10,000 hours. In this review, the most important aspects of the UHP concept that enabled its success in the projection market are described, followed by a discussion of some recent additions to the UHP‐product portfolio.  相似文献   

Abstract— Optical designs for three‐panel LCoS projection systems are reviewed. The impact of polarization aberrations in prism‐based systems is discussed and a simple model to analyze the sensitivity of contrast to thermal gradients in prisms is presented. To eliminate stress birefringence in LCoS projection systems, we have developed a projection optical system that does not require the use of polarizing prisms. An improved off‐axis design has been designed that simplifies manufacture and reduces cost. The performance of systems based on this architecture will be discussed.  相似文献   

An active e‐course is an open, self‐representable and self‐organizable media mechanism. Its kernel idea is to organize learning materials in a concept space rather than in a page space. The tailored content and flexible structure of the e‐courses can be dynamically formed to cater for different learners with different backgrounds, capabilities and expectations, at different times and venues. The active e‐course can also assess learners' learning performances and give appropriate suggestions to guide them in further learning. An authoring tool for constructing course ontology and a system prototype have been developed to support an active e‐course, enabling a learner‐centred, highly interactive and adaptive learning approach. The results of an empirical study show that the system can help enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of learning. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Full‐color e‐paper displays that have a small color gamut encounter image tone distortions and contour artifacts in high‐saturation regions. To solve these issues, in this paper, we comprehensively measure the colorimetric responses of input image signals and demonstrate that the perceptual colorfulness in terms of chroma abnormally declines when the input saturation is beyond a certain value. Accordingly, saturation‐based tone‐mapping curves are developed to map the abnormal high saturation to the range that the display is able to normally render. By testing several test charts and natural images, the recoveries of the original image tones and the removals of the contour artifacts are experimentally verified. More important, by discussing how to conduct a database of tone‐mapping curves for different ambient lights and utilize the database for an unknown ambient light, the proposed method is proven to be completely ambient light adaptive.  相似文献   

The current paper examined the relationship between perceived characteristics of the learning environment in an e‐module in relation to test performance among a group of e‐learners. Using structural equation modelling, the relationship between these variables is further explored in terms of the proposed double mediation as outlined by Ning and Downing. These authors initially proposed that motivation and self‐regulation strategies are mediators between the perception of the learning environment and performance. In our replication and extension study, we substituted self‐reported self‐regulation with behavioural indicators of self‐regulation using navigation log files and focused on test‐taking rather than general motivation. We proposed that navigational patterns captured using log files can also help deduce self‐regulation in e‐modules and provide information in the absence of self‐reports. Path analyses provide partial support for our navigational hypotheses and the model. Implications of our results for the use of e‐module data and conclusions based on navigation are discussed.  相似文献   

Ian Brown  C. R. Snow 《Software》1999,29(12):1049-1060
New Internet applications and new releases of existing Internet applications appear with bewildering rapidity. Adding functionality to such applications can therefore be a time‐consuming process. By contrast, Internet protocols are significantly less volatile. In some circumstances, the additional functionality can be provided by ‘tapping into’ the protocol exchanges rather than modifying the applications themselves. We claim that this represents a more manageable approach to the problem of adding additional facilities to applications. We demonstrate this approach using the example of e‐mail security. Whenever possible, a proxy sitting between a mail client and server signs and encrypts outgoing mail. Incoming secured mail is automatically decrypted and verified. This means that any software that works with standard mail protocols gains security without requiring separate upgrading. The proxy attempts to keep the amount of user interaction required to a minimum providing security functionality for users without the need to learn a complex new user interface.Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper reviews 12 research‐based principles for how to design computer‐based multimedia instructional materials to promote academic learning, starting with the multimedia principle (yielding a median effect size of d = 1.67 based on five experimental comparisons), which holds that people learn better from computer‐based instruction containing words and graphics rather than words alone. Principles aimed at reducing extraneous processing (i.e., cognitive processing that is unrelated to the instructional objective) include coherence (d = 0.70), signalling (d = 0.46), redundancy (d = 0.87), spatial contiguity (d = 0.79) and temporal contiguity (d = 1.30). Principles for managing essential processing (i.e., mentally representing the essential material) include segmenting (d = 0.70), pre‐training (d = 0.46) and modality (d = 0.72). Principles for fostering generative processing (i.e., cognitive processing aimed at making sense of the material) include personalization (d = 0.79), voice (d = 0.74) and embodiment (d = 0.36). Some principles have boundary conditions, such as being stronger for low‐ rather than high‐knowledge learners.  相似文献   

We devised and developed functional projection screen for personal use, small meetings, car pillars, and near‐eye projection. The screen deflects incident light from a projector by a fixed angle θview and diffuses in a certain angular range Δθview. We have realized the screen by modifying the fine structures based on the corner cube reflector (CCR) and reported basic concept and optical characteristics at IDW2017 and SID2018. However, there remained issues of light in unnecessary direction and insufficient uniformity of the diffused light. In this paper, we report on further modification of the fine structures by optimizing the inclination angles of three curved surfaces of the CCR that result in change of the diffused light pattern. Consequently, the modifications of the deflection angle θview and the diffusion angle Δθview resulted in significant improvement in the screen characteristics. These new results were applied to the screen for personal use and car pillar applications.  相似文献   

We devised and developed a novel directive projection screen for applications such as personal use, small group meeting, automotive pillar, and near‐eye. This screen reflects diffused light at an angle Δθview around a direction deviated by θview from the direction of the projector. By applying this screen to automobiles, for example, by installing a projector at a position slightly shifted from the driver, it is possible to reflect the projected light with high efficiency to a certain range around the face of driver. To realize such a characteristic, a hollow corner cube retroreflector (CCR) was modified as follows. The bottom surface of the CCR was tilted by θview/2 to change the direction of the reflected light by θview from the retroreflection direction. In addition, three sides' surfaces of the CCR were curved, so that the light to be diffused within a designed angle (θview ± Δθview/2). The novel retroreflector CCR (D‐CCR) has a single divergent surface with a three‐sided curved surface. We fabricated a prototype with θview = 10° and Δθview = 16° (i.e., the viewing angle for a single D‐CCR, 10° ± 8°), simulated, and measured its optical properties. We closely confirmed the desired characteristics in which an optical gain of 16 was obtained.  相似文献   

Sam Shah  Brian D. Noble 《Software》2007,37(14):1515-1538
Although electronic mail is an increasingly important service, there are few empirical studies of e‐mail traffic. We have observed over 2.85 million messages passing through our departmental servers over the course of seven months, and derived distributions that approximate several important e‐mail parameters including message sizes, message senders and receivers and the burstiness of message deliveries. Our work is unique in that we also analyse message payloads: attachment content types, e‐mail redundancy, and the use of e‐mail as a sharing mechanism. These data can be used in developing e‐mail workloads for mail system engineering or benchmarking. To this end, we provide an improved version of Postmark, a small‐file Internet benchmark, that better approximates mail server characteristics. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Abstract— We have developed a new front projector with a super‐short projection distance of 0.65 m at 100 in. We installed a newly developed reflective‐type projection optical system in this projector, which was composed of only four aspheric mirrors that were free of color aberrations. Using this new system and a single‐chip DMD?, we projected a picture that had excellent sharpness and high contrast from 40 to 100 in. This paper describes the principles, design, and characteristics of the new WT600? front projector.  相似文献   

Abstract— A new technology has been developed for high‐temperature‐polysilicon (HTPS) TFT liquid‐crystal panels employed in projection systems. It consists of vertically aligned nematic (VAN) liquid‐crystal, inorganic alignment layers, and a new driving technique. Full‐HD (1080p) resolution was realized in a 0.7‐in.‐diagonal device with high contrast and low power consumption.  相似文献   

Abstract— Contrast limits are investigated for MacNeille‐PBS‐based LCOS projection systems that use retarder stack filters (RSFs). The two contributing factors are considered separately; namely, the color‐management system and the panel port. To enhance performance of the former, skew‐ray‐compensated RSFs are introduced. For the latter, a general three‐step methodology is presented to optimize contrast by compensating the LCOS panel. It is shown that the orientation of the LCOS panel and compensator, relative to the MacNeille PBS, is critical. The significant impact of AR‐coating performance on system contrast is also revealed. Methods to enhance ANSI contrast are proposed. A high‐contrast architecture will be presented by way of example.  相似文献   

Repositories with educational resources can support the formation of online learning communities by providing a platform for collaboration. Users (e.g. teachers, tutors and learners) access repositories, search for interesting resources to access and use, and in many cases, also exchange experiences and opinions. A particular class of online services that take advantage of the collected knowledge and experience of users are collaborative filtering ones. The successful operation of such services in the context of real‐life applications requires careful testing and parameterization before their actual deployment. In this paper, the case of developing a learning resources' collaborative filtering service for an online community of teachers in Europe was examined. More specifically, a data set of evaluations of learning resources was collected from the teachers that use the European Schoolnet's learning resource portal. These evaluations were then used to support the experimental investigation of design choices for an online collaborative filtering service for the portal's learning resources. A candidate multi‐attribute utility collaborative filtering algorithm was appropriately parameterized and tested for this purpose. Results indicated that the development of such systems should be taking place considering the particularities of the actual communities that are to be served.  相似文献   

A block‐iterative projection algorithm for solving the consistent convex feasibility problem in a finite‐dimensional Euclidean space that is resilient to bounded and summable perturbations (in the sense that convergence to a feasible point is retained even if such perturbations are introduced in each iterative step of the algorithm) is proposed. This resilience can be used to steer the iterative process towards a feasible point that is superior in the sense of some functional on the points in the Euclidean space having a small value. The potential usefulness of this is illustrated in image reconstruction from projections, using both total variation and negative entropy as the functional.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore the personal experiences of e‐learning coaches working in secondary schools in order to provide information about the role of an e‐learning coach. Seven secondary schools in the outer‐eastern region of Melbourne, Australia, were involved in a 3‐year e‐learning project. Semi‐structured interviews were conducted by an independent researcher with an e‐learning coach from each of the seven schools involved in the research. A number of themes emerged from the interviews, including role confusion, changes in the role over time, the importance of establishing relationships, barriers to the uptake of information and communication technology (ICT) and ICT usage. To facilitate the integration of ICT with teaching practices in the secondary school setting, we recommend that a full‐time position for an on‐site e‐learning coach receiving the total support of school leaders is needed to provide relevant professional development and ongoing support to classroom teachers.  相似文献   

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