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An hp‐adaptive finite element (FE) approach is presented for a reliable, efficient and accurate solution of 3D electromagnetic scattering problems. The radiation condition in the far field is satisfied automatically by approximation with infinite elements (IE). Near optimal discretizations that can effectively resolve local rapid variations in the scattered field are sought adaptively by mesh refinements blended with graded polynomial enrichments. The p‐enrichments need not be spatially isotropic. The discretization error can be controlled by a self‐adaptive process, which is driven by implicit or explicit a posteriori error estimates. The error may be estimated in the energy norm or in a quantity of interest. A radar cross section (RCS) related linear functional is used in the latter case. Adaptively constructed solutions are compared to pure uniform p approximations. Numerical, highly accurate, and fairly converged solutions for a number of generic problems are given and compared to previously published results. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We describe the development and application of a finite element (FE) self‐adaptive hp goal‐oriented algorithm for elliptic problems. The algorithm delivers (without any user interaction) a sequence of optimal hp‐grids. This sequence of grids minimizes the error of a prescribed quantity of interest with respect to the problem size. The refinement strategy is an extension of a fully automatic, energy‐norm based, hp‐adaptive algorithm. We illustrate the efficiency of the method with 2D numerical results. Among other problems, we apply the goal‐oriented hp‐adaptive strategy to simulate direct current (DC) resistivity logging instruments (including through casing resistivity tools) in a borehole environment and for the assessment of rock formation properties. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The finite cell method is a fictitious domain approach based on hierarchical Ansatz spaces of higher order. The method avoids time‐consuming and often error‐prone mesh‐generation and favorably exploits Cartesian grids to embed structures of complex geometry in a simple‐shaped computational domain thus shifting parts of the computational effort from mesh generation to the computation within the embedding finite cells of regular shape. This paper presents an effective integration approach for voxel‐based models of linear elasticity that drastically reduces the computational effort on cell level. The applied strategy allows the pre‐computation of an essential part of the cell matrices and vectors of higher order, representing stiffness and load, respectively. Several benchmark problems show the potential of the proposed method in particular for heterogeneous material properties as common in biomedical applications based on computer tomography scans. The applied strategy ensures a fast computation for time‐critical simulations and even allows user‐interactive simulations for models of moderate size at a high level of accuracy. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A goal‐oriented algorithm is developed and applied for hp‐adaptive approximations given by the discontinuous Galerkin finite element method for the biharmonic equation. The methodology is based on the dual problem associated with the target functional. We consider three error estimators and analyse their properties as basic tools for the design of the hp‐adaptive algorithm. To improve adaptation, the combination of two different error estimators is used, each one at its best efficiency, to guide the tasks of where and how to adapt the approximation spaces. The performance of the resulting hp‐adaptive schemes is illustrated by numerical experiments for two benchmark problems. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The paper presents a 3D‐based adaptive first‐order shell finite element to be applied to hierarchical modelling and adaptive analysis of complex structures. The main feature of the element is that it is equipped with 3D degrees of freedom, while its mechanical model corresponds to classical first‐order shell theory. Other useful features of the element are its modelling and adaptive capabilities. The element is assigned to hierarchical modelling and hpq‐adaptive analysis of shell parts of complex structures consisting of solid, thick‐ and thin‐shell parts, as well as of transition zones, where h, p and q denote the mesh density parameter and the longitudinal and transverse orders of approximation, respectively. The proposed hp‐adaptive first‐order shell element can be joined with 3D‐based hpq‐adaptive hierarchical shell elements or 3D hpp‐adaptive solid elements by means of the family of 3D‐based hpq/hp‐ or hpp/hp‐adaptive transition elements. The main objective of the first part of our research, presented in this paper, is to provide non‐standard information on the original parts of the element algorithm. In order to do that, we present the definition of shape functions necessary for p‐adaptivity, as well as the procedure for imposing constraints corresponding to the lack of elongation of the straight lines perpendicular to the shell mid‐surface, which is the procedure necessary for q‐adaptivity. The 3D version of constrained approximation presented next is the basis for h‐adaptivity of the element. The second part of our research, devoted to methodology and results of the numerical research on application of the element to various plate and shell problems, are described in the second part of this paper. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper discusses higher‐order extended finite element methods (XFEMs) obtained from the combination of the standard XFEM with higher‐order FEMs. Here, the focus is on the embedding of the latter into the partition of unity method, which is the basis of the XFEM. A priori error estimates are discussed, and numerical verification is given for three benchmark problems. Moreover, methodological aspects, which are necessary for hp‐adaptivity in XFEM and allow for exponential convergence rates, are summarized. In particular, the handling of hanging nodes via constrained approximation and an hp‐adaptive strategy are presented. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Two stable approximation space configurations are treated for the mixed finite element method for elliptic problems based on curved meshes. Their choices are guided by the property that, in the master element, the image of the flux space by the divergence operator coincides with the potential space. By using static condensation, the sizes of global condensed matrices, which are proportional to the dimension of border fluxes, are the same in both configurations. The meshes are composed of different topologies (tetrahedra, hexahedra, or prisms). Simulations using asymptotically affine uniform meshes, exactly fitting a spherical‐like region, and constant polynomial degree distribution k, show L2 errors of order k+1 or k+2 for the potential variable, while keeping order k+1 for the flux in both configurations. The first case corresponds to RT(k) and BDFM(k+1) spaces for hexahedral and tetrahedral meshes, respectively, but holding for prismatic elements as well. The second case, further incrementing the order of approximation of the potential variable, holds for the three element topologies. The case of hp‐adaptive meshes is considered for a problem modelling a porous media flow around a cylindrical horizontal well with elliptical drainage area. The effect of parallelism and static condensation in CPU time reduction is illustrated.  相似文献   

Discretization‐induced oscillations in the load–displacement curve are a well‐known problem for simulations of cohesive crack growth with finite elements. The problem results from an insufficient resolution of the complex stress state within the cohesive zone ahead of the crack tip. This work demonstrates that the hp‐version of the finite element method is ideally suited to resolve this complex and localized solution characteristic with high accuracy and low computational effort. To this end, we formulate a local and hierarchic mesh refinement scheme that follows dynamically the propagating crack tip. In this way, the usually applied static a priori mesh refinement along the complete potential crack path is avoided, which significantly reduces the size of the numerical problem. Studying systematically the influence of h‐refinement, p‐refinement, and hp‐refinement, we demonstrate why the suggested hp‐formulation allows to capture accurately the complex stress state at the crack front preventing artificial snap‐through and snap‐back effects. This allows to decrease significantly the number of degrees of freedom and the simulation runtime. Furthermore, we show that by combining this idea with the finite cell method, the crack propagation within complex domains can be simulated efficiently without resolving the geometry by the mesh. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper is a continuation of Reference [26] (Cecot, Demkowicz and Rachowicz, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2000; 188 : 625–643) and describes an implementation of the infinite element for three‐dimensional, time harmonic Maxwell's equations, proposed in Reference [15] (Demkowicz and Pal, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 1998; 164 : 77–94). The element is compatible with the hp finite element discretizations for Maxwell's equations in bounded domains reported in References [16–18] (Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 1998; 152 : 103–124, 1999; 169 : 331–344, 2000; 187 : 307–337). Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An a posteriori error estimator is proposed in this paper for the p‐ and hp‐versions of the finite element method in two‐dimensional linear elastostatic problems. The local error estimator consists in an enhancement of an error indicator proposed by Bertóti and Szabó (Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng. 1998; 42 :561–587), which is based on the minimum complementary energy principle. In order to obtain the local error estimate, this error indicator is corrected by a factor which depends only on the polynomial degree of the element. The proposed error estimator shows a good effectivity index in meshes with uniform and non‐uniform polynomial distributions, especially when the global error is estimated. Furthermore, the local error estimator is reliable enough to guide p‐ and hp‐adaptive refinement strategies. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

As part of the ongoing research within the field of computational analysis for the coupled electro‐magneto‐mechanical response of smart materials, the problem of linearised electrostriction is revisited and analysed for the first time using the framework of hp‐finite elements. The governing equations modelling the physics of the dielectric are suitably modified by introducing a new total Cauchy stress tensor (A. Dorfmann and R.W. Ogden. Nonlinear electroelasticity. Acta Mechanica, 174:167–183, 2005), which includes the electrostrictive effect and a staggered partitioned scheme for the numerical solution of the coupling phenomena. With the purpose of benchmarking numerical results, the problem of an infinite electrostrictive plate with a circular/elliptical dielectric insert is revisited. The presented analytical solution is based on the theoretical framework for two‐dimensional electrostriction proposed by Knops (R.J. Knops. Two‐dimensional electrostriction. Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics, 16:377–388, 1963) and uses classical techniques of complex variable analysis. Our presentation, to the best of our knowledge, provides the first correct closed form expression for the solution to the infinite electrostrictive plate with a circular/elliptical dielectric insert, correcting the errors made in previous presentations of this problem. We use this analytical solution to assess the accuracy, efficiency and robustness of the hp‐formulation in the case of nearly incompressible electrostrictive materials. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel face‐based smoothed finite element method (FS‐FEM) to improve the accuracy of the finite element method (FEM) for three‐dimensional (3D) problems. The FS‐FEM uses 4‐node tetrahedral elements that can be generated automatically for complicated domains. In the FS‐FEM, the system stiffness matrix is computed using strains smoothed over the smoothing domains associated with the faces of the tetrahedral elements. The results demonstrated that the FS‐FEM is significantly more accurate than the FEM using tetrahedral elements for both linear and geometrically non‐linear solid mechanics problems. In addition, a novel domain‐based selective scheme is proposed leading to a combined FS/NS‐FEM model that is immune from volumetric locking and hence works well for nearly incompressible materials. The implementation of the FS‐FEM is straightforward and no penalty parameters or additional degrees of freedom are used. The computational efficiency of the FS‐FEM is found better than that of the FEM. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The finite cell method (FCM) is an immersed domain finite element method that combines higher‐order non‐boundary‐fitted meshes, weak enforcement of Dirichlet boundary conditions, and adaptive quadrature based on recursive subdivision. Because of its ability to improve the geometric resolution of intersected elements, it can be characterized as an immersogeometric method. In this paper, we extend the FCM, so far only used with Cartesian hexahedral elements, to higher‐order non‐boundary‐fitted tetrahedral meshes, based on a reformulation of the octree‐based subdivision algorithm for tetrahedral elements. We show that the resulting TetFCM scheme is fully accurate in an immersogeometric sense, that is, the solution fields achieve optimal and exponential rates of convergence for h‐refinement and p‐refinement, if the immersed geometry is resolved with sufficient accuracy. TetFCM can leverage the natural ability of tetrahedral elements for local mesh refinement in three dimensions. Its suitability for problems with sharp gradients and highly localized features is illustrated by the immersogeometric phase‐field fracture analysis of a human femur bone. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Edge‐based data structures are used to improve computational efficiency of inexact Newton methods for solving finite element non‐linear solid mechanics problems on unstructured meshes. Edge‐based data structures are employed to store the stiffness matrix coefficients and to compute sparse matrix–vector products needed in the inner iterative driver of the inexact Newton method. Numerical experiments on three‐dimensional plasticity problems have shown that memory and computer time are reduced, respectively, by factors of 4 and 6, compared with solutions using element‐by‐element storage and matrix–vector products. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The computation of the resonant frequencies for closed cavities is not a trivial task: Multi‐materials and sharp corners all give rise to highly singular eigenfunctions. However, an approach using hp‐finite elements is well suited to such problems and, with the correct combination of h‐ and p‐refinements, it yields the theoretically predicated exponential rates of convergence. In this paper, we present a novel approach to the solution of axisymmetric cavity problems which uses a hierarchic H1 and H (curl) conforming finite element basis. A selection of numerical examples is included and these demonstrate that the exponential rates of convergence are achieved in practice. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper describes a p‐hierarchical adaptive procedure based on minimizing the classical energy norm for the scaled boundary finite element method. The reference solution, which is the solution of the fine mesh formed by uniformly refining the current mesh element‐wise one order higher, is used to represent the unknown exact solution. The optimum mesh is assumed to be obtained when each element contributes equally to the global error. The refinement criteria and the energy norm‐based error estimator are described and formulated for the scaled boundary finite element method. The effectivity index is derived and used to examine quality of the proposed error estimator. An algorithm for implementing the proposed p‐hierarchical adaptive procedure is developed. Numerical studies are performed on various bounded domain and unbounded domain problems. The results reflect a number of key points. Higher‐order elements are shown to be highly efficient. The effectivity index indicates that the proposed error estimator based on the classical energy norm works effectively and that the reference solution employed is a high‐quality approximation of the exact solution. The proposed p‐hierarchical adaptive strategy works efficiently. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We present a discontinuous finite element method for the Kirchhoff plate model with membrane stresses. The method is based on P2‐approximations on simplices for the out‐of‐plane deformations, using C0‐continuous approximations. We derive a posteriori error estimates for linear functionals of the error and give some numerical examples. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The scaled boundary finite‐element method (a novel semi‐analytical method for solving linear partial differential equations) involves the solution of a quadratic eigenproblem, the computational expense of which rises rapidly as the number of degrees of freedom increases. Consequently, it is desirable to use the minimum number of degrees of freedom necessary to achieve the accuracy desired. Stress recovery and error estimation techniques for the method have recently been developed. This paper describes an h‐hierarchical adaptive procedure for the scaled boundary finite‐element method. To allow full advantage to be taken of the ability of the scaled boundary finite‐element method to model stress singularities at the scaling centre, and to avoid discretization of certain adjacent segments of the boundary, a sub‐structuring technique is used. The effectiveness of the procedure is demonstrated through a set of examples. The procedure is compared with a similar h‐hierarchical finite element procedure. Since the error estimators in both cases evaluate the energy norm of the stress error, the computational cost of solutions of similar overall accuracy can be compared directly. The examples include the first reported direct comparison of the computational efficiency of the scaled boundary finite‐element method and the finite element method. The scaled boundary finite‐element method is found to reduce the computational effort considerably. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The paper presents a 3D‐based adaptive first‐order shell finite element to be applied to hierarchical modelling and adaptive analysis of complex structures. The main feature of the element is that it is equipped with 3D degrees of freedom, while its mechanical model corresponds to classical first‐order shell theory. Other useful features of the element are its modelling and adaptive capabilities. The element is assigned to hierarchical modelling and hpq‐adaptive analysis of shell parts of complex structures consisting of solid, thick‐ and thin‐shell parts, as well as of transition zones, where h, p and q denote the mesh density parameter and the longitudinal and transverse orders of approximation, respectively. The proposed hp‐adaptive first‐order shell element can be joined with 3D‐based hpq‐adaptive hierarchical shell elements or 3D hpp‐adaptive solid elements by means of the family of 3D‐based hpq/hp‐ or hpp/hp‐adaptive transition elements. The main objective of the first part of our research, presented in the first part of the paper, was to provide non‐standard information on the original parts of the element algorithm. Here we describe the second part of the research, devoted to the methodology and results of the application of the element to various plate and shell problems. The main objective of this part is to verify algorithms of the element and to show its usefulness in modelling and adaptive analysis of shell and plate parts of complex structures. In order to do that, there is a presentation of the results of a comparative analysis of model plate and shell problems using the classical and our elements, and equidistributed and integrated Legendre shape functions. For the plate problem a comparison of the results obtained from the adaptive and non‐adaptive analysis is also included. Additionally, some advantages of the application of our element are shown through a comparative analysis of p‐convergence of the thin plate problem and an adaptive analysis of the exemplary complex structure. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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