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在油田基建施工现场,管理方面存在着诸多关键地方,本文就这些管理中的关键点进行分析,并对施工现场的管理工作进行汇总,保障我国油田基建施工建设工作在未来可持续发展,同时实现对成本和管理安全的严格把控。  相似文献   

涂料防腐蚀工程的施工管理与质量监检   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
为提高石化企业钢结构的使用寿命,应加强涂料防腐蚀工程的施工管理与质量监检,本文介绍了涂装工程各个环节的质量控制与施工管理中的关键,并建议由第三方对施工过程进行跟踪监检。  相似文献   

油气管道的腐蚀监测、检测及安全评估   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
本文介绍了几种适用于油气管道的监测技术和检测技术,强调了管道安全评估对管道安全运行的重要性,并结合江苏油田的实际状况,提出了进一步开展管道腐蚀监测、检测及安全评估的建议。  相似文献   

随着塔河油田开发生产的进行,腐蚀问题已逐渐凸显并日趋严重,近年来油田井下管柱等部位腐蚀穿孔断裂事故频繁发生,严重影响了油田的正常生产,其中机采井腐蚀尤为严重,约占整个井下腐蚀的64%.机采井井筒腐蚀问题较突出,在所带来的经济损失最大,对油田生产的影响也最直接.开展机采井井筒腐蚀监测与防护,对防止和减缓油井生产系统腐蚀的危害,确保油田的安全、高效运行具有重要意义.本文通过对井筒腐蚀监测技术的研究应用,进而对缓蚀剂防腐技术进行了系统分析评价,确定了适宜塔河油田机采井的缓蚀剂.  相似文献   

Reinforcement corrosion might lead to cracking and spalling of the concrete cover owing to the volume expansion associated with the deposition of some of the possible corrosion products. This is not only aesthetically unpleasing, it might also accelerate deterioration processes or become a safety issue for passing traffic. The present paper discusses first the mechanisms of carbonation‐ and chloride‐induced reinforcement corrosion and considers the chemistry of aqueous iron in order to identify the type of corrosion products as well as their location of formation. Furthermore, practical examples are summarised in order to compare the documented behaviour of a number of real structures with the theoretical considerations made. It is shown that for the case of purely chloride‐induced (pitting) corrosion, precipitation of corrosion products is strongly delayed or may even not occur. Implications are discussed with respect to time‐to‐corrosion prediction models and visual inspection of reinforced concrete structures. Both the theoretical considerations and the practical experience illustrate that relying on outwardly visible signs to detect internally on‐going corrosion must be done with caution if localised reinforcement corrosion cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

中国工业与自然环境腐蚀调查   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
利用Uhlig方法和Hoar方法调查了近年来中国工业和自然环境腐蚀损失和腐蚀控制的现状,其中包括能源、交通、建筑、机械、化工、基础设施、水利和军事设施等典型的行业和企业。用两种方法所得到的年腐蚀损失结果相近,分别为2048亿元和2288亿元人民币。如果包括间接损失,借鉴国外利用国民经济投入/产出表的计算结果进行对比,我国每年腐蚀总损失可达4979亿元以上,约占GNP的5%。为了降低腐蚀损失,应如同对待医学和环保一样重视防腐蚀问题,从国家的层面上加强腐蚀管理,进一步制定防腐蚀的国家规划和立法;提出了完善防腐蚀的标准和规范体系以及加强基础研究和腐蚀工程教育的建议。  相似文献   

In 2012, the Nuclear Waste Management Organization developed a comprehensive proof test plan (PTP) to evaluate the feasibility and safety of their copper-coated used fuel container and their novel bentonite buffer box emplacement concept to be employed in its proposed deep geological repository for the long-term management of used nuclear fuel. Research within the PTP includes several programs to evaluate the possible extent of damage that may be caused by various copper corrosion mechanisms: oxic-, radiolytic-, anoxic-, and sulfide-induced, with particular attention being paid to the possibility of localization of any of these processes. Programs remain on track to support and refine a maximum copper corrosion allowance of <1.27 mm over a one million year emplacement in a deep geological repository.  相似文献   

就质量管理工作阐述了人与物的辩证关系,提出了一系列企业全面质量管理理念,如从严管理,严而有序、严而有据、严而有理、严而有情,以人为本,建设良好的质量环境,珍员参与质量管理学,强调了人在质量管理中的主导作用。  相似文献   

王岩  况军 《物理测试》2006,40(2):64-68
介绍了主要基于管理模式、仪器自动化、智能化及信息化等方面的检化验系统设计思路。阐述了检化验设计在质量管理、环境管理、职业健康安全管理体系认证的重要性。有针对性地提出了工艺设计的原则,与建筑、结构、通风、给排水、电气等专业的接口关系,从本质上提高设计质量,降低设计及后期使用的风险。紧跟行业发展步伐,不断优化设计理念,对接管理体系认证审核及相关需求,延伸设计服务的影响力。  相似文献   

王岩  况军 《物理测试》2022,40(2):64-68
介绍了主要基于管理模式、仪器自动化、智能化及信息化等方面的检化验系统设计思路.阐述了检化验设计在质量管理、环境管理、职业健康安全管理体系认证的重要性.有针对性地提出了工艺设计的原则,与建筑、结构、通风、给排水、电气等专业的接口关系,从本质上提高设计质量,降低设计及后期使用的风险.紧跟行业发展步伐,不断优化设计理念,对接...  相似文献   

The feasibility of inspecting under-lagging steel pipes without lagging removal using the magnetostrictive sensor (MsS) technique is described. With the MsS technique, elastic waves are launched along the length of a pipe, and reflected echoes from defects such as cracks or corroded areas are detected using noncontacting sensors. Experimental results obtained from 6-m long, 3.8-cm diameter steel pipe samples before and after inducing simulated defects in the pipewall are presented, and the potential capabilities of the MsS technique are discussed.  相似文献   

The deterioration of a concrete structure by reinforcement corrosion proceeds in two phases: the initiation stage and the propagation stage. The first stage describes the time to onset of corrosion due to carbonation of the concrete or chloride ingress. The second stage is the actual deterioration stage. Most methods for life time assessments refer only to the first stage, what is on the safe side with respect to design of structures, but also a model for the second stage can be of interest, e.g. if the remaining life time of an existing structure has to be estimated. This paper presents and discusses the state‐of‐the‐art of models for the propagation stage with regard to their different approaches.  相似文献   

The paper presents a systematic method and procedure for probabilistic fatigue life prediction using non-destructive testing data under uncertainty. The procedure is developed using uncertainty quantification models for detection, sizing, fatigue model parameters and inputs. The probability of detection model is based on a classical log-linear model coupling the actual flaw size with the NDE reported size. Using probabilistic modeling and Bayes theorem, the distribution of the actual flaw size is derived for both NDE data without flaw indications and NDE data with flaw indications. Fatigue damage and structural integrity assessment are suggested based on the developed method and procedure. A turbine rotor example with realistic NDE inspection data is presented to demonstrate the overall methodology. Calculation and interpretation of the results based on risk recommendations for industrial applications are given. The influence of the NDE detection threshold to the assessment results, and error analysis of the assessment results are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

董立新 《全面腐蚀控制》2021,35(1):15-16,112
随着我国社会经济的不断发展,城市基础设施建设发展迅速,基建工程数量与规模都处于较大的增长之中,这既给施工企业带来了前所未有的机遇,也使得他们面临巨大的挑战.在信息化技术飞速发展的背景下,基建工程管理与互联网的结合.推动了基建工程管理朝着更高的水平发展,互联网+在基建工程管理中的优势也不断的体现出来.由于基建工程在施工中...  相似文献   

随着世界经济和工业的高速发展,智能化的发展走向前列,对于传统的铸造企业也提出了前所未有的挑战和发展的机遇。铸造作为工业经济、社会经济发展的基础支撑产业,铸件的质量要求越来越高,通过检验保证铸件最终质量的难度增加。通过准确、有效识别铸件检验过程关键质量特性并对其进行控制,能够有效降低产品检验成本、提高产品最终质量。  相似文献   

Both on‐site investigations and laboratory studies have shown that different corrosion rates are obtained when different commercially available corrosion rate instruments are used. The different electrochemical techniques and the measurement parameters used, i.e. polarisation current and time, are in some studies considered the main reasons for the variations. This paper presents an experimental study on the quantitative effect of polarisation time and current on the measured polarisation resistance – and thus the corrosion current density – of passively and actively corroding steel. Two electrochemical techniques often used in instruments for on‐site corrosion rate measurements are investigated. On passively corroding reinforcement the measured polarisation resistance was for both techniques found to be highly affected by the polarisation time and current and no plateaus at either short or long polarisation times, or low or high polarisation currents were identified. On actively corroding reinforcement a large effect of the polarisation time was also found, but only a minor effect of the polarisation current. The effect of the polarisation time was, however, practically independent of the corrosion rate for actively corroding steel. For both techniques guidelines for polarisation times and currents are given for (on‐site) non‐destructive corrosion rate measurements on reinforcement steel in concrete.  相似文献   

胜利油田立式常压储罐的腐蚀分析及检测技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
立式钢制焊接常压储罐是油田油气储运的重要设备.通过对胜利油田立式常压储罐的使用情况和检测结果,分析小结了常压储罐发生腐蚀的主要部位,分析了腐蚀发生的原因.介绍了胜利油田现用的腐蚀检测方法,提出了常压储罐的腐蚀防护措施.  相似文献   

Efforts are being devoted in standards and construction codes in order to give rules and guidelines for designing durable structures. Also efforts are focused in developing the models in a more accurate approach to the calculation of the service life of concrete structures. Service life models consider that reinforced concrete exposed to chloride polluted environments initiate corrosion when a certain amount of chlorides arrives to the rebar surface. The so‐called chloride threshold level is considered as an essential parameter for assessing the probability of reinforcement corrosion, and becomes one of the key parameters needed for service life prediction, being of interest to have testing methods and expressions to introduce in the models. Numerous studies have been carried out to establish a critical chloride level for the onset of corrosion, but a wide range of chloride threshold values has been suggested which makes not feasible to define a single value. Present paper includes the analysis of the variability of the chloride threshold values published in the literature. Data from mortar and concrete and from laboratory and field exposure are compiled and included in the analysis. The influence of the testing method used for determination and several variables are considered.  相似文献   

钢结构桥梁的腐蚀控制   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
分析了钢结构桥梁防腐控制的必要性和紧迫性,阐述了我国钢结构桥梁中钢箱梁、钢缆等适用的涂装体系。研究表明,研制和使用“合适防护”的涂层是最现实、有效和最经济的腐蚀控制措施,而富锌底漆是保护钢结构最普遍最重要的底漆,外加中间漆和面漆的 3 层涂装体系是目前较为理想的方案,除涂装材料外涂装工艺具有十分重要的作用。  相似文献   

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