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This work studies the influence of the sintering conditions of a Ti‐6Al‐4V alloy on its corrosion performance. The alloy was vacuum sintered in different conditions of time and temperature. The density and microstructure (designating phase distribution) are evaluated. Corrosion resistance through electrochemical techniques (EIS) in 2 N and 6 N hydrochloric acid solutions, and oxidation resistance at 900, 1000 and 1100°C are appraised, and corrosion is studied by microstructural and X‐ray diffraction.  相似文献   

Ti–22Nb–xZr and Ti–22Nb–xMo (x = 0, 2, 4, 6, in atom percent) were prepared by an arc melting method. The alloys were solution‐treated at 1073 K for 1.8 ks followed by quenching them into ice water, and the electrochemical corrosion behavior in a 0.9% NaCl solution at 25 °C and neutral pH range of the solution‐treated alloys was evaluated by using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, polarization curves and an equivalent circuit analysis. It was found that the microstructure of the solution‐treated Ti–22Nb alloy mainly contains β phase with small amount of α″ phase, and the addition of Zr or Mo to a Ti–22Nb alloy is efficient to stabilize the β phase. The resulting impedance parameters and passive current densities indicated that the corrosion resistance of the Ti–22Nb alloy was promoted significantly with the addition of Zr and Mo.  相似文献   

Ti‐6Al‐4V alloy has been widely used in restorative surgery due to its high corrosion resistance and biocompatibility. Nevertheless, some studies showed that V and Al release in the organism might induce cytotoxic effects and neurological disorders, which led to the development of V‐free alloys and both V‐ and Al‐free alloys containing Nb, Zr, Ta, or Mo. Among these alloys, Ti‐13Nb‐13Zr alloy is promising due to its better biomechanical compatibility than Ti‐6Al‐4V. In this work, the corrosion behavior of Ti, Ti‐6Al‐4V, and Ti‐xNb‐13Zr alloys (x = 5, 13, and 20) was evaluated in Ringer's solution (pH 7.5) at 37 °C through open‐circuit potential measurements, potentiodynamic polarization, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Spontaneous passivity was observed for all materials in this medium. Low corrosion current densities (in the order of 10?7 A/cm2) and high impedance values (in the order of 105 Ωcm2 at low frequencies) indicated their high corrosion resistance. EIS results showed that the passivating films were constituted of an outer porous layer (very low resistance) and an inner compact layer (high resistance), the latter providing the corrosion resistance of the materials. There was evidence that the Ti‐xNb‐13Zr alloys were more corrosion resistant than both Ti and Ti‐6Al‐4V in Ringer's solution.  相似文献   

Solution treatment and ageing (STA) is an effective strengthening method for α + β titanium alloys. This paper reports the effect of solution treatment and aging on the corrosion behaviour of Ti‐6Al‐7Nb alloy in a simulated body fluid (Ringer's solution). Ti‐6Al‐7Nb alloy is hot rolled in the α + β field and subjected to solution treatment above and below its beta transus temperature (1283 K). The solution treated specimens are water quenched (WQ), air‐cooled (AC), and furnace cooled (FC) at three different rates, and subsequently aged at 823 K for 4 h. Microstructural changes were examined using optical microscopy and phases developed were analyzed using XRD. The influence of microstructure on the corrosion performance of the alloys are discussed in detail based on the Open Circuit Potential (OCP), passive current density and area of repassivation loop values obtained from the cyclic polarization study in Ringer's solution. The passive current density was low (0.5 μA/cm2) for the specimen with duplex microstructure obtained for specimen solution treated at 1223 K, air‐cooled, and aged, in comparison with that for as‐rolled specimen (1.5 μA/cm2). The corrosion aspects resulting from various heat treatments are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

Corrosion behaviour of the studied Ti–Ta alloys with Ta contents of 30, 40 and 50 wt% together with the currently used metallic biomaterials commercial pure titanium (Cp–Ti) was investigated for biomedical applications. All the samples were tested by potentiodynamic polarization curves and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) in Hank's balanced salt solution (HBSS) with and without albumin protein at 25 °C. Very low corrosion current densities and passive current densities (in the order of 10?6 A/cm2) were obtained from the polarization curves, indicating a typical passive behaviour for all the samples in HBSS with and without albumin. The EIS technique was applied to study the nature of the passive film formed on all the samples at various imposed potentials ?500 mV (SCE), 0 mV (SCE), 500 mV (SCE) and 1000 mV (SCE). The equivalent circuit (EC) used successfully to describe the behaviour of the samples suggests a single passive film present on the metals' surface in HBSS with and without albumin. The results showed that the presence of albumin in HBSS had an influence on the zero current potential (ZCP), polarization resistance (Rp) and capacitance (C). The presence of albumin protein in HBSS improved slightly the corrosion resistance of the entire sample. The experimental results confirm that the electrochemical behaviour of the studied Ti–Ta alloys is better to that of Cp–Ti, suggesting their promising potential for biomedical applications.  相似文献   

Titanium alloys exhibit an excellent corrosion resistance in most aqueous media due to the formation of a stable oxide film and some of these alloys (particularly Ti‐6Al‐4V) were chosen for surgical and odontological implants for this resistance and their biocompatibility. Treatments with fluorides (F?) are known as the main method to prevent plaque formation and dental caries. Toothpastes, mouthwashes and prophylactic gels can contain from 200 to 20 000 ppm F? and can present neutral to acidic character, which can affect the corrosion behavior of titanium alloys devices present in the oral cavity. In this work, the behavior of Ti‐6Al‐4V and the new experimental Ti‐23Ta has been evaluated in artificial saliva of pH 2, 5 and 7 and different F? concentrations (0, 1000, 5000 and 10 000 ppm), through open‐circuit potential measurements, potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. A defined correlation between pH and F? concentration settled the active or passive character of the materials. For both alloys, an active behavior was observed for pH 2 and 1000 to 10 000 ppm F? and for pH 5 and 5000 and 10 000 ppm F?. The passive behavior was observed for the other investigated conditions. The F? concentration increase and pH decrease reduced the corrosion resistance of the alloys and decreased the stability of their passive film. The corrosion behavior of both alloys was very similar, but the Ti‐23Ta alloy generally presented slightly higher corrosion resistance.  相似文献   

The effect of technological conditions of nitriding such as process time duration and chemical composition of saturating medium, on the corrosion behaviour of nitrided coatings in 14 M solution of sulphuric acid was analyzed. The investigations were done on the alloy Ti‐5,0 Al‐2,0 Mn. The nitriding was carried out in nitrogen both at atmospheric pressure and rarefied nitrogen pressure (1 Pa) at the temperature 850°C and time processing in the range from 5 to 20 h in nitrogen‐containing gas only, and in powder electrode graphite and nitrogen‐containing gas. It was shown that technological conditions of nitriding determine the protective properties of nitrided coatings. It was indicated that the optimal structure of the nitride layer for best corrosion protection is the thin nitride TiNx with high surface quality and a gas‐saturated layer. Nitriding in graphite powder effects positively the protective properties of nitride coatings due to reducing the nitride‐forming process.  相似文献   

The electrochemical behaviour of a near‐β Ti‐13Nb‐13Zr alloy for the application as implants was investigated in various solutions. The electrolytes used were 0.9 wt% NaCl solution, Hanks' solution and a culture medium known as minimum essential medium (MEM) composed of salts, vitamins and amino acids, all at 37 °C. The electrochemical behaviour was investigated by the following electrochemical techniques: open circuit potential measurements as a function of time, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and determination of polarisation curves. The obtained results showed that the Ti alloy was passive in all electrolytes. The EIS results were analysed using an equivalent electrical circuit representing a duplex structure oxide layer, composed of an inner barrier layer, mainly responsible for the alloy corrosion resistance, and an outer and porous layer that has been associated to osteointegration ability. The properties of both layers were dependent on the electrolyte used. The results suggested that the thickest porous layer is formed in the MEM solution whereas the impedance of the barrier layer formed in this solution was the lowest among the electrolytes used. The polarisation curves showed a current increase at potentials around 1300 mV versus saturated calomel electrode (SCE), and this increase was also dependent on the electrolyte used. The highest increase in current density was also associated to the MEM solution suggesting that this is the most aggressive electrolyte to the Ti alloy among the three tested solutions.  相似文献   

In this study, the hydroxyapatite (HA)‐titanium (Ti, 20 wt.%) multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs, 1 wt.%) composite coating was applied on the NiTi alloy by using the electrophoretic deposition (EPD) technique. The morphologies and the phase structures of the coatings were investigated by the FESEM and XRD analysis, respectively. The corrosion behaviors of the coated NiTi samples were investigated using the polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy tests in a simulated body fluid (SBF). The amounts of the released Ni ions from the coated NiTi were studied in the SBF. The results of the electrochemical tests revealed the corrosion resistance of the NiTi coated with HA was further improved by the addition of the Ti and MWCNTs to the HA coating. The current density and corrosion resistance of the NiTi alloy changed from 2.52 μA.cm?2 and 24.13 kΩ to 0.91 nA.cm?2 and 5.92 MΩ after coated with the HA‐Ti‐MWCNTs composite coating. Also, the number of nickel ions released from the surface of the NiTi alloy to the SBF medium suppressed from 11.8 to 0.08 μgr.L?1, after coating with HA‐Ti‐MWCNTs. Also, the cellular proliferation in the culture medium consisting of the NiTi alloy coated with the HA‐Ti‐MWCNTs improved significantly (compared with that of the NiTi alloy) as shown no toxicity in the cell culture medium.  相似文献   

In this work, the electrochemical corrosion behavior of X80 pipeline steel was investigated in a near‐neutral pH solution using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIC) and photo‐electrochemical (PEC) measurements as well as X‐ray photo‐electron spectroscopy (XPS) technique. The effects of hydrogen‐charging and stress were considered. The results show that the steel is in an active dissolution state, and a layer of corrosion product is formed and deposited on the electrode surface, which is subjected to further oxidation to form ferric oxide and hydroxide. Photo‐illumination enhances anodic dissolution of the steel when it is under anodic polarization due to destroying of the corrosion product film. When the steel is under cathodic polarization, the cathodic current density decreases upon laser illumination due to the photo‐oxidation of hydrogen atoms generated during cathodic reactions, which behaves as an anodic reaction to offset the cathodic current density. Hydrogen‐charging and stress decrease the corrosion resistance of the steel and enhance the dissolution rate of the steel.  相似文献   

A FeCrMoMnWBCSi amorphous metallic coating was prepared by using high‐velocity oxy‐fuel spray. The influence of processing parameters on microstructure, porosity level, amorphous phase fraction and corrosion behaviour of the coatings was characterised by scanning electron microscopy, X‐ray diffraction, differential scanning calorimeter and electrochemical methods. The results indicated that the microstructures of the coatings were sensitive to the spray parameters considerably. Porosity and unmelted particle proportion decreased with the oxygen/fuel (O/F) ratio and increased with the powder feed rate. The trend of oxides content was opposite to the porosity and unmelted particle proportion. The coatings obtained with higher O/F ratio and lower powder feed rate exhibited higher hardness. The low coating hardness was mainly due to the high porosity especially when the porosity was higher than 1.21%. The spraying parameters strongly affected the amorphous phase fraction. There was a critical passive current density for balancing the porosity and the amorphous phase fraction. Corrosion resistance is dominant by the amorphous phase fraction when the porosity is less than 1.21%, while by porosity when it is higher than that. Open‐circuit potential, potentiodynamic polarisation and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy results showed that the coatings obtained with the O/F ratio of 4.2 and the powder feed rate of 40 g/min exhibiting the best corrosion resistance in 1 wt% sodium chloride solution.  相似文献   

采用周浸腐蚀试验机、扫描电镜(SEM)、电化学工作站等,研究了含锡耐候钢和传统耐候钢在模拟高湿热海洋大气环境中的腐蚀行为规律,探讨了Sn元素对传统耐候钢耐高湿热海洋大气腐蚀性能的影响。结果表明:锡元素加入耐候钢中可以降低腐蚀速率,让锈层更均匀地生成,提高锈层的自腐蚀电位,降低锈层自腐蚀电流密度,对耐候钢阳极溶解起抑制作用,同时使锈层电阻Rr及与基体结合处的反应电阻Rt升高,增强锈层对钢基体的保护,有利于耐候钢耐海洋大气腐蚀性能的提升。  相似文献   

Electrochemical polarization and impedance spectroscopic (EIS) techniques were used to investigate the corrosion behavior of Ti‐5Al‐2Nb‐1Ta alloy in Hanks solution at different immersion periods (0 h, 120 h, 240 h and 360 h). The impedance spectra are fitted using a non‐linear least square (NLLS) fitting procedure. The EIS spectra exhibited a two time constant system, suggesting the formation of two layers on the metal surface. The surface morphology of the alloy has been characterized by SEM and EDAX measurements.  相似文献   

利用化学浸泡实验法和电化学测试法研究了添加硅钙合金对AM60镁合金耐腐蚀性能的影响。结果表明,硅钙合金加入后细化了AM60合金的显微组织、形成了新的耐腐蚀相—Mg2Si相、使β-Mg17Al12相的含量增多,从而使合金的腐蚀电位正移、腐蚀电流密度和腐蚀速率降低,合金的耐腐蚀性得到有效改善。  相似文献   

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