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The effectiveness of a systematic social skills group training program was compared to both a bibliotherapy program group and a typical hospital treatment control group (10 18–56 yr old patients per group). Assessment instruments included self-report (Rathus Assertiveness Schedule), observational, and in vivo measures. Results on the observational measure show that the skills training group improved significantly more than the control group, and this difference was maintained at follow-up. The skills group also showed superior improvement on the self-report measure. Results fail to demonstrate the efficacy of bibliotherapy. Findings concerning generalization of social skills group treatment effectiveness were encouraging in that 2 of 3 measures employed to test for generalization showed significant effects. (3 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Comments on the review of social-skills training programs by G. J. DuPaul and T. L. Eckert (see record 1995-07692-001). It is suggested that a contextual analysis of social behavior has implications for teaching social skills: that students may learn social skills best in the company of people with whom they would typically establish relationships. A need is seen for further development that considers a broader perspective on influential environment and contextual variables related to social-skills acquisition. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The outer surface protein, OspC, is highly variable in Borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto, the agent of Lyme disease. We have shown that even within a single population OspC is highly variable. The variation of ospA and ospC in the 40 infected deer ticks collected from a single site on Shelter Island, New York, was determined using PCR-SSCP. There is very strong apparent linkage disequilibrium between ospA and ospC alleles, even though they are located on separate plasmids. Thirteen discernible SSCP mobility classes for ospC were identified and the DNA sequence for each was determined. These sequences, combined with 40 GenBank sequences, allow us to define 19 major ospC groups. Sequences within a major ospC group are, on average, <1% different from each other, while sequences between major ospC groups are, on average, approximately 20% different. The tick sample contains 11 major ospC groups, GenBank contains 16 groups, with 8 groups found in both samples. Thus, the ospC variation within a local population is almost as great as the variation of a similar-sized sample of the entire species. The Ewens-Watterson-Slatkin test of allele frequency showed significant deviation from the neutral expectation, indicating balancing selection for these major ospC groups. The variation represented by major ospC groups needs to be considered if the OspC protein is to be used as a serodiagnostic antigen or a vaccine.  相似文献   

Examined replacement of simple rules by more complex variants in situations where 485 3–8.5 yr old children were confronted with tasks differing in rule application requirements. It was hypothesized that counting with and without objects would be equivalent tasks, that counting all would be subordinate to counting on, that counting on would be subordinate to counting down, and that counting on and counting down would be subordinate to counting by multiples. The restrictive knowledge perspective was compared to models congruent with the transition perspective assuming the existence of partial knowledge states. Latent-class models were used to test equivalence and ordered relations among the tasks. The results provide evidence that the development of counting skills is an evolving process in which parts of a relatively simple rule are replaced by features that enable the child to perform an increasingly broad range of counting tasks. The results also suggest that rule replacement in counting plays an important role in the development of other math skills. Support was also found for the restrictive knowledge perspective, lending credence to the stair-step learning theory. (26 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Individualized social skills training was compared with nonindividualized social skills training and wait-list control conditions. Participants were 35 behavior-disordered children at a treatment center. Role-play tests indicated that children in both the individualized and nonindividualized conditions mastered the content of the training sessions. Observations of recess play indicated that the increase in cooperative play after treatment was significantly higher for the individualized training group. There were no significant differences in observed aggression. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Attainment of the practical skills in surgery is an integral part of surgical training. Basic skills must be mastered prior to attempting more complex tasks and bad habits learned early are difficult to correct. A survey of advanced surgical trainees at this hospital demonstrated that skills were usually acquired during sessions in the operating theatre, often in an ad hoc manner. We report our experience in establishing a workshop-based skills course. The program included handling of instruments, knot tying, types and applications of needles and suture materials, wound care, ligation of vessels, and assisting at operation. Following completion of the course and demonstration of their competence, participants were awarded a certificate in basic skills. Participants reported increased confidence and involvement in operative surgery after the course and an increased interest in a career in surgery. We believe the intern year is the most appropriate time to teach such skills, but tuition need not to be restricted to this group. Teaching basic surgical skills in the workshop setting is feasible and advantageous.  相似文献   

Evidence for one or more loci on the human X chromosome influencing social cognition was recently presented by Skuse et al. The imprinted locus is only expressed from a paternally inherited X chromosome, which means that boys do not express it because their only X chromosome comes from their mother. This raises the possibility of genetic as well as cultural influences on sex differences in behaviour and cognition. It may also offer some explanation for why boys are more vulnerable to developmental disorders that affect social behaviour, such as autism.  相似文献   

31 college males who had reported themselves unable to interact with women in specific social situations were asked to record every interaction for 1 wk. Following this, a series of behavioral tests was given. When compared to a group of confident Ss, shy Ss interacted with fewer women, in fewer situations, and for less time outside of the laboratory. In laboratory test situations shy Ss rated themselves and were rated by Os as being more anxious. Pulse rate was monitored during the behavioral testing. Confident Ss had significantly less pulse rate change during the test situations. After pretesting, shy Ss were randomly assigned to either an assessment control group or an analogue treatment group, with treatment consisting of 3 sessions of behavior rehearsal, modeling, and coaching. On posttesting, Ss who had received treatment showed less physiological responsivity to the testing stimuli, reported less anxiety, and were rated as being more skillful in the test situations. Behavioral diaries revealed that following treatment Ss who received training changed more than control Ss on several measures of frequency and duration of interactions with women. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

18 psychiatric nursing staff members (mean age 32 yrs) participated in an experimental training study to test the effectiveness of a brief microtraining instructional format against a traditional discussion training format. Results indicate that both microtraining and discussion treatments produced improved in-vivo performance of verbal and nonverbal social-approval skills, but microtraining treatment resulted in significantly greater in-vivo use of both verbal and nonverbal social-approval skills at posttreatment and a 5-wk follow-up. No differences in skill comprehension were evident across the 2 training treatments. (French abstract) (21 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Social skills, social outcomes, self-talk, outcome expectancies, and self-evaluation of performance during social-evaluative tasks were examined with 27 clinically diagnosed social phobic children ages 7–14 and a matched nonclinical group. Results showed that, compared with their nonanxious peers, social phobic children demonstrated lower expected performance and a higher level of negative self-talk on social-evaluative tasks. In addition, social phobic children showed social skills deficits as assessed by self- and parent report, an assertiveness questionnaire, and direct behavioral observation. Furthermore, compared with the control group, social phobic children were rated by themselves and others as significantly less socially competent with peers and were found to be less likely to receive positive outcomes from peers during behavioral observation. Implications for the assessment and treatment of childhood social phobia are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Marital conflict has been shown to be negatively associated with child functioning. This study examined the relationships of negative and positive aspects of marital conflict and frequency of conflict with children's social problem-solving skills, as measured by effectiveness of alternative solutions. Mothers, fathers, and children reported on marital conflict. Mothers' higher negative conflict characteristics, in the context of greater frequency of conflict, and less frequent positive conflict characteristics, in the context of lower frequency of conflict, were significantly associated with their children's less effective social problem-solving solutions. For fathers, none of the negative but one of the positive conflict characteristics was significantly associated with their children's more effective social problem-solving solutions, regardless of the frequency of marital conflict. Children's perceptions of their parents' conflict were not significant predictors of their social problem-solving skills. Findings are interpreted in the framework of children's modeling aggressive conflict. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Evaluated the effects of pretesting in conjunction with a group social skills training program, using a wide variety of outcome measures. Half of the 46 undergraduate Ss were self-referred, while the other half were volunteers from an introductory psychology class. A Solomon 4-groups design was used to evaluate the effects of pretesting, the skills training program, and their interaction. Strong evidence of pretesting effects was found for measures associated with a behavioral forced interaction task. Implications of the results for selection of outcome measures are discussed. (4 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Conducted cross-sectional analyses of data collected from 609 15–27 yr old incoming college freshmen to determine (a) whether the perceived availability of social support protects persons from stress-induced depressive affect; (b) whether social competence, social anxiety, and self-disclosure are responsible for the stress-protective effect of perceived social support; and (c) whether these social skill measures discriminate among persons for whom support will help, hinder, or be ineffective in the face of stress. Prospective analyses based on the original testing (beginning of school year) and 11- and 22-wk follow-ups of a randomly selected subsample (130 and 93 Ss in 1st and 2nd follow-ups, respectively) were used to determine how the same social skill factors influence the development and maintenance of support perceptions and of friendships. Evidence is provided for a stress-buffering role of the perceived availability of social support. The stress-buffering effect is unaffected by controls for the possible stress-protective influences of social anxiety, social competence, and self-disclosure. Although these social skill factors do not discriminate among persons for whom support will help, hinder, or be ineffective, they are prospectively predictive of the development of both social support and friendship formation. These prospective relations between social skills and the development of perceived availability of social support are only partly mediated by number of friends. (38 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Two experiments tested an identical elements model of the organization of basic arithmetic skills (T. C. Rickard et al; see record 1995-04315-001). This model assumes a distinct abstract representation for each unique combination of the basic elements (i.e., the operands and the required operation) of a problem. Participants practiced multiplication and division problems and were then tested on various altered versions of these problems. Experiment 1 confirmed the prediction of no positive transfer when the presented elements of a test problem do not exactly match those of a practice problem. Experiment 2 confirmed the prediction that there is complete transfer when the elements of the test problem match exactly with those of a practice problem. Experiment 2 also confirmed that there is both perceptually specific and nonspecific speed-up with practice. Implications for number processing and arithmetic are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) skills are fundamental to the function of health professionals, but studies have shown them to be inadequate and outdated. This week, Nursing Standard launches a three-part weekly series on resuscitation. Parts two and three will address the associated ethical issues and measures of outcomes and accountability. The series begins with a survey in a district general hospital which aimed to establish nurses' levels of awareness on the current recommendations for CPR laid down by the Resuscitation Council of the UK. The results show a poor knowledge level and recommendations are offered.  相似文献   

Used modeling and role playing in an effort to strengthen the cognitive and social skills of 127 students (mean age 14.8 yrs) in a high school with high dropout and delinquency rates. A control group was compared with Ss who participated in live or videotaped modeling. Ss who received special training were able to (a) think of more adaptive ways of approaching problematic situations and (b) perform more effectively in a self-presentation situation (job interview). In addition, in a 1-yr follow-up, they tended to show lower rates of tardiness and fewer absences and behavior referrals. The research suggests a potentially useful and cost-effective approach to the prevention of behavioral problems. (33 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The impaired relationship between bulimics and their environment may be an important factor in the onset and perpetuation of bulimia. This study explored specific aspects of the bulimic's social network and interpersonal relationships as well as individual difference variables that might mediate her ability to support or perceive this as adequate. Ss were 21 bulimic women and 21 control Ss who completed self-report measures assessing perceived social support, the quality of relationships, social skills, and psychopathology. Bulimics reported less perceived support from friends and family, more negative interactions and conflict, and less social competence. Differences in negative interactions remained significant after controlling for overall psychopathology, and level of conflict was an important predictor of group membership. In addition, bulimics were rated as less socially effective by observers unaware of their group membership. Results highlight the need for further investigation of the quality and type of interactions in bulimic women's lives. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study was conducted among 269 medical students who participated in educational training groups. Self-evaluation was the most important motive to engage in social comparison with other group members, followed by, respectively, self-enhancement and self-improvement. Upward comparisons (i.e., with better-performing group members), were motivated by self-improvement, particularly when they involved identification. Upward comparisons were also motivated by self-evaluation, particularly when they involved contrast. Downward comparisons (i.e., with worse-performing group members) were mainly motivated by self-enhancement, particularly when they involved contrast. Performance stress was higher the more participants identified downward, the less they identified upward, and the more they contrasted themselves upward. It is concluded that educators should pay attention to the potentially maladaptive role that social comparisons might play in training groups. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study was conducted to assess the relative predictive validity of phonological processing, listening comprehension, general cognitive ability, and visual-motor coordination against early reading skills within a sample of children from diverse linguistic backgrounds. 65 children were tested in kindergarten with measures from each of the aforementioned areas, and in Grade 1 with measures of letter and word recognition. Among all predictor variables, phonological processing was the only significant predictor of Grade 1 reading. Language(s) spoken in the home added to the prediction of letter recognition. Results suggest that phonological processing may contribute to the acquisition of basic reading skills for children with varied language experiences in the same way as it does for monolingual children. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Analyzed test scores obtained before and after instruction of 65 men and 48 women to evaluate outcomes of 3 types of training. The training programs were designed to improve basic skills of present and prospective employees in production, office, and laboratory work. In most of the learning situations, groups made significant gains. Individual true gains also were studied, using a method developed by F. M. Lord (see 32:1). (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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