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介绍智能手机操作系统的发展,对主流智能手机操作系统进行比较和分析,并从当前智能手机操作系统的发展、用户的需求和移动终端的快速普及,展望主流智能手机系统的发展。  相似文献   

采用安卓操作系统的手机已经是智能手机领域中的一支重要力量,当前较为主流的安卓操作系统为4.0版本,这款中文译音为冰淇淋的安卓操作系统相比上代有了很多的改进,摩托罗拉锋芒MT887也是一款安装了安卓4.0操作系统的智能手机之。  相似文献   

随着智能手机的普及应用和互联网技术的发展,智能手机面临的安全形势也日益严峻.本文阐述了当前智能手机操作系统的安全隐患、应用软件的漏洞以及对手机病毒进行了分类,并对智能手机的安全防护方法做了探讨.  相似文献   

手机操作系统一般只应用在高端智能化手机上.本文主要介绍了当前比较流行的智能手机操作系统,并对这些手机操作系统做了介绍和比较.  相似文献   

FY 《微型计算机》2008,(16):143-145
正如我们上期介绍那样,并不是拥有了多媒体播放、上网等时髦功能的手机就是智能手机。智能手机区别普通手机的关键在于支持第三方自由软件的安装与卸载,而这一切都在智能手机内嵌的操作系统中完成,那么智能手机的操作系统究竟有什么特别之处?能给我们带来什么好处?本期我们一起来认识Windows Mobile操作系统。  相似文献   

智能手机安全问题及防护技术分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着3G通信网络的普及,智能手机持有率不断提高,各个智能手机操作系统平台也不断推陈出新,各种新应用新模式层出不穷,相应的,手机的安全问题隐患也逐步暴露出来.文章分析了当前智能手机所面对的主要安全问题,着重分析了恶意代码和手机病毒的特点、传播途径和危害,针对不同的智能手机操作平台提出了有针对性的安全防护策略和防护措施,提出了一些关于智能手机安全防护的新观点.  相似文献   

随着智能手机的普及和3G时代的采-临,使用智能手机上网越来越普遍.但是目前智能手机的安全防护措施非常不完善,导致智能手机上网时感染手机病毒、遭到恶意程序攻击的事时有发生.本文首先介绍了智能手机及Symbian操作系统的特点,然后结合传统软件防火墙和基于Symbian操作系统的智能手机的特性,建立了分组过滤防火墙模型.最后,提出了在诺基亚N70智能手机平台上的实现方案.  相似文献   

Android安全保护机制及解密方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着移动通信技术的快速发展,越来越多的用户开始使用智能手机,来自IDC的数据显示,仅在2012年第三季度,全球主要智能手机制造商销售了超过1亿7千9百万部智能移动设备,而其中绝大多数设备是采用谷歌Android操作系统的智能手机。在当前的Android操作系统中,系统的安全保护措施主要依赖于锁定密码、文件系统加密等机制,文章主要针对以下3个方面进行了相关研究,包括:Android屏幕图案锁定算法和破解;Android屏幕密码锁定算法及破解;Android存储加密原理。  相似文献   

三星的智能手机操作系统bada是三星为满足它的手机用户对智能操作系统的需求而开发,这一系统吸收了众多智能手机操作系统的精华,那么这个系统到底有哪些优势?本期我们会为大家进行详细剖析。  相似文献   

你知道你手里正在使用的手机其实是含有一个操作系统的吗?你知道它是什么操作系统吗?目前都有哪些典型的智能手机操作系统呢?什么样的手机才算是智能手机?你需要什么样的智能手机?  相似文献   

IT failures abound but little is known about the financial impact that these failures have on a firm’s market value. Using the resource-based view of the firm and event study methodology, this study analyzes how firms are penalized by the market when they experience unforeseen operating or implementation-related IT failures. Our sample consists of 213 newspaper reports of IT failures by publicly traded firms, which occurred during a 10-year period. The findings show that IT failures result in a 2% average cumulative abnormal drop in stock prices over a 2-day event window. The results also reveal that the market responds more negatively to implementation failures affecting new systems than to operating failures involving current systems. Further, the study demonstrates that more severe IT failures result in a greater decline in firm value and that firms with a history of IT failures suffer a greater negative impact. The implications of these findings for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

平板电脑研究综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从操作系统、硬件、应用等方面对平板电脑的市场进行了分析,并作出了相应的总结和预测。  相似文献   

一种混合型防火墙的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对目前中小型企业和事业单位的内部网接入Internet所面临的各种各样的网络安全问题而设计的一种混合型防火墙。该防火墙依据TCP/IP协议的分层结构原理,结合目前Internet网络安全发展的最新技术,从企业网、企业单位信息网和校园网的实际需要出发,借助于目前最流行的一种中小型服务器操作系统--Linux,设计并实现的一种功能齐全、操作简单、兼容性好而且易于扩展的混合型防火墙。  相似文献   

蒋清野 《程序员》2008,(11):134-135
Linux阵营的大师们最近比较活跃。 今年7月15日,Linus Torvalds在Linux内核邮件列表里将极度关注安全问题的OpenBSD开发人员戏称为“一群只会手淫的猴子”。9月17日,著名内核维护人员Greg Kroah在Linux开发人员研讨会(Linux Plumbers Conference2008)上发表主题演讲,谴责维护Ubuntu发行版的Canonical公司对Linux社区的贡献太少,是Linux社区的“害群之马”。9月24日,Linux基金会执行总监Jim Zemlin在一篇发表在InfoWorld的文章中断言“(操作系统)的未来属于Windows和Linux”以及“Sun公司的Solaris已经濒临死亡”。该文章还“不小心”地一稿两投,同时出现在纽约时报的网站上。  相似文献   

Abstract.  This paper presents the findings of a longitudinal study of the Slovenian company Sava during its 1995–2004 transition period when it adapted to and prospered in a free market economy. The company is particularly interesting because of its successful transition from a socialist company operating in a protected market to a privatized company operating in a capitalist global market, as well as the pivotal role of information technology (IT)-supported organizational learning that brought about radical change and successful transition. Our investigation of Sava's experiences demonstrates how the company's increasing attention to organizational learning, integration of working and learning, and its constant innovation of products and processes created new needs for IT support that motivated the adoption of new IT systems (such as Lotus Notes, document management systems, SAP), which in turn increased Sava's capacity to learn. Furthermore, our study reveals how the role of IT systems in organizational learning depends on the nature of learning (single-loop, double-loop or triple-loop learning) and the organizational level at which learning takes place (individual, group/department or organization). By providing insight into the emergence of distinct types of IT-supported learning and their vital role in Sava's successful transition, the paper contributes to a deeper understanding of the relationship between IT and organizational learning that is relevant and inspiring to other companies, especially those operating in transition economies.  相似文献   

This article formulates and tests a set of hypotheses about the success of open source software projects with respect to market penetration and human resource attraction. The authors collected data from 1025 open source software projects in a longitudinal study. The cross-sectional results show that the extent of a project’s operating systems, the range of translated languages, programming languages, and project age positively impact OSS projects’ positive outcomes with respect to market penetration and human resource attraction.  相似文献   

A stock market data processing system that can handle high data volumes at low latencies is critical to market makers. Such systems play a critical role in algorithmic trading, risk analysis, market surveillance, and many other related areas. The current systems tend to use specialized software and custom processors. We show that such a system can be built with general‐purpose middleware and run on commodity hardware. The middleware we use is IBM System S which includes transport technology from IBM WebSphere MQ Low Latency Messaging (LLM). Our performance evaluation consists of two parts. First, we determined the effectiveness of each system optimization that the hardware and software infrastructure makes available. These optimizations were implemented at all software levels—application, middleware, and operating system. Second, we evaluated our system on different hardware platforms. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

随着U盘容量的不断增大,越来越多的实验室管理人员在安装操作系统的时候不再使用传统的光盘安装,而是利用挂载于U盘中的Win PE系统对计算机的系统进行安装、备份和还原。市面上常用的Win PE系统有大白菜、老毛桃、IT天空等,这些Win PE系统虽然简单易用,但是无一例外的有着篡改IE首页、偷装额外软件等问题,甚至部分Win PE系统在系统安装完毕之后自动加载木马病毒等程序,严重影响了计算机实验室系统的安全性和稳定性。本文将基于微软官方发布的Windows ADK制作Windows 10 PE系统。  相似文献   

粗甲醇的精馏提纯是甲醇合成生产过程中十分关键的一环,具有很强的非线性和时变性.目前的绝大部分研究都是针对精馏塔设计与塔结构的研究,而对实际投入运行的精馏系统的操作型节能研究较少.研究对已实际投入生产的精馏系统,当进料负载和组分因实际生产情况或者市场需求而改变时,如何确定最佳操作参数达到节能优化的目的,并提出系统的解决方案.  相似文献   

《Data Processing》1984,26(5):24-27
Third party maintenance (TPM) is very successful in the USA and is now becoming popular in Western Europe, although there is still a large unfilled potential market worldwide. TPM is particularly important in sites with mixed vendor systems. The article looks at one TPM company operating in Western Europe.  相似文献   

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