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为了寻找理想的光纤低损耗区进行光孤子通信的孤子源,根据脉冲在Cr4 ∶YAG激光器里传播特性获得了带微扰的非线性薛定谔方程,系统分析了腔内色散、增益、损耗、非线性效应等对基态孤子脉冲的影响以及Cr4 ∶YAG激光器腔结构与锁模基态孤子脉冲参数的相互关系,证明在Cr4 ∶YAG激光器中能够产生基态孤子脉冲,Cr4 ∶YAG激光器可作为光孤子通信系统的孤子源。  相似文献   

为了寻找理想的光纤低损耗区进行光孤子通信的孤子源,根据脉冲在Cr^4+:YAG激光器里传播特性获得了带微扰的非线性薛定谔方程,系统分析了腔内色散、增益、损耗、非线性效应等对基态孤子脉冲的影响以及Cr^4+:YAG激光器腔结构与锁模基态孤子脉冲参数的相互关系,证明在Cr^4+:YAG激光器中能够产生基态孤子脉冲,Cr^4+:YAG激光器可作为光孤子通信系统的孤子源。  相似文献   

在平平腔的Cr4 + ∶Nd3 + ∶YAG激光器中,采用内置f = 70mm双凸透镜形成等效腔和用<1mm小孔光阑进行横模限制的方法,获得了高重频、高光光转换效率、稳定的激光脉冲序列。在泵浦功率17. 2W时,获得了平均功率4. 7W,其光光转换效率达到了27. 3%。此时的重复频率及其标准方差为42 ±1kHz,脉宽及其标准方差为9. 57 ±0. 187ns,示波器采集的光脉冲值幅度及其标准方差为471 ±36μW。对应的峰值功率和单脉冲能量分别达到了13kW 和115μJ。据我们了解,这是迄今为止LD端面泵浦的自调Q激光器获得的重复频率最高且稳定的实验结果。  相似文献   

这篇文章从经典的洛仑兹模型出发 ,推导出Cr4 :YAG晶体的增益和材料色散的二阶三阶表达式 ,计算了在Cr4 :YAG激光器中采用熔硅棱镜对色散补偿时由棱镜对引入的负色数量 ,证明在Cr4 :YAG激光器腔中可采用棱镜对进行色散补偿获得超短光脉冲  相似文献   

Cr4+:YAG晶体具有独特的增益特性和非线性特性,从Cr4+:YAG激光器的传播方程出发讨论了晶体的非线性效应对激光脉冲的影响,由于激光晶体的非线性效应Cr4+∶YAG激光器可以在不存在其他锁模器件情形下自锁模,并使激光脉冲出现频率啁啾,在激光器腔内进行色散补偿并使色散与非线性效应达到平衡时腔内可形成孤子脉冲,成为一种孤子源。  相似文献   

Cr^4+:YAG晶体具有很稳定的物理和化学性质,做为激光器的增益介质采用多种抽运源进行抽运。Cr^4+:YAG同态激光器的性能稳定、结构紧凑,能产生超短光脉冲并可以对激光输出波长在1300~1600nm间进行调谐,它是光纤通信与量子通信的理想波段,也是人眼的安全波段。  相似文献   

LD抽运的Cr4+:YAG被动调Q Nd:YAG激光器   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
研究了不同谐振腔下不同透射率的Cr4+:YAG调Q的激光输出特性.采用透射率为82%的Cr4+:YAG,在抽运功率1.1 W时,激光重复频率小于3 kHz,单脉冲能量达20 μJ,可以作为微脉冲激光雷达的发射光源.分析和比较了实验结果和理论计算,两者吻合较好.  相似文献   

介绍了一种新型的二极管直接抽运的可调谐Cr^4^ :YAG全固化激光器,其输出激光的单脉冲功率最大可达260mW,其波长调谐范围为1356-1553nm,跨度为197nm。  相似文献   

文章对自锁模Cr4 + ∶YAG激光器中光脉冲的传播行为进行了理论上的分析,对自锁模Cr4 + ∶YAG激光器的初启和获得稳定自锁模脉冲的条件进行了理论上的探讨,它与自锁模Cr4 + ∶YAG激光器的实验结论有很好的吻合。  相似文献   

LD抽运Cr4+:YAG被动调Q c-cut Nd:YVO4自拉曼激光器   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对激光二极管(LD)抽运的Cr4+:YAG被动调Q c-cut Nd:YVO4自拉曼激光器进行了实验研究。通过采用不同初始透射率的Cr4+:YAG和不同反射率的输出镜进行实验,研究了初始透射率和反射率对拉曼光输出特性的影响。测量了拉曼光的平均输出功率、脉冲重复频率和脉冲宽度随抽运功率的变化。在抽运功率为4.8 W时,拉曼光的最高平均功率为370mW,相应的光-光转换效率为7.7%。实验中得到了亚纳秒级的拉曼光输出,最高单脉冲能量为54μJ,最高峰值功率为47kW。  相似文献   

Sub-100 fs pulse generation from a Kerr lens modelocked Cr4+ :YAG laser has been demonstrated for the first time, yielding femtosecond pulses tunable from 1.49 to 1.56 μm with pulses as short as 90 fs obtained at 1.53 μm  相似文献   

采用Cr4+:YAG作为饱和吸收体,实现了结构 紧凑的全固态半导体泵浦被动调Q内腔式钨酸锶(SrWO4) 拉曼激光器,获得了稳定的、高效率的一阶斯托克斯拉曼光,并研究了激光器运转中拉曼光 的偏振特性。泵 浦抽运功率为5.8W时,获得的拉曼激光输出功率为968mW,调Q 脉冲重复率为49kHz,脉宽为7ns, 抽运光到一阶斯托克斯光的转换效率为16.7%,斜效率为18. 6%。这是目前报道的被动调 Q内腔式固 体拉曼激光器所获得的最高转换效率。  相似文献   

We demonstrate the performance of a Nd:YAG laser, passively Q-switched with a Cr4+:YAG plate, which plays the double role of a passive Q-switch and a Brewster plate. The Brewster plate configuration contributes an intracavity loss of approximately 3.2-10 -3 cm-1 along the cavity length. Losses contributed by the active Cr4+ ions in the plate relate to their excited state absorption. A freshly measured transmission saturation curve of Cr4+:YAG suggests a ground state absorption cross section σgs=(8.7±0.8)-10-19 cm2, and an excited state absorption cross section σes=(2.2±0.2)-10-19 cm2 of the Cr4+ ions at λ=1064 nm  相似文献   

We demonstrate a Nd:YAG loop resonator with a self-pumped phase conjugate, mirror in a Cr4+:YAG crystal, in the nanosecond regime. A maximum extraction of 29 mJ and a maximum reflectivity of 3.3 are obtained. The output beam is a high-quality diffraction-limited TEM 00 mode and has a pulse shape of ~20-ns duration, showing the self Q-switching ability of the resonator. In addition, we demonstrate an original and specific configuration of the anisotropic Cr4+:YAG crystal that compensates not only for phase aberrations but also for polarization aberrations induced into the loop resonator  相似文献   

Flashlamp-pumped vibronic lasing has been demonstrated at room temperature with the garnet Cr3+: GSAG. Continuous wavelength tuning was observed from 765 to 801 nm in preliminary experiments. An energy output of 110 mJ/pulse was obtained at 784 nm with a slope efficiency of 0.12 percent. Wavelength dependent gain and loss data are presented and are discussed with reference to Cr3+: GSGG measurements.  相似文献   

Tunable Cr4+:YSO Q-switched Cr:LiCAF laser   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tunable passive Q-switching (781 nm to 806 nm at 300 K) of a flash-lamp pumped Cr3+:LiCaAlF6 (Cr:LiCAF) laser with a Cr4+:Y2SiO5 (Cr4+:YSO) broad-band solid-state saturable absorber has been realized. Typical pulse widths of the Q-switched laser output ranged from 40 ns to 80 ns, depending on the lasing wavelength. Spectral narrowing and reduced beam diameter with the use of the saturable absorber were observed. The ground state and the excited state absorption cross sections of the Cr4+:YSO absorber were found by bleaching experiments to be (7.0±1.4)×10-19 cm2 and (2.3±0.5)×10-19 cm2 at 694 nm, respectively. Numerical simulation was utilized to simulate the Cr:LiCAF passive Q-switching with Cr4+ :YSO solid-state saturable absorber  相似文献   

余先伦  杨伯君  于丽  张晓光 《中国激光》2005,32(9):1207-1210
锁模固体激光器的激光输出脉冲的频率和强度随激光器的噪声出现非常大的波动,限制了激光器系统在许多方面的应用。理论上分析了被动锁模Cr4+∶YAG激光器的噪声形式和产生原因,从被动锁模Cr4+∶YAG激光器的脉冲传播方程出发,得到了带噪声的非线性薛定谔方程,依据这个方程的类孤子解,推导出被动锁模Cr4+∶YAG激光器腔内在噪声影响下脉冲的振幅和相位波动的线性扰动方程,对这个方程作了逼近解,得出振幅和相位波动的表达式和相应的噪声谱,可对实际的被动锁模Cr4+∶YAG激光器输出脉冲的噪声进行控制。  相似文献   

The passively Q-switched and mode-locked (QML) characteristics in a diode-pumped Nd: GdVO4 laser with Cr^4+: YAG saturable absorbers have been demonstrated. A maximum average output power of 710 mW has been obtained in the QML laser. The maximum energy of a single Q-switched pulse is 52.5μJ, with the corresponding pulse width of 30 ns and the peak power of 1.75 kW, at the incident pump power of 7. 75 W. The repetition rates of the Q-switched envelope and the mode-locked laser pulse are 16.7 kHz and 680 MHz, respectively.  相似文献   

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