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于涛  钱金栋  谢金森 《核动力工程》2012,33(3):17-20,37
根据硼中子俘获治疗(BNCT)中子源的要求,在高浓铀为燃料的微型反应堆(MNSR)的基础上,以富集度19.5%的UO2为燃料,将其堆芯低浓化并且添加水平超热中子束流治疗孔道,开展超热中子束流BNCT堆堆芯低浓化初步设计。计算BNCT堆的超热中子注量率、单位超热中子注量的快中子剂量率、单位超热中子注量的γ光子剂量率、超热中子注量与热中子的注量之比、中子束流能谱等关键参数。结果表明,该设计可以得到优良的超热中子束流。  相似文献   

Analysis of the Reactivity Temperature Coefficients of the Miniature Neutron Source Reactor (MNSR) for normal and accidental conditions (above 45 °C) using HEU-UAl4 and the LEU: U3Si, U3Si2 and U9Mo fuel were carried out in this paper. The Fuel Temperature Coefficient (FTC), Moderator Temperature Coefficient (MTC), and Moderator Density Coefficient (MDC) were calculated using the GETERA code. The contribution of each isotope presented in the fuel cell was calculated for the temperature range of 20 °C–100 °C at the beginning of the core life. The average values of the FTC for the UAl4, U3Si, U3Si2 and U9Mo were found to be: −2.23E-03, −1.85E-02, −1.96E-02, −1.85E-02 mk/°C respectively. The average values of the MTC for the UAl4, U3Si, U3Si2 and U9Mo were observed to be: −8.91E-03, −1.24E-04, −4.70E-03, 2.10E-03 mk/°C respectively. Finally, the average values of the MDC for the UAl4, U3Si, U3Si2 and U9Mo were observed to be: −2.06E-01, −2.03E-01, −2.04E-01, −2.03E-01 mk/°C respectively. It's found also that the dominant reactivity coefficient for all types of fuel is the MDC.  相似文献   

The Miniature Neutron Source Reactor (MNSR) is a low power research reactor. It was developed, designed and manufactured by China Institute of Atomic Energy (CIAE), with high enrichment of ^235U 90% UAl4 alloy fuel. The first Prototype MNSR reached full power in 1984. Till now, three domestic commercial MNSRs have been built in Shenzhen, Shandong and Shanghai, another five commercial MNSRs in Pakistan, Iran, Ghana, Syria and Nigeria, last three were recommended by IAEA.  相似文献   

正China Institute of Atomic Energy(CIAE)has designed and constructed prototype Miniature Neutron Source Re a c tor(MNSR)in 1984.Then CIAE developed it,and constructed commercial MNSR.After that,3 commercial MNSRs were built in China and 5commercial MNSRs were built abroad.These MNSRs  相似文献   

The Nigerian Research Reactor-1 (NIRR-1) falls in the category of Miniature Neutron Source Reactors (MNSR) using a fuel of 90% HEU. It is therefore desirable to convert it from this enrichment to LEU (less than 20%) in conformity with the new global trend of making research reactor fuel as unattractive as possible to groups that may be interested in using such highly enriched cores for non-peaceful purposes. In this work, we have developed a computational scheme based on WIMS and CITATION that would theoretically achieve this objective as easily as possible. The scheme systematically reduces the enrichment from 90% (or any other initial values) to less than 20% in steps of 5% or any desired percentage variation. Two fuel types (UAl4 and UO2) are considered in here, while maintaining the size and geometry of the core as well as the excess reactivity (between 3.5 and 4 mk). Our results show that the U-235 loading increases sharply as enrichment decreases. It has also been noticed that at 5% enrichment the fuel loading for both types is 2505 g. However, at 90% enrichment, the loading drops sharply to 998 g for UAl4 fuel and 946 g for UO2 fuel. Below the enrichment of 5%, the operation of NIRR-1 with both fuel types can be considered unrealistic as this requires structural adjustment which the work tries to maintain constant.  相似文献   

Assessment of fuel conversion from high enriched uranium (HEU) to low enriched uranium (LEU) fuel in the Syrian MNSR reactor was conducted in this paper. Three 3-D neutronic models for the Syrian MNSR reactor using the MCNP-4C code were developed to assess the possibility of fuel conversion from 89.87% HEU fuel (UAl4–Al) to 19.75% LEU fuel (UO2). The first model showed that 347 fuel rods with HEU fuel were required to obtain a reactor core with 5.17 mk unadjusted excess reactivity. The second model showed that only 200 LEU fuel rods distributed in the reactor core like the David star figure were required to obtain a reactor core with 4.85 mk unadjusted excess reactivity. The control rod worth using the LEU fuel was enhanced. Finally, the third model showed that distribution of 200 LEU fuel rods isotropically in the 10 circles of the reactor core failed to convert the fuel since the calculated core unadjusted excess reactivity for this model was 10.45 mk. This value was far beyond the reactor operation limits and highly exceeded the current MNSR core unadjusted excess reactivity (5.17 mk).  相似文献   

A comparative study has been performed for neutronic analysis of highly enriched in uranium (HEU) and potential low enriched in uranium (LEU) cores for the Pakistan Research Reactor-2 (PARR-2) taken as a typical miniature neutron source reactor (MNSR) system. The group constant generation has been carried out using transport theory code WIMS-D4 and a detailed five-group RZ-model has been used in the CITATION code for multigroup diffusion theory analysis. The neutronic analysis of the 90% HEU reference and potential LEU alternative: UO2, U3Si2 and U9Mo, cores has been carried out yielding 11%, 20.7% and 14.25% enrichments with corresponding values of excess reactivity: 4.33, 4.30 and 4.07 mk. These results have been found in good agreement with recently reported Monte Carlo-based transport theory calculations. The diffusion theory-based calculated values of thermal flux profiles for axial as well as for radial directions have been found to agree well with the corresponding experimental measurements. The UO2-based LEU core has been found having flux spectrum closest to the reference core while U9Mo core has significantly harder flux spectrum at irradiation site.  相似文献   

Thin-walled WWR-M5 fuel elements were designed and manufactured and have been used successfully for 16 years; they contain twice as much uranium-235 as the WWR-M2 and WWR-M3 fuel elements. The fuel elements have been optimized with regard to their neutron physics and thermal-hydraulic parameters and fuel consumption has been minimized. The mean specific power in the core of the WWR-M reactor was raised to 230 kW l−1, the measured maximum volume thermal specific power was 900±100 kW l−1 and the surface specific power was 136±15 W cm−2. The WWR-M5 fuel elements enable the power of the WWR-M pooltype reactor to be raised to 30 MW while simultaneously increasing the number of cells in the core available for experimentation by a factor of approximately two and reducing fuel element consumption. Reactor tests of WWR-M fuel elements with reduced fuel enrichment (36 and 21%) were carried out for a meat uranium density up to 2–3 g cm−3. Conversion of WWR-SM-type reactors to these fuel elements did not lead to a loss in reactivity and enabled their power to be increased to 20–30 MW.  相似文献   

<正>On August 29~(th),Ghana MNSR’s High Enriched Uranium(HEU)fuel has transported back from Ghana to China safely and smoothly.So far,the Ghana MNSR LEU conversion project led by CIAE was successfully completed.The successful implementation of Ghana MNSR,the first one which has done LEU conversion abroad,is an important  相似文献   

医院中子照射器建成后,对分析室内及其屏蔽门外的γ剂量率和中子剂量当量率进行了测量,测量结果显示:分析室内局部γ剂量率与设计值相差较大,分析室屏蔽门外γ剂量率超过原设计监督区限值7.5 μSv/h,因此需对分析室内部及其屏蔽门进行屏蔽改造。根据蒙特卡罗程序模拟计算结果及实际使用情况给出最终屏蔽方案,即在分析室束流孔道所在墙面加装厚度为16 cm的铅屏蔽材料屏蔽γ射线,对四周墙面及屏蔽门内侧加装厚度为1 cm的含锂聚乙烯板屏蔽散射中子。改造后分析室剂量最高点γ剂量率下降277倍,中子剂量当量率下降5.8倍,屏蔽门外γ剂量率下降近90倍。  相似文献   

A neutronics feasibility study has been performed to determine the enrichment that would be required to convert a commercial Miniature Neutron Source Reactor (MNSR) from HEU (90.2%) to LEU (<20%) fuel. Two LEU cores with uranium oxide fuel pins of different dimensions were studied. The one has the same dimensions as the current HEU fuel while the other has the dimensions as the special MNSR, the In-Hospital Neutron Irradiator (INHI), which is a variant of the MNSR. The LEU cores that were studied are of identical core configuration as the current HEU core, except for potential changes in the design of the fuel pins. The following reactor core physics parameters were computed for the two LEU fuel options; clean cold core excess reactivity (ρex), control rod (CR) worth, shut down margin (SDM), neutron flux distributions in the irradiation channels and kinetics data (i.e. effective delayed neutron fraction, βeff and prompt neutron lifetime, lf). Results obtained are compared with current HEU core and indicate that it would be feasible to use any of the LEU options for the conversion of NIRR-1 in particular from HEU to LEU.  相似文献   

A comparative study of fuel burnup and buildup of actinides and fission products for potential LEU fuels (UO2 and U–9Mo) with existing HEU fuel (UAl4–Al, 90% enriched) for a typical Miniature Neutron Source Reactor (MNSR) has been carried-out using the WIMSD4 computer program. For the complete burnup, the UAl4–Al, UO2 and U–9Mo based systems show a total consumption of 6.89, 6.83 and 6.88 g of 235U, respectively. Relative to 0.042 g 239Pu produced in case of UAl4–Al HEU core, UO2 and U–9Mo based cores have been found to yield 0.793 and 0.799 g, respectively, indicating much larger values of conversion ratios and correspondingly high values of fuel utilization factor. The end-of-cycle activity of the HEU core has been found 2284 Ci which agrees well with value found by Khattab where as for UO2 based and U–9Mo based LEU cores show 1.8 and 4.8% increase with values 2326 and 2394 Ci, respectively.  相似文献   

PARR-2 (Pakistan Research Reactor-2), an MNSR (Miniature Neutron Source Reactor) is to be converted from HEU (High Enriched Uranium) to LEU (Low Enriched Uranium) fuel, along with all current MNSRs in various other countries. The purpose of conversion is to minimize the use of HEU for non-proliferation of high-grade nuclear fuel. The present report presents thermal hydraulic and safety analyses of PARR-2 using existing HEU fuel as well as proposed LEU fuel. Presently, the core is comprised of 90.2% enriched UAl4-Al fuel. There are 344 fuel pins of 5.5 mm diameter. The core has a total of 994.8 g of U235. Standard computer code PARET/ANL (version 1992) (Obenchain, 1969) was employed to perform steady-state and transient analyses. Various parameters were computed, which included: coolant outlet, maximum clad surface & maximum fuel centerline temperatures; and peak power & corresponding peak core temperatures resulting from a transient initiated by 4 mK positive reactivity insertion. Results were compared with the reported data in Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) (Qazi et al., 1994). It was found that the PARET results were in reasonable agreement with the manufacturer's results. Calculations were also carried out for the proposed LEU core with two suggested fuel pin sizes (5.5 mm and 5.1 mm diameter with 12.6% & 12.3% enrichment, respectively). Comparison of the LEU results with the existing HEU fuel has been made and discussed.  相似文献   

In order to be applied in cosmic ray, a device was designed which uses a spherical moderator and two types of proportional counters. One is the spherical counter which is imbedded at the center of the sphere moderator. This counter is called as an inner detector. The other six counters is the tube counter. Each is located close to the moderator surface and these counters are called as an outer detector.  相似文献   

为测量中国散裂中子源(China Spallation Neutron Source, CSNS)反角白光中子源150 keV以下能区飞行时间法中子能谱,研制基于10B(n, α)7Li和6Li(n, t)α核反应的双屏栅电离室,采用薄窗和薄底衬的结构设计。通过Garfield++、SRIM和Simcenter Magnet Electric程序对屏栅电离室的工作气体、极间距和电场分布等工作参数进行模拟设计,并采用α源及CF4、P10、90%Ar-10%CO2三种气体对电离室进行性能参数测试。结果表明,选定电子漂移速度快、扩散系数小,以及阻止本领大的CF4作为CSNS/Back-n束上测试工作气体,阴极-栅极和栅极-阳极间距分别为20 mm和5 mm。屏栅电离室收集区74 mm范围内是电场均匀区,场强的相对偏差≤0.03%;性能测试结果表明,工作气体为CF4时,电离室对239Pu/241Am/244Cm混合α面源具有很好的能量分辨,最佳能量分辨率为2.4%@5.48 MeV。对比平板型电离室和硅微条探测器的测量结果,验证了本工作研制的屏栅型电离室的能量分辨优势。  相似文献   

微堆运行性能的提高   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
介绍了深圳大学微堆几年来在安全运行的基础上为提高微堆的运行性能所进行的技术改进。目前,微堆在额定功率下的最大可运行时间从约8h提高到约40h,运行性能大为提高,为中短寿命放射性同位素制备和化分析应用展现了新的前景。  相似文献   

微堆超热中子活化分析在地学样品测定中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
微型中子源反应堆(简称微堆)是以高浓铀(235 U)作燃料的轻水欠慢化型反应堆,辐照孔道内存在有较大份额的超热中子和快中子,适合进行超热中子活化分析(ENAA)的实验研究。地质样品成分复杂,在用普通的中子活化分析时,基体元素影响了部分元素的准确测定。为降低基体成分的本底干扰、改善目标元素的测量精密度和检出限,可采用超热中子活化分析的方法。本文利用微堆上安装的屏蔽材料为镉的超热中子辐照孔道,测定了元素周期表中67种元素的约130个核素的镉比,讨论了在超热中子活化分析中某些元素的有利因子及铀裂变和(n,p)反应的干扰情况,验证了微堆ENAA方法在地质科学样品检测中的实际应用,证实利用本方法可测定地学样品中20余种元素,其检出限、精密度和准确度均得到了较明显的改善。该法是常规活化分析方法必要的、有益的补充。  相似文献   

正To improve economic efficiency during the physical start-up of China Experimental Fast Reactor(CEFR),we choose Sb-Be neutron source as the design object,the feasibility of using sec-  相似文献   

<正>The explosive detection method of thermal neutron activation(TNA)uses the thermal neutron interacting explosive of rich elements(H,N),after(n,γ)reaction,emitγrays with characteristic energy(2.223 MeV,10.835 MeV),through spectrum analysis the content of reaction element can be determined,detecting the presence of explosives.Based on the D-D neutron  相似文献   

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