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Due to the need for stable frequency rectangular wave signals, various relaxation quartz crystal oscillators were designed. Therefore it is of interest to have data on their short-term frequency stability. The generally accepted definitions of measures for short-term frequency stability and measurement procedures are reviewed in this paper. Measurement results for the short-term frequency stability of quartz crystal multivibrators in time and frequency domains show a high spectral purity of the multivibrator output signal. The single-sideband-to-carrier phase noise has values lower than -90 and -120 dB on the offset frequencies of 1 and 10 Hz, respectively. The white phase noise is about -160 dB. The power law spectral density model of fractional frequency fluctuations for the quartz multivibrators is established and a discussion on the noise sources is given.  相似文献   

The magnetic relaxation phenomenon is a crucial subject for the engineering applications of bulk high-temperature superconductors (HTS) in which the trapped field or levitation force behaves with a time-dependent decay due to the intrinsic flux creep inside the HTS materials. To fully exploit the high trapped field of bulk HTS, we have experimentally investigated the trapped flux relaxation properties, especially at different magnetization levels. With different excitation fields, the dependence between trapped field and relaxation rate was analyzed and compared in both field-cooling magnetization (FCM) and zero-field-cooling magnetization (ZFCM) conditions. In parallel, the relaxation rates for different trapped flux can be measured all at once during a single magnetization process. The relaxation rate is closely correlated to the trapped field and useful to reflect the effect of the following remagnetization processes. To suppress the relaxation, we further checked possible methods from the three aspects of material improvement, working temperature and flux annealing effect.  相似文献   

The potential functions of the F-S model for ordered high-temperature intermetallic compound NiAl with a B2 structure are constructed. Using the potential, the point defects properties were studied by molecuIar dynamics method, the results are in good agreement with that by EAM method and the experiment values. Meanwhile, the results clarify the experiments of two recovery stages in quenched NiAl alloy, and indicate that the two stages are corresponding to the recovery of Ni vacancies and of Al vacancies  相似文献   

Ce:YAP晶体中的孪晶缺陷   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用同步幅射白光形貌及光学显微形貌等手段研究了Ce:YAP晶体中存在的孪晶缺陷. 对孪晶的性质进行了表征, 结果表明, 它们为{101}和{121}孪晶. 经分析, 我们认为相邻且相近的晶格参数互换是孪晶形成的内在因素, 并据此建立了孪晶结构模型; 另外, 晶体生长过程中放肩阶段生长速率的突变则是导致孪晶形成的主要的外部因素.  相似文献   

化学传感器是一种重要的绿色传感器,在环境保护、催化合成等领域的工业过程和质量控制方面有着广泛应用.近来由于其在临床诊断、安全警报、缉毒安检和反恐防恐等方面的特殊功用,倍受重视而得到了很大的发展.本文就当今化学传感器陶瓷研究的一个热点-点缺陷与周围环境物理-化学交互作用,如点缺陷在氧化、还原和掺杂以及光、电、颜色等化学环境变化所导致的新应用和新进展作系统论述,以期有助于今后我国在该领域的基础研究和原创性、开拓性绿色事业研究的开展,在当前全球性经济危机下,具有特别重要的意义.  相似文献   

ZnGeP2晶体是具有重要应用背景的红外非线性光学材料.晶体中的点缺陷严重限制了ZnGeP2晶体的应用发展.本工作介绍了ZnGeP2晶体点缺陷的最新研究进展情况.首先,利用电子顺磁共振技术研究了ZnGeP2晶体的点缺陷.主要存在缺陷是受主缺陷V-Zn及施主缺陷VOP和Ge Zn,其相应的缺陷能级分别为E(V-Zn)=EC-(1.024±0.03)eV,E(VOP)=EV (1.61±0.06)eV和E(Ge Zn)=EV (1.70±0.03)eV.对晶体作了电子照射及高温退火等处理后,又分别发现了两种缺陷V3-Ge和Vpi.其次,利用全势能线性muffin-tin轨道组合法模拟研究了ZnGeP2晶体的点缺陷.主要存在缺陷及缺陷能级的计算结果与实验结果基本一致,但由于理论模拟与实际情况还存在差距,有些计算结果与实验结果相矛盾.因此,将实验与理论有机结合研究晶体的点缺陷是今后研究的重点.  相似文献   

单晶高温合金的性能优异,但是制造成本昂贵,因此其表面缺陷的焊接修复一直是单晶高温合金领域的重要研究课题。本文全面阐述了各类焊接修复(包括熔焊、钎焊和瞬时液相扩散焊)方法对修复区的组织和修复后力学性能的影响,分析了各类焊接修复方法的局限性和存在的问题,并指出了单晶高温合金表面缺陷焊接修复的发展方向。  相似文献   

无机材料点缺陷的研究具有基础性和前沿性特色,是当前高技术陶瓷发展中的一个新兴的技术支撑,具有诱人的应用前景,甚为世人瞩目.点缺陷结构与高技术陶瓷的物理和化学性能密切相关.本文就点缺陷能量、生成、缔合、点缺陷和界面间的互作用等化学和物理机制,点缺陷的电子学以及点缺陷工程研究中的最新进展等方面进行了综述.本文还就点缺陷对改善高技术陶瓷的电、磁、光、力和生物等性能所提供的美好前景进行了评述,以期有助于今后我国在无机材料领域原创性和开拓性研究的深入发展.  相似文献   

Based on the first-principle calculations by using the Korringa?CKohn?CRostoker coherent potential approximation (KKR-CPA) method in connection with the local density approximation (LDA), we study theoretically the electronic and magnetic properties of different point defects in ZnO, which are Zinc interstitials (Zni), Zinc antisites (ZnO), Oxygen interstitials (Oi) and Oxygen antisites (OZn) defects in ZnO. The supercell calculations were also performed using the full potential local-orbital (FPLO) band structure scheme. This work presents detailed information about total and local density of states at some concentrations of these defects; the stability of the ferromagnetic state compared with the spin-glass state is investigated by comparing calculating their total energy. The results show on one hand that Zni and ZnO produce a shallow donor bellow the bottom of the conduction band (CB), while Oi and OZn produces the shallow acceptors above the top of the valence band (VB), and moment magnetic; on other hand that the ferromagnetic state is more stable than the spin-glass in Oxygen interstitials (Oi) and vice versa for oxygen antisites (OZn) of native point defects in ZnO. The other native point defects (Zni, ZnO, VO, and VZn) have a zero magnetic moment. The results show that the Curie temperature increases with the concentration of interstitial oxygen.  相似文献   

研究KTiOAsO4晶体的生长缺陷,对于改善它的性能和应用前景,有很大的意义.本文利用化学腐蚀光学显微术和同步辐射X射线形貌术研究了KTiOAsO晶体的缺陷,实验结果表明,两种腐蚀剂对于显示KTA晶体的表面缺陷效果显著,KTA晶体中主要的缺陷有铁电畴、生长层、扇形界、位错和包裹物.讨论了这些缺陷形成的原因。  相似文献   

Corrugation is a ubiquitous phenomenon for graphene grown on metal substrates by chemical vapor deposition, which greatly affects the electrical, mechanical, and chemical properties. Recent years have witnessed great progress in controlled growth of large graphene single crystals; however, the issue of surface roughness is far from being addressed. Here, the corrugation at the interface of copper (Cu) and graphene, including Cu step bunches (CuSB) and graphene wrinkles, are investigated and ascribed to the anisotropic strain relaxation. It is found that the corrugation is strongly dependent on Cu crystallographic orientations, specifically, the packed density and anisotropic atomic configuration. Dense Cu step bunches are prone to form on loose packed faces due to the instability of surface dynamics. On an anisotropic Cu crystal surface, Cu step bunches and graphene wrinkles are formed in two perpendicular directions to release the anisotropic interfacial stress, as revealed by morphology imaging and vibrational analysis. Cu(111) is a suitable crystal face for growth of ultraflat graphene with roughness as low as 0.20 nm. It is believed the findings will contribute to clarifying the interplay between graphene and Cu crystal faces, and reducing surface roughness of graphene by engineering the crystallographic orientation of Cu substrates.  相似文献   

Using the Korringa–Kohn–Rostoker Coherent Potential Approximation (KKR-CPA) method in connection with the Generalized Gradient Approximation (GGA), we study the magnetic and electronic properties of different point defects in cubic ZrO2. In particular, we discuss the zirconium interstitial (Zri), zirconium antisite (ZrO), zirconium vacancy (VZr), oxygen interstitial (Oi), oxygen antisite (OZr), and oxygen vacancy (VO) defects. It has been shown that oxygen vacancy and zirconium interstitial (VO, Zri) are n-type, while the other point defects are p-type. The magnetic moments are observed only in the oxygen interstitial and antisite (Oi, OZr) cases. The corresponding ferromagnetic states are more stable than the spin–glass states. It has been found that the mechanism responsible of such stabilities is the double exchange. Based on Mean Field Approximation (MFA), the Curie temperature (T C ) is estimated. Moreover, it has been found that the Oi and OZr defects provide half-metallic properties being the responsible for ferromagnetism.  相似文献   

This paper presents the tunability of the high temperature superconducting (SC) point defect modes in a two-dimensional photonic crystal composed of circular cylinders on a square lattice. By some modifications on the plane wave expansion method, we have shown that the properties of the SC point defect modes strongly depend on the temperature and external magnetic fields. The superconductor type and the nearest-neighbor of the defect effects are further investigated. Comparison between SC and conventional defects show that the SC one has only a monopole profile for different values of the defect size, and has very low sensitivity on the disorders, which is an important feature from a manufacturing point of view.  相似文献   

采用同步辐射白光貌相术研究合成金刚石单晶体中的晶体缺陷,观察到晶体中存在籽晶,籽晶周围存在着大量的位错线.位错线起源于籽晶表面,终止于晶体表面.计算了位错束的空间走向和位错密度.分析了晶体的生长阶段和影响晶体缺陷的主要因素,指出通过减少籽晶表面的缺陷,保持生长条件的稳定,能够有效地降低合成金刚石晶体中缺陷的密度,提高合成金刚石晶体的完整性.  相似文献   

天然金刚石晶体缺陷的同步辐射形貌研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
郭志志  李兰杰等 《功能材料》1995,26(1):56-57,27
本文利用北京同步辐射白光形貌术研究了辽宁天然金刚石晶体的缺陷问题,实验结果表明,金刚石晶体中存在有位错,生长带和生长带和孪晶等缺陷,文中对位错进行了详细讨论,并确定其特征量。  相似文献   

钆掺杂钨酸铅闪烁晶体的介电双弛豫峰研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
完成了钆离子(Gd3++)掺杂钨酸铅晶体在40~600℃、1~106Hz范围内介电性能的测量.在升温过程中观察的典型的介电弛豫峰,记为α峰,其激活能为050±0,01eV,频率因子v=1.44×109.而在降温过程中,除α峰外还出现了另一介电弛豫峰,记为β峰,其激活能为 0.51±0.2eV,频率因子V=2.44×106.α峰和 β 峰均可用 Debye方程来描述,而其相对强度呈此消彼长的趋势.分析了Gd:PWO中两种介电弛豫峰的起因及其相互关系,并讨论了它们与PWO晶体闪烁性能变化之间的关系.  相似文献   

ZnGeP2晶体是具有重要应用背景的红外非线性光学材料. 晶体中的点缺陷严重限制了ZnGeP2晶体的应用发展. 本工作介绍了ZnGeP2晶体点缺陷的最新研究进展情况. 首先, 利用电子顺磁共振技术研究了ZnGeP2晶体的点缺陷. 主要存在缺陷是受主缺陷V-Zn及施主缺陷V0P和Ge+Zn, 其相应的缺陷能级分别为E(V-Zn)=EC-(1.02±0.03)eV, E(V0P)=EV+(1.61±0.06)eV和E(Ge+Zn)=EV+(1.70±0.03)eV. 对晶体作了电子照射及高温退火等处理后, 又分别发现了两种缺陷V 3-Ge和VPi. 其次, 利用全势能线性muffin-tin轨道组合法模拟研究了ZnGeP2晶体的点缺陷. 主要存在缺陷及缺陷能级的计算结果与实验结果基本一致, 但由于理论模拟与实际情况还存在差距, 有些计算结果与实验结果相矛盾. 因此, 将实验与理论有机结合研究晶体的点缺陷是今后研究的重点.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional surface defect inspection remains a challenging task. This paper describes a novel automatic vision-based inspection system that is capable of detecting and characterizing defects on an airplane exterior surface. By analyzing 3D data collected with a 3D scanner, our method aims to identify and extract the information about the undesired defects such as dents, protrusions or scratches based on local surface properties. Surface dents and protrusions are identified as the deviations from an ideal, smooth surface. Given an unorganized point cloud, we first smooth noisy data by using Moving Least Squares algorithm. The curvature and normal information are then estimated at every point in the input data. As a next step, Region Growing segmentation algorithm divides the point cloud into defective and non-defective regions using the local normal and curvature information. Further, the convex hull around each defective region is calculated in order to englobe the suspicious irregularity. Finally, we use our new technique to measure the dimension, depth, and orientation of the defects. We tested and validated our novel approach on real aircraft data obtained from an Airbus A320, for different types of defect. The accuracy of the system is evaluated by comparing the measurements of our approach with ground truth measurements obtained by a high-accuracy measuring device. The result shows that our work is robust, effective and promising for industrial applications.  相似文献   

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