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金青  丁兆国 《工业工程》2011,14(6):90-93
针对机电产品企业普遍采用的多品种、串并联生产系统,提出了批量轮番生产方式下采用动态看板作为控制手段时看板内容的设置和看板数量的计算方法,使得看板的内容和数量能随“需求”而动态变化,实现了“多品种均衡”生产和现场在制品数量的有效控制。  相似文献   

以看板生产系统基本理论为基础,某发动机总装车间为实证案例,应用Witness物流仿真软件对该车间看板生产系统进行仿真与优化,实现在短时间内预见实施效果,对系统绩效如设备利用率、订单处理效率等做出评价。结果表明,实施看板系统后,订单得到及时响应,提高了客户满意度,设备平均利用率和生产效率显著提高,产品产量达到目标产量。最后对看板生产系统的隐性参数进行优化,为不同企业根据实际生产情况实施看板生产系统参数选取提供依据  相似文献   

为解决制造企业生产系统面临的多品种、小批量的计划与控制问题,参考当前流行的生产管理理论,提出了一种推拉结合的生产计划与控制方法.该方法将MRP、JIT和TOC理论在不同计划和控制层面上进行综合应用,辅助车间快速有效地实现生产作业控制.该方法在制造执行系统(MES)平台的具体实现及在某制造型企业的应用验证了其可行性和有效性.  相似文献   

针对某类产品单元化制造中单一的MRPⅡ、JIT或TOC生产计划和控制模式难以实施的特点,构建了一种以TOC、MRPⅡ生产计划系统和JIT生产控制系统为核心,考虑制造单元资源约束和订单插入因素的集成生产计划和控制模式.该模式能以市场需求预测、JIT拉动与APS模拟相结合的方式进行生产计划排产,同时利用能力需求计划、看板系统和系统仿真对生产过程实施跟踪控制.此模式对快速、有效地组织该类产品的生产具有重要意义.  相似文献   

目视管理是企业生产管理中一种以公开化和视觉显不为特征的管理方式。它主要是利用图表、看板、颜色、物品放置区域规划等工具把生产现场中发生的问题点、异常、浪费等有关品质、成本、交货期、安全及其它生严沽动变成一目了然的状态,塑造有序的生产环境,借以实现自主管理、自我控制。在产能相对过剩的今天,印铁企业需要从各个方面满足客户的要求,使得企业不得不进行品种多、单个品种的数量少、交货期短的生产,  相似文献   

汽车零部件企业面向准时供货的生产计划   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
分析了目前我国汽车零部件企业生产计划存在的普遍问题,应用JIT和MRP的理论,提出了推动和拉动相结合的生产计划编制方法.该方法首先采用"拉动式"的倒排法进行编制,然后采用"推动式"的正排法进行调整,工序之间采用看板进行控制和连接.案例研究表明,该方法具有很强的操作性.  相似文献   

金青  张忠  潘雪涛  王晓宇  葛冰 《工业工程》2011,14(3):137-140
针对传统看板方式不适用于多品种、小批量订单生产的诸多问题,提出了一种新的、基于可视化电子看板技术的解决方案,使得准时化生产方式能成功运用于多品种、小批量订单的市场环境。以电子产品的生产场景为例,采用过程分析的方法,进行了新看板运行流程的设计,提出了可视化电子看板系统的结构、关键技术和适用环境条件。  相似文献   

看板管理所谓“看板管理”,就是利用看板进行生产现场管理和作业控制的方式。主要有两种方式,即“单看板方式”和“双看板方式”。单看板方式其特点是仅仅使用“生产看板”来发出作业指令并控制生产过程。双看板方式其特点是同时使用“生产看板”和“取料看板”来控制生产过程。这是丰田公司普遍采用的一种生产管理方法。着板(Kanban)看板是实现难时化生产的一个重要手段。具体而言,看板是一种纸卡片。看板上,一般都标有工厂名称、零部件名称、零部件编码代号、零部件数量、容器种类、上下道工序名称、存放处等信息。经常使用的看板…  相似文献   

针对我国造船企业效益低下的问题,提出了应用JIT生产方式提高造船企业生产管理水平。结合船舶建造流程的特点,分析了限制造船企业应用JIT生产方式的原因。在此基础上,运用成组技术构建了单一流水线,根据流水线负荷,均衡流水线生产节拍,运用看板管理促进拉式生产的实现。最后,结合某造船企业进行案例分析,表明该流程的可行性及有效性。  相似文献   

过量堆积的在制品占用大量空间、降低企业资金周转率,造成企业成本增加。为解决企业普遍存在的该问题并实际应用看板系统策略,重点研究在两阶段生产系统中工序间看板最优数量的确定方法。结合企业实际运作情况,考虑产品缺货成本、在制品库存持有成本、机器生产成本以及机器闲置成本在内的生产系统单位时间总成本,识别系统运行中的马尔科夫过程并应用排队理论构建成本模型,最终得到两工序之间的最优看板数量。算例分析说明了该模型的可行性和有效性。敏感性分析表明,看板数量较少时,对单位产品的缺货成本和持有成本参数的敏感度更高。另外,最优看板数量也随后工序生产速率增加而增加。  相似文献   

面向订货生产的生产计划与控制技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
生产负荷控制是一种面向订货生产方式的生产计划与控制技术.它以输入输出控制为基本思想,通过设置订单交货期和控制订单进入生产车间的时间以及调整机器生产能力来控制各台机器的生产负荷,能够降低在制品库存,控制生产提前期并改善交货表现,从而增强制造企业的竞争力.本文介绍了生产负荷控制技术的理论、控制结构,并综述了相关研究文献,提出了今后的研究方向.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the problem of joint production, setup and subcontracting control of unreliable manufacturing systems producing two product types. The production requires setups each time it switches from one product type to another. Subcontracting is an integral part of the decision-making process due to limited production capacity in existing facility. The objective is to propose an effective control policy for the considered system which simultaneously manages production, setup and subcontracting activities. The complexity of the problem lies in the interaction between internal manufacturing decisions and subcontracting that outsource a part of the production, in a dynamic and stochastic environment. An experimental optimisation approach is adopted to determine the optimal control parameters which minimise the average total cost. Extensive sensitivity analyses are performed to illustrate the robustness and the usefulness of the adopted approach. An in-depth study comparing five control policies across a wide range of system parameters is also conducted. Extended cases closer to reality are also investigated considering elements such as the preventive maintenance and the production of non-conforming products. The best control policy in terms of economic performance is then obtained. Valuable insights providing a better understanding of interactions involving production, setup, and subcontracting are discussed.  相似文献   

Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) is considered to be an efficient method for fabricating large‐area and high‐quality graphene films due to its excellent controllability and scalability. Great efforts have been made to control the growth of graphene to achieve large domain sizes, uniform layers, fast growth, and low synthesis temperatures. Some attempts have been made by both the scientific community and startup companies to mass produce graphene films; however, there is a large difference in the quality of graphene synthesized on a laboratory scale and an industrial scale. Here, recent progress toward the mass production of CVD graphene films is summarized, including the manufacturing process, equipment, and critical process parameters. Moreover, the large‐scale homogeneity of graphene films and fast characterization methods are also discussed, which are crucial for quality control in mass production.  相似文献   

This article addresses the production control problem of an adjustable capacity unreliable manufacturing cell responding to a single product type demand. The manufacturing cell is composed of an unreliable machine, called the ‘central machine’. Due to availability fluctuations, the central machine may fall short of meeting the long-term demand rate. In order to quickly adjust the production capacity and thus meet the demand, a reserve machine is called upon in support if the finished product inventory level drops below a specific threshold. Such a machine involves higher production costs compared with the central one. This article aims to determine the optimal production control policy for the involved machines in order to minimise production, inventory and backlog costs over an infinite horizon. This article proposes a continuous dynamic programming formulation of the problem and adopted a numerical scheme to solve the optimality conditions equations. The optimal production policy is shown to be described by a state dependent hedging point policy (SDHPP). To determine the optimal control policy parameters, an experimental approach based on design of experiments, simulation modelling, and response surface methodology is proposed. Several sensitivity analyses have been carried out and have shown the robust behaviour of the developed policy facing expected variations of the system parameters. The results also show that the proposed SDHPP policy outperforms classical stand-by and parallel machines based control policies. The usefulness of the proposed approach is outlined for more complex situations where the system must deal with non-exponential failure and repair time distributions.  相似文献   

生产进度的同步化方法研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
传统的生产进度计划方法假设生产能力是平衡的,生产提前时间和经济生产批量是确定的,以之有基础制定的生产进度计划不能反映现实的生产状况,实际的生产经常不能按预定的进度完成,根据同步生产的思想和约束管理的原则,提出一种生产进度的同步化方法,该方法可应用在各种类型的制造企业中。  相似文献   

米雷雨 《工业工程》2018,21(4):34-42
基于复杂系统制造过程对完善生产资料准备、缩短制造周期、增强生产计划控制力、提升高端制造业发展水平的迫切要求,根据模块化理论、制造工艺、项目管理、最优化理论等方法,构建复杂系统制造模块顺序网络图,并建立求解制造周期的整数规划模型,最后举出实例,运用优化求解软件CPLEX得出整个系统制造周期及对应的关键制造路径,运用求解结果制定生产资料准备计划及生产计划,发现模块化技术实行后,生产计划及生产资料准备计划实现最大并行化开展,且生产资料准备先于生产计划开展前完成,整个系统制造周期大大缩短,验证了模型的有效性、准确性和优越性。  相似文献   

将生产计划与生产调度整合,提出整合式晶圆生产控制系统,以应对生产过程中的异常情况,提高晶圆厂的生产绩效.利用两大建模工具IDEF0和Petri Net的各自优点,对整合式生产控制系统建模.  相似文献   

基于OPT的生产作业计划与控制系统设计   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
建立符合我国企业实际情况的生产作业计划与控制系统是我国企业现代化改造和适应新的生产方式的主要问题之一。论述了建立生产作业计划与控制系统模型的基本方法,以最优化生产技术(OPT)的基本原理为基础,结合我国企业的实际情况,对现代制造系统生产作业计划与控制系统的编制方法进行了探讨和开发应用。  相似文献   

The paper studies the production inventory problem of minimizing the expected discounted present value of production cost control in manufacturing systems with degenerate stochastic demand. We have developed the optimal inventory production control problem by deriving the dynamics of the inventory-demand ratio that evolves according to a stochastic neoclassical differential equation through Ito’s Lemma. We have also established the Riccati based solution of the reduced (one-dimensional) HJB equation corresponding to production inventory control problem through the technique of dynamic programming principle. Finally, the optimal control is shown to exist from the optimality conditions in the HJB equation.  相似文献   

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