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A new, simple, and hardware-only fluorescence-lifetime-imaging microscopy (FLIM) is proposed to implement on-chip lifetime extractions, and their signal-to-noise-ratio based on statistics theory is also deduced. The results are compared with Monte Carlo simulations, giving good agreement. Compared with the commonly used iterative least-squares method or the maximum-likelihood-estimation- (MLE-) based, general purpose FLIM analysis software, our algorithm offers direct calculation of fluorescence lifetime based on the collected photon counts stored in on-chip counters and therefore delivers faster analysis for real-time applications, such as clinical diagnosis. Error analysis considering timing jitter based on statistics theory is carried out for the proposed algorithms and is also compared with MLE to obtain optimized channel width or measurement window and bit resolution of the time-to-digital converters for a given accuracy. A multi-exponential, pipelined fluorescence lifetime method based on the proposed algorithms is also introduced. The performance of the proposed methods has been tested on mono-exponential and four-exponential decay experimental data.  相似文献   

Time-domain fluorescence imaging is a powerful new technique that adds a rich amount of information to conventional fluorescence imaging. Specifically, time-domain fluorescence can be used to remove autofluorescence from signals, resolve multiple fluorophore concentrations, provide information about tissue microenvironments, and, for reflectance-based imaging systems, resolve inclusion depth. The present study provides the theory behind an improved method of analyzing reflectance-based time-domain data that is capable of accurately recovering mixed concentration ratios of multiple fluorescent agents while also recovering the depth of the inclusion. The utility of the approach was demonstrated in a number of simulations and in tissuelike phantom experiments using a short source-detector separation system. The major findings of this study were (1) both depth of an inclusion and accurate ratios of two-fluorophore concentrations can be recovered accurately up to depths of approximately 1 cm with only the optical properties of the medium as prior knowledge, (2) resolving the depth and accounting for the dispersion effects on fluorescent lifetimes is crucial to the accuracy of recovered ratios, and (3) ratios of three-fluorophore concentrations can be resolved at depth but only if the lifetimes of the three fluorophores are used as prior knowledge. By accurately resolving the concentration ratios of two to three fluorophores, it may be possible to remove autofluorescence or carry out quantitative techniques, such as reference tracer kinetic modeling or ratiometric approaches, to determine receptor binding or microenvironment parameters in point-based time-domain fluorescence applications.  相似文献   

Xu W  Kong JS  Yeh YT  Chen P 《Nature materials》2008,7(12):992-996
Nanoparticles are important catalysts for many chemical transformations. However, owing to their structural dispersions, heterogeneous distribution of surface sites and surface restructuring dynamics, nanoparticles are intrinsically heterogeneous and challenging to characterize in ensemble measurements. Using a single-nanoparticle single-turnover approach, we study the redox catalysis of individual colloidal Au nanoparticles in solution, using single-molecule detection of fluorogenic reactions. We find that for product generation, all Au nanoparticles follow a Langmuir-Hinshelwood mechanism but with heterogeneous reactivity; and for product dissociation, three nanoparticle subpopulations are present that show heterogeneous reactivity between multiple dissociation pathways with distinct kinetics. Correlation analyses of single-turnover waiting times further reveal activity fluctuations of individual Au nanoparticles, attributable to both catalysis-induced and spontaneous dynamic surface restructuring that occurs at different timescales at the surface catalytic and product docking sites. The results exemplify the power of the single-molecule approach in revealing the interplay of catalysis, heterogeneous reactivity and surface structural dynamics in nanocatalysis.  相似文献   

A method to identify single molecules rapidly and with high efficiency based on simple probability considerations is proposed. In principle, any property of a detected photon in a single-molecule fluorescence experiment, e.g., emission wavelength, arrival time after pulsed excitation, and polarization, can be analyzed within the framework of the outlined methodology. Monte Carlo simulations show that less than 500 photons are needed to assign an observed single molecule to one out of four species with a confidence level higher than 99.9%. We show that single dye molecules of four different dyes embedded in a polymer film can be identified with time-correlated single-photon counting spectrally resolved in two channels.  相似文献   

Two general strategies are introduced to identify and quantify single molecules in dilute solutions by employing a spectroscopic method for data registration and specific burst analysis, denoted multiparameter fluorescence detection (MFD). MFD uses pulsed excitation and time-correlated single-photon counting to simultaneously monitor the evolution of the eight-dimensional fluorescence information (fundamental anisotropy, fluorescence lifetime, fluorescence intensity, time, excitation spectrum, fluorescence spectrum, fluorescence quantum yield, distance between fluorophores) in real time and allows for selection of specific events for subsequent analysis. Using the multiple fluorescence dimensions, we demonstrate a dye labeling scheme of oligonucleotides, by which it is possible to identify and separate 16 different compounds in the mixture via their characteristic pattern by MFD. Such identification procedures and multiplex assays with single-molecule sensitivity may have a great impact on screening of species and events that do not lend themselves so easily to amplification, such as disease-specific proteins and their interactions.  相似文献   

Bird DK  Eliceiri KW  Fan CH  White JG 《Applied optics》2004,43(27):5173-5182
When a fluorescence photon is emitted from a molecule within a living cell it carries a signature that can potentially identify the molecule and provide information on the microenvironment in which it resides, thereby providing insights into the physiology of the cell. To unambiguously identify fluorescent probes and monitor their physiological environment within living specimens by their fluorescent signatures, one must exploit as much of this information as possible. We describe the development and implementation of a combined two-photon spectral and lifetime microscope. Fluorescence lifetime images from 16 individual wavelength components of the emission spectrum can be acquired with 10-nm resolution on a pixel-by-pixel basis. The instrument provides a unique visualization of cellular structures and processes through spectrally and temporally resolved information and may ultimately find applications in live cell and tissue imaging.  相似文献   

We report a multiplex technique for identification of single fluorescent molecules in a flowing sample stream by correlated measurement of single-molecule fluorescence burst size and intraburst fluorescence decay rate. These quantities were measured simultaneously for single fluorescent molecules in a flowing sample stream containing a dilute mixture of fluorescent species: Rhodamine 6G and tetramethylrhodamine isothiocyanate. Using a detailed Monte Carlo simulation of our experiment, we calculate single-molecule detection efficiencies and confidence levels for identification of these species and identify major sources of error for single-molecule identification. The technique reported here is applicable to distinguishing between fluorophores with similar spectroscopic properties and requires only a single excitation wavelength and single fluorescence emission detection channel.  相似文献   

A novel microfluidic approach for the quantification of reaction kinetics is presented. A three-dimensional finite difference numerical simulation was developed in order to extract quantitative kinetic information from fluorescence lifetime imaging experimental data. This approach was first utilized for the study of a fluorescence quenching reaction within a microchannel; the lifetime of a fluorophore was used to map the diffusion of a quencher across the microchannel. The approach was then applied to a more complex chemical reaction between a fluorescent amine and an acid chloride, via numerical simulation the bimolecular rate constant for this reaction was obtained.  相似文献   

Bayesian population variability analysis, also known as the first stage in two-stage Bayesian updating [IEEE Trans. Power Appar. Syst. PAS-102 (1983) 195] or hierarchical Bayes [Bayesian reliability analysis, 1991], is an estimation procedure for the assessment of the variability of reliability measures among a group of similar systems. Variability distributions resulting from this form of analysis find application as generic prior distributions in system-specific Bayesian reliability assessments. This paper presents an extension of the Bayesian approach to population variability analysis, which concerns the introduction of sources estimates (e.g. engineering judgment) as one of the forms of evidence used in the construction of population variability distributions. The paper presents the model, and illustrates its behavior by means of a practical example.  相似文献   

In this paper, we report on steady-state and time-resolved single-molecule fluorescence measurements performed on a phycobiliprotein, R-phycoerythrin (RPE), assembled on silver nanostructures. Single-molecule measurements clearly show that RPE molecules display a 10-fold increase in fluorescence intensity, with a 7-fold decrease in lifetime when they are assembled on silver nanostructured surfaces, as compared to control glass slides. The emission spectrum of individual RPE molecules also displays a significant fluorescence enhancement on silver nanostructures as compared to glass. From intensity and lifetime histograms, it is clear that the intensities as well as lifetimes of individual RPE molecules on silver nanostructures are more heterogeneously distributed than that on glass. This single-molecule study provides further insight on the heterogeneity in the fluorescence intensity and lifetimes of the RPE molecules on both glass and SiFs surfaces, which is otherwise not possible to observe using ensemble measurements. Finite-difference time-domain calculations have been performed to study the enhanced near-fields induced around silver nanoparticles by a radiating excited-state fluorophore, and the effect of such enhanced fields on the fluorescence enhancement observed is discussed.  相似文献   

This paper describes the use of on-the-fly fluorescence lifetime detection (OFLD) for multiplex single strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis by capillary electrophoresis (CE). The dye labels studied for multiplex SSCP-OFLD-CE analyses included RG, NBD, and BODIPY-FL. The dyes were first investigated for a model system of "Wild Type" and "Mutant" 43-base fragments designed to vary by a single A/T substitution. Two dye pairs, BODIPY-FL/ RG and BODIPY-FL/NBD, were then used to detect the G20210A mutation in the human prothrombin gene. Mobility correction was required for the BODIPY-FL/RG system. Three "blind" analyses were performed of three mixtures that combined a control fragment (wild type-BODIPY-FL) with two "unknown" fragments selected among four possibilities (wild type or mutant labeled with NBD or RG). In each multiplex analysis, the "origin" of the unknown fragments was correctly identified on the basis of fluorescence lifetime of the dye label and the presence or absence of the mutation was correctly determined on the basis of conformation-induced differences in migration time.  相似文献   

Two procedures based on the weighted least-squares (LS) and the maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) method to confidently analyze single-molecule (SM) fluorescence decays with a total number (N) of 2,500-60,000 counts have been elucidated and experimentally compared by analyzing measured bulk and SM decays. The key observation of this comparison is that the LS systematically underestimates the fluorescence lifetimes by approximately 5%, for the range of 1,000-20,000 events, whereas the MLE method gives stable results over the whole intensity range, even at counts N less than 1,000, where the LS analysis delivers unreasonable values. This difference can be attributed to the different statistics approaches and results from improper weighting of the LS method. As expected from theory, the results of both methods become equivalent above a certain threshold of N detected photons per decay, which is here experimentally determined to be approximately 20,000. In contrast to the bulk lifetime distributions, the SM fluorescence lifetime distributions exhibit standard deviations that are sizably larger than the statistically expected values. This comparison proves the strong influence of the inhomogenuous microenvironment on the photophysical behavior of single molecules embedded in a 10-30-nm thin polymer layer.  相似文献   

DNA origami is a powerful method for the programmable assembly of nanoscale molecular structures. For applications of these structures as functional biomaterials, the study of reaction kinetics and dynamic processes in real time and with high spatial resolution becomes increasingly important. We present a single-molecule assay for the study of binding and unbinding kinetics on DNA origami. We find that the kinetics of hybridization to single-stranded extensions on DNA origami is similar to isolated substrate-immobilized DNA with a slight position dependence on the origami. On the basis of the knowledge of the kinetics, we exploit reversible specific binding of labeled oligonucleotides to DNA nanostructures for PAINT (points accumulation for imaging in nanoscale topography) imaging with <30 nm resolution. The method is demonstrated for flat monomeric DNA structures as well as multimeric, ribbon-like DNA structures.  相似文献   

The formation and analysis of single molecules of fluorescently labeled DNA immobilized on polystyrene microspheres is described. Analysis by confocal fluorescence microscopy revealed single-step photobleaching, characteristic of a single fluorophore. Microspheres provide a means of locating single molecules by bright-field microscopy, prior to single-molecule detection. This allows the interrogation of single molecules without suffering the limitations of premature photobleaching. Statistical analysis of fluorescence intensities for >100 microspheres suggests attachment of DNA to micropsheres to be consistent with Poisson statistics.  相似文献   

A series of fluorophores with single-exponential fluorescence decays in liquid solution at 20 degrees C were measured independently by nine laboratories using single-photon timing and multifrequency phase and modulation fluorometry instruments with lasers as excitation source. The dyes that can serve as fluorescence lifetime standards for time-domain and frequency-domain measurements are all commercially available, are photostable under the conditions of the measurements, and are soluble in solvents of spectroscopic quality (methanol, cyclohexane, water). These lifetime standards are anthracene, 9-cyanoanthracene, 9,10-diphenylanthracene, N-methylcarbazole, coumarin 153, erythrosin B, N-acetyl-l-tryptophanamide, 1,4-bis(5-phenyloxazol-2-yl)benzene, 2,5-diphenyloxazole, rhodamine B, rubrene, N-(3-sulfopropyl)acridinium, and 1,4-diphenylbenzene. At 20 degrees C, the fluorescence lifetimes vary from 89 ps to 31.2 ns, depending on fluorescent dye and solvent, which is a useful range for modern pico- and nanosecond time-domain or mega- to gigahertz frequency-domain instrumentation. The decay times are independent of the excitation and emission wavelengths. Dependent on the structure of the dye and the solvent, the excitation wavelengths used range from 284 to 575 nm, the emission from 330 to 630 nm. These lifetime standards may be used to either calibrate or test the resolution of time- and frequency-domain instrumentation or as reference compounds to eliminate the color effect in photomultiplier tubes. Statistical analyses by means of two-sample charts indicate that there is no laboratory bias in the lifetime determinations. Moreover, statistical tests show that there is an excellent correlation between the lifetimes estimated by the time-domain and frequency-domain fluorometries. Comprehensive tables compiling the results for 20 (fluorescence lifetime standard/solvent) combinations are given.  相似文献   

In recent years fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) has widely been used to measure distances, binding, and distance dynamics at the single-molecule (sm) level. Some basic constraints of smFRET are the limited distance resolution owing to low photon statistics and the restriction to high affinity interactions. We demonstrate that by confining molecules in nanopipets with an inner diameter of approximately 100 nm at the tip, FRET can be measured with improved photon statistics and at up to 50-fold higher concentrations. The flow of the donor/acceptor (Cy3B/ATTO647N) labeled double-stranded DNA conjugates was established by electrokinetic forces. Because of the small inner diameter of the nanopipet, every molecule passing the tip is detected applying alternating laser excitation (ALEX). Thus, the technique offers the advantage to study interactions with smaller association constants (<10(9) M-1) using minute sample amounts (<5 microL). The improved photon statistics reduces shot-noise contributions and results in sharper FRET distributions. Experimental results are supported by Monte Carlo simulations which also explain the occurrence of two populations in burst size distributions measured in nanopipet experiments. Because of the confinement of the molecules in nanopipets, the widths of FRET histograms are reduced to a degree where shot-noise is not the only limiting factor but also conformational dynamics of the linkers used to attach the chromophores have to be considered. In addition, our experiments emphasize the influence of photoinduced dark states on both the mean energy transfer efficiency and the width of FRET histograms.  相似文献   

Noncontact fluorescence diffuse optical tomography of heterogeneous media   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Fluorescence-enhanced diffuse optical tomography is expected to be useful to the collection of functional information from small animal models. This technique is currently limited by the extent of tissue heterogeneity and management of the shape of the animals. We propose an approach based on the reconstruction of object heterogeneity, which provides an original solution to the two problems. Three evaluation campaigns are described: the first two were performed on phantoms designed to test the reconstructions in highly heterogeneous media and noncontact geometries; the third was conducted on mice with lung tumors to test fluorescence yield reconstruction feasibility in vivo.  相似文献   

On-the-fly fluorescence lifetime detection was investigated as a tool for studying humic substances in capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE). Humic substances are complex, heterogeneous mixtures of natural products that tend to migrate in a single, broad CZE peak. The intrinsic fluorescence lifetime of five humic substances from the International Humic Substances Society (IHSS) was monitored using excitation at 488 or 364 nm to produce intensity-lifetime electropherograms for each of the substances. Each frequency-domain lifetime measurement, collected at subsecond intervals during the CZE run, contains the equivalent of a complete decay profile. Lifetime analysis of each decay profile was used to construct a lifetime-resolved electropherogram for each lifetime component, from which the variation in relative intensity contributions of each lifetime across the broad CZE peak could be determined. Absorption spectra, fluorescence excitation-emission spectra, and lifetime profiles of batch solutions of the samples were determined as well. It was found that, whereas absorption and fluorescence spectral characteristics tended to discriminate between humic acids and fulvic acids, the batch solution lifetime profiles discriminated instead between samples from different sources, regardless of fraction. On-the-fly lifetime detection provided a more detailed view of the fluorescence decay of the samples, including greater resolution of lifetimes for two of the fulvic acids and greater discrimination among samples based on lifetime profiles across the CZE peaks.  相似文献   

We deduce the signal-to-noise ratio for fluorescence lifetime imaging when using frequency-domain methods. We assume mono-exponential decay and quantum-noise-limited performance. The results are compared with Monte Carlo simulations with good agreement. We also compare our results with previous investigations of time-domain methods for fluorescence lifetime imaging. For a given number of detected photons, we find that frequency-domain and time-domain methods are equally good. The correct choice of detection technique and its parameters is important for obtaining good results.  相似文献   

Reliability analysts are often faced with the challenge of characterizing the behaviour of system components based on limited data. The purpose of this study is to provide insight into which availability model input data are most significant and how many data are necessary to achieve desired accuracy requirements. The overall goal is to improve the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the data collection and data characterization processes. A 25-1V factorial designed experiment was conducted to determine which of five input data characterization factors (for a simple series–parallel structure) may significantly affect availability model accuracy. The results from this experiment show that in this instance the factors under study do not have a significant effect on model output accuracy. Additional research is planned to more closely scrutinize the effects of these factors. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. This paper was produced under the auspices of the US Government and is therefore not subject to copyright in the US.  相似文献   

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