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A two-bundle scale channel flow blockage in the eight-bundle slab core test facility (SCTF) was examined for core cooling capability study in the reflood phase of a PWR-LOCA. The coplanar blockage with 60% blockage fraction resulted in promotion of quench for the elevation immediately above the blockage in relatively high reflood velocity tests. Conversely, this blockage led to delay of quench in low reflood velocity tests. Peak clad temperature, however, was not affected much by the existence of the blockage. These results are examined in comparison with the results of similar small scale test facilities. This examination revealed that the promotion of quench above the blockage was confined to a shorter length but the quench delay time was slightly longer for a large partial blockage than for a small blockage.  相似文献   

The code which is being developed by the Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Rcaktorsicherheit (GRS) mbH is intended to cover, by means of a single code, the entire spectrum of loss-of-coolant and transient accidents in pressurized and boiling water reactors. The actual version Mod 1.1-Cycle A has a five-equation two-phase model based on the conservation laws for liquid mass, liquid energy, vapor energy and overall momentum. The relative velocity between liquid and vapor is determined by a full-range drift-flux model for two-phase flow in horizontal and vertical pipes. The verification of this drift-flux model is carried out by both large-scale experiments and single-effect tests. The single-effect test ECTHOR investigates stratified flow during the clearance of a water-filled loop seal by a forced air flow through the loop. ECTHOR is a French test for the consideration of two-phase flow regimes in pipes for the development of the codes. The experiments are dedicated to investigating typical two-phase flow during small break loss of coolant accidents (LOCA) in pressurized water reactors (PWR).As a measure, the remaining water level in the loop is determined as a function of the air flow rate. For the verification, a comparison between and computations, on the one hand, and experiments on the other hand is carried out. The results compare very well to each other. Test runs on different numerical grids show convergence to an asymptotic limit with increasing grid refinement.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the experience gained simulating fires in large scale ventilation systems patterned after ventilation systems found in nuclear fuel cycle facilities. The series of experiements discussed includes: (1) combustion aerosol loading of 0.61×0.61m HEPA filters with the combustion products of two organic fuels, polysterene and polymethylemethacrylate; (2) gas dynamic and heat transport through a large scale ventilation system consisting of a 0.61 m duct 90 m in length, with dampers, HEPA filters, blowers, etc.; (3) gas dynamic and simultaneous transport of heat and solid particulate (consisting of glass beads with a mean aerodynamic diameter of 10μ) through the large scale ventilation system; and (4) the transport of heat and soot, generated by kerosene pool fires, through the large scale ventilation system.The FIRAC computer code, designed to predict fire-induced transients in nuclear fuel cycle facility ventilation systems, was used to predict the results of experiments (2) through (4). In general, the results of the predictions were satisfactory. The code predictions for the gas dynamics, heat transport, and particulate transport and deposition were within 10% of the experimentally measured values. However, the code was less successful in predicting the amount of soot generation from kerosene pool fires, probably due to the fire module of the code being a one-dimensional zone model. The experiments revealed a complicated three-dimensional combustion pattern within the fire room of the ventilation system. Further refinement of the fire module within FIRAC is needed.  相似文献   

大规模集成电路单粒子闭锁辐射效应测试系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据CMOS器件单粒子闭锁机理,以CMOS存储器和80C86微处理器为对象,研制了单粒子闭锁辐射效应测试系统,并进行了初步的实验验证。实验结果表明,应用程序界面友好,使用方便,可用于多种辐射源下半导体器件单粒子闭锁效应的测试。  相似文献   

The fragmentation behavior of molten steel drops forced to explode in sustained pressure fields is investigated. The effect of pressure amplitude, melt superheat, and coolant velocity is considered. The data include external images from high-speed movies, internal structures from simultaneously obtained flash X-ray radiographs, and solidified debris size distributions and morphology from scanning electron micrographs. The results demonstrate the importance of all three parameters studied on both the rates and extent of the interaction/fragmentation.  相似文献   

The QUENCH-15 experiment investigated the effect of ZIRLO™1 cladding material on bundle oxidation and core reflood, in comparison with tests QUENCH-06 (standard Zircaloy-4), QUENCH-12 (VVER, E110), and QUENCH-14 (M5®). The QUENCH-15 bundle cross-section corresponded to a Westinghouse PWR core design and consisted of 24 heated rods (internal tungsten heaters between 0 and 1024 mm axial elevation, cladding oxidised region between −470 and 1500 mm), six corner rods made of Zircaloy-4, two corner rods made of E110, and a Zirconium 702 shroud. The test was conducted in principle with the same protocol as QUENCH-06, -12 and -14, so that the effects of the change of cladding material and bundle geometry could be more easily observed. The test protocol involved pre-oxidation to a maximum of about 150 μm oxide thickness at a temperature of about 1473 K over a period of about 3000s. The power was then ramped at a rate of 0.25 W/s/rod to cause a temperature increase until the desired maximum bundle temperature of 2153 K was reached. The maximum oxide layer thickness observed was 380 μm. Then reflood with 1.3 g/s/rod water at room temperature was initiated. The electrical power was reduced to 175 W/rod during the reflood phase, approximating effective decay heat level. The post-test metallography of the bundle showed neither noticeable breakaway oxidation of the cladding nor melt release into space between rods. The average outer oxide layer thickness at hottest elevation of 950 mm was 620 μm (QUENCH-06: 630 μm). The molten cladding metal at hottest elevation was localised between the outer and inner oxide layers. The thickness of inner oxide layer reaches 20% of that of the outer oxide layer. The measured hydrogen release during the QUENCH-15 test was 41 g in the pre-oxidation and transient phases and 7 g in the quench phase which are comparable with those in QUENCH-06, i.e. 32 g and 4 g, respectively. Post-test calculations were performed using a version of SCDAP/RELAP5/MOD3.2. The calculation results support the heuristic observation that there was no major difference between the influence of Zircaloy-4, M5® or ZIRLO™ for the beyond-design basis accident present conditions here studied.  相似文献   

Three integral effects tests (IET-1, IET-3, and IET-6) were conducted to investigate the effects of high-pressure melt ejection on direct containment heating. A 1:10 linear scale model of the Zion reactor pressure vessel (RPV), cavity, instrument tunnel, and subcompartment structures were constructed in the Surtsey test facility at Sandia National Laboratories. The RPV was modeled with a melt generator that consisted of a steel pressure barrier, a cast MgO crucible, and a thin steel inner liner. The melt generator/crucible had a hemispherical bottom head containing a graphite limitor plate with a 4 cm exit hole to simulate the ablated hole in the RPV bottom head that would be formed by tube ejection in a severe nuclear power plant accident. The reactor cavity model contained 3.48 kg water with a depth of 0.9 cm that corresponded to condensate levels in the Zion plant. 43 kg iron oxide/aluminum/ chromium thermite was used to simulate molten core debris. The molten thermite in the three tests was driven into the scaled reactor cavity by slightly superheated steam at 7.1, 6.1, and 6.3 MPa for IET-1, IET-3, and IET-6 respectively. The IET-1 atmosphere was pre-inerted with nitrogen, while the IET-3 atmosphere was nitrogen with approximately 9.0 mol% O2. The IET-6 atmosphere was nitrogen with 9.79 mol% O2 and 2.59 mol% pre-existing hydrogen. In IET-1, approximately 233 g mol hydrogen were produced but almost none burned because oxygen was not available. In IET-3, approximately 227 g mol hydrogen were produced and 190 g mol burned. In IET-6, approximately 319 g mol hydrogen were produced and 345 g mol burned. The peak pressure increases in the IET-1, IET-3 and IET-6 experiments were 0.098, 0.246, and 0.279 MPa respectively. In IET-3 and IET-6 hydrogen burned as it was pushed out of the subcompartments into the upper region of the Surtsey vessel. In IET-6, although a substantial amount of pre-existing hydrogen burned, it apparently did not burn on a time scale that made a significant contribution to the peak pressure increase in the vessel.  相似文献   

大规模替代化石及其他有限能源的固有安全高温核动力   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为充分发挥核能的巨大潜力,使之在21世纪内早日更大规模地替代煤炭和其他化石与水力能源,本文介绍如何通过创造性地改进融盐冷却球床高温堆-回路的热工水力设计,实现在任何功率下长期自动运行生产高温核能方法.该方法在充满高沸点(融盐)一次载热剂的深池内,采用特别简单的一体化回路布置,使融盐沿水平方向流过位于池底的环状堆芯,...  相似文献   

Effective and precise thermal anchoring of wires in cryogenic experiment is mandatory to measure temperature in milikelvin accuracy and to avoid unnecessary cooling power due to additional heat conduction from room temperature (RT) to operating temperature (OT) through potential, field, displacement and stress measurement instrumentation wires. Instrumentation wires used in large scale superconducting coil test experiments are different compare to cryogenic apparatus in terms of unique construction and overall diameter/area due to errorless measurement in large time-varying magnetic field compare to small cryogenic apparatus, often shielded wires are used. Hence, along with other variables, anchoring techniques and required thermal anchoring length are entirely different in this experiment compare to cryogenic apparatus. In present paper, estimation of thermal anchoring length of five different types of instrumentation wires used in coils test campaign at Institute for Plasma Research (IPR), India has been discussed and some temperature measurement results of coils test campaign have been presented.  相似文献   

The periodic large scale vortex structure is highly accounted for the local flow and heat transfer and turbulent mixing in rod bundles. In this paper, the mechanism of the periodic large scale structures is studied in terms of the vortex dynamics. The vortex structure in rectangular channels with different inlet velocities is also analyzed. It is found that the periodic large scale vortex structure exists in the rectangular channels with transverse vorticity gradient. The distribution of vorticity is strictly related with that of vortex structure.  相似文献   

The physics principles for maximizing the fertile to fissile conversion were used in developing reactor concepts for large scale utilization of thorium in thermal and fast reactors (Jagannathan & Pal, 2006; Jagannathan et al., 2008). It is recognized that these principles are very well suited for ‘He’ gas cooled reactors with graphite moderator since both helium gas coolant and the graphite moderator have low neutron absorption characteristics and thus gives better neutron economy. In this paper, these ideas are applied to the High Temperature Test Reactor (HTTR) core of Japan to assess its advantage over the present day gas cooled reactors. HTTR is helium cooled and graphite moderated system. Significant amount of thorium has been loaded in the HTTR core with some minimal changes in the existing core design. The modified design is called HTTR-M core.In the HTTR-M core, the fuel is changed from enriched UO2 fuel to Pu in ThO2 fuel. The locations of boron type burnable poison rods within each fuel assembly of HTTR are replaced by one cycle irradiated thoria rods. Also, the B4C type control assembly around the HTTR core is replaced by fresh seedless thorium assembly. The fertile thoria assembly are scattered uniformly in the HTTR-M core. The equilibrium core of HTTR-M shows very small burnup reactivity swing. The core excess reactivity is ∼18 mk at BOC and reduces to 1 mk at 660 days. It is interesting to note that this small reactivity change is intrinsically achieved by the choice of seed and fertile dimensions and their contents without the use of burnable poison rods or mechanical control rods which are used in HTTR core. The burnup reactivity swing in the latter after using burnable poison is ∼100 mk. The fissile seed inventory ratio (FIR) in a fuel cycle is 0.90 as compared with 0.717 of HTTR core. Since 233U is a better fissile nuclide with highest ‘η’ value in thermal range, the above conversion ratio can be regarded as quite good.  相似文献   

When a wind turbine is struck by lightning,its blades are usually rotating.The effect of blade rotation on a turbine's ability to trigger a lightning strike is unclear.Therefore,an arching electrode was used in a wind turbine lightning discharge test to investigate the difference in lightning triggering ability when blades are rotating and stationary.A negative polarity switching waveform of 250/2500 μs was applied to the arching electrode and the up-and-down method was used to calculate the 50%discharge voltage.Lightning discharge tests of a 1:30 scale wind turbine model with 2,4,and 6 m air gaps were performed and the discharge process was observed.The experimental results demonstrated that when a 2 m air gap was used,the breakdown voltage increased as the blade speed was increased,but when the gap length was 4 m or longer,the trend was reversed and the breakdown voltage decreased.The analysis revealed that the rotation of the blades changes the charge distribution in the blade-tip region,promotes upward leader development on the blade tip,and decreases the breakdown voltage.Thus,the blade rotation of a wind turbine increases its ability to trigger lightning strikes.  相似文献   

In this paper,the nature and origin of single event effects (SEE) are studied by injecting laser pulses into different circuit blocks,combining with analysis to map pulse width modulators circuitry in the microchip die.A time-domain error-identification method is used in the temporal characteristic analysis of SEE.SEE signatures of different injection times are compared.More serious SEE are observed when the laser shot occurs on a rising edge of the device output for blocks of the error amplifier,current sense comparator,and T and SR latches.  相似文献   

In ocean environment, the ship motion significantly affects the natural circulation behavior in ship-based integrated-type reactor. This paper theoretically and experimentally investigated natural circulation characteristics in symmetrical loops under rolling condition. Experiments were carried out on a test loop with a symmetrical configuration by simulating the structure of an accrual reactor. The theoretical results revealed that only angular acceleration contributes to the resultant force under zero power rolling condition. In a closed circuit with a uniform cross-section area, the angular acceleration force integral is proportional to the angular acceleration and the area enclosed by the circuit. The integral value varies over time and causes flow oscillations. However, the angular acceleration force does not influence the flow status in the shared part of the two symmetrical neighbor circuits due to force interactions. Rolling experiments with a zero power load confirmed these results. Full power experiments under rolling condition exhibited observable flow rate and temperature oscillations in each branch of the flow channel. The oscillations in the side flow channels had the same values for both the period and the phase with the variation of rolling angle. The angular acceleration force was the main cause of this. The oscillations in the middle channel had a period half the value of the rolling period. The periodical variation of the vertical component of gravity caused this. The horizontal component of gravity was out-phasing with angular acceleration. Therefore, it alleviated oscillation in the side channels. The experimental results showed that for the same rolling period, as the rolling angle increased, the average flow rate decreased and oscillation amplitudes increased. Also, as the power load increased, the oscillations in the middle channel increased and the oscillation in the side channel decreased.  相似文献   

The possibility of severe recriticality could be excluded if the molten core materials are discharged from reactor core in the early stage of core disruptive accident (CDA). Based on this idea, several design measures for future commercial liquid metal-cooled fast breeder reactors (LMFBRs) have been proposed to enhance the molten fuel discharge from core in order to prevent formation of the core-wide molten pool with high mobility. One promising concept in these design candidates is modified-FAIDUS (Fuel subassembly with Inner DUct Structure). The event progression in unprotected loss of flow (ULOF) accident in a sodium-cooled large scale FBR with modified-FAIDUS was analyzed to assess the effectual performance of modified-FAIDUS in preventing severe recriticality using the SAS4A and SIMMER-III codes. Two parametric cases were performed covering the uncertainty of duct wall failure mechanism, one with stable fuel crust and another with unstable crust condition. The calculation showed that the final amount of discharged fuel from core in both cases was more than 20% of initial core inventory. The degraded core after fuel discharge is composed of the mixture of solidified fuel, swollen fuel chunks and molten steel, of which low mobility prevents massive fuel motion. The reactor power lowered to decay heat level and the reactivity lowered around −20 $, thus, the possibility of severe recriticality was eliminated.  相似文献   

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