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Theory and design of signal-adapted FIR paraunitary filter banks   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
We study the design of signal-adapted FIR paraunitary filter banks, using energy compaction as the adaptation criterion. We present some important properties that globally optimal solutions to this optimization problem satisfy. In particular, we show that the optimal filters in the first channel of the filter bank are spectral factors of the solution to a linear semi-infinite programming (SIP) problem. The remaining filters are related to the first through a matrix eigenvector decomposition. We discuss uniqueness and sensitivity issues. The SIP problem is solved using a discretization method and a standard simplex algorithm. We also show how regularity constraints may be incorporated into the design problem to obtain globally optimal (in the energy compaction sense) filter banks with specified regularity. We also consider a problem in which the polyphase matrix implementation of the filter bank is constrained to be DCT based. Such constraints may also be incorporated into our optimization algorithm; therefore, we are able to obtain globally optimal filter banks subject to regularity and/or computational complexity constraints. Numerous experiments are presented to illustrate the main features that distinguish adapted and nonadapted filters, as well as the effects of the various constraints. The conjecture that energy compaction and coding gain optimization are equivalent design criteria is shown not to hold for FIR filter banks  相似文献   

In this paper,the theory of uniform filter banks using all-pass tilters is furtherdeveloped.A new structure of two stage filter banks using all-pass filter is proposed,The pre-stage is half-band filter with period,the post-stage is two sets of band-pass filter banks.Thepre-stage filter stop-band just controls the don't-care-band of the post-stage filter banks usingall-pass polyphase,so as to realize a continuous stop-band property Moreover,a method ofsynthesizing filter bank is derived,which eliminates aliasing and amplitude distortions of theanalysis/synthesis system Finally,an example is given.  相似文献   

The authors present a technique for the minimax design of two-dimensional (2-D) parallelogram filter bank (PFB) systems with linear-phase analysis/synthesis filters. To achieve perfect reconstruction, the required analysis filters must have parallelogram-shaped frequency responses. In general, the original design problem is found to be an optimisation problem with nonlinear constraints. The authors present a linearisation approach to reformulate the design problem. As a result, updating the filter coefficient vector at each iteration for the original design problem can be accomplished by searching the gradient of the linearised optimisation problem. They further present an efficient method based on a modified Karmarkar's algorithm for computing the required gradient vector and finding the required step size analytically. Therefore the filter coefficients can easily be computed by solving only linear equations at each iteration during the design process. The effectiveness of the proposed technique is shown by computer simulations  相似文献   

A new time-domain methodology for designing FIR multirate filter banks is proposed. The conditions for perfect reconstruction systems can only be met by a limited number of systems, and consequently one of the major problems is to design analysis and synthesis filters which reduce the reconstruction error to a minimum. A recursive technique is proposed which uses the synthesis filters from one iteration to update the analysis filters for the next. The Letter shows that this is computationally simpler than previously proposed time-domain methods and produces filter banks in which the reconstruction error is reduced to practically acceptable levels.<>  相似文献   

The design of general nonuniform filter banks is studied. Contrary to uniform filter banks, in nonuniform filter banks, it may not be possible to achieve perfect reconstruction, but in some cases by using optimization techniques, we can design acceptable filter banks. Here, the initial finite impulse response (FIR) analysis filters are designed according to the characteristics of the input. By the design procedure, the FIR synthesis filters are found so that theH-norm of an error system is minimized over all synthesis filters that have a prespecified order. Then, the synthesis filters obtained in the previous step are fixed, and the analysis filters are found similarly. By iteration, theH-norm of the error system decreases until it converges to its final value. At each iteration, the coefficients of the analysis or synthesis filters are obtained by finding the least squares solution of a system of linear equations. If necessary, the frequency characteristics of the filters can be altered by adding penalty terms to the objective function.This research was supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.  相似文献   

Wavelets and filter banks: theory and design   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The wavelet transform is compared with the more classical short-time Fourier transform approach to signal analysis. Then the relations between wavelets, filter banks, and multiresolution signal processing are explored. A brief review is given of perfect reconstruction filter banks, which can be used both for computing the discrete wavelet transform, and for deriving continuous wavelet bases, provided that the filters meet a constraint known as regularity. Given a low-pass filter, necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a complementary high-pass filter that will permit perfect reconstruction are derived. The perfect reconstruction condition is posed as a Bezout identity, and it is shown how it is possible to find all higher-degree complementary filters based on an analogy with the theory of Diophantine equations. An alternative approach based on the theory of continued fractions is also given. These results are used to design highly regular filter banks, which generate biorthogonal continuous wavelet bases with symmetries  相似文献   

M带余弦调制滤波器组的迭代设计算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
余弦调制滤波器组的设计问题通常是关于原型滤波器系数的非凸优化问题,设计的优劣很大程度上取决于设计问题的归结和所采用的求解算法.本文提出了一种基于迭代的设计方法,用于设计近似完全重构的余弦调制滤波器组.该方法通过松弛完全重构条件和运用迭代的思想,将余弦调制滤波器组的设计归结为一个易于求解的优化问题.在该优化问题中,原型滤...  相似文献   

The paper deals with the minimax design of two-channel nonuniform-division filter (NDF) banks. Based on a linearisation scheme, the design problem is formulated as an optimisation problem with linear constraints. The authors present a method to design a two-channel NDF bank using a modified dual-affine scaling variant of Karmarkar's (1984) algorithm. This method provides the optimal results that the linear-phase FIR analysis and synthesis filters have equiripple stopband response and the resulting NDF bank also shows equiripple reconstruction error behaviour. The effectiveness of the proposed design technique is demonstrated by several simulation examples  相似文献   

In a polyphase approach of filter banks with critical sampling, it is proposed to design and implement the elements of the synthesis section as approximations of the inverses of the elements in the analysis section. The conditions for such approximations to be valid are stated and a design procedure is described, along with the corresponding structure. The approach generalises theqmf method by adding more flexibility, since it relaxes the constraints on the analysis prototype filter specification and allows different complexities in both sections. The general approach can yield de-signs able to compete favourably withqmf and pseudo-QMF in many aspects.  相似文献   

Nonuniform filter banks: a reconstruction and design theory   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A general procedure for the design of analysis-synthesis systems based on nonuniform filter banks is described. The procedure is based on a time-domain analysis of nonuniform systems, which results in a set of conditions for the exact reconstruction of the input signal at the output. These conditions are used as part of a powerful iterative algorithm for designing finite impulse response (FIR) filter banks with an arbitrary nonuniform frequency resolution. This new framework permits the design of systems with arbitrary rational decimation rates in different bands. Systems based on maximally or nonmaximally decimated filter banks, on low and minimum delay systems, and on block decimators are also among the systems that can be designed using this method  相似文献   

Low delay FIR filter banks: design and evaluation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The subject of this paper is the design of low and minimum delay, exact reconstruction analysis-synthesis systems based on filter banks. It presents a time domain approach to the problem of designing FIR filter banks with adjustable reconstruction delays. It is shown that using a time domain formulation for the analysis-synthesis systems, the system delay can be considered to be relatively independent of the length of the analysis and synthesis filters. After a summary of the time domain analysis and design framework, the design of low and minimum delay systems is considered in detail. Several design examples are provided in the paper to demonstrate the performance of the design algorithm  相似文献   

针对经典的准确重构混合滤波器组设计问题,提出一种调制型混合滤波器组(MHFB)的设计算法,推导了分析滤波器组系数矩阵的行列式与原型滤波器系数的解析关系,给出了具有普适性的综合滤波器组解的一般形式,并讨论了因果、稳定系统的设计方法。针对多通道HFB设计复杂的问题,提出一种FIR形式综合滤波器组的优化设计算法,适用于多通道HFB的设计。仿真结果验证了算法的有效性。  相似文献   

Motivated by our wavelet framework for error-control coding, we proceed to develop an important family of wavelet transforms over finite fields. Paraunitary (PU) filter banks that are realizations of orthogonal wavelets by multirate filters are an important subclass of perfect reconstruction (PR) filter banks. A parameterization of PU filter banks that covers all possible PU systems is very desirable in error-control coding because it provides a framework for optimizing the free parameters to maximize coding performance. This paper undertakes the problem of classifying all PU matrices with entries from a polynomial ring, where the coefficients of the polynomials are taken from finite fields. It constructs Householder transformations that are used as elementary operations for the realization of all unitary matrices. Then, it introduces elementary PU building blocks and a factorization technique that is specialized to obtain a complete realization for all PU filter banks over fields of characteristic two. This is proved for the 2 × 2 case, and conjectured for the M × M case, where M ⩾ 3. Using these elementary building blocks, we can construct all PU filter banks over fields of characteristic two. These filter banks can be used to implement transforms which, in turn, provide a powerful new perspective on the problems of constructing and decoding arbitrary-rate error-correcting codes  相似文献   

Two-stage, least squares design of biorthogonal filter banks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A two-stage approach is employed for the design of a class of two-channel biorthogonal filter banks. The filter banks belong to the class HPFB (halfband pair filter bank) and are defined by two kernels. The parametric Bernstein polynomial is used to construct the kernels. The design of the free parameters of the Bernstein polynomial is achieved through a least squares method. In the first stage, the analysis low-pass filter is designed and in the second stage, the synthesis lowpass filter is designed. With the two-stage approach, the design process is efficient and involves solving linear equations. The design technique allows filters with different characteristics to be designed easily.  相似文献   

Oversampled filter banks are currently being proposed for robust transmission applications. In this paper, we completely characterize multidimensional doubly finite-impulse-response (FIR) filter banks, that is, oversampled filter banks whose dual is FIR. Then, we consider the problem of extending perfect reconstruction critically sampled multidimensional filter banks in order to obtain doubly FIR (DFIR) filter banks. As a result, very simple criteria for constructing DFIR filter banks as extensions of orthogonal filter banks are obtained. This paper also analyzes the problem of constructing totally FIR filter banks, i.e., DFIR filter banks that remain DFIR even when some channels are removed. It is shown that any totally FIR filter bank can be implemented as the cascade of a critically sampled DFIR filter bank whose number of channels is equal to the subsampling factor, a redundant finite-dimensional transform, and a suitable set of delays.  相似文献   

The design and analysis of two-channel two-dimensional (2D) nonseparable nearly-orthogonal symmetric wavelet filter banks with quincunx decimation is studied. The basic idea is to impose multiple zeros at the aliasing frequency to a symmetric filter and minimize the deviation of the filter satisfying the orthogonal condition to obtain a nearly-orthogonal FIR filter bank. Since multiple zeros are imposed, a scaling function may be generated from the minimized filter. With this filter, a semi-orthogonal filter bank is constructed. Methods for analyzing the correlation of the semi-orthogonal filter banks are proposed. The integer translates of the wavelet and scaling function are nearly-orthogonal. The integer translates of the wavelet at different scale are completely orthogonal. The semi-orthogonal filter bank can be efficiently implemented using the corresponding nearly-orthogonal FIR filter bank.  相似文献   

Regularity is a fundamental and desirable property of wavelets and perfect reconstruction filter banks (PRFBs). Among others, it dictates the smoothness of the wavelet basis and the rate of decay of the wavelet coefficients. This paper considers how regularity of a desired degree can be structurally imposed onto biorthogonal filter banks (BOFBs) so that they can be designed with exact regularity and fast convergence via unconstrained optimization. The considered design space is a useful class of M-channel causal finite-impulse response (FIR) BOFBs (having anticausal FIR inverses) that are characterized by the dyadic-based structure W(z)=I-UV/sup /spl dagger//+z/sup -1/UV/sup /spl dagger// for which U and V are M/spl times//spl gamma/ parameter matrices satisfying V/sup /spl dagger//U=I/sub /spl gamma//, 1/spl les//spl gamma//spl les/M, for any M/spl ges/2. Structural conditions for regularity are derived, where the Householder transform is found convenient. As a special case, a class of regular linear-phase BOFBs is considered by further imposing linear phase (LP) on the dyadic-based structure. In this way, an alternative and simplified parameterization of the biorthogonal linear-phase filter banks (GLBTs) is obtained, and the general theory of structural regularity is shown to simplify significantly. Regular BOFBs are designed according to the proposed theory and are evaluated using a transform-based image codec. They are found to provide better objective performance and improved perceptual quality of the decompressed images. Specifically, the blocking artifacts are reduced, and texture details are better preserved. For fingerprint images, the proposed biorthogonal transform codec outperforms the FBI scheme by 1-1.6 dB in PSNR.  相似文献   

The authors propose a new strategy for the design of real-valued filterbanks which reduces aliasing in the subbands (`inband aliasing') such that applications where two subband signals have to be compared become possible. One example for such an application is subband adaptive filtering, where, with the proposed filterbank structure, the traditionally required crossterm adaptive filters between adjacent subbands can be omitted. The proposed filterbank consists of at least three channels which are subsampled by different subsampling ratios  相似文献   

An optimization-based method is proposed for the design of high-performance separable wavelet filter banks for image coding. This method yields linear-phase perfect-reconstruction systems with high coding gain, good frequency selectivity, and certain prescribed vanishing-moment properties. Several filter banks designed with the proposed method are presented and shown to work extremely well for image coding, outperforming the well-known 9/7 filter bank from JPEG 2000 in most cases. With the proposed design method, the coding gain can be maximized with respect to the separable or isotropic image model, or jointly with respect to both models. The joint case, which is shown to be equivalent to the isotropic case, is experimentally demonstrated to lead to filter banks with better average coding performance than the separable case.During the development of the proposed design method, filter banks from a certain popular separable two-dimensional (2D) wavelet class (to which our optimal designs belong) were observed to always have a higher coding gain with respect to the separable image model than with respect to the isotropic one. This behavior is examined in detail, leading to the conclusion that, for filter banks belonging to the above class, it is highly improbable (if not impossible) for the isotropic coding gain to exceed the separable coding gain.  相似文献   

Presents an effective design algorithm for analysis-synthesis filter banks with computationally efficient structures. Although a wide variety of implementation structures can be accommodated, the focus of the paper is on cosine modulated filter banks. The design procedure is based on a time domain formulation of analysis-synthesis filter banks in which each individual channel filter is constrained to be a cosine modulated versions of a baseband filter. The resulting filter banks are very efficient in terms of computational requirements and are relatively easy to design. A unique feature of this approach is that relatively low reconstruction delays can be imposed on the system. A discussion of the associated computational properties of the designed systems and some design examples are included  相似文献   

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