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在自然界里,水是取之不尽,用之不完的,它是最方便的灭火剂,在扑救火灾中得到广泛应用。然而,水不仅能灭火,有时也能帮助燃烧。  相似文献   

超细水雾─—水霾灭火技术的进展公安部天津消防科学研究所王致新一、前言在供水和排水条件受到严格限制而又不能使用具有毒性的气体灭火剂的封闭空间(如潜艇舱室和民航机客舱),如何灭火的问题一直是一个难以解决的问题。七十年代末,美国海军用有限的艇载水源,以超细...  相似文献   

新型干水灭火剂具有灭火高效、清洁环保等特点,集合了水基灭火剂和干粉灭火剂的优势,为应对随社会发展不断出现的新火灾场景提供了更多的选择。通过对比不同固液配比制备的硫酸铵干水粉体的粒径分布和流动性,发现在转速3 000 r/min,搅拌时间6 min 时,1∶13 的固液配比制备的干水粉体更适合用作灭火剂。然后进行了不同释放压力工况下的灭火实验,通过对比9 组实验的实验现象和实验数据,发现在0.6~0.7 MPa的充装压力下,其灭火效率最佳。  相似文献   

搭建实验平台,将喷射水凝胶达到常规作战喷射距离(15、17 m)时的车载泵压、水枪进口压力、水带流量与喷射水时的对比,检验高分子水凝胶灭火剂与水的区别,以及是否会对实际作战产生影响;并在此过程中测量水带压差,并计算出相应的阻抗系数值,比较两者阻抗系数值,分析其原因。实验结果得出了在相同条件下,喷射水凝胶所需泵压与喷射水时的泵压的关系,以及喷射两种不同灭火剂时的充实水柱的不同,对比了在相同条件下,相同口径、材质的水带运输水凝胶时的阻抗系数值与运输水时的阻抗系数的大小。  相似文献   

目前,绝大多数大型档案馆、图书馆、综合档案馆的消防系统中的灭火剂仍在使用水喷淋、卤代烷1211和1301,也有装备二氧化碳和七氟丙烷的。化学灭火剂对环境的危害已成共识,水喷淋灭火的效果也不佳。档案馆用水灭火这一技术的革命,将成为里程碑被载入人类史册。  相似文献   

阐述了水成膜泡沫喷淋灭火系统对车库的保护。从理论依据和系统的组成说明能有效地扑灭用汽油作为燃料的汽车库火灾  相似文献   

陆强 《消防科学与技术》2020,39(11):1584-1586
选用常用典型泡沫灭火剂产品,包括水成膜泡沫灭火剂(AFFF)、抗溶水成膜泡沫灭火剂(AFFF/AR)、氟蛋白泡沫灭火剂(FP),对柴油火的灭火性能进行试验研究,对石化企业和消防部门选用适宜的泡沫灭火剂产品提供指导。结果表明,对于0#车用柴油火灾,选用水成膜泡沫灭火剂的灭火效果较好。柴油火较标准溶剂油火更易扑灭,泡沫灭火剂在柴油火中的抗烧性能也表现更稳定。  相似文献   

含添加剂细水雾灭火技术探讨   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
细水雾灭火系统的添加剂仅限于水溶性的物质,而不能使用非水溶性的液态添加剂,使灭火添加剂的选择有一定局限性,迫切需要研制新型的含添加剂细水雾灭火系统,从真正意义上实现固、气、液三态的物理化学灭火方法的综合应用。从含添加剂细水雾灭火技术原理、灭火系统构成,以及添加剂添加方式出发,探讨了新型细水雾灭火系统以非水溶性液态物质作为添加剂,实现复合灭火的可能性及应用前景。  相似文献   

高压细水雾灭火系统在档案库的灭火试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
细水雾灭火系统已被建议用于保护对水敏感的区域,如档案库房。通过试验研究了细水雾灭火系统控制与扑灭档案库房火灾的可能性,并比较不同喷头形式的细水雾灭火系统在扑救档案库房火灾中的局限性,为细水雾灭火系统在档案库房内的推广应用提供建议。  相似文献   

Froude-based scaling relationships had previously been theoretically extended to, and experimentally validated in the laboratory for, water mist suppression of fires in open environment and in enclosures, which were shown applicable to gas, liquid and solid combustible fires. Before applying these relationships to real-world settings, their applicability needs to be further evaluated for the intended protection. This paper presents such an evaluation on scaling water mist fire extinguishment in an industrial machinery enclosure. In this evaluation exercise, a full-scale water mist protection set-up tested for a 260-m3 machinery enclosure was selected as the benchmark. A ½-scale machinery enclosure test replica was then constructed, together with a ½-scale nozzle whose orifices were geometrically similar to those of the full-scale nozzle. Spray measurements indicated that the ½-scale spray closely met the scaling requirements, in terms of discharge K-factor, water mist flux, droplet velocity and droplet size distribution. Two spray fires and one pool fire, which were scaled with the respective full-scale fires, were used to challenge the water mist protection in the ½-scale enclosure. At least five replicated tests were conducted for each of the four tested fire scenarios. Overall, the instantaneous local gas temperature and oxygen concentration measured inside the ½-scale enclosure for each fire scenario agreed reasonably well with those measured at the corresponding locations inside the full-scale enclosure, meeting Froude modeling's requirement that scalar quantities be preserved in different scales. The fire extinguishment times obtained from the ½-scale tests for each fire scenario were also statistically consistent with that observed in the corresponding full-scale test. Based on the obtained results, it is concluded that, for machinery enclosures and other similar occupancies, the previously laboratory-validated scaling relationships for water mist fire suppression can be used to determine the fire extinguishing performance of a full-scale water mist protection in a ½-scale test facility.  相似文献   

A Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model is developed to predict extinguishment times of an array of wood slats by water sprinkler. The model predicts flow field, combustion of wood volatiles and radiation transfer. The gas-phase model is coupled with the wood pyrolysis model to predict a volatile release rate. A sprinkler water spray is modelled using a Lagrangian particle tracking procedure, coupled with the gas flow model by a Particle-Source-In-Cell algorithm. A simple model of instant droplet evaporation at the burning surface is employed.

The experimental program includes full-scale experiments in a fire gallery with a commercial sprinkler system installed in the roof. In some tests a water restrictor is used to vary the water flow rates. Water droplet size and velocity distributions are measured to serve as inputs to the spray model. A vertical array of wood slats is ignited uniformly in a slight draft of about 0·7 m/s. A few minutes after self-sustained burning is developed, the sprinkler is activated. Thermocouple and heat flux measurements in the vicinity of the flame, as well as a video record, are used to determine flame shape and to provide data for validation of the CFD model. Burning rates are measured by load cell and by CO2 measurements.

Extinguishment happens primarily due to fuel cooling, which is indicated by long extinguishment times (two orders of magnitude longer than for plastic materials).

The predictions of burning rate and flame shape are reasonably accurate. Extinguishment times are modelled for different water flow rates. The dependence on water flow rate is found to be weak because the extinguishment process is controlled by the thermal time constant of the whole wood sample.  相似文献   

Fire extinguishment tests were conducted in a simulated shipboard space. Portable extinguishers, a low flow water hose reel system, and 3.8 cm diameter water hand lines were used to extinguish the fires. Various protective ensembles were used by the fire fighters, ranging from minimum protection to full protection. Personnel with both a limited and high degree of fire fighting experience were used. Response time was influenced by visibility and the fire fighters' knowledge of the compartment. The low flow water hose reel system was found to be an effective and efficient quick response fire fighting tool. Efficiency, in terms of total water used, was better with the hose reel system compared to the larger, higher flow water hand lines.  相似文献   

刁紫睿 《今日消防》2022,7(1):43-45
为了规范大型城市综合体中的消防组织和指挥,对处置城市综合体火灾时指挥员需要把握的现场管控、装备调用、安全评估、内攻部署、信息发布等重点环节进行探讨。考虑到现场安全和控制,文章阐述了现场警戒范围的原则和方法,以及现场安全评估与破拆排烟的方法。介绍了在安全的前提下,火场的消防供水组织、内部灭火以及现场清洁方法。通过阐明责任分担和现场信息发布的职责分工与注意事项,为处理类似火灾提供参考资料。  相似文献   

通过对F类火燃烧特性的研究以及目前F类火的国内外灭火方法的分析,得出如下结论:F类火灭火难度超过B类火,我国应建立应对F类火的防范机制,尤其是国内用于家庭厨房的F类火灭火器急需填补空白.  相似文献   

Low flow water hose reel systems have been proposed for shipboard use. Where water delivery rates are limited, judgment must be used to determine minimum acceptable hose pressure and flow. Laboratory experiments were conducted to quantify differences in fire extinguishing capability for varying pressure and flow. Having established a baseline design, full scale fire fighting tests were conducted that integrated human response and protective equipment variables.  相似文献   

The results of small-scale tests of fire extinguishment by total flooding with Halon 1301, when compared on a normalized basis, with those of large-scale tests conducted by other organizations indicated that the small-scale test results predict accurately the amounts of hydrogen fluoride formed during the extinguishment of full-size fires.  相似文献   

This paper describes both theoretical and experimental studies on the application of a portable water mist extinguisher in suppressing multiple fire types. Two prototype portable water mist fire extinguishers were developed and their feasibility in extinguishing flammable liquid, cooking oil and wood crib fires, and for use in fires associated with an energized target was investigated. The interaction between water mist and the fire plume was studied by analyzing the instantaneous process of fire extinction, and fire and fuel temperature profiles. Both theoretical analysis and experimental results showed that the extinguishing mechanisms and process as well as water mist characteristics required (such as water flux density, droplet size and spray coverage) change with the types of fires encountered. The portable water mist extinguisher with appropriate mist characteristics was able to extinguish multiple fire types.  相似文献   

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