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文章以平谷西部金属矿山及矿集区为研究区,采集土壤样品169个,开展区域土壤的重金属污染研究。采用X荧光光谱法、等离子原子发射光谱法等现代测试技术,分析了土壤中重金属(As、Hg、Cd、Cr、Zn、Cu、Pb、Ni)的含量;采用ArcGIS反距离权重插值数学模型和SPSS多元统计方法对土壤重金属空间分布及污染特征进行综合研究;运用潜在生态危害指数法进行生态风险评价。结果表明,研究区域土壤中重金属含量与背景值倍数大小依次是CdPbAsZnCuHgNiCr;重金属危害程度由大到小依次为CdAsPbHgCuNiZnCr;8种重金属潜在生态危害指数RI值在52.11~32 875.38之间。综上所述,研究区域的土壤重金属存在不同程度的风险。  相似文献   

介绍了矿区土壤重金属污染的现状、污染特点、污染来源,同时提出了相应的治理对策,指出植物修复是一种有前途的土壤污染治理技术。  相似文献   

本文以陕西省商洛市银花河流域中村—银花段钒矿区为研究对象,通过测试表层土壤的pH、有机碳、矿物、主量元素及重金属元素等含量,分析其地球化学特征,并评估该区土壤的健康生态风险等级。研究区土壤整体显示碱性的特征,土壤中碳主要以黏土矿物中有机碳的形式赋存。土壤中主要矿物为白云石,其次为石英、斜长石和黏土矿物。土壤主量元素中SiO2含量最高,Al2O3含量次之,其余元素含量较低。土壤中V、Cr、Ni、Cu和Zn元素含量较高,As、Cd、Pb和Hg元素含量相对较低。综合分析认为土壤中Hg、Cd和As这3种元素均污染明显,其余元素无明显污染特征。潜在生态风险综合指数表明研究区土壤整体为轻微—中等的污染程度,V元素通过口鼻和皮肤摄入的健康风险性极低。  相似文献   

This paper reports a study of pollution in the coastal waters of Jijel, Algeria, using algae Ulva lactuca and Corallina officinalis as bioindicators. Samples of seawater and algae were collected at four different stations from the coast of Jijel, during the period of April–June 2014. The heavy metal content (Pb and Zn) was determined in seawater and in the algae tissue by the technique of atomic absorption spectrophotometry. In seawater, the contents of heavy metals vary from 0.017 to 0.03 mg/l (Pb) and 0.235 to 0.873 mg/l. In the algae tissues, metals concentrations vary between 1.88 to 6.25 μg g?1 dry weight (Pb), and from 92 to 178.9 μg g?1 dry weight (Zn). These levels differ by site and species. The calculation of the bioconcentration factor (BCF) leads us to conclude that algae bioaccumulate significant levels of Pb and Zn metals in their tissues. Our results shows that the species of C. officinalis bioaccumulate the metals Pb and Zn more than U. lactuca, where, high biosorption of Zn was observed with BCF values between 203.21 and 238.40. Zn content in seawater and algae tissues appear higher than standards set by USEPA and guides values of Certified Reference Materials, but Pb levels appear lower than this standard.  相似文献   


Abandoned mine areas exhibit heavy metal contamination. This severely reduces the soil quality. This paper concerns the assessment of soils near an abandoned copper mine in Lasail, northern Oman. Seventy-two soil samples were collected and analysed for heavy metals using inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). The extent of heavy metal pollution was evaluated based on the geo-accumulation index (Igeo), enrichment factor (EF), and pollution index (PI). According to these indices, Copper (Cu), Mercury (Hg), Zinc (Zn), Arsenic (As) and Iron (Fe) are impacting the soils. Of these, Cu and Hg concentrations are 50 and 300 times more than the permissible limits set by the World Health Organization (WHO). There is an urgent need for the remediation and restoration of the soils in this area and a proposal is presented here.  相似文献   

Heavy metal contamination of soils resulting from mining and smelting is causing major concern due to the potential risk involved. This study was designed to investigate the heavy metal (Cu, Zn, Pb and Cd) concentrations in soils and food crops and estimate the potential health risks of metals to humans via consumption of polluted food crops grown at four villages around the Dabaoshan mine, South China. The heavy metal concentrations in paddy and garden soils exceeded the maximum allowable concentrations for Chinese agricultural soil. The paddy soil at Fandong village was heavily contaminated with Cu (703 mg kg− 1), Zn (1100 mg kg− 1), Pb (386 mg kg− 1) and Cd (5.5 mg kg− 1). Rice tended to accumulated higher Cd and Pb concentration in grain parts. The concentrations of Cd, Pb and Zn in vegetables exceeded the maximum permissible concentration in China. Taro grown at the four sampled villages accumulated high concentrations of Zn, Pb and Cd. Bio-accumulation factors for heavy metals in different vegetables showed a trend in the order: Cd > Zn > Cu > Pb. Bio-accumulation factors of heavy metals were significantly higher for leafy than for non-leafy vegetable. The target hazard quotient (THQ) of rice at four sites varied from 0.66-0.89 for Cu, 0.48-0.60 for Zn, 1.43-1.99 for Pb, and 2.61-6.25 for Cd. Estimated daily intake (EDI) and THQs for Cd and Pb of rice and vegetables exceeded the FAO/WHO permissible limit. Heavy metal contamination of food crops grown around the mine posed a great health risk to the local population through consumption of rice and vegetables.  相似文献   

艾侠 《时代建筑》2010,(1):84-87
文章介绍了由CCDI设计的位于北非阿尔及利亚古城奥兰的新会展中心。项目是为三年一度的国际天然气大会而建。建筑师通过寻找一种地域符号进行延伸和转化,形成符合现代会展功能要求又不失地域特色的设计作品。文章同时也提及设计上采用的几种可持续技术策略。  相似文献   

为了查明黔南碳酸盐岩区水稻-根系中土硒、重金属的迁移与积累特征、水稻-土壤系统硒与重金属元素的相互关系,研究影响水稻对硒和重金属元素吸收的影响因素。本文通过对黔南独山—荔波一带稻作区水稻及对应根系土样品各项指标的采集分析,测试了水稻的Se、As、Cd、Cr、Pb、Hg含量与根系土的Se、As、Cd、Cr、Pb、Hg、SiO2、Al2O3、Fe2O3、pH、SOM含量。结果表明根系土中Se、Cd、Cr、Pb、As呈伴生关系,稻米对Se和重金属的富集能力为:Cd>Se>Cr>As。其中根系土中Al2O3、Fe2O3、SOM与硒、重金属为正相关关系,稻米KSe与根系土中Se、Cr、Hg、Pb、As、Al2O3、Fe2O3、SOM呈极显著负相关关系,稻米中Se、Cd富集系数...  相似文献   

The Ria of Huelva (south-west Spain) is one of the most polluted fluvial-estuarine systems in the world. Industrial activity delivers huge amounts of pollutants to the local environment, particularly heavy metals and arsenic. Here we aimed to determine urinary levels of As, Cd, Cr, Cu and Ni in a representative sample (n=857) of adults living in the Ria of Huelva. Levels were compared to those from a representative sample of 861 adults of the general urban population of Andalusia (southern Spain) and multiple regression models were developed to identify individual factors associated with urinary levels of these elements. Arsenic levels were significantly higher in the Ria of Huelva as compared to other Andalusian cities, whereas Cd and Ni levels were significantly lower. Despite these differences, levels in both groups were similar to the reference values reported in previous studies for general population. Age, gender, diet and lifestyle were the major factors contributing to the interindividual variation in urinary metals. In conclusion, despite living in a highly polluted area, the population of the Ria of Huelva failed to show higher urinary levels of the studied metals as compared to a reference urban population of the same region.  相似文献   

戚赏  刘磊  杜丹  吕灯 《矿产勘查》2020,11(4):837-841
煤矸石露天堆放有毒有害重金属的释放,对矿区自然生态环境造成污染的同时,也对人体健康产生严重危害。它们通过食物链进入人体,严重威胁人体的健康,导致人体发生多种的疾病。为查清煤矸石场地重金属对人体致病机理,本次分别取研究区接触组、对照组的人体血样、尿样、发样中Cu、Zn、Pb、Cd等重金属元素进行了人体健康医学检测。结果表明,除Cu外,接触组的重金属Pb、Cd、Zn平均检测值都明显较对照组高。导致这一状况与矿区采矿、选矿、洗矿等工业活动以及煤矸石山长期露天堆放造成周边环境污染存在一定的关系。  相似文献   

甘凤伟  王菁菁 《矿产勘查》2018,9(5):1023-1030
有色金属矿区是土壤重金属污染的主要地区之一,本文主要基于土壤重金属元素基准值、土壤理化特征、土壤重金属元素空间分布特征、土壤重金属元素形态特征、土壤重金属污染源同位素示踪等方面调查,为生物修复,物理、化学和联合修复的不同修复方法选择及土壤重金属污染监测提供科学依据。  相似文献   

The concentrations of lead, copper, nickel, zinc and chromium in outdoor and indoor dusts collected from different sites in Muscat, Oman, were determined by flame atomic absorption. Results showed a wide range of concentrations, the means in the outdoor dust being, 65?±?50, 124?±?316, 47?±?45, 930?±?666 and 64?±?26 mg kg??1 for lead, zinc, copper, nickel and chromium, respectively. The 2001 Omani phasing out of leaded fuel resulted in low levels of lead in outdoor dust compared to those reported in the literature. Outstanding was the high nickel concentration in outdoor dust when compared to that in the literature, the reason being natural soil pollution due to the local geology of the northern parts of Oman. The concentrations of chromium, copper and zinc are lower than or comparable to these in other cities around the world. The results also showed that the industrial activities in Muscat do not contribute significantly to metal pollution in street dusts.

On the other hand, the mean concentrations of lead, zinc, copper, nickel and chromium in indoor dust were 108?±?65, 753?±?1162, 108?±?91, 130?±?125 and 34?±?14 mg kg??1, respectively. In general, zinc and nickel levels are higher than those reported in the literature while lead, copper and chromium levels are lower or comparable.

When outdoor and indoor dusts were correlated, the ratios between indoor–outdoor mean concentrations revealed that lead, zinc, and copper were generated internally, while nickel and chromium were from external sources.  相似文献   

煤矿冲击地压是煤矿井巷或工作面周围煤岩体剧烈释放煤岩体造成巷道挤压、破坏、冒顶的一种动力现象。近年来随着煤矿开采强度、深度不断增加,已成为中国煤矿安全生产的重大灾害之一。山西是中国重要煤产地,采煤历史悠久,矿井数量众多。山西最早冲击地压事故出现20世纪60年代的大同侏罗系矿区,2004年以来随着煤矿开采深度的增加,冲击地压对煤矿安全生产影响愈加突出。通过对山西大同矿区煤矿冲击地压的分类和扰动因素的分析以及防治和监测预警方式的分析,发现大同矿区已发生煤矿冲击地压事故主要为浅部冲击地压,发生冲击地压的岩体主要是煤体、顶板和底板, 其中以坚硬顶板型和煤柱型冲击地压为主;煤矿冲击地压的自然扰动因素主要是顶板冲击倾向性和煤体冲击倾向性,此外地应力环境和矿井地质构造也是影响煤矿冲击地压的两个重要因素。煤柱集中载荷和不合理的支护方式是大同矿区煤矿冲击地压事故的两个重要人为扰动因素。大同矿区应优化开采和掘进方式,从井田和矿区层面上尽可能减少和避免冲击地压的发生。此外,应重视对地应力和冲击地压发生机理的研究。建议对山西全省400 m以深矿井冲击倾向性进行全面的“体检”和筛查,从区域上对煤矿冲击地压发生进行预测预警。  相似文献   

王思学  喻军敏  曾庆友 《矿产勘查》2020,11(9):1853-1859
石坞矿区位于万年-德兴隆起铜金钨锡多金属成矿亚带金山金矿田中部,主要赋矿层位为新元古界双桥山群第三岩组第二段浅变质岩系,矿体严格受金山-朱林西韧性剪切带控制,主要分布于变安山玄武岩与糜棱岩、超糜棱岩接触地段,形成特有的"金-岩-糜棱岩"建造。笔者通过对石钨金矿矿床地质特征及成矿地质条件的分析研究,总结矿床成因和主要控矿因素,对矿区外围及边深部找矿具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

Increasing concentration of heavy metals and antibiotics within bacterial microenvironments contribute to medical problems. This research confirmed the presence of enteropathogenic bacteria in the sediment and water of Kahwa River. Vibrio cholerae, Shigella dysenteriae, Salmonella typhi and Salmonella paratyphi showed resistance to antibiotics and tolerance to heavy metals. The bacteria, particularly Vibrio, were extensively resistant to Ampicillin; less so to Chloramphenicol, Co-trimoxazole and Tetracycline with a relatively reduced resistance shown to Ciprofloxacin. Higher levels of antibiotic resistance were noticed in bacteria isolated from river sediment when compared to bacteria isolated from river water (p < 0.05). Tolerance to cadmium and lead was also more obvious in bacteria isolated from river sediment. An increasing association was observed between multiple antibiotic resistance and tolerance to heavy metals. Bacterial growth in the presence of cadmium was restricted when compared to lead.  相似文献   

分别采用原子吸收分光光度法(AAS)和电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法(ICP-OES)对门窗幕墙用型材表面涂层中可溶性重金属Pb、Cd的含量进行测定,对方法的检出限、测定下限、准确度和精密度进行分析。结果表明,ICP-OES相较于AAS在准确度、检出限、测定下限和检测效率上有显著优势。ICP-OES在测定铝合金建筑型材表面涂层中可溶性重金属Pb、Cd含量上应用前景广阔。  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of organic matter and weathering on the lability and solid phase speciation of heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn) in two contrasting subalpine regions in the Italian Alps. Cr, Ni and Cu could be linked to weathering. This was not the case for Pb. Since organic matter (OM) influences the solid phase speciation of heavy metals, the total organic C and N content, the C and N content of different density fractions of OM and also of the labile (oxidised by H2O2) and stable (H2O2-resistant) fractions were determined. Soil OM stocks were high and soils on north-facing slopes had more OM than the south-facing sites to which they were paired. Density measurements and the H2O2 fractionation indicated that the higher OM content on north-facing sites was due to an accumulation of weakly degraded organic material. Due to higher weathering intensity on north-facing sites, the abundance of the EDTA-extractable heavy metals was higher than on south-facing sites. All EDTA-extractable heavy metals showed a good correlation to the water-soluble phenolic concentrations which indicates that the metals were probably translocated as metal-organic complexes. Pb and Cu correlate not only to the light (density < 1 g/cm3) and labile, organic fraction but also to the heavy (density > 2 g/cm3) and stable fraction. High-mountain ecosystems like the Alps are sensitive to changing environmental conditions such as global warming. A warmer climate and the more favourable conditions it brings for biological activity, especially at cooler sites, will probably lead in the short- to mid-term to an increased loss of accumulated, weakly degraded OM. As the Pb and Cu content is significantly related to the labile organic matter pools, the risk exists that an increase in OM mineralisation could affect the storage capacity and mobility of these metals in soils.  相似文献   

Consumption of vegetables and fish contaminated with the heavy metals Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd, Hg, and Cr is the most likely route for human exposure in Tianjin, China. Health risks associated with these heavy metals were assessed based on the target hazard quotients (THQs), which can be derived from concentrations of heavy metals in vegetables and fish consumed in four districts (Dong Li, Xi Qing, Jin Nan, and Bei Chen) and the urban area of Tianjin, China. Individual metal THQ (<1) values indicate the relative absence of health risks associated with intake of a single heavy metal through consumption of either contaminated vegetables or fish only. However, consumption of both vegetables and fish would lead to potential health risks especially for children, since individual THQs for vegetables and fish would sum up to almost 1. If individual THQs resulting from crops consumption are considered, the health risks would be greater for children since the THQ values will always be >1. Risk contribution from Cr is minimal compared to the other elements. Hg is the major risk contributor for children in Bei Chen since the THQ contribution amounts to about 45% of the total THQ values due to vegetables and fish consumption. The health risk to adults in Ding Li is ascribed mainly to the intake of Cd by vegetables and fish consumption, which contributes a substantial fraction to the total THQ (about 51%).  相似文献   

柴达木盆地是青藏高原北部大型内陆断陷构造形成的高山深盆。盆地周边为高山,盆地内地形起伏不大,在丘陵和沙漠间的较低洼地区形成彼此隔绝、大小不均一的封闭式内陆盐湖次级盆地。这些盐湖次盆地是柴达木盆地的主要沉积区,沉积了大量的陆源碎屑和盐类物质,即:K、Na、Mg、Li、B、Br、I等。文章对柴达木盆地南里滩地区卤水钾矿水文地质及水化学特征进行了分析探讨。  相似文献   

The current study examines biometric parameters and concentration of some heavy metals in soft tissues of Saccostrea cucullata in the Asaluyeh coast, Persian Gulf, Iran. The metals concentration in the soft tissue of the Saccostrea cucullata ranged as: Zn: 765–3411 mg kg?1, Cu: 120.3–580.6 mg kg?1, Cd: 0.13–3.5 mg kg?1, As: 0.39–3.3 mg kg?1, Pb: 0.05–1.64 mg kg?1, Ni: 0.02–0.44 mg kg?1, V: 0.06–0.32 mg kg?1, Cr: 0.02–0.16 mg kg?1 and Hg: 0.002–0.068 mg kg?1. The results showed that the concentration of total heavy metals in oysters of the control station (CA) is usually lower. The results also indicated lack of correlation between oyster biometric parameters and bioaccumulated heavy metals, except between Cu and longitudinal diameter (R = 0.77). The concentration of heavy metals is higher than limits recommended by the World Health Organization, except for Cd and Pb.  相似文献   

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