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In this paper, we discuss the minimal number of observables Q 1, ..., Q , where expectation values at some time instants t 1, ..., t r determine the trajectory of a d-level quantum system (qudit) governed by the Gaussian semigroup . We assume that the macroscopic information about the system in question is given by the mean values E j(Q i) = tr(Q i(t j)) of n selfadjoint operators Q 1, ..., Q n at some time instants t 1 < t 2 < ... < t r, where n < d 2– 1 and r deg (, ). Here (, ) stands for the minimal polynomial of the generator of the Gaussian flow (t).  相似文献   

Mutual convertibility of bound entangled states under local quantum operations and classical communication (LOCC) is studied. We focus on states associated with unextendible product bases (UPB) in a system of three qubits. A complete classification of such UPBs is suggested. We prove that for any pair of UPBs S and T the associated bound entangled states S and T cannot be converted to each other by LOCC, unless S and T coincide up to local unitaries. More specifically, there exists a finite precision (S,T) > 0 such that for any LOCC protocol mapping S into a probabilistic ensemble (p, ), the fidelity between T and any possible final state satisfies F(T, ) = 1 - (S,T).PACS: 03.65.Bz; 03.67.-a; 89.70+c.  相似文献   

Let [n, k, d] q codes be linear codes of length n, dimension k, and minimum Hamming distance d over GF(q). Let n q (k, d) be the smallest value of n for which there exists an [n, k, d] q code. It is known from [1, 2] that 284 n 3(6, 188) 285 and 285 n 3(6, 189) 286. In this paper, the nonexistence of [284, 6, 188]3 codes is proved, whence we get n 3(6, 188) = 285 and n 3(6, 189) = 286.  相似文献   

Optimal shape design problems for an elastic body made from physically nonlinear material are presented. Sensitivity analysis is done by differentiating the discrete equations of equilibrium. Numerical examples are included.Notation U ad set of admissible continuous design parameters - U h ad set of admissible discrete design parameters - function fromU h ad defining shape of body - h function fromU h ad defining approximated shape of body - vector of nodal values of h - { n} sequence of functions tending to - () domain defined by - K bulk modulus - shear modulus - penalty parameter for contact condition - V() space of virtual displacements in() - V h(h) finite element approximation ofV() - J cost functional - J h discretized cost functional - J algebraic form ofJ h - (u) stress tensor - e(u) strain tensor - K stiffness matrix - f force vector - b(q) term arising from nonlinear boundary conditions - q vector of nodal degrees of freedom - p vector of adjoint state variables - J Jacobian of isoparametric mapping - |J| determinant ofJ - N vector of shape function values on parent element - L matrix of shape function derivatives on parent element - G matrix of Cartesian derivatives of shape functions - X matrix of nodal coordinates of element - D matrix of elastic coefficients - B strain-displacement matrix - P part of boundary where tractions are prescribed - u part of boundary where displacements are prescribed - variable part of boundary - strain invariant  相似文献   

WhenC is a concurrency relation on alphabet , then */= C is a free partially commutative monoid. Here we show that it is decidable in polynomial time whether or not there exists a finite canonical rewriting systemR on such that the congruences R * generated byR and = C induced byC coincide. Further, in case such a systemR exists, one such system can be determined in polynomial time.  相似文献   

Summary Given grammar forms F and F, the grammar form Sûb (F, Ft') is defined as that obtained by substituting the start variable of F for every occurrence of a terminal in F. The main result is that if F is a nontrivial grammar form, then the grammatical family defined by Sûb (F, F) is the set of languages obtained by substituting languages in the family defined by F into the family defined by F. Thus the substitution of one grammatical family into another is a grammatical family. It follows as a corollary that the full AFL generated by a grammatical family is a grammatical family.This research was supported in part by a Guggenheim fellowship and by NSF Grant No. 42306.  相似文献   

We develop a theory of communication within branching programs that provides exponential lower bounds on the size of branching programs that are bounded alternating. Our theory is based on the algebraic concept of -branching programs, : , a semiring homomorphism, that generalizes ordinary branching programs, -branching programs [M2] andMOD p-branching programs [DKMW].Due to certain exponential lower and polynomial upper bounds on the size of bounded alternating -branching programs we are able to separate the corresponding complexity classesN ba ,co-N ba ba , andMOD p - ba ,p prime, from each other, and from that classes corresponding to oblivious linear length-bounded branching programs investigated in the past.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the linear interval tolerance problem, which consists of finding the largest interval vector included in ([A], [b]) = {x R n | A [A], b [b], Ax = b}. We describe two different polyhedrons that represent subsets of all possible interval vectors in ([A], [b]), and we provide a new definition of the optimality of an interval vector included in ([A], [b]). Finally, we show how the Simplex algorithm can be applied to find an optimal interval vector in ([A], [b]).  相似文献   

The classUP [V] is the class of sets accepted by polynomial-time nondeterministic Turing machines which have at most one accepting path for every input. The complexity of this class closely relates to that of computing inverses ofone-way functions, where a one-way function is a one-to-one, length-increasing, and polynomial-time computable function whose inverse cannot be computed within polynomial time. It is known [GS], [K] that there exists a one-way function if and only ifP UP. In this paper the intractability of sets inUP is investigated in terms of polynomial-time reducibility to a sparse set. It is shown thatUP has a set that is m P -reducible to no sparse set ifP UP. We interpret this structural property in the relation with approximation algorithms: it is shown that ifP UP, thenUP has a set with no 1-APT approximation and, furthermore,UP has a set that is not m P -reducible to any set with a 1-APT approximation. The implication of this result in the study of one-way functions is also discussed. In order to prove the main theorem, we introduce a variation of tree-pruning methods.This paper was written while the author visited the Department of Mathematics, University of California, Santa Barbara. This research was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Grant CCR-8611980.  相似文献   

Recently, Yamashita and Fukushima [11] established an interesting quadratic convergence result for the Levenberg-Marquardt method without the nonsingularity assumption. This paper extends the result of Yamashita and Fukushima by using k=||F(xk)||, where [1,2], instead of k=||F(xk)||2 as the Levenberg-Marquardt parameter. If ||F(x)|| provides a local error bound for the system of nonlinear equations F(x)=0, it is shown that the sequence {xk} generated by the new method converges to a solution quadratically, which is stronger than dist(xk,X*)0 given by Yamashita and Fukushima. Numerical results show that the method performs well for singular problems.  相似文献   

For the interval system of equations defined by [x] = [A][x]+[b]with(|[A])|1 we derive a necessary and sufficient criterion for the existence and uniqueness of solutions [x]. Generalizing former results we allow the absolute value |[A]| of [A] to be reducible.  相似文献   

Let us associate to any binary planar shape X the erosion curve X defined by X: r IRXA(XrB), where A(X) stands for the surface area of X and XrB for the eroded set of X with respect to the ball rB of size r. Note the analogy to shape quantification by granulometry. This paper describes the relationship between sets X and Y verifying X = Y. Under some regularity conditions on X, X is expressed as an integral on its skeleton of the quench function q X(distance to the boundary of X). We first prove that a bending of arcs of the skeleton of X does not affect X: quantifies soft shapes. We then prove, in the generic case, that the five possible cases of behavior of the second derivative X characterize five different situations on the skeleton Sk(X) and on the quench function q X: simple points of Sk(X) where q Xis a local minimum, a local maximum, or neither, multiple points of Sk(X) where q Xis a local maximum or not. Finally, we give infinitesimal generators of the reconstruction process for the entire family of shapes Y verifying X = Y for a given X.  相似文献   

Summary The complements of an AFL form an AFL if and only if is closed under length-preserving universal quantification. The complements of the context-sensitive languages form a principal AFL with a hardest set L 1. The context-sensitive languages are closed under complementation if and only if L 1 is context-sensitive.This research was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Grants MCS76-10076 and DCR74-15091  相似文献   

In the framework of stochastic mechanics, the following problem is considered: in a set of admissible feedback controls v, with range inE n , find one minimizing the expectationE sx { s T L(t, (t), (t, (t)))dt + W T ((T))} for all (s, x) [0,T) E n , whereL(t, x, ) = (/12)m 2 – U(t, x) is the classical action integrand and is an-dimensional diffusion process in the weak sense, (see Bensoussan, 1982) with drift and diffusion coefficientD constant > 0.W T andU are given real functions. Sufficiency conditions for the existence of such an optimal feedback control are given. Dedicated to George Leitmann Recommended by G.J. Olsder Presented at the Third Workshop on Control Mechanics in honor of George Leitmann, January 22–24, 1990, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California (USA).  相似文献   

An optimalO(log logn)-time CRCW-PRAM algorithm for computing all period lengths of a string is presented. Previous parallel algorithms compute the period only if it is shorter than half of the length of the string. The algorithm can be used to find all initial palindromes of a string in the same time and processor bounds. Both algorithms are the fastest possible over a general alphabet. We derive a lower bound for finding initial palindromes by modifying a known lower bound for finding the period length of a string [9]. Whenp processors are available the bounds become (n/p+log1+p/n2p).This work was partially supported by NSF Grant CCR-90-14605. D. Breslauer was partially supported by an IBM Graduate Fellowship while studying at Columbia University and by a European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics postdoctoral fellowship.  相似文献   

ThéorèmeLe cylindre des langages à compteur n'est pas principal Ce résultat n'apporte cependant pas la réponse entière à la conjecture de S. Greibach [8] sur l'AFDL des langages à compteur, mais réduit le problème à montrer que notre hiérarchie en reste une vis à vis de l'opération de gsm mapping inverse.
Define a cylinder as a family of languages closed under inverse homomorphism and intersection with regular sets. This definition allows to describe as cylinders important families of context-free languages that are not semi-AFL such as the deterministic languages or the non-ambiguous languages. It is proved here that the cylinder of one-counter languages is not principal (i.e., there is no one-counter language such that all other can be generated from it under the cylinder operations).From any counter automata withn states recognizing a one-counter languageL, a formal construction provides a one-counter languageC n and a homomorphism L such thatL= L -1 (C n). So the family of allC n forn>0 generates an infinite hierarchy of cylinders and the classical argument gives the result.This leaves open the problem raised by S. Greibach of whether or not the family of one-counter languages can be generated from a single one-counter language by inverse gsm mappings. However, the problem is reduced to proving our family of one-counter languagesC n generates a hierarchy even under gsm mappings.Nous appelons cylindre toute famille de langages fermée pour les opérations d'homomorphisme inverse et intersection avec les langages rationnels. Combinées, ces deux opérations généralisent la notion, fondamentale dans l'étude des familles de langages, d'homomorphisme inverse grâce à un processus de contrôle d'états fini, comme le fait la notion de gsm inverse, mais de façon plutôt plus faible que celle-ci. Ainsi une réponse à la question de la principalité d'un cylindre (i.e., existe-t-il un élément de ce cylindre qui le génère en entier grâce à ces opérations ou non) peut ôtre considérée comme un premier pas vers la réponse à la question correspondante pour les gsm mappings inverses. Elle fournit en tout cas une intéressante indication sur la nature algébrique de la famille considérée.De nombreuses familles classiques de langages algébriques (ou context-free) sont des cylindres: Ainsi S. Greibach montre [8] que le cylindre des langages algébriques est principal. L. Boasson et M. Nivat montrent [3] que celui des langages linéaires est non-principal. Les langages déterministes, étudiés du point de vue voisin d'AFDL dans [9] et les langages non-ambigus forment également des cylindres. On sait que la famille des langages à compteur constitue un cylindre que nous allons décrire comme union d'une hiérarchie infinie stricte de cylindres emboités, montrant ainsi le théorème:

Conditions are presented under which the maximum of the Kolmogorov complexity (algorithmic entropy) K(1... N ) is attained, given the cost f( i ) of a message 1... N . Various extremal relations between the message cost and the Kolmogorov complexity are also considered; in particular, the minimization problem for the function f( i ) – K(1... N ) is studied. Here, is a parameter, called the temperature by analogy with thermodynamics. We also study domains of small variation of this function.  相似文献   

A Maple procedure is described by means of which an algebraic function given by an equation f(x y) = 0 can be expanded into a fractional power series (Puiseux series)
of special (nice) type. It may be a series with polynomial, rational, hypergeometric coefficients, or m-sparse or m-sparse m-hypergeometric series. First, a linear ordinary differential equation with polynomial coefficients Ly(x) = 0 is constructed which is satisfied by the given algebraic function. The , n 0, and a required number of initial coefficients 0, ..., are computed by using Maple algcurves package. By means of Maple Slode package, a solution to the equation Ly(x) = 0 is constructed in the form of a series with nice coefficients, the initial coefficients of which correspond to the calculated 0, ..., . The procedure suggested can construct an expansion at a user-given point x 0, as well as determine points where an expansion of such a special type is possible.  相似文献   

Given an m×n binary matrix A, a subset C of the columns is called t-frequent if there are at least t rows in A in which all entries belonging to C are non-zero. Let us denote by the number of maximal t-frequent sets of A, and let denote the number of those minimal column subsets of A which are not t-frequent (so called t-infrequent sets). We prove that the inequality (mt+1) holds for any binary matrix A in which not all column subsets are t-frequent. This inequality is sharp, and allows for an incremental quasi-polynomial algorithm for generating all minimal t-infrequent sets. We also prove that the analogous generation problem for maximal t-frequent sets is NP-hard. Finally, we discuss the complexity of generating closed frequent sets and some other related problems.  相似文献   

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