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We introduce a method which allows partial-volume irradiation of live cells using synchrotron-produced ultrasoft X rays and micro-fabricated irradiation masks. The masks were made by X-ray lithography at the University of Wisconsin Synchrotron Radiation Center, and they consist of 1.85-microm-wide stripes of gold 1.35 microm apart plated onto thin silicon nitride membranes. When placed adjacent to Mylar on which live cells are plated, these masks allow cells to be irradiated in a striped pattern with dimensions much smaller than the cell nuclei. Using 1340 eV synchrotron-produced X rays, we compare the survival of cells subjected to uniform irradiation and cells subjected to partial-volume irradiation. Our results show that, at equal mean dose to the nucleus (i.e. equal total energies deposited), survival is not statistically different for the two treatments over a wide range of doses. Thus imparting equal energies to smaller intranuclear volumes does not appear to enhance cell killing.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic ribosomalRNA extracted from Crithidia oncopelti and analysed by gel electrophoresis at 4 degrees C consisted of two components, with molecular weights (relative to E. coli rRNA) of 1-30 X 10(6) and 0-83 X 10(6) daltons, present in equimolar amounts. On heating briefly at 51 degrees C followed by rapid cooling, the 1-30 X 10(6) RNA completely dissociated into two components of molecular weights 0-70 X 10(6) and 0-56 X 10(6) (present in equimolar amounts). Fifty per cent dissociation of the molecule occurred at 28 degrees C. That the integrity of the RNA molecule at low temperatures is maintained by its secondary structure was confirmed by electrophoresis under denaturing conditions (98%, v/v, formamide). To account for these phenomena, latent cleavage of the molecule in vivo is proposed.  相似文献   

To test whether patterns of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation are consistent with a neutral model of molecular evolution, nucleotide sequences were determined for the 1041 bp of the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 (ND2) gene in 20 geographically diverse humans and 20 common chimpanzees. Contingency tests of neutrality were performed using four mutational categories for the ND2 molecule: synonymous and nonsynonymous mutations in the transmembrane regions, and synonymous and nonsynonymous mutations in the surface regions. The following three topological mutational categories were also used: intraspecific tips, intraspecific interiors, and interspecific fixed differences. The analyses reveal a significantly greater number of nonsynonymous polymorphisms within human transmembrane regions than expected based on interspecific comparisons, and they are inconsistent with a neutral equilibrium model. This pattern of excess nonsynonymous polymorphism is not seen within chimpanzees. Statistical tests of neutrality, such as TAJIMA's D test, and the D and F tests proposed by FU and LI, indicate an excess of low frequency polymorphisms in the human data, but not in the chimpanzee data. This is consistent with recent directional selection, a population bottleneck or background selection of slightly deleterious mutations in human mtDNA samples. The analyses further support the idea that mitochondrial genome evolution is governed by selective forces that have the potential to affect its use as a "neutral" marker in evolutionary and population genetic studies.  相似文献   

Sequence analysis of a fragment of the beta-tubulin gene was performed on 13 isolates of the parasite Cryptosporidium parvum, eight from humans and five from animals. A total of 12 synonymous substitutions and a deletion of two bases within the intron sequence were found. This genetic variation defined two alleles at the beta-tubulin locus, which can be identified by a simple polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism assay. A total of 20 isolates were also tested using four available molecular markers. These analyses showed congruently that the C. parvum isolates segregate into two groups, one found exclusively in humans and the other found in both humans and animals. Since no recombinant genotypes were observed, the results are consistent with the hypothesis of a substantially clonal reproduction in this parasite.  相似文献   

A series of related genes that are flanked at their 5' ends by a conserved upstream sequence element called the upstream homology box (UHB) have been identified in Borrelia burgdorferi. These genes have been referred to as the UHB or erp gene family. We previously demonstrated that among a limited number of B. burgdorferi isolates, the UHB gene family is variable in composition and organization. Prior to this report the UHB gene family in other species of the B. burgdorferi sensu lato complex had not been studied, and if this family is important in the pathogenesis or biology of the Lyme disease spirochetes, then a wide distribution among species and isolates of the B. burgdorferi sensu lato complex would be expected. To assess this, we screened for the UHB element by Southern hybridization and determined its restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) patterns. The UHB element was found to be carried by all B. burgdorferi sensu lato complex species tested (B. burgdorferi, B. garinii, B. afzelii, B. japonica, B. valaisiana sp. nov., and B. andersonii), but the RFLP patterns varied widely at both the inter- and intraspecies levels. Variation in both the number and size of the hybridizing restriction fragments was evident. PCR analyses also revealed the presence of polymorphic, ospE-related alleles in many isolates. Sequence analyses identified the molecular basis of the polymorphisms as being primarily insertions and deletions. Sequence variation and the insertions and deletions were found to be clustered in two distinct domains (variable domains 1 and 2). In many isolates variable domain 1 is flanked by direct repeat elements, some as long as 38 bp. Computer analyses of the deduced amino acid sequences encoded within variable domain 1 predict them to be hydrophilic, surface exposed, and antigenic. The analyses conducted here suggest that the UHB gene family, as evidenced by the variable UHB RFLP patterns, is not evolutionarily stable and that the polymorphic ospE alleles are derived from a common ancestral gene which has been modified through mutation or recombination events. The characterization of ospE-related genes of the UHB gene family among B. burgdorferi sensu lato species will prove important in attempts to construct a model for UHB gene family organization and in deciphering the role of the UHB gene family in the biology and pathogenesis of the Lyme disease spirochetes.  相似文献   

The initiator methionine transfer RNA (tRNA(fMet)) gene was identified on a 347 bp Eco RI-Hind III DNA fragment of the potato mitochondrial (mt) genome. The sequence of this gene shows 1 to 7 nucleotide differences with the other plant mt tRNAs(fMet) or tRNA(fMet) genes studied so far. Whereas the tRNA(fMet) gene is present as a single copy in the potato mt genome, a tRNA 'pseudogene' corresponding to 60% of a complete tRNA (from the 5' end to the variable region) and located at 105 nucleotides upstream of the tRNA(fMet) gene on the opposite strand was shown to be repeated at least three times. Furthermore, the physical environment of the tRNA(fMet) gene in the mt genome is very different among plants, which suggests that the tRNA(fMet) gene region has often been implicated in recombination events of plant mt genomes leading to important rearrangements in gene order.  相似文献   

A genomic clone of RbcS was isolated from an alfalfa (Medicago sativa L. cv. Apica) genomic library and characterized. Although this clone has structural features similar to a functional gene, the second exon is interrupted by a stop codon and thus is not fully translatable in the plant. Sequence analysis of the 5' and 3' noncoding regions of RbcSK-1A showed a high sequence homology to the flanking sequences of the RbcS-3A gene from pea. The regions of homology contain many important cis-regulatory elements shown to be essential for regulation of the RbcS-3A gene in pea. The promoter of this alfalfa rubisco clone was used in a translational fusion to test its ability to control the expression of the GUS reporter gene in an homologous nuclear background. High levels of GUS enzyme activity were recorded. These strong levels are comparable to some exceptionally high levels produced in other studies following the use of photosynthesis gene promoters in fusions with the GUS reporter gene.  相似文献   

The first internal transcribed spacer DNA (ITS-1) (rDNA) and the mitochondrial (mt) DNA-derived cytochrome oxidase I gene (COX-1) were enzymatically amplified, cloned and sequenced from 6 nominal species of Ostertagiinae as well as Haemonchus contortus and Haemonchus placei. The portion of the COX-1 gene analyzed was 393 base pairs (bp) in length and contained 33 within species polymorphic base changes at 28 synonymous sites. The ITS-1 rDNA consensus sequences ranged from 392 bp (Ostertagia ostertagi/Ostertagia lyrata, Teladorsagia circumcincta) to 404 bp (H. contortus, H. placei). These data were used both in a distance analysis to assess the concept of polymorphic species within the genus Ostertagia and in parsimony analysis to assess phylogenetic relationships within a limited group of Ostertagiinae. Pairwise similarity scores of both ITS-1 and COX-1 data showed the highest number of conserved sites between the proposed dimorphic species of Ostertagia. The level of similarity was lower in the COX-1 data due to the high number of synonymous base changes. Analysis by maximum parsimony of the same data did not refute O. ostertagi/O. lyrata and Ostertagia mossil/Ostertagia dikmansi as dimorphic species and supported monophyly of these ostertagiines relative to representatives of the haemonchine outgroup. In the single most parsimonious tree from ITS-1 rDNA data, a subclade of Ostertagia spp. included forms possessing parallel synlophes and long esophageal valves that typically occur in cervid hosts.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the level of genetic variation among Schistosoma japonicum populations of different geographical origins from mainland China. Polymerase chain reaction-based methods were employed to determine the sequence for a subunit of the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase I gene for populations from Zhejiang, Anhui, Jiangxi, Hunan, Hubei and Sichuan. No variation was detectable in the NADH dehydrogenase I sequence within populations from Zhejiang and Hubei, whereas sequence variation of 0.2% was detected within populations from Anhui, Jiangxi, Hunan and Sichuan. Pairwise comparison of the sequences representing the six different populations revealed genetic differences ranging from 0 to 0.6%.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to ascertain the occurrence and inter-relationships of locomotor symptoms, joint hypermobility and skin involvement in patients with the Marfan syndrome. A single clinical evaluation, using a standardized protocol, of randomly selected out-patients was made. Joint hypermobility was measured by two scales in wide clinical use (Beighton and Contompasis), skin hyperextensibility was assessed on the dorsum of the hand, and skin thickness and light transmissibility was measured at the same site with a modified Harpenden caliper. The setting was an out-patient medical genetics clinic at an urban teaching hospital in Baltimore, Maryland, USA. The subjects comprised 27 children and 48 adults who met strict diagnostic criteria for the Marfan syndrome. In patients less than 18 yr old, 70% had experienced at least one locomotor syndrome, and 40% had had multiple symptoms, of which arthralgia, myalgia and ligamentous injury were the most frequent. Symptoms were absent in children younger than 5 yr. Thereafter, the number of symptoms increased with age. Considerable joint hyperextensibility (> 3/9 of Beighton's criteria) was present in 85%. While one-third had received orthopaedic attention, there had been little if any rheumatological input. In adult patients, locomotor symptoms had occurred in 96%, with 88% having experienced more than one complaint. Spinal pain, arthralgia, ligament injury and fracture were the most common. Most (81%) of the adults had some (> 1/9), and 56% had considerable (> 2/9) evidence of joint hypermobility. Only 20% had received specialist attention for their locomotor symptoms. Skin changes are documented in the Marfan syndrome for the first time in this study.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The thiostrepton-resistance gene encoding the 23S rRNA A1067 methyltransferase from Streptomyces azureus has been overexpressed in Escherichia coli using a T7-RNA-polymerase-dependent expression vector. The protein was efficiently expressed at levels up to 20% of total soluble protein and purified to near homogeneity. Kinetic parameters for S-adenosyl-L-methionine (Km = 0.1 mM) and an RNA fragment containing nucleotides 1029-1122 of the 23S ribosomal RNA from E. coli (Km = 0.001 mM) were determined. S-Adenosyl-L-homocysteine showed competitive product inhibition (Ki = 0.013 mM). Binding of either thiostrepton or protein L11 inhibited methylation. RNA sequence variants of the RNA fragment with mutations in nucleotides 1051-1108 were tested as substrates for the methylase. The experimental data indicate that methylation is dependent on the secondary structure of the hairpin including nucleotide A1067 and the exact sequence U(1066)-A(1067)-G(1068)-A(1069)-A(1070) of the single strand.  相似文献   

In a previous investigation of bifidobacteria isolated from human dental caries (V. Scardovi and F. Crociani, Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 24:6-20, 1974), 40 strains were assigned to the new species Bifidobacterium dentium. In this study we examined 70 new strains of bifidobacteria isolated from dental caries. The morphological characteristics, biochemical reactions, fermentation patterns, end products from glucose metabolism, protein electrophoretic patterns, levels of DNA hybridization, and DNA G+C contents of these organisms revealed that they belong to three different taxa. One of these taxa was identified as B. dentium. The other two are described as the following new Bifidobacterium species in this paper: Bifidobacterium inopinatum (type strain, DSM 10107) and Bifidobacterium denticolens (type strain, DSM 10105). The two new species differ from other Bifidobacterium species in their morphological characteristics (especially B. inopinatum, with its very small coccoid cells), in their carbohydrate fermentation patterns (most strains ferment dextran, and B. inopinatum does not ferment galactose), and in their DNA base compositions (especially B. inopinatum).  相似文献   

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