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本文研究分布式模糊离散事件系统的故障预测问题.先根据系统的模糊特性,提出一种分布式模糊离散事件系统的协同可预测性的形式化方法,使分布式模糊离散事件系统的协同可预测度不小于各分站点的局部可预测度.通过构造协同预测验证器,提出一种基于协同预测验证器的协同预测算法,并得到一个关于分布式模糊离散事件系统协同可预测性的充分必要条件.  相似文献   

针对随机离散事件系统在故障预测时可能出现系统观测永久丢失,导致预测不准确的问题,提出一种观测永久丢失下故障预测验证的算法。首先对观测永久丢失的随机离散事件系统的U-可预测性进行了形式化。其次使用随机预测器构造了一个随机离散事件系统的U-预测器,实现了系统的故障预测。基于U-预测器,提出了随机离散事件系统U-可预测性的充分必要条件及验证算法,并且引入成对的方式,明显地改进了该验证算法的复杂度。仿真结果表明,该验证算法使得观测永久丢失下系统故障预测准确。最后,实例说明观测永久丢失下故障预测验证算法的应用。结果表明,该验证算法相比现有同类验证算法应用范围更广,验证结果更精确。  相似文献   

本文我们将预测监控的一般结果推广到状态反馈控制的情况。给出了预测状态反馈控制器存在的充要条件及设计方法。对一类特殊的系统,我们证明了任一传统的状态反馈控制下的解也是预测状态反馈控制问题的解,从而预测状态反馈控制对这类系统有最优解存在。最后,我们给出了一个例子来说明这一结果。  相似文献   

基于模式的故障诊断方法能将触发系统故障的事件串诊断出来,但在诊断期间系统仍然可能执行被禁止的不安全操作.为此,提出了一种离散事件系统基于S型和T型模式的安全诊断方法.先对离散事件系统基于模式的安全可诊断性进行形式化,再通过构造非法语言识别器和安全诊断器对系统发生的故障模式实施安全诊断,最后分别得到了一个关于S型和T型模式的系统安全可诊断性的充分必要条件,实现了离散事件系统基于模式的安全故障诊断.  相似文献   

传统多机器人系统的运动控制主要依赖于机器人的动力学方程或运动学方程,通过求解微分方程组来获得机器人的输入控制信号.随着系统中机器人数量的增加和运行环境的复杂化,动力学方程很难描述多机器人系统的运动行为,且无法很好地解决诸如死锁等逻辑故障.本文简略综述了国内外的研究现状,重点介绍笔者所在研究组开展的关于离散事件系统方法在多机器人运动控制方面的应用性研究工作.其动机在于:1)基于离散事件系统方法的运动控制能够有效地解决系统运行过程中产生的诸如死锁等逻辑故障.首先,利用离散事件系统模型对多机器人系统的运动进行建模,从而降低计算复杂性;其次,基于所得离散事件系统模型,设计分布式安全运动控制算法,使各个机器人可以自主地、无碰撞地、无死锁地运动;设计分布式鲁棒运动控制算法,使得失效的机器人对系统的影响最小.2)基于离散事件系统方法的运动控制策略可以结合传统的基于运动学方程的运动控制方法,从而使系统不但能够避免顶层的逻辑故障,而且能够确定机器人执行器的输入信号.  相似文献   

刘富春  严飞  赵锐  崔洪刚 《控制与决策》2020,35(6):1403-1408
针对模糊系统在运行过程中可能出现由多个事件触发的故障,研究模糊离散事件系统模式故障的诊断问题,提出一种基于验证器的模式故障诊断方法.先对模糊离散事件系统中最常见的模式故障,引入S类型模式故障和T类型模式故障两个概念,再分别对模糊离散事件系统的S类型和T类型模式故障的可诊断性进行形式化.为验证模糊系统模式故障的可诊断性,构造一个验证器自动机,并得到一个关于模糊离散事件系统模式故障可诊断性的充分必要条件,实现对模糊系统模式故障的诊断.  相似文献   

近年来,离散事件系统故障诊断研究引起国内外学者广泛关注.鉴于此,研究动态观测下随机离散事件系统的故障诊断.首先引入一种动态观测,使事件的可观测性随着系统的运行而动态变化;然后分别对基于动态观测的随机离散事件系统的单故障可诊断性和模式故障可诊断性进行形式化;最后通过构造相应的诊断器,分别得到关于单故障可诊断性和模式故障可...  相似文献   

离散事件系统分布式仿真的集中并行控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
详细介绍了离散事件系统异步仿真中的一种保守的事件/时间管理策略。包括集中式并行控制机制的基本框架、一些概念、定律以及相应的并行算法,最后举例说明了集中式并行算法的控制流程。  相似文献   

本文首先介绍了离散事件系统的异步分布式仿真方法,然后,针对任务分配问题,发展了一种启发式算法,它由过程聚类和过程重新分配两部分组成。  相似文献   

Diagnosability property ensures that a predefined set of faults are diagnosable by a centralized diagnoser built using a global model of the system, while co-diagnosability guarantees that these faults are diagnosed in decentralized manner using a set of local diagnosers. A fault must be diagnosed by at least one local diagnoser by using its proper local observation of the system. The aim of using decentralized diagnosis approaches is to overcome the space complexity and weak robustness of centralized diagnosis approaches while at the same time preserving the diagnostic capability of a centralized diagnosis. However, co-diagnosability property is stronger than diagnosability property. If a system is co-diagnosable, then it is diagnosable, while a diagnosable system does not ensure that it is co-diagnosable. Therefore, the challenge of decentralized diagnosis approaches is to perform local diagnosis and to verify that it is equivalent to the centralized one without the need for a global model. In this paper, an approach is proposed to obtain co-diagnosable decentralized diagnosis structure of discrete event systems without the use of a global model. This approach is based on the synchronization of local diagnosis decisions in order to solve the ambiguity between local diagnosers. This synchronization allows obtaining local diagnosis equivalent to the global one without the use of a global model.  相似文献   

研究了混合信息下的分散监控综合问题.首先提出δ-可观察(hδ-可观察)可控闭语言是(状态部分可观察下)状态反馈综合解存在的充要条件,并由此得到n-联合可观察、可控闭的系统约束是保证混合分散监控器存在的充要条件,进而得到纯分散监控器(控制器)存在的充要条件为n-可观察(n-hδ-可观察)可控闭语言被满足.最后,又通过研究系统约束与混合约束的关系,提出混合分散监控器存在的充分条件是可观察、可控闭语言与可观察可控谓词被满足.  相似文献   

在研究基于混合信息的分散监控时,由于部分监控器与部分控制器发生失败,故提出了一种新型的混合可靠分散监控问题.通过修改局部可控事件集与不可控事件集,提出新的可控语言与可靠联合可观察语言定义,进而得到混合可靠分散监控器存在的充分必要条件就是整体约束语言是可靠联合可观察,可控闭的.之后,又通过研究整体约束与混合子约束之间的关系,给出了判别混合可靠分散监控器存在的一个充分条件,即混合子约束分别满足基于谓词的可观察,可控性与基于语言的联合可观察,可控封闭性.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the simultaneous fault detection and control problem for Itô-type stochastic time-delay systems. A full-order dynamic output feedback controller is designed to achieve the desired control and detection objectives. The main contributions of this paper are as follows: (1) for stochastic time-delay systems, the controller design with multiple objectives can be addressed by employing the multiple Lyapunov functions approach, (2) the dynamic output feedback controller synthesis conditions described by linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) are derived and (3) within the proposed fault detection and control framework, a better integrated control and detection performance can be obtained. Some numerical examples including the comparison results are presented to show the advantages of the proposed method.  相似文献   

针对一类线性随机系统,研究了其微小传感器故障检测问题.基于Kalman滤波算法构造状态估计器,利用移动加权平均方法设计残差与评价函数.根据非中心卡方分布的性质,分析了故障幅值、窗口长度、误报率和漏报率之间的关系.采用不等式技术,得到了确保在统计意义下微小故障可检测性的最优权值和最小窗口长度.最后,通过一个仿真实例验证了所提方法的有效性.  相似文献   

This article investigates the fault estimation and fault tolerant control (FTC) problems for linear stochastic uncertain systems. By introducing the fictitious noise, the fault is augmented as part of the systems state, and then a robust estimator is proposed to simultaneously obtain the state and fault estimation. Based on the estimated information, the active FTC is presented to eliminate the impact of the fault. Finally, a simulation example is conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of our main method.  相似文献   

A discrete event system possesses the property of detectability if it allows an observer to perfectly estimate the current state of the system after a finite number of observed symbols, i.e., detectability captures the ability of an observer to eventually perfectly estimate the system state. In this paper we analyze detectability in stochastic discrete event systems (SDES) that can be modeled as probabilistic finite automata. More specifically, we define the notion of A-detectability, which characterizes our ability to estimate the current state of a given SDES with increasing certainty as we observe more output symbols. The notion of A-detectability is differentiated from previous notions for detectability in SDES because it takes into account the probability of problematic observation sequences (that do not allow us to perfectly deduce the system state), whereas previous notions for detectability in SDES considered each observation sequence that can be generated by the underlying system. We discuss observer-based techniques that can be used to verify A-detectability, and provide associated necessary and sufficient conditions. We also prove that A-detectability is a PSPACE-hard problem.  相似文献   

The notion of diagnosability of stochastic discrete-event systems (SDESs) was introduced in the literature, but the method for verifying the diagnosability of SDESs was exponential. However, is there a sufficient condition of diagnosability of SDESs that can be tested with polynomial method? In this paper, we present a sufficient condition of diagnosability of SDESs based on a constructive testing automaton, and a polynomial method is proposed to test the condition.  相似文献   

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