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The authors analysed all cases of occupational diseases diagnosed in Poland over the last three years. The following variables were considered: age, gender of patients, duration of exposure to factors inducing occupational disease, nosologic units, and the types of work places by the European Activity Classification and their localization by voivodships. The obtained results helped to formulate the following conclusions: 1. The number of occupational diseases in the period under study ranged annually between 11,156 and 11,320 cases. The incidence rates (number of cases/100,000 employed) fell within 116-131. 2. The general incidence of occupational diseases was shaped by: hearing impairment, chronic diseases of voice organs, communicable and invasive diseases, pneumoconioses, skin diseases, vibratory syndrome and poisoning. 3. The majority of diagnosed diseases occurred at least after 10 years of occupational exposure to causal factor. 4. The highest incidence of occupational diseases by the European Activity Classification was observed in mining and quarrying, manufacture, education and health services. 5. The analysis of the occupational disease incidence in individual work places indicated a number, however small, of enterprises which are a major source of these diseases.  相似文献   

Poland is the country, where almost 40% of population inhabit rural areas. So EAA may be an important health problem. The aim of the study was to assess incidence of EAA in different districts in Poland. We asked hospitals to send us lists of patients with diagnosis of EAA established in the period of 1990-1994. In some hospitals we collected information by ourselves. This way, we have got data concerning patients with EAA. The highest prevalence of EAA 1.5-7.0/100,000 population was observed in eastern and south-western regions of Poland. Eastern Poland is rural area with small not specialised farms and possible high exposure to EAA antigens. In south-western Poland (Silesia) keeping pigeons is a very popular hobby, which may explain high incidence of EAA.  相似文献   

Pesticide constitute a large group of commonly used chemicals with diverse chemical structure and toxicity. They are intended mostly to protect plants and plant products from the activity of various harmful organisms but they can also be used as biocides. Pesticide poisonings may be due to suicidal attempts or accidental ingestion associated with improper storage in unlabelled containers. Severe cases are treated at the regional poison units while others in the in-patient and out-patient clinics all over the country. The study made us draw the conclusion that poisonings with organophosphates and dipyridyl derivatives pose an essential toxicological problem. They are usually severe and require long hospitalisation. The highest morality rate was noted also for the poisonings with organophosphates and dipyridyl derivatives. Suicidal attempts constitute the most frequent cause of the poisonings. The results of the analysis imply a necessity to replace the most harmful organophosphate and dipyridyl pesticides with others of a lower toxicity class. It should be underlined that in order to avoid an accidental misuse, pesticides should be stored in the original, labelled containers.  相似文献   

Our initial experience with intracoronary stenting without oral anticoagulant is presented. From december 1994 to december 1995 we implanted 58 stents in 43 patients (36 males). Indications were: retraction 1, restenosis 3, dissection 8, acute myocardial infarction 13 and de novo 33. All patients received ticlopidin, aspirin and diltiazem before the procedure, heparin and intracoronary nitroglycerin were given during the procedure, and ticlopidin and aspirin for the next six weeks. Non-compliant balloons at 14-16 atmospheres were used for stent implantation. The balloon/artery ratio was 1:1. Implant sites were: 29 in left anterior descendent, 17 in right coronary artery, 7 in circumflex and 5 in vein grafts. This procedure was successful in 40/43 (93%) patients. One patient died and 2 had acute occlusion. One patient underwent coronary artery bypass grafting and the other underwent a new dilatation with higher pressure. There were no subacute occlusions. During 140 days mean time follow up: 2 patients had angina (incomplete revascularization) and 27 patients with negative stress test. No myocardial infractions or deaths were present during the follow up period. Stent implantation with high pressure technique and without oral anticoagulant in coronary arteries greater than 3.0 mm is a safe and effective method with high rate success and very low acute complication rate.  相似文献   

The author reviews the management of the professional diseases in Hungary from the beginning till now. It can be stated that the number of the registered professional diseases in Hungary has decreasing steadily. He thinks that this tendency can be explained not only by the improvement of the labour higienic conditions and systematic screening tests with biologic monitoring but also by the increase of unemployment and the threatening of the latter of the workers as well as the lack of the discipline of the registration. The change of the economical structure resulted in the change of the problems concerning the professional diseases too. The liquidation of the old large factories and the development of many small economic plants represents a big problem of the labour hygienic control of the latters and make difficult the prophylactic examinations of all employees. This is a factor counteracting the further decrease of number of professional diseases. The change of the spectrum of the professional diseases is to be expected too. The criteria of the diagnosing, the therapy and the prognosis of the professional diseases are described. The most effective method of the medical prevention of the professional diseases in the precise fulfillment of the prophylactic medical examinations.  相似文献   

The protocol describes (i) methods for the investigation of neuropeptide catabolism in the central nervous system (CNS), (ii) the identification of the neuropeptidases involved, and (iii) methods for the determination of neuropeptide stability in vitro. These methods are applicable also to study the degradation of peptide hormones by peripheral cells or tissues. To identify peptide degradation products, nanomolar amounts (micromolar concentrations) of peptides are incubated in synthetic media with cell or tissue cultures. Aliquots of the supernatants are withdrawn after different times, peptide fragments separated and fractionated by reversed-phase HPLC, and identified by peptide chemical methods. The peptidases responsible for this degradation can be identified by the use of specific inhibitors listed in the protocol. For receptor binding assays or the study of peptide effects in physiological, nanomolar concentrations the stability of the peptides in an in vitro system should be checked by addition of radiolabeled peptides (femtomolar or nanomolar concentrations) and monitoring the peptide degradation by a procedure analogous to that established for unlabeled peptides. The addition of more or less specific peptidase inhibitors enhances peptide stability in vitro, and thus it can be assured that a given peptide concentration is maintained during biological assays.  相似文献   

From the point of view of occupational respiratory medicine, an overview on potential health effects of airborne pollutants particularly in swine confinement houses is presented. Airway diseases are the most frequent occupational disorders among farmers in many countries around the world including Germany. Due to various methodological reasons, epidemiological studies in farming populations are more difficult to perform than among non-farmers. Major constituents of swine confinement dust include bacteria, endotoxin, mites, fungal spores, and animal dander. Gaseous pollutants include ammonia, methane, and hydrogen sulfide. In a variety of cross-sectional studies, high prevalences of respiratory symptoms and non-obstructive (and obstructive) bronchitis and Organic Dust Toxic Syndrome have been reported in pig farmers. Nasal and bronchial provocation challenges with swine confinement dust include influx of neutrophils and other inflammatory cells as well as mediators. In cross-sectional and longitudinal studies, endotoxin turns out as the probably most relevant parameter associated with lung function impairment. Further studies are clearly needed focusing on the prognosis of non-obstructive bronchitis in swine farmers and on health effects of reducing airborne contaminants in swine confinement houses.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To study the variation of the number of histologically detected adenocarcinomas of the prostate in the Netherlands during the period 1990-1996. DESIGN: Retrospective. SETTING: National study. METHOD: Use was made of data from the National Automated Morbid-Anatomical Record Department (PALGA), Utrecht. The following data were established for each year of the study period: the total number of histological examinations of the prostate, the number of men involved (often several histological examinations of the prostate of the same man in the same year), how often adenocarcinoma was diagnosed by these examinations and how many men were involved, as well as the age of all carcinoma patients. These data were compared with those concerning variation and incidence of cancer of the prostate obtained from the Netherlands. Cancer Registration and the Central Statistics Office. RESULTS: In 7 years a total of 205,525 histological examinations of the prostate were performed in 179,298 men; the diagnosis 'adenocarcinoma of the prostate' was made 52,964 times in 44,182 men. The number of tissue examinations with the diagnosis 'carcinoma of the prostate' increased by 63% (from 5,596 to 9,146), the number of men in whom this diagnosis was made increased by 62% (from 4,710 to 7,614). The relative frequency of prostate carcinoma in relation to all examinations of the prostate increased in 6 years (1991-1996) from 22% to 28%. In that period, the (uncorrected) incidence increased by 50%, while mortality corrected for age remained the same. CONCLUSION: Of the marked increase of the number of detected cases of carcinoma of the prostate in the study period, only a small part could be attributed to demographic changes. Since autopsies have shown that there exists a large 'stock' of subclinical carcinomas, most of the growth can probably be explained by the more intensive diagnostics with prostate-specific antigen and transrectal ultrasonography.  相似文献   

90年代前5年中国金分析测定的成就   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
评述了1990~1994年中国金分析测定的成就。内容涉及含金试样的加工处理、金的分离富集和各种测定方法。5年来共发表556篇论文并确立了符合中国国情,具有中国特色的金分析测定方法,在实践中得到普遍应用。  相似文献   

Two genes were identified and characterized that express cDNAs related to previously identified neurotransmitter and/or osmolyte transporters, but which are expressed specifically in the kidney. RNA transcribed from one of these two genes (XT2) was found to undergo an extensive degree of alternative splicing to generate six distinct isoforms. The intron-exon structure of the XT2 gene and the sites of alternative splicing were identified. Expression of the second gene (XT3) was found to be conserved in human kidney, and partial sequence was obtained from a human cDNA library. The expressions of both XT2 and XT3 RNAs were determined in mouse and human tissues, respectively, and the locations of the two genes within the mouse genome were identified. Screening experiments to identify the substrate(s) of these proteins failed to identify specific uptake with any of the tested compounds; however, immunofluorescent microscopy demonstrated that epitope-tagged variants of the protein products of the XT2 and XT3 cDNAs were present on the plasma membrane of transfected cells.  相似文献   

Presents the official Treasurer's Report for the American Psychological Association (APA) operations for 1994. The report addresses substantial revenue growth from the communications program, meetings, real estate investments, and membership. Additional sources of income, in the form of programs and services added or expanded over the past 5 yrs, are highlighted. Revenues and expenses are discussed in terms of a comparison between 1992 and 1993 by directorates (Science, Practice, Public Interest, and Education), Central Programs, Grants and Contracts, and Communications. Information on changes in APA's fund balance, or net worth, is presented. A positive financial future is predicted for the APA. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

To determine the incidence of bacteremia in healthy adults, blood cultures were obtained from 240 patients who had no demonstrable foci of infection. Five patients (2.1%) had positive blood cultures. Staphylococcus epidermidis was isolated from four patients and Alcaligenes faecalis from one. In each of these patients, the organism isolated probably represented contamination rather than bacteremia.  相似文献   

The authors analyze data on patients diagnosed as having occupational disease in 1970-1995 and grouped according to age, sex, length of service, occupational hazards. Incidence of various syndromes in occupational diseases is calculated. The authors detail some items obscuring diagnosis of occupational diseases and necessitate referral to various professionals for precise and early diagnosis.  相似文献   

The authors discuss the results of ophthalmodynamometric tests used for the assessment of cerebro-retinal vessels reactivity following carbon dioxide baths and "peat collars". An analysis of systemic and local blood pressure in the ophthalmic artery measured with Weigelin and Lobstein technique enables to assess changes in blood pressures following a/m balneologic procedures. It was found that blood pressure does not change parallelly due to the mechanism of cerebral autoregulation. Transient decrease in blood pressure in the ophthalmic artery is produced by the dilatation of the internal carotid artery indicating a potent vasodilating action of carbon dioxide.  相似文献   

All mammary lesions diagnosed at the Institute of Pathological Anatomy of the University of Modena have been systematically filed since 1990 and reported in a bulletin, which is issued twice a year and delivered to health operators. So far, 5.188 cases of breast lesions, comprising 1.999 non-neoplastic pathologies, 1.040 benign tumors, 1.943 primary malignant neoplasms and 206 recurrences, have been filed. During the quinquennium 1990-1994, a progressive numerical reduction in diagnoses of non-neoplastic lesions coupled to an increase of benign tumors has been observed, whereas the number of primary malignant tumors has not changed. In particular, a statistically significant increase in diagnoses of carcinoma-in-situ and of fibrocystic disease associated with moderate-risk lesions (atypical hyperplasias) has been detected, whereas the number of cases of single fibrocystic disease has decreased. This reduction, however, is not significant. A slight increase of breast carcinomas smaller than 1 cm and 2 cm, coupled to a decrease of those exhibiting dimensions between 2 and 5 cm, has been found. The collection and systematic analysis of cases of mammary lesions appears to represent a useful tool to study the incidence of different breast pathologies in the general populations. It can also be viewed as a simple way to test the reliability of diagnostic methods used for selection of surgical cases.  相似文献   

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