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在机会频谱接入认知无线电系统中,认知用户只有在通过感知确定信道空闲时才可以接入授权信道,因此频谱感知对于系统性能影响非常重要。本文提出了基于新帧结构的四元频谱感知模型,考虑主用户活跃性对认知网络吞吐量的影响,采用可同时最大化感知和数据传输时间的新帧结构模型,不需要考虑感知和吞吐量的均衡。理论分析新模型下感知时间,主用户活跃性,目标检测概率,主用户接收信噪比对系统吞吐量的影响,并与传统模型进行对比。  相似文献   

Cognitive radios hold tremendous promise for increasing spectral efficiency in wireless systems. This paper surveys the fundamental capacity limits and associated transmission techniques for different wireless network design paradigms based on this promising technology. These paradigms are unified by the definition of a cognitive radio as an intelligent wireless communication device that exploits side information about its environment to improve spectrum utilization. This side information typically comprises knowledge about the activity, channels, codebooks, and/or messages of other nodes with which the cognitive node shares the spectrum. Based on the nature of the available side information as well as a priori rules about spectrum usage, cognitive radio systems seek to underlay, overlay, or interweave the cognitive radios' signals with the transmissions of noncognitive nodes. We provide a comprehensive summary of the known capacity characterizations in terms of upper and lower bounds for each of these three approaches. The increase in system degrees of freedom obtained through cognitive radios is also illuminated. This information-theoretic survey provides guidelines for the spectral efficiency gains possible through cognitive radios, as well as practical design ideas to mitigate the coexistence challenges in today's crowded spectrum.   相似文献   

为了提高认知引擎的性能,更好地实现认知无线电系统参数的智能调整,设计了一 种混合认知引擎,综合运用多种人工智能方法实现认知引擎的推理、学习、优化和决策等功 能。分析了经典认知引擎模型和人工智能在认知引擎中的应用情况,构建了混合认知引擎的 功能结构框图,讨论了混合认知引擎的工作机理和技术特点。分析表明,混合认知引擎 具有较强的灵活性和鲁棒性。  相似文献   

Like the conventional two-user interference channel, the cognitive interference channel consists of two transmitters whose signals interfere at two receivers. It is assumed that there is a common message (message 1) known to both transmitters, and an additional independent message (message 2) known only to the cognitive transmitter (transmitter 2). The cognitive receiver (receiver 2) needs to decode messages 1 and 2, while the noncognitive receiver (receiver 1) should decode only message 1. Furthermore, message 2 is assumed to be a confidential message which needs to be kept as secret as possible from receiver 1, which is viewed as an eavesdropper with regard to message 2. The level of secrecy is measured by the equivocation rate. In this paper, a single-letter expression for the capacity-equivocation region of the discrete memoryless cognitive interference channel is obtained. The capacity-equivocation region for the Gaussian cognitive interference channel is also obtained explicitly. Moreover, particularizing the capacity-equivocation region to the case without a secrecy constraint, the capacity region for the two-user cognitive interference channel is obtained, by providing a converse theorem.   相似文献   

In spite of spectrum sensing, aggregate interference from cognitive radios (CRs) remains as a deterring factor to the implementation of spectrum sharing strategies. We provide a systematic approach of evaluating the aggregate interference (I aggr) experienced at a victim primary receiver (PR). In our approach, we model the received power versus distance relations between a primary transmitter (PT), PR, and CRs. CRs can spatially reuse a channel and thus two adjacent CRs are separated by the co-channel reuse distance (R). Our analytical framework differs from the existing ones in that we have formulated I aggr in terms of R and sensing inaccuracy. Energy detector is assumed for the purpose of spectrum sensing. I aggr is expressed explicitly as a function of the number of energy samples collected (N) and the threshold SNR level used for comparison (SNR ε ). This allows us to assess their impacts on I aggr. A numerical example is constructed based on the scenario of spectrum sharing between DTV broadcast and IEEE 802.22 Wireless Regional Area Network. Our analysis demonstrates the extents of which I aggr can be restricted, by increasing R or sensing accuracy (either by increasing N or decreasing SNR ε ), and the amount of increment required. Conditioned on the example scenario, the critical {N, SNR ε , R} values that fulfill certain regulatory requirement are revealed.  相似文献   

Cognitive radios (CRs) have been recently proposed for the problem of spectrum scarcity. The principle of CRs?? operation is based on the opportunistic access to the frequency spectrum mainly dedicated to primary users (PUs). The statistical time pattern of PUs?? channel usage and arrival can affect the usability of specific frequency bands for CRs. In this note, the effect of the arrival rate and channel holding time of PUs on the available times for CRs is analyzed. To this end, first, based on Poissonian arrivals, the available time for CRs is calculated. Then, assuming a gamma distribution for the inter-arrival times and a uniform distribution of channel holding time of PU in these intervals, the probability density function and moments of the available time for CRs are derived. Next, the effect of PUs statistical parameters on the average number of packets and the average symbol rate that a CR can transmit is analyzed. Also, taking that CR needs at least T seconds, the average waiting time is calculated.  相似文献   

A Statistical Method for Reconfiguration of Cognitive Radios   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Recent developments in computer technology have enabled radio developers to accomplish in software what traditionally was performed with application-specific integrated circuits. A radio that has the core of its functionality implemented in software is called a software-defined radio. When an SDR has the capability to sense, reason, and dynamically adapt to requirements and environmental change, we call this more capable device a cognitive radio. Many private and public agencies are investing in the promise of CR to improve the utilization of radio frequency spectrum. They envision devices that can sense frequency vacancies and dynamically reconfigure to utilize idle channels. The promise of CR depends on the capability of a radio to change operating frequencies, power, and/or modulation schemes (physical layer flexibility). In addition to this physical layer flexibility, there are a large number of opportunities to capitalize on the interplay of the CR physical layer configuration and other parameters in the radio network protocol stack. At the core of CR functionality is the ability to select from thousands of potential configurations to maximize performance-be it in terms of spectrum use, throughput, or reliability. In this article, we describe a method for selecting from a number of potential configurations to fulfill the communication requirements of a CR network. By using accepted statistical methods, we show how parameters at the physical, data link, network, and application layers interact to affect performance. We build upon this parametric insight with our presentation of a technique for predicting radio performance.  相似文献   

根据感知的频谱环境变化及时优化并调整无线电参数是认知无线电的关键技术之一,也是一个复杂的非线性多目标优化决策问题。遗传算法是最适合优化问题的,但当遗传算法应用于优化问题时存在过早收敛问题。提出了基于遗传算法和人工免疫系统相结合的免疫遗传算法(IGA)来克服以上问题。由于在GA算法中引入了免疫系统中抗体和抗原的概念并在每一次迭代中丢弃亲和力较大的抗体,有效地防止了GA中过早收敛现象。最后,用免疫遗传算法来解决认知无线电的参数优化问题。仿真结果表明,免疫遗传算法可以迅速达到最优决策。  相似文献   

认知无线电技术是为了解决频谱资源匮乏的问题而提出的一种无线通信技术。首先简述了认知无线电的背景和概念,然后详细研究了认知无线电中的各种检测技术,分析了其优缺点。  相似文献   

Scheduling spectrum access and allocating power and rate resources are tasks affecting critically the performance of wireless cognitive radio (CR) networks. The present contribution develops a primal-dual optimization framework to schedule any-to-any CR communications based on orthogonal frequency division multiple access and allocate power so as to maximize the weighted average sum-rate of all users. Fairness is ensured among CR communicators and possible hierarchies are respected by guaranteeing minimum rate requirements for primary users while allowing secondary users to access the spectrum opportunistically. The framework leads to an iterative channel-adaptive distributed algorithm whereby nodes rely only on local information exchanges with their neighbors to attain global optimality. Simulations confirm that the distributed online algorithm does not require knowledge of the underlying fading channel distribution and converges to the optimum almost surely from any initialization.
Georgios B. Giannakis (Corresponding author)Email:

Juan-Andrés Bazerque   (SM’06) received his B.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering from Universidad de la República (UdelaR), Montevideo, Uruguay in 2003. Since August 2006 he has been working towards the Ph.D. degree as a research assistant with the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. From 2000 to 2006 he was a teaching assistant with the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, and with the Department of Electrical Engineering (UdelaR). From 2003 to 2006 he was a member of the technical Staff at the Uruguayan telecommunications company Uniotel S.A. developing applications for Voice over IP. His general research interests span the areas of communications, signal processing and wireless networking with current emphases on distributed resource allocation for cognitive radios. G. B. Giannakis   (Fellow’97) received his Diploma in Electrical Engr. from the Ntl. Tech. Univ. of Athens, Greece, 1981. From 1982 to 1986 he was with the Univ. of Southern California (USC), where he received his MSc. in Electrical Engineering, 1983, MSc. in Mathematics, 1986, and Ph.D. in Electrical Engr., 1986. Since 1999 he has been a professor with the ECE Department at the Univ. of Minnesota, where he now holds an ADC Chair in Wireless Telecommunications. His general interests span the areas of communications, networking and statistical signal processing - subjects on which he has published more than 250 journal papers, 450 conference papers, two edited books and two research monographs. Current research focuses on complex-field and space-time coding, multicarrier, cooperative wireless communications, cognitive radios, cross-layer designs, mobile ad hoc networks and wireless sensor networks. G. B. Giannakis is the (co-) recipient of six paper awards from the IEEE Signal Processing (SP) and Communications Societies including the G. Marconi Prize Paper Award in Wireless Communications. He also received Technical Achievement Awards from the SP Society (2000), from EURASIP (2005), a Young Faculty Teaching Award and the G. W. Taylor Award for Distinguished Research from the University of Minnesota. He has served the IEEE in a number of posts, and is currently a Distinguished Lecturer for the IEEE-SP Society.   相似文献   

徐伟  赵睿  杨裕琳 《信号处理》2019,35(7):1201-1209
针对三节点传输系统,研究了基于时间切换能量采集的全双工放大转发协作中继方案。考虑源和目的地之间存在直达链路,全双工中继节点采用天线选择技术以最小化中继自干扰,目的节点采用最大比合并技术以最大化目的地接收信噪比。在延迟受限传输模式下,推出了自干扰信道增益为常数时系统吞吐量近似闭合表达式。运用最佳目的地选择策略和自适应中继选择策略讨论了系统吞吐量性能。如图4所示,在源发送功率为30 dB时,就系统吞吐量而言,本文算法比其他两种算法分别提高了0.22 bits/s/Hz和0.68 bits/s/Hz。数值分析和蒙特卡洛仿真表明,增加中继个数,增加目的地个数或者增大能量采集效率均能够提升系统吞吐量性能。   相似文献   

通过博弈来实现认知无线电中的功率控制。当两用户功率控制博弈时,用户通过功率的迭代注水法实现最大化自身速率,达到纳什均衡。功率分配的纳什均衡点构成囚徒困境,但这种囚徒困境的均衡点并非全局最优。应用两用户功率控制的无限次重复博弈算法,通过选择严厉的触发策略,当折扣因子σ足够接近于1,使两用户在无限次重复博弈中一直合作使囚徒走出了困境,最终达到了功率分配的帕雷托最优的均衡结果。  相似文献   

This paper introduces a simple and computationally efficient spectrum sensing scheme for Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) based primary user signal using its autocorrelation coefficient. Further, it is shown that the log likelihood ratio test (LLRT) statistic is the maximum likelihood estimate of the autocorrelation coefficient in the low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) regime. Performance of the local detector is studied for the additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) and multipath channels using theoretical analysis. Obtained results are verified in simulation. The performance of the local detector in the face of shadowing is studied by simulations. A sequential detection (SD) scheme where many secondary users cooperate to detect the same primary user is proposed. User cooperation provides diversity gains as well as facilitates using simpler local detectors. The sequential detection reduces the delay and the amount of data needed in identification of the underutilized spectrum. The decision statistics from individual detectors are combined at the fusion center (FC). The statistical properties of the decision statistics are established. The performance of the scheme is studied through theory and validated by simulations. A comparison of the SD scheme with the Neyman-Pearson fixed sample size (FSS) test for the same false alarm and missed detection probabilities is also carried out.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider a two-way relaying network where two users communicate with each other with the help of multiple relays. Specifically, we first investigate the performance of a all-relay participating network with the amplify-and-forward relaying protocol. Based on the moment generating function-based method, we derive some tight bounds for the outage probability and bit-error rate performance. For comparison purpose, we then present a performance analysis for the relay selection scheme. Finally, numerical results are provided to verify our analysis.  相似文献   

Under the energy detection scheme based cognitive radio (CR) system, the process of spectrum sensing is of high importance. The sensing performance of CR primarily depends on two important parameters namely, the sensing time τ and the reference threshold λ. In order to achieve a goal where the CR system obtains a high value of throughput and simultaneously ensures a sufficient level of protection to the licensed users, the values of these parameters can neither be too high nor too low, so proper settings of their values is of prime concern. However, under these constraints on choosing a particular value of τ and λ, it is challenging for CR to fulfill this goal. In this paper we propose a CR system which operates under the scheme of double threshold to ensure a sufficient protection required by the licensed users and also makes an efficient utilization of the confusion region to improve its achievable throughput. It is observed that, under the proposed approach, the CR system achieves better throughput than the CR system based on the single threshold and also to the conventional double threshold based CR system where confusion region is used based on the results of sensing performed in the next sensing rounds. We further study the problem of optimizing the sensing duration to maximize the throughput of the proposed CR system. We formulate the sensing-throughput tradeoff problem mathematically and prove that, the formulated problem indeed has an optimal sensing duration where throughput of the CR system is maximized.  相似文献   

饶毓  陈巍  曹志刚 《中国通信》2013,10(6):68-78
When coexisting with dual-link primary systems, secondary systems in cognitive radios should first distinguish between the pri-mary downlinks and uplinks in order to effici-ently explore their respective spectrum oppor-tunities. Because of the assumptive prior knowledge about the time-frequency lo-cations of primary downlinks and uplinks, this procedure is usually not considered in the design of cognitive radios. In this paper, a cooperative method is proposed for the downlink/uplink identification of time-div-ision duplex-based orthogonal frequency-div-ision multiple access systems. In this method, the power level of the primary link is extracted as the key feature, which also contributes to the subsequent cognitive behaviours. The eff-ects of the primary and secondary systems and the effects of the detection parameters on the identification accuracy are all analysed in detail. The simulation results show that the proposed method can identify the primary links precisely and quickly with low complex-ity.  相似文献   

In this paper, secrecy performance of a cognitive two-way denoise-and-forward relaying network consisting of two primary user (PT and PD) nodes, two secondary source (SA and SB) nodes, multiple secondary relay (\({\textit{SR}}_i\)) nodes and an eavesdropper (E) node is considered, where SA and SB exchange their messages with the help of one of the relays using a two-way relaying scheme. The eavesdropper tries to wiretap the information transmitted between SA and SB. To improve secrecy performance of the network, two relay selection schemes called maximum sum rate and maximum secrecy capacity based relay selection (MSRRS and MSCRS) are proposed and analyzed in terms of intercept probability. It is proved that the MSRRS and MSCRS schemes have the same secrecy performance. Two parameters called average number gain and average cost gain are proposed to show the performance of the proposed relay selection schemes. Numerical results demonstrated that with 10 relay nodes, the proposed relay selection schemes can achieve, respectively, 3.7 dB and 1.9 dB’s improvements in terms of the reduced intercept probability and the enhanced secrecy capacity compared to the traditional round-robin scheme.  相似文献   

频谱感知在认知无线电中占有重要的地位。其中,非参数的频谱检测被认为是认知无线电频谱感知的一个可行的候选方案。诸如Thomson多抽头频谱检测法等的基于滤波器组的改进周期图检测法能够取得很好的频谱动态感知范围,但是检测的方差却很大。最近,门限倒谱被用于降低周期图检测法的方差。本文把上述两者进行结合,从而能够在满足一定的频谱动态感知范围的情况下降低检测的方差。  相似文献   

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