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小力 《中国食品》2005,(3):9-29
2005年1月11日.在北京国贸中心一座的星巴克咖啡店里树立起一个特别纪念柱.它是作为星巴克进入中国大陆市场第一家店的一个纪念标志。“这个纪念柱的设立是对星巴克咖啡在中国和北京市场六年发展的回顾与肯定。”北京美大星巴克咖啡有限公司代理总裁王朝龙先生说。“同时这个纪念柱也代表了我们对中国和北京市场未来充满希望和信心。”截至目前.星巴克咖啡连锁店在京津地区的总数量已经达到53家。其中北京地区有44家.在天津地区有9家。  相似文献   

<正>世界咖啡巨头在滇掀资源争夺战退茶园种咖啡现苗头"3年,星巴克在滇咖啡采购量增长约20倍。"星巴克大中华区传播部的励静说,从2007年首次入滇考察,到2009年专门推出云南咖啡"凤舞祥云",至今年11月12日,星巴克与云南省普洱市政府签订《合作谅解备忘录》,将在滇开种咖啡,甚至有明年在昆明开店的计划,无不证明了星巴克对云南咖啡的看重。  相似文献   

自从1999年,记者首次报道星巴克咖啡进入中国市场以来,星巴克和几乎与之同期进入的上岛,这两个名字已经成为中国餐饮行业的两个响当当的名字.  相似文献   

近日,塔塔全球饮料公司与星巴克咖啡公司宣布成立合资企业。双方各持这一名为塔塔星巴克公司(TATA Starbucks Limited)一半的股权。这一合资企业将持有并经营品牌为星巴克咖啡"塔塔联盟"的咖啡馆。星巴克将于2012年内在德里和孟买开设门店,之后在印度全国范围开设零售店。  相似文献   

2009年12月16日,本刊联合知名咖啡零售商星巴克开展联合会员俱乐部活动。活动现场邀请了星巴克的咖啡大师为来宾讲解DIY咖啡的秘诀,来自宝岛的糕点师还和大家一起制作圣诞姜饼,会员们在一起玩的很high,这个圣诞星巴克许你“星愿成真”!  相似文献   

1月5日,星巴克正式宣布将于3月启用新标志,同时,将提供基于咖啡之外的更多产品、把销售渠道延伸到超市等,已成立40周年的星巴克到了关键的转型期,将从一个专门在门店里销售咖啡的专业企业转变为一个拥有多平台、多渠道的全球公司。  相似文献   

<正> 故宫风波着实让星巴克火了一把。试想,美国的咖啡竟摆进了神圣的三大殿旁,岂能不引起国内媒体关注?然而随着时间的推移,经济全球化已成为历史潮流,我国也入世在即,回首去年的“风波”,真是恍如隔世,令人感叹时间的力量。 认识李总早在“故宫风波”之前,几次想要采访,他都请记者先去品尝星巴克的咖啡。于是,在北京一家家幽雅的星巴克连锁店里品尝一杯杯令人怦然心动的咖啡,品尝中,记者认识了星巴克,也走近了李总。(李:李富强;记:记者)  相似文献   

因驱赶民警引发热议没两天,星巴克再次登上微博热搜,这次是因为涨价.话题还不止一个,包括"星巴克涨价""星巴克4个月内提价2次".根据消费者的反馈,此次涨价包括美式咖啡、拿铁咖啡在内的不少产品,产品价格均较此前有1-2元的提升. 作为国内咖啡市场的中高端品牌代表,在较高的客单价下,星巴克涨价触动了消费者敏感的神经,引发热...  相似文献   

<正>据《台湾醒报》5月25日报道,日本星巴克开发最新发酵技术,用咖啡渣养牛、产牛奶。日本星巴克近日与隐型眼镜公司Menicon合作,成功开发最新的乳酸发酵技术,让咖啡渣能够转化为乳牛饲料。其产出的牛乳品质极佳,进而成为日本星巴克颇受欢迎的添加牛奶。  相似文献   

张田勘 《饮食科学》2004,(12):21-21
小资语录有很多,关于喝咖啡的比较经典。比如,“我不在家的时候,就在咖啡馆,我不在咖啡馆,就在去咖啡馆的路上。”这个咖啡馆说的是星巴克(Starbuck)。也许,正是美国西雅图的星巴克咖啡风靡世界并成为人们的生活方式后,国内喝咖啡的人才多起来。喝咖啡的人多了。关于咖啡的是是非非也多起来。它们的是非并非只关乎生活方式和品位,而且与人们的健康有关,而后备才是最为重要的。  相似文献   

刘怡 《中国食品工业》2002,(4):16-16,18
<正> 国际咖啡价格持续5年走低,咖啡市场供大于求的尴尬局面,使得不少咖啡生产国、业内巨商把目光再次瞄向我国。神秘的中华大地宛如巨大的吸盘,海纳百川、兼容并蓄。当然也引起一些关注,如同主人关注突然走进自己宅院的陌生人一样。  相似文献   

<正>星巴克公司在最近几年中正在快速发 展,重要的原因是星巴克在运营中 外包了其很多食品。星巴克与外包商建 立了良好的关系,并共同分享发展经验。 从建立之初我们就立志成为世界上 知名的、受尊重的品牌。在实际操作中, 我们要让外包商理解星巴克的理念和我 们对市场的信心。从多年来的实际工作 中,星巴克认为一个高品质的产品和舒 适的消费环境,以及参加的社会活动和  相似文献   

Espresso coffee extraction is the most common brewing method in Italy and it is becoming very popular in many other countries around the world. Water (including its ionic content) is an essential ingredient and its role in Espresso brewing must be taken into due consideration. It is well known that water treatment is necessary to remove possible off-flavours deriving from the disinfection performed at municipal waterworks as well as to prevent expensive professional Espresso coffee machine from scaling problems. However, there is little awareness of the direct effect of water composition on the quality of coffee beverages, particularly for Espresso coffee.  相似文献   

Jun  Wang  Soojin  Jun  H.C.  Bittenbender  Loren  Gautz  Qing X.  Li 《Journal of food science》2009,74(5):C385-C391
ABSTRACT:  Kona coffee, the variety of "Kona typica" grown in the north and south districts of Kona-Island, carries a unique stamp of the region of Big Island of Hawaii, U.S.A. The excellent quality of Kona coffee makes it among the best coffee products in the world. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy integrated with an attenuated total reflectance (ATR) accessory and multivariate analysis was used for qualitative and quantitative analysis of ground and brewed Kona coffee and blends made with Kona coffee. The calibration set of Kona coffee consisted of 10 different blends of Kona-grown original coffee mixture from 14 different farms in Hawaii and a non-Kona-grown original coffee mixture from 3 different sampling sites in Hawaii. Derivative transformations (1st and 2nd), mathematical enhancements such as mean centering and variance scaling, multivariate regressions by partial least square (PLS), and principal components regression (PCR) were implemented to develop and enhance the calibration model. The calibration model was successfully validated using 9 synthetic blend sets of 100% Kona coffee mixture and its adulterant, 100% non-Kona coffee mixture. There were distinct peak variations of ground and brewed coffee blends in the spectral "fingerprint" region between 800 and 1900 cm−1. The PLS-2nd derivative calibration model based on brewed Kona coffee with mean centering data processing showed the highest degree of accuracy with the lowest standard error of calibration value of 0.81 and the highest R 2 value of 0.999. The model was further validated by quantitative analysis of commercial Kona coffee blends. Results demonstrate that FTIR can be a rapid alternative to authenticate Kona coffee, which only needs very quick and simple sample preparations.  相似文献   

The quality of natural coffee produced in Brazil is quite variable. Fruits at different stages of maturation can be found on the same plant, and unripe fruits are naturally present during the harvest. The pulping of ripe fruits can be effectively used to improve the quality of the coffee, as the ripe fruits will be separated from the unripe fruits; however, the presence of a portion of unripe fruit (with lower quality) in the processing is unavoidable. The wet processing of immature coffee fruit appears to be a potential way of improving its quality. According to the coffee processing used post-harvest, changes were observed in the levels of free amino acids in immature coffee beans. Among the amino acids present, asparagine is the primary amino acid found in unripe coffee beans. Asparagine produces acrylamide, a potentially harmful substance generated during the course of the Maillard reaction. In this study, amino acids in immature coffee beans were analysed using reversed-phase chromatography and ultraviolet detection after the derivatisation with phenylisothiocyanate. The amino acid profiles of the immature coffee beans demonstrated that asparagine is present at more significant levels when immature coffee fruits were processed via dry processing, as compared to wet processing.  相似文献   

The production and consumption of coffee are increasing despite the roadblocks to its agriculture and global trade. The unique, refreshing, and stimulating final cupping quality of coffee is the only reason for this rising production and consumption. Coffee quality is a multifaceted trait and is inevitably influenced by the way it is successively processed after harvesting. Reportedly, 60% of the quality attributes of coffee are governed by postharvest processing. The current review elaborates and establishes for the first time the relationship between different methods of postharvest processing of coffee and its varying organoleptic and sensory quality attributes. In view of the proven significance of each processing step, this review has been subdivided into three sections, secondary processing, primary processing, and postprocessing variables. Secondary processing addresses the immediate processing steps on the farm after harvest and storage before roasting. The primary processing section adheres specifically to roasting, grinding and brewing/extraction, topics which have been technically addressed more than any others in the literature and by industry. The postprocessing attribute section deals generally with interaction of the consumer with products of different visual appearance. Finally, there are still some bottlenecks which need to be addressed, not only to completely understand the relationship of varying postharvest processing methods with varying in‐cup quality attributes, but also to devise the next generation of coffee processing technologies.  相似文献   

Quality of coffee is a complex trait and is influenced by physical and sensory parameters. A complex succession of transformations during the processing of seeds to roasted coffee will inevitably influence the in-cup attributes of coffee. Germination and fermentation of the beans are two bioprocesses that take place during post-harvest treatment, and may lead to significant modifications of coffee attributes. The aim of this review is to address the current knowledge of dynamics of these two processes and their significance for bean modifications and coffee quality. The first part of this review gives an overview of coffee germination and its influence on coffee chemistry and quality. The germination process initiates while these non-orthodox seeds are still inside the cherry. This process is asynchronous and the evolution of germination depends on how the beans are processed. A range of metabolic reactions takes place during germination and can influence the carbohydrate, protein, and lipid composition of the beans. The second part of this review focuses on the microbiota associated with the beans during post-harvesting, exploring its effects on coffee quality and safety. The microbiota associated with the coffee cherries and beans comprise several bacterial, yeast, and fungal species and affects the processing from cherries to coffee beans. Indigenous bacteria and yeasts play a role in the degradation of pulp/mucilage, and their metabolism can affect the sensory attributes of coffee. On the other hand, the fungal population occurring during post-harvest and storage negatively affects coffee quality, especially regarding spoilage, off-tastes, and mycotoxin production.  相似文献   

冷萃咖啡是指用冷水或冰水浸泡或滴加至烘焙咖啡粉所得的具有咖啡风味的液体。近两年其线上的销售量呈爆发式增长,深受青年一代的喜爱。相比传统的热冲咖啡,冷萃咖啡具有更加顺滑的口感和更少的苦味。对冷萃咖啡制备技术、风味化学成分和感官特征的科学研究近年来才逐渐兴起,围绕以上三个研究切入点简单介绍了现有冷萃咖啡的基本类型,全面总结了冷萃咖啡制备及其风味改良的相关技术专利,并系统介绍了评价冷萃咖啡品质的常用指标和工艺参数,综述了冷萃咖啡感官描述和典型咖啡特征风味化合物,为冷萃咖啡的规模化生产和进一步推广提供理论参考和实践指导。  相似文献   

This paper provides, for the first time, an overview of different aspects related to the quality of coffee beans and their volatile fractions: species/cultivars, geographic origins, bean defects, and types of beverages, processing, roasting, and storage. In other words, it concerns the complex relation between the quality of coffee seeds and their volatile components. It is an overview of 48 articles and considering 6 different aspects related to the quality of coffee and its aromatic fraction. The greatest numbers of published papers concerned “species and cultivars” and “defective seeds,” both with 11 articles cited, followed by “storage” with 10 articles. Many aspects still require greater clarification, including the effects of geographical origin, processing, and roasting. Other issues that are better understood include the effects of species type, defective seeds, and storage conditions. Another topic that has received very little attention is the question of the existence of many different coffee cultivars within each species, which we believe should be further investigated, given that this can significantly affect the quality of the final beverage. Meanwhile, with the growing technological development in the areas of science and agriculture, there are many other aspects to be studied (or revisited), and the field of the aromatic quality of coffee provides ample opportunity for scientific investigation.  相似文献   

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