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Connections between disturbed functions of liver and mental diseases at all times have been generally supposed as existent and have been discussed in the literature; they should be clarified by means of questionnaire-tests: MPI-test and MMQ-test of Eysenck combined with neurotizism-depression-questionnaire of Hoffmann-La Roche allowed to comprehend the dimensions of personality "neurotizism" and "depressivity". Concerning "neurotizism" statistically significant differences could be found between liver-patients and healthy persons in a tendency to a significant increase among liver-patients, but not between liver-patients with other diseases. The tendency to "depressivity" of healthy persons could be statistically evaluated as being much greater than that of liver-patients; there were no differences between liver-patients and patients with other diseases. That is why liver-patients do not differ psychically from patients suffering from other diseases; they share their reaction to the occurrence of disease - in various degrees until a neurotic lack of active realization of the fact of illness. Liver-diseases apparently are not triggered or caused by special pre-morbid alterations.  相似文献   

Tuberculous enteritis occurs in about 2 percent of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. Although it is uncommon in the United States, tuberculous enteritis should be considered in any patient with active pulmonary tuberculosis and abdominal complaints. Eight cases of T. enteritis have been treated at Harbor General Hospital in the last 25 years. Associated pulmonary disease was shown radiologically to be present in seven of eight patients. Findings on contrast studies of the gastrointestinal tract showed disease in six of six patients examined. In five patients, surgical operation was required for diagnosis or complications. Resection of diseased bowel with primary anastomosis was done in five patients. Although medical therapy is the mainstay in the treatment of both pulmonary and intestinal tuberculosis, one staged resection of diseased bowel with primary anastomosis is the procedure of choice for complications such as obstruction, hemorrhage or perforation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Abnormal vitreoretinal relationships have recently been implicated in many vitreoretinal disorders. Sites of abnormal vitreoretinal adherences are likely to exist in eyes predisposed to rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RD), causing either retinal tears or incomplete posterior vitreous detachment (PVD). The present study was designed in two parts to identify the risk for preoperative and postoperative proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR) due to incomplete PVD. METHODS: We prospectively evaluated the vitreoretinal relationships using high-resolution kinetic echography in 102 consecutive eyes of 100 patients with rhegmatogenous RD. In the first part, a case-control study was conducted to compare the vitreous status in patients with preoperative PVR (cases) with that in patients with non-PVR-complicated RD (controls). During the second part, patients with noncomplicated RD (65 eyes) who were operated on by a simple retinal attachment procedure were followed up for a mean period of 6.6 months to compare the recurrence of RD due to postoperative PVR according to their vitreous status. RESULTS: Patients with PVR on study entry had a higher prevalence of partial PVD (28 of 32 eyes, 87%) than did controls (25 of 70 eyes, 35%). The statistical significance of this difference was independent of all other variables studied. After a mean follow-up period of 6.6 months, the incidence of recurrence of RD associated with postoperative PVR was 33% in the eyes with incomplete PVD, compared with 4.9% in the eyes without incomplete PVD. CONCLUSIONS: Our results support the notion that the occurrence of incomplete PVD in RD is a significant risk factor for preoperative and postoperative PVR.  相似文献   

To compare the effects of pravastatin, a 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-Coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase inhibitor, on DNA synthesis in synchronized and proliferative rat glomerular mesangial cells (MCs), growth-arrested and proliferative MCs were exposed to medium containing 20% or 10% FBS, respectively, to induce mitogenesis. Different doses of pravastatin (10(-3)-10(-9) M) were added for 48 h. DNA synthesis was assessed by Bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) incorporation. Pravastatin caused a significant (P < 0.05) dose-dependent reduction in BrdU incorporation in both serum-stimulated synchronized and proliferative MCs, but higher doses are required in the latter.  相似文献   

Weanling rats were fed either a semisynthetic diet with no fat, with 28% by wt partially hydrogenated fish oil, or with 28% by wt arachis oil(control diet) for 6 or 7 1/2 months. The in vitro conversion of arachidonic acid to prostaglandin E2 by homogenates of the rat kidney medulla was measured by gaschromatography with electron capture detection. The kidney medulla of essential fatty acid deficient animals showed increased activity for the in vitro conversion of exogenous arachidonic acid to prostaglandin E2 when compared to the controls. The change of the enzymatic activity in the essential fatty acid deficient animals was reversible, as shown by refeeding. Inhibition of the prostaglandin synthetase was found at exogenous substrate concentrations higher than 50-100 muM.  相似文献   

A recent trend on bleeding intestinal infections in Japan was described. Salmonella Enteritidis infection occupied over 42% of food-borne diseases in 1996. Salmonella Enteritidis is the most popular infectious agent for food-borne outbreak in Japan. Salmonella Typhimurium DT104 which is widely spread in Europe and in U.S.A. is not common in Japan. We experienced large outbreak of foodbore EHEC/VTEC O157: H7 infections in 1996. Since then, diagnostic and therapeutic studies on EHEC/VTEC infection and haemolytic uremic syndrome are promoted by the Government. HACCP may take an important roll for the prevention of large outbreaks of foodbore EHEC/VTEC infections.  相似文献   

Severe melena is a rare complication of acute regional enteritis. The hemorrhage is more severe when the large intestine is also involved. The difference betwee "real" acute regional enteritis and exacerbations of regional enteritis lies in their pathological appearance, development and complications.  相似文献   

Drug-associated hemorrhagic colitis are divided into antibiotic associated hemorrhagic colitis (AAHC) and other drug associated hemorrhagic colitis. AAHC are mainly caused by oral usage of Ampicillin and its derivatives (85%). Initially AAHC are believed to be caused by Klebsiella oxytoca overgrowth. However, these organisum has no exotoxin like Clostridium difficile and pathogenesis of AAHC are still unresolved. Typical AAHC are diagnosed by colonoscopy with diffuse hemorrhage and edema mainly found in descending colon and transverse colon. NSAIDs are also the cause of hemorrhagic colitis like AAHC. Mephenamic acid are famous for this complication. Diarrhea is one of the main complication of oral 5-fluorouracil administration and even causes hemorrhagic colitis. Its histology are characteristic in gland atrophy. Gold colitis are reported 36 cases in rheumatoid arthritis patients. Exact mechanism of bleeding are not understood. NSAIDs may cause collagenous colitis and or lymphocytic colitis in RA patients. Other rare hemorrhagic colitis are associated with azathioprine, methyl dopa, interferon alfa etc. NSAIDs and anticoagulants are well known drugs for complication of GI bleeding making hemorrhagic enteritis.  相似文献   

In order to establish a reasonable protocol for a diagnostic laboratory we conducted a survey during which we confined the routine culture of stool samples for Campylobacter fetus to two groups--all infants under 2 years of age, and older children and adults with obviously diarrhoeic stools. Camp. fetus was isolated from 100 of 2323 stool specimens (4,3%). This is within the 3 - 8% isolation rates previously reported from surveys in which all specimens were cultured. Camp. fetus isolates represented 16,9% of all bacterial pathogens isolated, and Black infants showed a significantly greater isolation rate than White infants. We feel that culture for Camp. fetus is an essential part of any routine bacteriological investigation of diarrhoea. A partially selective culture policy for Camp. fetus will result in a recovery rate at least equal to that of Salmonella and enteropathogenic Escherichia coli.  相似文献   

Although the cause of vitiligo is unknown, there is considerable evidence to indicate that autoimmunity plays a role. Much of this evidence is based on the increased associated occurrence of vitiligo in a number of diseases also believed to be autoimmune in origin. I have observed a case of almost simultaneous onset of vitiligo and regional enteritis. A search of the literature revealed no specific case report associating these two disorders. The association of these two disorders in the same person may be more than fortuitous, since both diseases may be autoimmune in origin.  相似文献   

The leukocyte migration inhibition test (L.M.T.) was utilized for in vitro studies of cell mediated immunity in gynecologic malignomas. Autogenous peripheral blood leukocytes from 50 patients with a carcinoma of the cervix uteri were studied in about 100 tests. There was found an inhibition of the migration of the autogenous leukocytes in 25 of 47 tests of patients with a CCI without evidence of metastasis or widespread disease. However, the migration of autogenous leukocytes from patients with metastasis or widespread disease (CCII) were only inhibited in 14 of 46 cases. At normal tissue were inhibited in 15 of 89 cases the migration of the autogenous leukocytes.  相似文献   

Corynebacterium equi enteritis in foals   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The limiting laws for polyelectrolyte solutions developed in previous papers of this series have been amply confirmed by measurement. A surprising result of the accumulated data is that the limiting polyelectrolyte charge fraction (fraction of fixed charges uncompensated by condensed counterions in the limit of zero concentration), persists up to concentrations of 0.1 M or even higher. Here the theory is extended in a simple manner to finite concentrations, and the stability of the charge fraction is found to be firmly based on consequences of the long-range polyelectrolyte field. The associated counterions are assumed to translate freely in a region centered on the contour axis of the polyion. The numerical value of the free volume is determined self-consistently from the axial charge density of the polyelectrolyte and is used as the general framework within which specific binding effects are treated.  相似文献   

A case of occult intrasacral meningocele is reported and the diagnostic reliability of conventional roentgenography, myelography and CT for the management of this rare lesions are evaluated. Probably, CT with the use of an intrathecal contrast agent could yield the most complete information about the precise nature of this cystic congenital dysraphism.  相似文献   

Granulomatous enteritis was diagnosed in 9 horses between 1 and 11 years of age. The complaint in all cases was persistent weight loss. Four of the horses had chronic diarrhea. Two consistent diagnostic features were hypoalbuminemia and decreased phagocytic activity of mesothelial cells in the peritoneal fluid. In 2 cases the diagnosis was confirmed by biopsy of the rectal mucosa. Remaining cases were definitively diagnosed by exploratory laparotomy and biopsy or at necropsy.  相似文献   

Mice with mutations at the downless (dl) locus have defects in hair follicle, tooth, sweat gland, preputial gland, Meibomian gland, and tail development. The dl phenotype is analogous to the human genetic disorder termed autosomal hypohidrotic (or anhidrotic) ectodermal dysplasia (HED). On the basis of the identification of two related transgenic insertional mutations in the downless gene, yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) were identified that map to the critical region of mouse Chromosome (Chr) 10. To determine which of the YACs contain the dl gene, we generated YAC transgenic mice by mouse embryo microinjections. The 200-kb YAC B25.D9 was found to rescue all of the downless defects. In addition, the transgenic YAC rescued the dominant Sleek (Dlslk) allele. Since the sequences within the YAC are entirely deleted in one of the transgenic mutants, our results establish that Sleek encodes a dominant-negative protein whose effects can be reversed by expression of extra copies of the wild-type locus.  相似文献   

A clinical study was carried out on pazufloxacin (PZFX) in 137 patients including shigellosis, Salmonella enteritis, enteropathogenic Esherichia coli enteritis and cholera, and carriers of these pathogens. Antibacterial activity of PZFX against clinical isolates, fecal concentration of PZFX and effects of PZFX on fecal microflora were also investigated. The overall clinical efficacy rate was 97.2%. The bacteriological efficacy rates were 98.2% against Shigella spp., 81.8% against Salmonella spp., 50% against Vibrio cholerae O1, and 100% against E. coli, V. parahaemolyticus, Aeronomas spp., Plesionomas shigelloides and V. cholerae non-O1, respectively. Side effect (epigastralgia) was observed in 1 of 130 cases (0.8%). The rate of abnormal laboratory findings was 11.2% (11/98). These were mainly elevation of GOT and/or GPT and increased eosinophils. The clinical usefulness rate was 95.2%. The MIC90 values of PZFX against Shigella spp., Salmonella spp. and E. coli were 0.025, 0.025 and 0.025 micrograms/ml, respectively. The results of fecal drug concentration and the effects on fecal microflora in one patient were compatible with those obtained in healthy volunteers.  相似文献   

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