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对2012年国内外禽蛋市场及贸易形势进行了分析。中国禽蛋市场总体形势低迷,价格波动幅度较大;进出口贸易方面,与2011年同期相比,2012年我国禽蛋进口规模大幅下降;出口额略有增加,但出口数量减少。国际市场方面,2012年,美国鸡蛋批发价格同比大幅上涨;加拿大市场鸡蛋收购价格企稳,同比大幅上涨。展望2013年,禽蛋价格将继续维持高位走势,进出口贸易相对稳定。  相似文献   

2013年,中国禽蛋市场形势总体疲软,全年价格平均波幅小于上年;禽蛋进出口贸易额、贸易量同比均下降.国际市场方面,美国鸡蛋批发价格呈震荡上行走势,同比大幅上涨;加拿大市场鸡蛋收购价格企稳,同比明显上涨.展望2014年,中国禽蛋价格将继续呈现高位震荡走势,进出口贸易相对稳定.  相似文献   

2015年第一季度,中国禽蛋市场运行平稳,禽蛋市场价格总体好于2014年同期;贸易方面,与2014年同期相比,禽蛋进出口同比均降。国际市场方面,美国鸡蛋批发价格同比持平略涨;加拿大市场鸡蛋收购价格企稳,同比小幅下跌。展望后市,国内鸡蛋市场价格短期将持续下跌走势,后期将逐步回升,进出口贸易相对稳定。  相似文献   

对2012年我国禽蛋市场形势进行了分析。2012年全国鸡蛋零售价格波动频繁,零售均价为9.50元/kg,与2011年同期相比大幅下跌5.6%。蛋鸡配合饲料价格同比大幅上涨,蛋鸡养殖效益连创新低。展望2013年,鸡蛋零售价格总体将高于2012年,蛋鸡养殖总体处于盈利状态。  相似文献   

正猪肉价格同比降16.1%影响CPI降0.43%国家统计局发布的2018年4月份全国居民消费价格指数(CPI)和工业生产者出厂价格指数(PPI)数据显示,CPI环比下降0.2%,同比上涨1.8%;PPI环比下降0.2%,同比上涨3.4%。统计局表示,从同比看,CPI涨幅比上月回落0.3个百分点。食品价格上涨0.7%,影响CPI上涨约0.13个百分点。其中,鸡蛋、鲜菜和鲜果价格分别上涨17.7%、8.2%和4.2%,合计影响CPI上  相似文献   

2013年第一季度,全球纱线产量与上一季度相比增长显著。其中,亚洲、北美洲和南美洲产量较高,欧洲产量有所下降。纱线产量的年度同比也呈现增长,其中亚洲、南美洲和欧洲产量增长,北美洲产量大幅下滑。2013年第一季度全球纱线库存基本保持不变,其中欧洲和亚洲库存较低,南美洲库存略高。纱线库存年比也有所增加。2013年第一季度,欧洲和巴西的纱线订单季度环比增长,但年度同比下降。  相似文献   

<正>据海关统计数据显示,2015年第一季度我国印刷设备器材进出口10.5123亿美元,同比下降11.75%;其中进口4.8315亿美元,同比下降23.27%;出口5.6808亿美元,同比增长1.17%。其中3月印刷设备器材进出口3.5194亿美元,环比增长9.70%,同比下降19.71%;3月份进口1.891 9亿美元,环比增长48.92%,同比下降17.68%;出口1.6275亿美元,环比下降16.02%,同比下降21.94%。  相似文献   

<正>立秋后猪肉鸡蛋价格稳中有涨来源:大连晚报昨日,记者从大连市物价局价格监测中心获悉,该中心监测的25种主要农副产品价格环比上周11升9降5平。成品粮价格环比持平,食用油价格微幅波动,鸡蛋、猪肉价格略涨,蔬菜价格下降。上周粮油价格整体保持平稳态势。立秋后,消费需求有所增加,猪肉价格稳中有涨。鸡蛋价格继续温和上涨,入伏后受蛋鸡"歇伏"影响,蛋鸡产蛋量下降供应减少,8月底随着学校陆续开学,食品生产企业和社会需求量会有所增加,至月末蛋价将继续呈上涨走势。上周蔬菜均价3.32元,预计8月下旬天气转凉后,菜价将逐渐趋于平稳。  相似文献   

2011年葡萄酒产量同比增长13.0%;2011年1-12月,中国葡萄酒累计产量115.7万千升,同比增长13.0%,增速比1-11月下降0.9个百分点,比上年同期上升0.6个百分点。葡萄酒1-11月进口累计版权国家葡萄酒及白酒、露酒产品质量监督检验中心增速为31.5%,进口酒占国产酒比重为25%;2011年12月,单月产量12.1万千升,同比增长10.2%,增速比11月下降17.1个百分点,  相似文献   

2010年,我国禽蛋市场受养殖成本上涨、市场供需紧平衡、主要农产品市场价格上涨拉动以及节假日和季节性变化等因素的共同影响,鸡蛋市场价格走出了先抑后扬的态势,总体呈现主产区价格高于主销区价格、价格月度间的波动幅度加剧、价格走势异于常态、养殖户收益略有赢利等特点。在对禽蛋市场未来可能面临的因素进行分析判断的基础上,认为2011年国内鸡蛋市场价格总体水平将维持在高位震荡运行。  相似文献   

2013年,全国鸡蛋零售价格波动频繁,零售均价为9.89元/kg,与2012年同期相比大幅上涨4.1%;蛋鸡配合饲料价格同比大幅上涨,蛋鸡养殖效益低迷.展望2014年,全国鸡蛋零售价格总体将高于2013年,蛋鸡养殖总体处于盈利状态.  相似文献   

Department of Commerce: Pork Prices Continue to Fall, While Egg Prices Start to Rise The data of Commerce Department shows that pork prices, one of agricultural products monitored the Ministry of Commerce on July 25 to 31, are 0.5% lower than the prices in last week (the same below), which was pork prices' continuous price fall for two weeks since the pork prices continued to increase since May. Meanwhile, egg prices continued to rise about 0.8% in last week, which have been rising for 6 weeks.  相似文献   

2009年是极不寻常的一年,国际金融危机蔓延对世界经济产生了重大影响。回顾2009年,国内鸡蛋零售价格一波三折,总体是震荡上升的。引起鸡蛋价格波动的原因来自多方面,主要包括饲料成本不断上涨、蛋鸡存栏出现短期变化、季节效应和节日效应明显、突发事件引发短暂剧烈波动等。国际市场方面,美国鸡蛋批发价格上半年受金融危机影响甚大,下半年随着经济形势好转价格回升明显,全年呈现"V"型反弹;加拿大鸡蛋批发价格较为平稳;国际期货市场价格年底大幅跳水。  相似文献   

During the period 2006–2008, general inflation around the world was pressed upwards by food inflation. An important reason for concern about the impact of high food prices arises from the fact that the poorest people spend approximately three quarters of their income on staple foods. In Mexico, meals are based on maize, with tortillas providing much of the caloric intake in rural areas. Prices of maize along with nearly every agricultural commodity sharply increased creating a global food price bubble. Using the Household Income and Expenditure National Survey (Encuesta Nacional de Ingresos y Gastos de los Hogares ENIGH) conducted in 2006 and 2008, it was found that higher prices for maize affected Mexican household living standards and food security both in urban and rural areas. There is an evident decay in household living standards from year 2006 to year 2008. In regional terms, urban areas are better off than rural areas. The poorest rural and urban households—net buyers of maize—were the most affected as their budget share on maize increased significantly. However, higher prices provided direct benefits to maize producers in rural areas at all levels of living. Another effect of higher maize prices was to redistribute income towards maize producer households in the middle and bottom of the rural income distribution.  相似文献   

This research followed our previous experimental and simulation work on the effect of different teatcup removal settings based on the rolling average milk flowrate and on milking duration at the quarter and udder levels. The aims of this experiment were to (1) quantify the differences in quarter milking duration in a pasture-based automatic milking system and (2) test the effect of increasing the milk flowrate at which teatcups are removed on the last milking quarter on udder milking duration, box time, milk production rate, and somatic cell count (SCC). Milking duration is an important component of efficiency and profitability in conventional and automatic milking systems. Additionally, quarters within an udder have significantly different milk yields and milking durations. This study used data from April to May 2018 of a pasture-based automatic milking system to evaluate quarter milking duration differences between quarters of an udder. Subsequently, we experimentally evaluated the use of 2 percentage-based teatcup removal settings applied to the last milking quarter (i.e., the last quarter with a teatcup still attached) on milking duration, box time, milk production rate, and SCC. The teatcup removal settings were at 30 or 50% of the last quarter's rolling average milk flowrate, while the other quarters remained at the 30% level. The selection of the quarter that would receive the more aggressive teatcup removal setting was determined by identifying the last quarter with a teatcup attached in every milking. Sixty-nine cows were divided into 2 groups that each received 1 of the 2 treatments for a 1-wk period and then switched to the other treatment for a second week. For the months of April and May 2018, quarter milking duration was significantly different between the quarter with the longest and the second longest milking duration within an udder. The quarter with the longest milking duration was milked on average 49 s longer than the quarter with second longest milking duration. However, in 36% of the milkings, the quarter with the longest milking duration was different from that of the previous milking. In the experimental part of this study, we saw no differences in milking duration, box time, milk production rate, or SCC between the 30 and 50% teatcup removal setting applied to the last milking quarter. Further research on using a variation of this percentage-based setting to target the quarter with the average longest milking duration or using an absolute milk flowrate switch-point or a maximum milking duration setting on the last quarter for reducing cow milking duration and box time is warranted.  相似文献   

When six cows were milked every 4 h over 48 h the average milk yield per cow increased by 10.7% for the last 24 h period compared with the previous 5 d. Milk composition was similar to pre-experimental values although fat content was 0.5% lower in the last 24 h. The somatic cell count rose to twice the pre-experimental value over the first 24 h but was not significantly different by the second 24 h. It appears that cows responded quickly to an increased frequency of milking and milk of an acceptable composition was produced. This has implications for management of milk production where quotas are in operation and for robotic milking systems.  相似文献   

王翔 《江苏纺织》2012,(5):8-9,6
2012年一季度,受外部经济环境影响,江苏纺织业产值、出口交货值增长速度与去年同期相比均有所降低,但与1-2月相比已经有所好转。1-3月江苏纺织业产值与去年同期相比增长超过10%。从板块来看,纺织、化纤、纺机板块产值1—3月同比均实现了正增长,只有服装同比出现负增长,其中针织服装同比下降12.54%,梭织服装如羽绒服、西服、衬衫等均为正增长。  相似文献   

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