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The round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) is increasingly being reported in tributaries of the Laurentian Great Lakes where these fish have been shown to adversely impact native stream biota. Determining the characteristics and distribution of invaded streams are the first steps toward effective round goby management. We sampled 30 tributaries in the Great Lakes basin and characterized each in terms of nine physical reach-scale attributes. Round goby were detected in 14 streams where abundances ranged from 4% to 53% of the fish sampled in each stream. Round goby was the single most abundant fish species sampled, constituting 14% of all fish encountered across all sites, and 30% of individuals in round goby-present sites. Round goby-present sites were larger, had lower channel slopes, less large wood, and less canopy cover than round goby-absent sites, suggesting that these attributes may promote round goby establishment. Mottled sculpin, cyprinids, brook stickleback, white sucker and rainbow trout were associated with goby absence while centrarchids, percids, yellow bullhead, and mud minnow were associated round goby presence. Collectively these results demonstrate that round goby are widespread in eastern Michigan tributaries to the Great Lakes, present in streams with a range of physical habitat characteristics, and that round goby presence is associated with certain fish species.  相似文献   

Little is known about the ecology of round goby (Neogobius melanostomus), an invasive benthic fish, in the profundal zone of the Great Lakes. In April 2002–2005 we caught increasing numbers of round gobies with a bottom trawl in the 45–150 m depth range of southwestern Lake Ontario. In 2005, we examined gut contents of 30 round gobies from each of three depths, 55, 95, and 130 m, and qualitatively compared gut contents with density of benthic invertebrates determined by Ponar grabs. Round goby guts contained mostly Dreissena spp. and opposum shrimp, Mysis relicta (Mysis); the frequency of occurrence of dreissenids in guts decreased with depth, whereas the frequency of occurrence of Mysis in guts increased with depth. Abundance of these invertebrates in the environment followed the same pattern, although dreissenids of optimum edible size (3–12 mm) were still abundant (1,373/m2) at 130 m, where round gobies primarily consumed Mysis, suggesting that round gobies may switch from dreissenids to more profitable prey when it is available. Other food items were ostracods and fish, with ostracods generally eaten by smaller round gobies and fish eaten by larger round gobies. Occurrence and increasing abundance of round gobies in the profundal zone and predation on Mysis by round goby could have far-reaching consequences for the Lake Ontario fish community.  相似文献   

Hemimysis anomala, a Ponto-Caspian littoral mysid, is an emerging Great Lakes invader that was discovered in Lakes Michigan and Ontario in 2006. Similar to the native mysid Mysis diluviana, Hemimysis exhibits a diel vertical migration pattern but generally inhabits shallower and warmer waters than M. diluviana. Because basic information on the distribution, habitat use, and biology of Hemimysis in the Great Lakes is scarce, the potential for food web disruption by Hemimysis cannot easily be predicted. Preliminary observations indicate widespread invasion of Hemimysis in Lake Ontario. In this study, we confirm the presence of Hemimysis at sites spanning the northern and southern shores of Lake Ontario and the presence of the individuals during winter months. In one horizontal tow in November 2007, over 26,000 individuals were collected with a length range of 4.4 to 9.0 mm and an average caloric density of 611 cal/g wet weight. The most effective methods for sampling Hemimysis were horizontal tows with either a zooplankton net in the water column or a benthic sled near the lake bottom. Although more quantitative data on the life history and distribution of this species is necessary, our preliminary observations support the prediction that the potential for Hemimysis to impact the nearshore food web in Lake Ontario appears high.  相似文献   

The status of invasive dreissenid mussels (Dreissena polymorpha and D. bugensis) and native amphipods (Diporeia spp.) in Lake Ontario was assessed in 2003 and compared with historical data. D. polymorpha (zebra mussels) were rarely observed in 2003, having been displaced by D. bugensis (quagga mussels). D. bugensis expanded its depth range from 38 m depth in 1995 to 174 m in 2003 and this dreissenid reached densities averaging 8,000/m2 at all sites < 90 m. During the same time period, Diporeia populations almost completely disappeared from 0–90 m depth, continuing a declining trend from 1994–1997 reported in previous studies. The average density of Diporeia in the 30–90 m depth interval decreased from 1,380/m2 to 63/m2 between 1997 and 2003. Prior to 2003, areas deeper than 90 m represented a refuge for Diporeia, but even these deep populations decreased, with densities declining from 2,181/m2 in 1999 to 545/m2 in 2003. Two common hypotheses for the decline of Diporeia in the Great Lakes are food limitation and a toxin/pathogen associated with dreissenid pseudofeces. The Diporeia decline in deep waters preceded the expansion of D. bugensis to these depths, and suggests that shallow dreissenid populations remotely influence profundal habitats. This pattern of decline is consistent with mechanisms that act from some distance including nearshore dreissenid grazing and downslope transport of pseudofeces.  相似文献   

This study, motivated by a resurgence in Cladophora, investigates changes in the nutrient environment in the littoral zone of Lake Ontario. We measured nutrient concentrations from 2004 to 2008 at two littoral zone (2–12 m) sites on the north shore of Lake Ontario where Cladophora has experienced a resurgence and compared concentrations with data collected in the late 1970s. Spring total phosphorus (TP) and soluble reactive P (SRP) concentrations have significantly declined at these two sites. Furthermore, P loading from the major tributaries to our study sites declined between 1964 and 2008. Upwelling events were not detectably associated with increases in P concentrations at our sites. We conclude that a recent upsurge in nuisance Cladophora, at least at these sites, cannot be explained by deteriorating littoral zone water quality in terms of P concentrations or by changes in catchment loading. For additional context, we also examined trends in coastal (14–20 m) and offshore (> 50 m) nutrients using Environment Canada epilimnetic surveillance data, 1975–2008. Significant declines in TP and SRP concentrations have occurred in north coast waters, concurrent with declines in the offshore. However, nutrient concentrations, notably spring SRP, have not decreased among south coast stations, potentially reflecting greater coastal entrapment of catchment-derived waters. We infer that EC-monitored north coast stations reflect integrated interannual water quality, while south coast stations are more strongly influenced by catchment loading. The effects of higher nutrient concentrations along the south coast, which co-occur with lower water transparency, on benthic algal growth have yet to be determined.  相似文献   

Photointerpretation studies were conducted to evaluate vegetation changes in wetlands of Lake Ontario and the upper St. Lawrence River associated with regulation of water levels since about 1960. The studies used photographs from 16 sites (four each from drowned river mouth, barrier beach, open embayment, and protected embayment wetlands) and spanned a period from the 1950s to 2001 at roughly decadal intervals. Meadow marsh was the most prominent vegetation type in most wetlands in the late 1950s when water levels had declined following high lake levels in the early 1950s. Meadow marsh increased at some sites in the mid-1960s in response to low lake levels and decreased at all sites in the late 1970s following a period of high lake levels. Typha increased at nearly all sites, except waveexposed open embayments, in the 1970s. Meadow marsh continued to decrease and Typha to increase at most sites during sustained higher lake levels through the 1980s, 1990s, and into 2001. Most vegetation changes could be correlated with lake-level changes and with life-history strategies and physiological tolerances to water depth of prominent taxa. Analyses of GIS coverages demonstrated that much of the Typha invasion was landward into meadow marsh, largely by Typha × glauca. Lesser expansion toward open water included both T. × glauca and T. angustifolia. Although many models focus on the seed bank as a key component of vegetative change in wetlands, our results suggest that canopy-dominating, moisture-requiring Typha was able to invade meadow marsh at higher elevations because sustained higher lake levels allowed it to survive and overtake sedges and grasses that can tolerate periods of drier soil conditions.  相似文献   

Along 25 km of the Lake Ontario shoreline near Toronto, Ontario, small coastal embayments (0.4–32 ha) have been constructed or modified by lake-infilling to restore warmwater fish habitat. The variation in thermal habitat quality for warmwater fishes among these embayments is very high; temperatures range from those found within a small pond to those of much cooler Lake Ontario. Since meteorological conditions and surface heat fluxes are almost identical, the temperature variation among embayments must be caused by differences in bathymetry or exchange with Lake Ontario. However, a previous study on these embayments found paradoxically that temperatures were not strongly associated with channel size or embayment bathymetry. This paper resolves the paradox by showing that flushing times for almost all of the constructed embayments were less than 1 day, and often less than 12 h. With so little time to warm within the embayments, water temperatures of almost all embayments remained very close to the temperatures of the adjacent lake waters. The coldest embayments connected directly to open Lake Ontario and warmer embayments connected to Lake Ontario through other embayments or protected harbors, where the inflowing water from Lake Ontario had already substantially warmed. To allow embayments along the exposed shoreline of Toronto to reach acceptable temperatures for warmwater fish, we use heat budgets to calculate that average summer flushing times must be increased from their current length of 1.5 to 5.5 h to approximately 30 h. Such changes could be achieved through large reductions in the channel cross section.  相似文献   

Upwellings occur in all the Great Lakes in response to prolonged wind events. Several studies have modeled or measured changes in abiotic conditions associated with upwellings, but few direct observations of fish responses have been documented. Video-capture techniques were used in conjunction with moored temperature loggers to link the disappearance of benthic round gobies to temperature declines during upwelling events along the southern Lake Ontario nearshore in summer of 2019. Benthic water temperatures declined by as much as 18 °C within 18 h over as many as nine events. Round goby density estimates were as high as 50/m2 prior to upwellings, but declined to as low as 0/m2 during the events. Using just nine observation dates, ARMA trend analysis suggested a relationship between benthic temperature and round goby abundance (AIC = 78.7, t = 2.21, P = 0.063). Although the actual response of gobies to rapidly declining temperatures was unknown, this population was unobservable in our sample area during upwellings, yet returned to pre-upwelling densities within days. Understanding the magnitude and frequency of fish responses to these events can improve our understanding of the potential for this non-native benthic fish to affect the nearshore environment.  相似文献   

In the 1990s, the Lake Ontario ecosystem was dramatically altered due to continued invasions of exotic species including dreissenid mussels and predatory cladocerans. We describe the diet and biomass of prey in the stomachs of adult (≥ 109 mm TL) and sub-adult (< 109 mm TL) alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) in 2004 and 2005 across seasons and depths and compare our results to data from 1972 to 1988. During 2004 and 2005, adult alewife consumed primarily zooplankton prey at bottom depth zones < 70 m and primarily Mysis at bottom depth zones > 70 m. Mysis dominated the diets of adult alewife in all seasons except during the summer of 2004 when zooplankton dominated. Mysis dominated the diets of sub-adult alewife during early and late spring and zooplankton dominated the diets in summer and fall. Bythotrephes and Cercopagis were observed in the diets of both sub-adult and adult alewife. Diporeia was observed only rarely in adult alewife diets. The biomass of prey in alewife stomachs varied seasonally and increased with bottom depth for adult alewife. Alewife diets in 2004–2005 differed from those in 1972 and 1988 with an increase in the prevalence of Mysis, and a decline in the prevalence of zooplankton. The biomass of prey in adult alewife stomachs declined in 2004 and 2005 compared to 1972 and 1988, at bottom depth zones < 70 m but not at bottom depth zones > 70 m suggesting reduced food availability closer to shore. We hypothesize that consumption levels at the shallower depth zones, as indicated by very low biomass of prey in alewife stomachs, may not be sufficient to sustain alewife growth. The increased prevalence of Mysis and common occurrence of predatory cladocerans in the diet of alewife means that alewife have shifted to a higher trophic position.  相似文献   

Thirty-two biological variables (taxonomic and/or functional groups) representing the four major communities, phytoplankton, zooplankton, benthos and fish, characterizing the upper Bay of Quinte (Lake Ontario) ecosystem, were assembled for the 27-year period, 1982-2008. Coincident regime shifts were detected in phytoplankton, benthos, and fish in 1995, which was just after invasive zebra mussels (Dreissena spp.) became established in the bay in 1993-1994. Two independent methods were used to detect these shifts: 1) principal components analysis followed by a Regime Shift Detector test for a change point in the running mean of the first principal component scores and (2) measurements of significant difference between pre- and post-Dreissena ecosystem structure based on measures of Bray-Curtis community similarity. Although a statistically significant shift was not detected in the zooplankton community by itself, zooplankton variables were instrumental in the overall ecosystem shift, determined for the combined four communities. All 32 variables were ranked for their individual contribution to the difference between the pre- and post-Dreissena ecosystem structures. The resolution of two distinct ecosystem structures, pre- and post-Dreissena, was greatly improved after employing a novel method of variable optimization that involved a selective and sequential removal of variables contributing least to the statistical difference between pre- and post-Dreissena ecosystem structures. The resultant 20-variable subset defined a 1995 ecosystem regime shift at very high level of statistical confidence (ANOSIM-R = 0.970).  相似文献   

The limnology of offshore Lake Erie during periods of extensive (> 70%) ice cover was examined from ship borne sampling efforts in 2007 to 2010, inclusive. Dense and discrete accumulations of the centric filamentous diatom Aulacoseria islandica (> 10 μg Chl-a/L) were located in the isothermal (< 1 °C) water column directly below the ice and only detectable in the ship wake; viable phytoplankton were also observed within ice. Evidence from these surveys supports the notions that winter blooms of diatoms occur annually prior to the onset of ice cover and that the phytoplankton from these blooms are maintained in the surface waters of Lake Erie and reduce silicate concentrations in the lake prior to spring. The mechanisms by which high phytoplankton biomass rise at this time of year requires further investigation, but these winter blooms probably have consequences for summer hypoxia and how the lake responds to climate change.  相似文献   

Mysis diluviana is an important prey item to the Lake Superior fish community as found through a recent diet study. We further evaluated this by relating the quantity of prey found in fish diets to the quantity of prey available to fish, providing insight into feeding behavior and prey preferences. We describe the seasonal prey selection of major fish species collected across 18 stations in Lake Superior in spring, summer, and fall of 2005. Of the major nearshore fish species, bloater (Coregonus hoyi), rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax), and lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) consumed Mysis, and strongly selected Mysis over other prey items each season. However, lake whitefish also selected Bythotrephes in the fall when Bythotrephes were numerous. Cisco (Coregonus artedi), a major nearshore and offshore species, fed largely on calanoid copepods, and selected calanoid copepods (spring) and Bythotrephes (summer and fall). Cisco also targeted prey similarly across bathymetric depths. Other major offshore fish species such as kiyi (Coregonus kiyi) and deepwater sculpin (Myoxocephalus thompsoni) fed largely on Mysis, with kiyi targeting Mysis exclusively while deepwater sculpin did not prefer any single prey organism. The major offshore predator siscowet lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush siscowet) consumed deepwater sculpin and coregonines, but selected deepwater sculpin and Mysis each season, with juveniles having a higher selection for Mysis than adults. Our results suggest that Mysis is not only a commonly consumed prey item, but a highly preferred prey item for pelagic, benthic, and piscivorous fishes in nearshore and offshore waters of Lake Superior.  相似文献   

Many nonindigenous species (NIS) present in the Laurentian Great Lakes are expanding their ranges to inland lakes and streams. This study used cladoceran microfossils to examine the invasion history of Eubosmina coregoni, the first known nonindigenous zooplankter to invade Lake of the Woods (LOW), Ontario, Canada. Sediment cores from 16 sites in LOW were used to analyze broad-scale presence/absence of E. coregoni prior to human development (bottom sediment samples) in comparison with present-day distribution (top sediment samples). E. coregoni had the highest relative abundance in the northern and eastern regions of LOW and the abundance of all cladoceran remains was low in the southern region of the lake. A long core (time core) from Clearwater Bay provided a more detailed historical account of E. coregoni's abundance in the northern region of LOW, indicating that E. coregoni was first detected in the lake in the early 1990s, approximately 25 years after it was discovered in the Laurentian Great Lakes. Results obtained in this study have illuminated temporal and spatial patterns of colonization of this inland water body. Study of the early invasion dynamics of NIS in these inland lakes may aid in the prevention of future invasions of taxa that have already altered the food web dynamics in the Laurentian Great Lakes.  相似文献   

The Ponto-Caspian mysid, Hemimysis anomala, was first observed in southeastern Lake Ontario in May 2006. During July and August 2007, gill nets were fished in 6 to 8 m of water at two locations of known Hemimysis colonization in southeastern Lake Ontario to determine if fish that consume macroinvertebrates were beginning to include this new invasive mysid in their diets. Of nine fish species captured in August, September, and October 2007, three species had consumed Hemimysis: alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus), rock bass (Ambloplites rupestris), and yellow perch (Perca flavescens); and six species had not: round goby Apollonia melanostoma, smallmouth bass Micropterus dolomieu, spottail shiner Notropis hudsonius, gizzard shad Dorosoma cepedianum, white perch Morone americana and log perch Percina caprodes. Diets of alewives from all samples were composed predominantly of Hemimysis (69.6% -100% frequency of occurrence, 46.0%–74.5% dry weight diet composition). Two of 6 rock bass stomachs sampled in August contained ≥ 98.9% Hemimysis (10 and 40 individuals each) and one of 61 yellow perch stomachs sampled in September contained 10.0% Hemimysis (6 individuals) and 90.0% fish. While Hemimysis were observed only sparsely in the diet of most nearshore fish, their predominance in alewife diets and their omnivorous feeding behavior indicated that they have the potential to alter energy flow in Great Lakes' foodwebs.  相似文献   

Little is known about the ecology of warmwater fish in small coastal embayments (< 32 ha) where temperatures are lowered by exchange with the adjacent lake. Using pumpkinseed (Lepomis gibbous) as a model warmwater fish, we compare hatch dates and overwinter survival in two embayments with higher and lower amounts of cold-water input from Lake Ontario, in a warmer and cooler year. In 2007, the embayments differed by approximately 2–5 °C until late-July. In that year, temperatures in the cooler embayment delayed hatching times until July 18–August 20, approximately eight weeks later (May 24–August 20) than in the warmer embayment. Almost all offspring in the cooler embayment were likely too small to survive the winter. In 2008 both embayments had similar temperatures. In that year, pumpkinseed started hatching in early-June, and most were likely large enough to survive the winter. The findings from the two intensively sampled embayments were confirmed with a 21-year fish monitoring dataset; adult pumpkinseed were captured in the littoral zone of warm embayments 6–8 weeks earlier than in cooler embayments. Relative to pumpkinseed in the small inland lakes of eastern and central Ontario, spawning is delayed by at least two weeks in coastal embayments. Using water temperatures as a surrogate for growth, we calculated that only 5 of the 17 embayments for which we have temperature records were able to consistently produce successfully overwintering age-0 fish. Nevertheless, we found pumpkinseed age ≥ 1 in embayments too cold to produce age-0 pumpkinseed, suggesting immigration from warmer embayments.  相似文献   

Detailed diet linkages within the offshore (> 80 m bathymetric depth) food web of Lake Superior are currently not well identified. We used analyses of fish stomach contents to create an empirically based food web model of the Lake Superior offshore fish community. Stomachs were collected seasonally (spring, summer, and fall) from nine offshore locations in 2005, using bottom and midwater trawls. In total, 2643 stomachs representing 12 fish species were examined. The predominant fish species collected were deepwater sculpin (Myoxocephalus thompsonii), siscowet (Salvelinus namaycush siscowet), kiyi (Coregonus kiyi), and cisco (Coregonus artedi). Mysis diluviana was the most common prey item, indicating that changes in Mysis abundance could have a profound impact on the entire offshore food web. Mysis was the primary diet item of deepwater sculpin (≥ 53% by mass) and kiyi (≥ 96% by mass) regardless of depth or season. The invasive Bythotrephes was an important diet component of the pelagic cisco in summer and fall. Deepwater sculpin were the primary diet item of siscowet (≥ 52% by mass), with coregonines appearing in the diet of larger (> 400 mm) siscowet. Non-metric multidimensional scaling analysis indicated that there were no statistically significant seasonal or site-specific differences in diets of deepwater sculpin, cisco, or kiyi. Site was the primary structuring factor in siscowet diets. Generally, in Lake Superior, the diet items of the dominant offshore species did not appear to be in danger from those types of major ecological shifts occurring in the lower Laurentian Great Lakes.  相似文献   

In this study we investigated the effect of the phosphonate herbicide glyphosate (N-(phosphonomethyl)glycine) on the phytoplankton community structure in Lake Erie using lake water incubations, laboratory growth experiments and phylogenetic analysis of phosphonate metabolism genes. In microcosms, addition of glyphosate to Sandusky Bay water resulted in a significant increase in phytoplankton abundance, specifically causing an increase in the abundance of Planktothrix spp. In microcosms using Maumee Bay water, glyphosate did not stimulate phytoplankton growth but caused a decrease in Microcystis spp. abundance. The difference in the ability of Planktothrix spp. and Microcystis spp. to grow in the presence of glyphosate was confirmed in laboratory growth experiments. Further, an examination of the molecular pathways involved in phosphonate metabolism demonstrated that heterotrophic bacteria may be critical in allowing this proliferation. The results indicate that glyphosate has both positive and negative influences on phytoplankton community structure, serving as a nutrient source to microbes able to tolerate the herbicidal effects of the compound while killing those less tolerant. Moreover, this work highlights that in natural environments microorganisms function as communities, and the metabolic abilities of individual species are often less important than the collective ability of the community.  相似文献   

Diporeia hoyi and Mysis relicta are the most important prey items of slimy sculpins (Cottus cognatus) in the Great Lakes. Slimy sculpins were collected from dreissenid-infested bottoms off seven Lake Michigan ports at depths of 27–73 m in fall 2003 to study their lake-wide diets. Relatively large dreissenid biomass occurred at depths of 37- and 46-m. Quagga mussels (Dreissena bugnesis) composed at least 50% of dreissenid biomass at Manistique, Saugatuck, and Sturgeon Bay. Mysis accounted for 82% of the sculpin diet by dry weight at eastern Lake Michigan while Diporeia composed 54–69% of the diet at western Lake Michigan and dominated the diets of slimy sculpins at all sites deeper than 46 m. In northern Lake Michigan, this diet study in new sites showed that slimy sculpin consumed more prey with low energy contents, especially chironomids, than Mysis and Diporeia in shallow sites (depth <55 m). We recommend diet studies on sedentary benthic fishes to be conducted along perimeters of the Great Lakes to observe changes in their diets that may be impacted by changing benthic macroinvertebrate communities.  相似文献   

We report on the emergence of the potentially toxic filamentous cyanobacterium, Lyngbya wollei as a nuisance species in western Lake Erie. The first indication of heavy L. wollei growth along the lake bottom occurred in September 2006, when a storm deposited large mats of L. wollei in coves along the south shore of Maumee Bay. These mats remained intact over winter and new growth was observed along the margins in April 2007. Mats ranged in thickness from 0.2 to 1.2 m and we estimated that one 100-m stretch of shoreline along the southern shore of Maumee Bay was covered with approximately 200 metric tons of L. wollei. Nearshore surveys conducted in July 2008 revealed greatest benthic L. wollei biomass (591 g/m2 ± 361 g/m2 fresh weight) in Maumee Bay at depth contours between 1.5 and 3.5 m corresponding to benthic irradiance of approximately 4.0–0.05% of surface irradiance and sand/crushed dreissenid mussel shell-type substrate. A shoreline survey indicated a generally decreasing prevalence of shoreline L. wollei mats with distance from Maumee Bay. Surveys of nearshore benthic areas outside of Maumee Bay revealed substantial L. wollei beds north along the Michigan shoreline, but very little L wollei growth to the east along the Ohio shoreline.  相似文献   

An invasive Eurasian fish, the round goby Neogobius melanostomus, has recently spread from the Great Lakes into the St. Lawrence River. We quantified prey preferences of this benthivore and determined whether its predatory impacts on molluscs in the river are similar to those in the Great Lakes. We measured the size structure of gastropods and dreissenid mussels at 13 St. Lawrence River sites where round goby densities ranged from 0 to 6 m− 2. For four of these sites, data were available for multiple years before and after invasion. Contrary to studies in the Great Lakes, there were no consistent effects of round goby density on the size structure of dreissenids, although there was an ontogenetic diet shift toward dreissenids. However, the abundance and richness of small gastropods (≤ 14 mm) was negatively correlated with round goby density across all sites, and declined over time at three of four sites sampled before and after invasion. Median gastropod size also declined across sites with increasing round goby density. Gastropods (as well as chironomid larvae, caddisfly larvae, and ostracods) were consistently among the most preferred prey items consumed by gobies, whereas dreissenids (as well as leeches and freshwater mites) were consistently avoided. These results indicate the major role of the round goby in structuring gastropod populations in the St. Lawrence River, and highlight large-scale spatial variation in its predatory impact on dreissenid populations.  相似文献   

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