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Surveillance data collected over the past 150 years are compiled and analyzed to identify chloride trends in the Laurentian Great Lakes. These data indicate that chloride levels started rising in the mid-19th century and began accelerating in the early twentieth century. Lake Superior's and Lake Michigan's concentrations have continued to increase steadily and currently stand at their maximum recorded levels. In contrast, lakes Huron, Erie and Ontario reached peak levels between 1965 and 1975, but then began to decline. However, recent data indicate that the chloride concentrations in these lakes are now increasing again. Because loading data are not readily available, a mass-balance model is employed to estimate the chloride inputs required to account for the concentration trends. This inverse analysis yields computed load reductions that are consistent with reported industrial load reductions during the last three decades of the 20th century. Hence, it appears that the improvements were for the most part attributable to industrial controls. The model is also used to predict that if loads are held fixed at 2006 levels, concentrations in all lakes will continue to increase with the most dramatic rise occurring in Lake Michigan which will ultimately approach the level of Lake Erie.  相似文献   

The lower food webs of Lake Huron and Lake Michigan have experienced similar reductions in the spring phytoplankton bloom and summer populations of Diporeia and cladocerans since the early 2000s. At the same time phosphorus concentrations have decreased and water clarity and silica concentrations have increased. Key periods of change, identified by using a method based on sequential t-tests, were 2003–2005 (Huron) and 2004–2006 (Michigan). Estimated filtration capacity suggests that dreissenid grazing would have been insufficient to directly impact phytoplankton in the deeper waters of either lake by this time (mid 2000s). Despite some evidence of decreased chlorophyll:TP ratios, consistent with grazing limitation of phytoplankton, the main impact of dreissenids on the offshore waters was probably remote, e.g., through interception of nutrients by nearshore populations. A mass balance model indicates that decreased phosphorus loading could not account for observed in-lake phosphorus declines. However, model-inferred internal phosphorus dynamics were strongly correlated between the lakes, with periods of increased internal loading in the 1990s, and increased phosphorus loss starting in 2000 in Lake Michigan and 2003 in Lake Huron, prior to dreissenid expansion into deep water of both lakes. This suggests a limited role for deep populations of dreissenids in the initial phosphorus declines in the lakes, and also suggests a role for meteorological influence on phosphorus dynamics. The high synchrony in lower trophic level changes between Lake Michigan and Lake Huron suggests that both lakes should be considered when investigating underlying causal factors of these changes.  相似文献   

Beginning as early as 1976 at many locations, total phosphorus concentrations (TP) were measured weekly in samples collected year-round in the intake water of 18 municipal water treatment plants in Canadian (Ontario) waters of the Laurentian Great Lakes. No consistent long-term trends were evident at two north-shore Lake Superior sampling locations, but there were significant long-term declines in TP measured at all three Lake Huron locations; however, concentrations there have remained relatively constant during the past decade. Declines in TP averaging about 1 μg/L/yr during 1976 to 1990 were prevalent at lower Great Lakes sampling locations and by the early 1990s TP had declined to 15–25 μg/L in Lake Erie and 10–20 μg/L in Lake Ontario. Declines generally levelled out in Lake Ontario after 1990, but TP increased substantially at some Lake Erie locations in the late 1990s. Recent (1996 to 1999) total phosphorus concentrations in north-shore Lake Erie locations in the range of 20 to 30 μg/L were 2 to 3 times higher than at Lake Ontario near-shore locations in the 8 to 11 μg/L range. Rates of decline of TP were generally highest for the March–April period (−1.88, −1.61, and −1.34 μg/L/yr in Lakes Ontario, Erie, and Huron, respectively for 1976 to 1990). The March–April Lake Ontario near-shore rate of TP decline was nearly twice as high as that reported previously for off-shore Lake Ontario (attributed to proximity to P loading sources and to lower net sedimentation losses of P in the near-shore environment). There were substantial declines in chlorophyll-to-TP ratios and in the slopes and Y-intercepts of chlorophyll-TP regressions for both Lake Erie and Lake Ontario following the establishment of dreissenid mussels.  相似文献   

Phosphorus load estimates have been updated for all of the Great Lakes with an emphasis on lakes Superior, Michigan, Huron and Ontario for 1994–2008. Lake Erie phosphorus loads have been kept current with previous work and for completeness are reported here. A combination of modeling and data analysis is employed to evaluate whether target loads established by the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement (GLWQA, 1978, Annex 3) have been and are currently being met. Data from federal, state, and provincial agencies were assembled and processed to yield annual estimates for all lakes and sources. A mass-balance model was used to check the consistency of loads and to estimate interlake transport. The analysis suggests that the GLWQA target loads have been consistently met for the main bodies of lakes Superior, Michigan and Huron. However, exceedances still persist for Saginaw Bay. For lakes Erie and Ontario, loadings are currently estimated to be at or just under the target (with some notable exceptions). Because interannual variability is high, the target loads have not been met consistently for the lower Great Lakes. The analysis also indicates that, because of decreasing TP concentrations in the lakes, interlake transport of TP has declined significantly since the mid-1970s. Thus, it is important that these changes be included in future assessments of compliance with TP load targets. Finally, detailed tables of the yearly (1994–2008) estimates are provided, as well as annual summaries by lake tributary basin (in Supplementary Information).  相似文献   

Anthropogenic sources of total phosphorus (TP) and chloride (Cl?) to lakes and rivers have been issues of concern for many decades in the Great Lakes Basin with northern Boreal Shield headwater tributaries less well studied. In the Sturgeon River – Lake Nipissing – French River basin, a headwater basin of Georgian Bay, Lake Huron, water quality monitoring of major inflows to Lake Nipissing, the third largest inland lake located entirely within Ontario, is only available from the mid-1960s to the 1990s. During the period of 2015–2018, we conducted monthly water quality surveys of major and minor inflows for two water years and have generated the first chloride (Cl?) and total phosphorus (TP) elemental budgets for the lake. Review of available long-term concentration data indicate decreasing TP concentrations by decade in major inflows, but select inflows continue to exhibit concentrations above provincial objectives, including inflows from agricultural areas that are no longer part of provincial monitoring programs. Some inflows also show high average Cl? concentrations with potential influences (e.g., road salt, agricultural activities) to stream water quality throughout the year. Water and elemental budgets indicate that while specific runoff (l/s/km2) is quite similar across contributing catchments, yields of Cl? and TP (kg/ha/yr) are disproportionately higher in catchments with urban and agricultural activities. While uncertainties in the water balance and elemental yields remain, this first effort to quantify annual elemental budgets of Lake Nipissing highlights the need to develop community-based, spatially distributed water quality surveying for long-term ecosystem monitoring and future planning.  相似文献   

Signs of increasing oligotrophication have been apparent in the open waters of both Lake Huron and Lake Michigan in recent years. Spring total phosphorus (TP) and the relative percentage of particulate phosphorus have declined in both lakes; spring TP concentrations in Lake Huron are now slightly lower than those in Lake Superior, while those in Lake Michigan are higher by only about 1 μg P/L. Furthermore, spring soluble silica concentrations have increased significantly in both lakes, consistent with decreases in productivity. Transparencies in Lakes Huron and Michigan have increased, and in most regions are currently roughly equivalent to those seen in Lake Superior. Seasonality of chlorophyll, as estimated by SeaWiFS satellite imagery, has been dramatically reduced in Lake Huron and Lake Michigan, with the spring bloom largely absent from both lakes and instead a seasonal maximum occurring in autumn, as is the case in Lake Superior. As of 2006, the loss of cladocerans and the increased importance of calanoids, in particular Limnocalanus, have resulted in crustacean zooplankton communities in Lake Huron and Lake Michigan closely resembling that in Lake Superior in size and structure. Decreases in Diporeia in offshore waters have resulted in abundances of non-dreissenid benthos communities in these lakes that approach those of Lake Superior. These changes have resulted in a distinct convergence of the trophic state and lower food web in the three lakes, with Lake Huron more oligotrophic than Lake Superior by some measures.  相似文献   

As a result of increased harmful algal blooms and hypoxia in Lake Erie, the US and Canada revised their phosphorus loading targets under the 2012 Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement. The focus of this paper is the Detroit River and its watershed, a source of 25% of the total phosphorus (TP) load to Lake Erie. Its load declined 37% since 1998, due chiefly to improvements at the regional Great Lakes Water Authority Water Resource Recovery Facility (WRRF) in Detroit and phosphorus sequestered by zebra and quagga mussels in Lake Huron. In addition to the 54% of the load from Lake Huron, nonpoint sources contribute 57% of the TP load and 50% of the dissolved reactive phosphorus load, with the remaining balance from point sources. After Lake Huron, the largest source is the WRRF, which has already reduced its load by over 40%. Currently, loads from Lake Huron and further reductions from the WRRF are not part of the reduction strategy, therefore remaining watershed sources will need to decline by 72% to meet the Water Quality Agreement target - a daunting challenge. Because other urban sources are very small, most of the reduction would have to come from agriculturally-dominated lands. The most effective way to reduce those loads is to apply combinations of practices like cover crops, buffer strips, wetlands, and applying fertilizer below the soil surface on the lands with the highest phosphorus losses. However, our simulations suggest even extensive conservation on those lands may not be enough.  相似文献   

Optimization, uncertainty analysis, and mass balance modeling techniques were combined into a framework that can help decision makers identify cost-effective load reduction methods for achieving acceptable contaminant concentrations in the Great Lakes. The utility of the framework is demonstrated by deriving an optimal phosphorus load reduction plan for the Great Lakes. An optimal plan is defined as the least-cost approach that can achieve desired phosphorus concentrations in all Great Lakes basins under realistic, stochastic phosphorus loading and settling rates. The analysis suggests that implementation of phosphorus load reduction measures recommended in the U. S. - Canadian 1978 Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement, its 1983 supplement, and other plans that do not account for environmental uncertainty may by sub-optimal. Compared with the load reduction strategies of the 1978 Water Quality Agreement and its supplement, implementation of the optimized load reduction strategy would lead to substantial annual cost savings and an increased probability of achieving desired phosphorus concentrations. Results emphasize the importance of quantitatively accounting for environmental uncertainty in management models.  相似文献   

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Great Lakes National Program Office (GLNPO) water quality survey (WQS) constitutes the longest-running, most extensive monitoring of water quality and the lower trophic level biota of the Laurentian Great Lakes, and has been instrumental in tracking shifts in nutrients and the lower food web over the past several decades. The initial impetus for regular monitoring of the Great Lakes was provided by the 1972 Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement (GLWQA) which asked the parties to develop monitoring and surveillance programs to ensure compliance with the goals of the agreement. The resulting monitoring plan, eventually known as the Great Lakes International Surveillance Plan (GLISP), envisioned a nine-year rotation of intensive surveys of the five lakes. A broadening of the scope of the GLWQA in 1978 and the completion of the first nine-year cycle of sampling, prompted reappraisals of the GLISP. During this pause, and using knowledge gained from GLISP, GLNPO initiated an annual WQS with the narrower focus of tracking water quality changes and plankton communities in the offshore waters of the lakes. Beginning in 1983 with lakes Erie, Huron, and Michigan, the WQS added Lake Ontario in 1986 and Lake Superior in 1992, evolving into its current form in which all five lakes are sampled twice a year. The WQS is unique in that all five lakes are sampled by one agency, using one vessel and one principal laboratory for each parameter group, and represents an invaluable resource for managing and understanding the Great Lakes.  相似文献   

A physico-chemical model of the fate of toxic substances in the Great Lakes is constructed from mass balance principles, incorporating principal mechanisms of paniculate sorption-desorption, sediment-water and atmosphere-water interactions, and chemical and biochemical decay. The steady state mass balance model of the suspended solids in the open lake water yields net solids loss rates from 0.02 mjdfor Saginaw Bay to 1.22 m/dfor Lake Ontario. Calibration of the toxic model is through comparison to plutonium-239 data collected in the 1970s using a 23-year time variable calculation. The results indicate that, in general, the sediments are interactive with the water column in the Great Lakes through resuspension and horizontal transport. Fifty percent response times of 239Pu following a cessation of load extend beyond 10 years with sediment resuspension. The calibrated model was also applied to polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) using a high and low estimate of contemporary external load and with and without volatilization. The lower load level (lake range 640 to 1,390 kg/yr) with volatilization (at an exchange rate of 0.1 m/d) appears to be more representative of observed surface sediment data for the open lake waters. Calculated water column concentrations for the lower load level with and without volatilization ranged from 0.25 to 0.90 ng/Lfor open lake waters. Fifty percent response times for PCB following cessation of load varied from less than 5 years when volatilization was included to 10 to 20 years without volatilization. Comparison of these response times to decline of concentrations of PCB in Lake Michigan bloaters indicates that, at least for that lake, volatilization is occurring at an exchange rate of about 0.1 m/d.  相似文献   

Long-term (2001–2015) water quality monitoring data for the St. Clair River are presented with data from studies in the Detroit River in 2014 and 2015 to provide the most complete information available about nutrient concentrations and loadings in the Lake Huron–Lake Erie interconnecting corridor. Concentrations of total phosphorus (TP) in the St. Clair River have reflected declines in Lake Huron. We demonstrate that St. Clair River TP concentrations are higher than offshore Lake Huron values. The recent average (2014 and 2015) incoming TP load from the upstream Great Lakes is measured here to be 980 metric tonnes per annum (MTA), which is roughly three times greater than previous estimates. Significant TP load increases are also indicated along the St. Clair River. We treat the lower Detroit River as three channels to sample water quality as part of a two year monitoring campaign that included winter sampling and SRP in the parameter suite. We found concentrations of many parameters are higher near the shorelines, with the main Mid-River channel resembling water quality upstream measured at the mouth of the St. Clair River. Comparison with past estimates indicates both concentrations and loadings of TP have dramatically declined since 2007 in the Trenton Channel, while those in the Mid-River and in the Amherstburg Channel have remained similar or have possibly increased. The data demonstrate that the TP load exiting the mouth of the Detroit River into Lake Erie is currently in the range of 3740 (in 2014) to 2610 (2015) MTA.  相似文献   

The U.S. EPA Great Lakes National Program Office (GLNPO) implements long-term monitoring programs to assess Great Lakes ecosystem status and trends for many interrelated ecosystem components, including offshore water quality as well as offshore phytoplankton, zooplankton and benthos; chemical contaminants in air, sediments, and predator fish; hypoxia in Lake Erie's central basin; and coastal wetland health. These programs are conducted in fulfillment of Clean Water Act mandates and Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement commitments. This special issue presents findings from GLNPO's Great Lakes Biology Monitoring Program, Great Lakes Water Quality Monitoring Program, Lake Erie Dissolved Oxygen Monitoring Program, Integrated Atmospheric Deposition Network, Great Lakes Fish Monitoring and Surveillance Program, and Great Lakes Sediment Surveillance Program. These GLNPO programs have generated temporal and spatial datasets for all five Great Lakes that form the basis for assessment of the state of these lakes, including trends in nutrients, key biological indicators, and contaminants in air, sediments and fish. These datasets are used by researchers and managers across the Great Lakes basin for investigating physical, chemical and biological drivers of ongoing ecosystem changes; some of these analyses are presented in this special issue, along with discussion of new methods and approaches for monitoring.  相似文献   

To support the 2012 Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement on reducing Lake Erie's phosphorus inputs, we integrated US and Canadian data to update and extend total phosphorus (TP) loads into and out of the St. Clair-Detroit River System for 1998–2016. The most significant changes were decreased loads from Lake Huron caused by mussel-induced oligotrophication of the lake, and decreased loads from upgraded Great Lakes Water Authority sewage treatment facilities in Detroit. By comparing Lake St. Clair inputs and outputs, we demonstrated that on average the lake retains 20% of its TP inputs. We also identified for the first time that loads from resuspended Lake Huron sediment were likely not always detected in US and Canadian monitoring programs due to mismatches in sampling and resuspension event frequencies, substantially underestimating the load. This additional load increased over time due to climate-induced decreases in Lake Huron ice cover and increases in winter storm frequencies. Given this more complete load inventory, we estimated that to reach a 40% reduction in the Detroit River TP load to Lake Erie, accounting for the missed load, point and non-point sources other than that coming from Lake Huron and the atmosphere would have to be reduced by at least 50%. We also discuss the implications of discontinuous monitoring efforts.  相似文献   

The Lake Michigan model, MICH1, was developed more than 30 years ago. This framework was evaluated using field data collected in 1976 and was later applied to predict total phosphorus and phytoplankton concentrations in Lake Michigan during the 1980s and early 1990s. With a renewed interest in the interaction of phytoplankton with toxics and the applicability to Total Maximum Daily Load studies, several new models have been developed and older models have been revived. As part of our interest in plankton dynamics in Lake Michigan, the MICH1 model was resurrected. The model was evaluated over the 1976–1995 period, with a surprisingly good model fit to lake-wide average total phosphorus (TP) field data. However, the model was less successful in mimicking the chlorophyll-a measurements, especially in the hypolimnion. Given the results, the model was applied to perform a few long-term TP model simulations. Using the model with average 1994–95 phosphorus loadings, a steady state was reached within approximately 20 years, and the lakewide phosphorus concentration was below the International Joint Commission water quality guideline of 7 μg/L. This exercise demonstrated that a relatively simple, four-segment model was able to mimic the TP lake-wide data well. However, this model was less suitable to predict future chlorophyll-a concentrations due to the limitation in the representation of the foodchain and the difficulty of the coarse segmentation of the model to capture the deep chlorophyll-a layer. Strengths and limitations of this model can guide future development of eutrophication models for Lake Michigan and the other Great Lakes.  相似文献   

A basin-wide water quality survey for the radionuclide tritium during 2017 and 2019 provides an overview of levels in Great Lakes surface waters. All data, together with those from similar basin-wide surveys since the early 1990s, are included in the Supplemental Material. Values of tritium are lowest in Lake Superior and are highest within a region of northwestern Lake Ontario, as well as locally near a known source in Lake Huron. Twenty-year trends show declines in all of the lakes, and this is consistent with the decline in fallout from past nuclear weapons testing, the major source of tritium to the lakes. Longer-term trends, developed using values from the literature, demonstrate a marked overall reduction in tritium values since maxima in the late 1960s, with a slowing rate of decline in the most recent decade. As atmospheric fallout is reduced, the relative importance of other sources is increasing. Known releases, primarily from nuclear generating stations using heavy water, could therefore drive any future changes in Great Lakes tritium levels.  相似文献   

Compared to the Great Lakes, their connecting channels are relatively understudied and infrequently assessed. To address this gap, we conducted a spatially-explicit water quality assessment of two connecting channels, the St. Marys River and the Lake Huron-Lake Erie Corridor (HEC) in 2014–2016. We compared the condition of the channels to each other and to the up- and downriver Great Lakes with data from an assessment of the Great Lakes nearshore. In the absence of channel-specific thresholds, we assessed the condition of the area of each channel as good, fair, or poor by applying the most protective water quality thresholds for the downriver lake. Condition of the St. Marys River was rated mostly fair for total phosphorus (TP, 56% of the area) and mostly good (61% of the area) for chlorophyll a. Area-weighted mean concentrations of these parameters were intermediate to Lake Superior and Lake Huron. Unlike Lake Superior and Lake Huron, a large proportion (97%) of the area of the St. Marys River was in poor condition for water clarity based on Secchi depth. Area-weighted mean concentrations of TP and chlorophyll a in the HEC were more like Lake Huron than Lake Erie. For these indicators, most of the area of the HEC was rated good (81% and 86%, respectively). Interpretation of assessment results is complicated by variation in thresholds among and within lakes. Appropriate thresholds should align with assessment objectives and in the case of connecting channels be at least as protective as thresholds for the downriver lake.  相似文献   

In this paper new maps are presented of mean circulation in the Great Lakes, employing long-term current observations from about 100 Great Lakes moorings during the 1960s to 1980s. Knowledge of the mean circulation in the Great Lakes is important for ecological and management issues because it provides an indication of transport pathways of nutrients and contaminants on longer time scales. Based on the availability of data, summer circulation patterns in all of the Great Lakes, winter circulation patterns in all of the Great Lakes except Lake Superior, and annual circulation patterns in Lakes Erie, Michigan, and Ontario were derived. Winter currents are generally stronger than summer currents, and, therefore, annual circulation closely resembles winter circulation. Circulation patterns tend to be cyclonic (counterclockwise) in the larger lakes (Lake Huron, Lake Michigan, and Lake Superior) with increased cyclonic circulation in winter. In the smaller lakes (Lake Erie and Lake Ontario), winter circulation is characterized by a two-gyre circulation pattern. Summer circulation in the smaller lakes is different; predominantly cyclonic in Lake Ontario and anticyclonic in Lake Erie.  相似文献   

Given the biological, environmental, and regulatory changes that have occurred over the past 10 years with New York's Great Lakes fisheries, it is important to update estimates of angler effort and expenditures. Changes in angler effort and expenditures may relate to changes in fish stocks, habitat, and other more general demographic trends. Data from two mail surveys conducted in early 1997 were used to estimate angler effort and expenditures on New York's Great Lakes waters for calendar year 1996. In 1996, 37% of people who bought a fishing license in New York, or 392,270 anglers, fished at least 1 day on New York's Great Lakes waters. Approximately one-quarter (24.1%) of these anglers came from outside New York State. Anglers fished an average of 13.7 days for a total of 5.4 million days on Great Lakes waters in 1996. The most striking changes in Great Lakes fishing effort in New York over the past 20 years have occurred on Lake Ontario. Effort increased during the 1970s and 1980s and was highest in the late 1980s to early 1990s, at over 2.5 million days. Effort has dropped by one-third between 1988 and 1996. Lake Erie did not experience the increase in fishing effort seen on Lake Ontario in the early 1980s, but did experience a similar decrease in effort between 1988 and 1996. Despite changes in fishing regulations to remove snagging on the Salmon River, angler effort was basically unchanged between 1988 and 1996. Fishing effort along the St. Lawrence River was relatively constant between 1973 and 1988, but increased by almost 30% between 1988 and 1996. Possible explanations for changes in fishing participation using both biological and sociological data are discussed.  相似文献   

Lake Macatawa is a hypereutrophic water body that connects with Lake Michigan via a navigation channel. Excess phosphorus (P) concentrations have resulted in a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for total phosphorus (TP) in the lake, which has not been met. To guide land management and water pollution control in the Macatawa watershed, a Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model and scenarios of agricultural best management practices (BMPs) were developed in consultation with stakeholders. Modelling emphasized incorporating practices representative of local agricultural conditions. Approaches to initializing high legacy soil P levels in SWAT were tested. The validated model was used to evaluate the influence of BMPs on lake water quality and identify which practices are necessary for meeting the TMDL. The model showed that eliminating manure applications would have small effect on curbing TP loading, but continuous no-till and high residue combined with already used subsurface manure application would yield notable TP reductions. Achieving TMDL-mandated TP reduction of 72% is possible through a widespread adoption of multiple BMPs (continuous no-till with high residue, cover crops, filter strips, and conversion of some marginal croplands to perennial grasses) across all the watershed’s row croplands. The study highlights how guidance from a local community interested in watershed improvement was integrated with modeling towards addressing eutrophication with informed watershed management. The Lake Macatawa case study presents a tractable system from which management solutions could be transferred to similar small agricultural tile-drained watersheds with high legacy soil P levels in the Great Lakes basin.  相似文献   

A database of nearly 500 analyses of perchlorate in water samples from the Laurentian Great Lakes (LGL) watershed is presented, including samples from streams, from the Great Lakes and their connecting waters, with a special emphasis on Lake Erie. These data were assessed to test an earlier hypothesis that loading of perchlorate to the LGL watershed is relatively uniform. Higher perchlorate concentrations in streams in more developed and urban areas appear to indicate higher rates of loading from anthropogenic sources in these areas. Variable perchlorate concentrations in samples from Lake Erie indicate transient (un-mixed) conditions, and suggest loss by microbial degradation, focused in the central basin of that lake. Interpretation of the data included estimation of annual loading by streams in various sub-watersheds, and simulations (steady state and transient state) of the mass balance of perchlorate in the Great Lakes. The results suggest uneven loading from atmospheric deposition and other sources.  相似文献   

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