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随着我国科学技术的不断发展,计算机技术的应用和普及,对于人们的生活和生产都有着非常重要的作用,使得高中计算机教学在高中教育教学中的地位也逐渐提升。随着我国新课程改革的不断推行,对高中计算机课程要求也越来越高,因此必须要加强计算机教育教学工作,提高高中计算机教学的整体水平。本文就新课程理念下高中计算机课教学展开分析和论述,指出了计算机课堂教学中的问题和不足,并提出了合理的解决策略,期以促进我国高中教育教学质量的有效提升。  相似文献   

1982年,国家教委决定在5所大学的附属中学(高中)进行中学计算机教育实验,由此开始了我国中小学计算机(信息技术)普及教育的历程。此后,邓小平同志“计算机的普及要从娃娃抓起”的指示,推动着信息技术教育的发展。时光荏苒,25年转瞬即逝。信息技术教育走过了20世纪80年代从无到有的起步阶段,90年代逐步壮大的发展阶段,2000年后全面普及的推进阶段,历经从普及计算机基础知识到应用计算机基本能力,直至当前计算机文化创新的发展过程。  相似文献   

马涛 《计算机教育》2011,(11):96-102
从海淀区高中阶段信息技术教育现状出发,分析高中阶段信息技术课程的学业目标、学业检测方式、教学方式、普遍问题和解决办法,以实际数据和案例呈现高中学生的信息技术能力水平,为高中后续阶段的计算机学习提供学生水平程度依据。  相似文献   

高中阶段是学生学习知识的重要时期,学生不仅需要学习高考课程中必须要考的东西,也应该追赶上世界的信息化潮流.本文介绍了高中阶段学习计算机的必要性以及高中阶段应该具备的计算机常识,希望能为广大高中学子提供有益的参考.  相似文献   

本文分析了计算机课程具有较强的操作性、对学生的考核大多以计算机操作题目为主以及教学内容广泛且更新速度快等现代高中计算机教学特征,同时探讨了学校对高中计算机教学不够重视、高中计算机课程课时设计较短等现代高中计算机教学现状,并从因材施教以提高学生学习计算机的积极性方面和寓教于乐以激发学生的学习兴趣方面提出了高中计算机教育人性化教学的实施策略,以期为现代高中计算机教育人性化教学提供一些参考,不断提升现代高中计算机教学效率。  相似文献   

陈波 《网友世界》2012,(12):63-64
随着社会经济的发展,我国高等教育已进入了大众教育阶段。高等教育阶段已成为了其人生中一个重要转折点,发挥着极重要的作用。大一新生从紧张的高中学习进入到完全陌生的大学生活,对于大学学习生活的认知处于一个模糊的状态。做好新生思想教育和转变工作成为高校新生辅导员一项重点工作。  相似文献   

随着社会和经济的发展,信息与计算机科学在当代社会中具有越来越重要的作用。当前我国的高中计算机教育已经开展多年,取得了极大的成就,但是由于高中教学的特点,计算机科学教育受重视程度较低,从而在一定程度上影响了计算机教育的效果。本文将对当前高中计算机的课堂教学中所存在的问题进行分析,并提出相应的对策措施。  相似文献   

云计算技术是计算机领域中一项逐渐兴起的热门技术,相关功能也逐渐被应用到各项教育工作的开展过程中。云计算技术与高中院校计算机实验资源管理工作相结合,能够使计算机软件的实验资源管理工作更为轻松便捷,同时也能够对资源进行高效利用。基于此,本文通过深入探究云计算背景下高职院校计算机实验资源管理的问题以及相关对策,以期提升高职院校计算机实验资源管理工作的质量,为推动计算机专业课程教育工作质量的全面发展提供一些有价值的参考。  相似文献   

徐兰 《信息技术教育》2014,(14):123-123
高中计算机教学具有广泛的综合性和实践性等特点,是现代高中教育不可缺少的学科。为进一步提高教学质量,本文对分层教学法下的高中计算机教学进行了探讨。  相似文献   

随着我国教育改革工作的逐步推进,教师在进行计算机学科的教学时,为了提升学生的计算机实践水平,将现代教育技术运用到了教学工作之中。通过这种方式,有利于优化教学模式,同时,也有利于实现教学中心的转移,对于教师教学质量的提升,也有着极大的促进作用。因此,为了做好这方面的研究工作,主要对传统的计算机教学模式以及基于现代教育技术的计算机教学模式的优势和方式进行深入分析,从而进一步促进计算机教学的发展。  相似文献   

计算机基础教育从小学到大学,从西部地区到发达地区,都在以各种形式开展.然而,计算机基础教育一直都处于一个比较尴尬的局面.受应试教育大指挥棒的影响,计算机基础教育从小学到高中一直都是考查科目,因此,计算机基础教育的相关学科一直都是“非主流”学科,从事该科目的教师也被边缘化,职业生存环境差.  相似文献   

初中教学有效性成为目前教育学研究领域的一项重点内容,原因之一在于初中教学会影响到学生的多方面发展,尤其是数学、物理等理科教学,对学生思维能力的发展和成熟作用巨大。本文目的在于探讨初中数学课堂改善的可能性,以初中数学教学概述开篇,提出"计算机辅助教学帮助解决初中数学课堂问题是可行的"这一观点,并对计算机辅助教学的优越性进行探讨,希望能够为学校教育的改革提供建议和帮助。  相似文献   

In the current information society, the need for securing human resources acquired with ICT competency is becoming a very important issue. In USA, England, Japan, India and Israel improving students’ ICT competency has become a pedagogical issue. Accordingly, education on ICT competency is changing in many countries emphasizing the basis of computer science. The Korean government revised the ICT curriculum of 2001 focused on the basic concepts and principles of computer science as educational policy in 2005. However, it is still difficult to determine a student’s ICT competency level and the outcome of ICT curriculum based on changed direction. Thereupon, this study has developed test tool for measuring the level of Korean elementary school students’ ICT competency based on computer science. In this study, ‘Content’ and ‘Information processing’ are established as the two axes of the test frame standard through literature research, consideration and discussion. The validity and reliability of questions are verified though the preliminary test and the main test tool has completed through question revisions considering the distribution of answers. About 40,000 students, roughly 1% of the total elementary school students, are selected for the main test. There were several findings made in this study. Korea’s elementary school students have a weakness in ‘algorithm and modeling’. Information processing stage has been found to vary by grade. A modified ‘Angoff method’ is used to confirm the spread of the ICT competency levels of the target students. From the results, the cutoff score employed to divide the subjects into three levels, excellent, average and below average, the ratio of excellent levels decreases and the ratio of below average increases in higher grades. To solve these problems, we need to emphasize algorithmic thinking oriented more principal of computer science in ICT curriculum. For more effective ICT elementary education, teaching and learning strategies appropriate for young children to teach computer science should be introduced.  相似文献   

The introduction of computer technology has touched off an actual revolution for teaching and learning activities. In the present study, we investigated the impact of the implementation and use of computers in the public school system, from the elementary grades to high school, in Niterói city, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). This city, with a total population of approximately 500,000, was chosen for this study based on the claim it offers the best educational project in Brazil, and on the fact that it is ranked as the first city in terms of digital inclusion in the state of Rio de Janeiro, and the second one in all Brazil, according to IBGE – Brazilian Institute of Statistics and Geography (Census 2000). This is a rather significant standings and represents an important qualitative and quantitative feature in comparison to other Brazilian municipalities and even to the experience in other countries.In our survey, we found that 82% of the municipal elementary schools (from the 1st to 4th grades, equivalent to the elementary school system in the US, and to the first phase of secondary education in France, and 32% of the state schools, including secondary school (high school system in the US, and the 2nd phase of secondary education in France) have computer laboratories. Difficulties were observed, such as the adequacy of teachers’ training and continuing education, computer laboratory schedule, number of computers available, and equipment maintenance.In this context, this work is useful for the establishment of policies of implementation and use of this technology in Brazil, since as yet there is no established world policy, despite UNESCO initiatives.  相似文献   

《Computers & Education》2008,50(4):1378-1386
The introduction of computer technology has touched off an actual revolution for teaching and learning activities. In the present study, we investigated the impact of the implementation and use of computers in the public school system, from the elementary grades to high school, in Niterói city, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). This city, with a total population of approximately 500,000, was chosen for this study based on the claim it offers the best educational project in Brazil, and on the fact that it is ranked as the first city in terms of digital inclusion in the state of Rio de Janeiro, and the second one in all Brazil, according to IBGE – Brazilian Institute of Statistics and Geography (Census 2000). This is a rather significant standings and represents an important qualitative and quantitative feature in comparison to other Brazilian municipalities and even to the experience in other countries.In our survey, we found that 82% of the municipal elementary schools (from the 1st to 4th grades, equivalent to the elementary school system in the US, and to the first phase of secondary education in France, and 32% of the state schools, including secondary school (high school system in the US, and the 2nd phase of secondary education in France) have computer laboratories. Difficulties were observed, such as the adequacy of teachers’ training and continuing education, computer laboratory schedule, number of computers available, and equipment maintenance.In this context, this work is useful for the establishment of policies of implementation and use of this technology in Brazil, since as yet there is no established world policy, despite UNESCO initiatives.  相似文献   

计算机的普及应用以飞快的速度发展,在小学中开展计算机教学是基础教育发展的必然;在小学实施计算机教学的过程中,取得了骄人的成果;但是在小学计算机教学的具体环节中还存在着一些问题,通过切合实际的分析,针对小学计算机教学中的问题,提出了解决问题的对策,促使小学计算机教学日趋完善。  相似文献   

This article investigates the use of computers in the elementary classroom. The research involved a review of some literature and field research done at schools in four chosen school districts in Toronto and Vancouver. A questionnaire was distributed and interviews were conducted with elementary school teachers and district consultants. From this field research, information was collected on the availabilities of hardware, software, teacher implementation, as well as on teachers' perceptions on computer use in the classroom. The survey results illustrate the state of computer use in some elementary schools. The findings provide implications for integrating computer use into the curriculum, and lays the groundwork for further research on how best to use the technology for elementary education.  相似文献   

随着中小学教育信息化和校园网络的建设,校园网为学校的教学工作起到了一定的促进作用。为了更好地发挥中小学校园网络的作用,充分利用网络资源,网络存储系统在校园网中的作用和地位越来越重要。根据中小学校的特点及实际需求,分析当前存储技术现状及发展趋势,并针对中小学校园网建设中的存储需求提出相应的解决方案。  相似文献   

中学音乐课是基础教育阶段的必修课。传统的音乐教学已明显跟不上现代社会发展的步伐,,满足不了当代中学生对日益发展的信息技术的需求。因此音乐教育改革势在必行。由此,与多媒体技术相结合的新型音乐教学正好符合了这一需要。将多媒体技术整合到中学音乐教学中,使两者紧密结合,以直观形象与视听结合的形式运用于教学中。  相似文献   

由于计算机技术的快速发展、中小学信息技术必修课的不断深入以及学生之间所存在的个体差异,迫切需要高校计算机基础教育改革关注学生现状,以便有的放矢地对计算机文化基础教学中的教学内容、教学方法、考核评价等方面进行实践和探索。我们通过对新入学大学生计算机知识背景的调查,大胆深入地开展了试点教学工作,取得了一些经验,进一步明确了计算机基础教育的培养目标。  相似文献   

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