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PURPOSE: To evaluate the effect of lamotrigine (LTG) on several humoral and cellular immune functions in children with epilepsy and the change in immunological status in patients with LTG-induced rash. METHODS: Sixteen children with epilepsy of unknown origin or secondary to various etiologies undergoing treatment with LTG participated in the humoral and cellular immunological study. Of these, 2 patients developed a rash during LTG treatment and are described in detail. RESULTS: No modifications of humoral or cellular immunity (measured at 1 and 3 months) were noted in 14 of the 16 patients during this treatment. In the 2 children who manifested rash, basal immune function was normal. In both, immediately after the skin rash appeared, there was a high increase in the percentage of activated T-helper lymphocytes (CD4-DR) and activated T-suppressor lymphocytes (CD8-DR), a slight increase in percentage of B lymphocytes (CD19), and a greater increase in serum concentration of IgE. In 1 of the 2 patients, reevaluation of immunity 20 days after the rash appeared and after LTG suspension showed normal percentages of CD4-DR, CD8-DR, and CD19, whereas the serum concentration of IgE had decreased. CONCLUSIONS: The observed immunological results indicate that LTG-induced rash may be considered an immune-mediated hypersensitivity reaction.  相似文献   

How cells generate and orientate polarized growth is of fundamental importance to understanding cell morphogenesis. The budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and the distantly related fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe have both been used for genetic analysis of cell morphogenesis. Generation and maintenance of their cell shape require the formation of polarized growth sites and the correct localization of these growth sites on the cell surface with respect to other cellular structures. In this review, the authors discuss and compare the mechanisms used by the two yeasts to achieve polarized growth.  相似文献   

In November 1996, a panel of pediatric neurologists met to update the consensus statement issued in 1989 by a panel of neurologists and metabolic experts on L-carnitine supplementation in childhood epilepsy. The panelists agreed that intravenous L-carnitine supplementation is clearly indicated for valproate (VPA)-induced hepatotoxicity, overdose, and other acute metabolic crises associated with carnitine deficiency. Oral supplementation is clearly indicated for the primary plasmalemmal carnitine transporter defect. The panelists concurred that oral L-carnitine supplementation is strongly suggested for the following groups as well: patients with certain secondary carnitine-deficiency syndromes, symptomatic VPA-associated hyperammonemia, multiple risk factors for VPA hepatotoxicity, or renal-associated syndromes; infants and young children taking VPA; patients with epilepsy using the ketogenic diet who have hypocarnitinemia; patients receiving dialysis; and premature infants who are receiving total parenteral nutrition. The panel recommended an oral L-carnitine dosage of 100 mg/kg/day, up to a maximum of 2 g/day. Intravenous supplementation for medical emergency situations usually exceeds this recommended dosage.  相似文献   

Idiopathic epilepsies with generalized seizures of early childhood are based on a genetic predisposition. The onset takes place between the first and fifth years of age, boys are affected more often than girls. Dependent on the clinical symptomatology you have to distinguish: myoclonic seizures; atonic-astatic seizures; myoclonic-astatic seizures; absences; tonic-clonic seizures. In more than half of the cases a combination of these seizures can be observed. The differentiation of epilepsies with generalized seizures of multifocal origin (infantile spasms, Lennox-Gastaut syndrome and Pseudo-Lennox syndrome [atypical benign epilepsy]) may be difficult but is essential. Therapy of choice is valproate, often in combination with ethosuximide (in children with minor seizures) or with kaliumbromide or phenobarbital (in children with tonic-clonic seizures). Generally the prognosis is more unfavourable if epilepsy starts in the first year of life with afebrile and febrile generalized tonic-clonic or clonic seizures, if children are suffering from longlasting states of seizures and if development is disturbed before beginning of epilepsy.  相似文献   

We report the detailed analysis of the generator and propagation of rolandic discharges in benign childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes by means of 37-channel magnetoencephalography with neuromagnetic three-dimensional dipole localization. Equivalent current dipoles of prominent negative sharp waves of rolandic discharges appeared as tangential dipoles in the rolandic region, positive poles being situated anteriorly. These equivalent current dipoles showed a relatively limited localization and regular directions compared with other components. Equivalent current dipoles of preceding small positive waves, positive waves following negative sharp waves, and negative slow waves appeared in the vicinity of negative sharp waves. Equivalent current dipoles of rolandic discharges were located around the generator of somatosensory evoked magnetic fields stimulated at the lower lip. These findings suggest that rolandic discharges are generated through basically a mechanism similar to that for the middle-latency components of somatosensory evoked responses.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the feasibility of using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to detect asymmetries in the lateralization of memory activation in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). BACKGROUND: Assessment of mesial temporal lobe function is a critical aspect of the preoperative evaluation for epilepsy surgery, both for predicting postoperative memory deficits and for seizure lateralization. fMRI offers several potential advantages over the current gold standard, intracarotid amobarbital testing (IAT). fMRI has already been successfully applied to language lateralization in TLE. METHODS: fMRI was carried out in eight normal subjects and 10 consecutively recruited patients with TLE undergoing preoperative evaluation for epilepsy surgery. A complex visual scene encoding task known to activate mesial temporal structures was used during fMRI. Asymmetry ratios for mesial temporal activation were calculated, using regions of interest defined in normals. Patient findings were compared with the results of IAT performed as part of routine clinical evaluation. RESULTS: Task activation was nearly symmetric in normal subjects, whereas in patients with TLE, significant asymmetries were observed. In all nine patients in whom the IAT result was interpretable, memory asymmetry by fMRI concurred with the findings of IAT including two patients with paradoxical IAT memory lateralization ipsilateral to seizure focus. CONCLUSIONS: fMRI can be used to detect asymmetries in memory activation in patients with TLE. Because fMRI studies are noninvasive and provide excellent spatial resolution for functional activation, these preliminary results suggest a promising role for fMRI in improving the preoperative evaluation for epilepsy surgery.  相似文献   

Patients with unilateral temporal epileptic foci were contrasted with normal subjects and patients with neuromuscular disorders in the evaluation of specific psychosocial aspects of behavior. Eighteen traits were assessed in equivalent questionnaires completed by both subjects and observers. The epileptic patients self-reported a distinctive profile of humorless sobriety, dependence, and obsessionalism; raters discriminated temporal lobe epileptics on the basis of circumstantiality, philosophical interests, and anger. The right temporal epileptic displayed emotional tendencies in contrast to ideational traits of left temporal epileptic. Right temporal epileptics exhibited "denial," while left temporal epileptics demonstrated a "catastrophic" overemphasis of dissocial behavior. The results support the hypotheses that sensory-affective associations are established within the temporal lobes, and that, in man, there exists a hemispheric asymmetry in the expression of affect.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Benign myoclonic epilepsy of childhood is a rare syndrome which appears at between 4 months and 3 years of age. The prognosis is good if diagnosed and treated early. It is characterized by many short crises (usually of 3 seconds and not more than 5-10 seconds long), proximal and cephalic jerking movements without falling to the ground, and at no particular time of the day. In the EEG polygraph background activity continues and crises coincide with generalized spike and wave or multiple spike and wave discharges of 1 to 2 seconds, accompanied by isolated myoclonic movements in the neck and deltoid muscles, which persist during NREM sleep. Benign epilepsy of childhood usually responds to monotherapy with valproic acid. In our case photosensitivity appeared at 7 years of age with persistence of generalized spikes and waves during sleep. CONCLUSION: We suggest that photosensitivity may be used as an index of the clinical course, and that treatment should continue to be given until photosensitivity disappears.  相似文献   

Volumetric magnetic resonance imaging has become a routine investigation in the management of patients with chronic partial epilepsy. However, even with the use of reformatted images, an underlying cause for epilepsy cannot be found in many of these patients. We show that further processing of the data, including three-dimensional reconstruction and quantitative analysis of the volume and complexity of the images in three dimensions, reveals additional positive information in up to 75% of patients. This may be useful for surgical planning, prognostication, and understanding of the structure and development of the human brain.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The role of quantitative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in evaluation of childhood epilepsy remains poorly defined, with minimal published data. Previous work from our center questioned the specificity of hippocampal asymmetry (HA) in an outpatient group whose epilepsy was defined by using clinical and interictal data only. By using childhood volunteer controls and defining epilepsy syndromes using video-EEG monitoring, we readdressed the utility of HA in differentiating mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE) from other partial and generalized epileptic syndromes in children. METHODS: Seventy children were enrolled; entry criteria were age younger than 18 years with predominant seizure type recorded on video-EEG telemetry with volumetric MRI in all cases. Thirty healthy child volunteers had volumetric MRI. Epilepsy syndrome classification was according to ILAE. RESULTS: Control data revealed symmetric hippocampi, mean smaller/larger ratio of 0.96 (0.95-0.97, 95% CI) with no gender or right/left predominance. Overall 23% of patients had significant HA. Mean hippocampal ratio for MTLE was 0.78 (95% CI, 0.70-0.86), significantly lower than controls and from all other epilepsy syndromes. HA was highly specific (85%) to the syndrome of MTLE. Other potential epileptogenic lesions were found in 27 (39%) patients, lowest yield in frontal and mesial temporal syndromes. Dual pathology was present in 10% of patients. There was no significant association between HA and risk factors. CONCLUSIONS: In this study, we found that HA in children with a well-defined epilepsy syndrome is highly sensitive and specific for MTLE. Whether this will correlate with surgical outcome, as in adults, is the subject of ongoing study.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Fructose-sorbitol (F-S) mixtures can provoke symptoms in irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) patients, and a proportion of IBS patients also have enteric hypersensitivity to distension. We hypothesized, therefore, that sugar malabsorption and fermentation to produce hydrogen gas may provoke symptoms to a greater extent in IBS patients hypersensitive to distension than in those patients without such hypersensitivity. Our aims were therefore to compare, in IBS patients, symptoms and breath hydrogen responses after F-S, on the basis of jejunal sensitivity and jejunal motor function. METHODS: Fifteen female IBS patients (44 +/- 15 years) underwent, on separate occasions, 3-h breath hydrogen analyses after ingesting 10 g lactulose and 25 g fructose with 5 g sorbitol. Jejunal sensitivity and motor function were determined by balloon distension and 24-h manometry studies, respectively. Cumulative symptom scores and breath hydrogen production were analysed on the basis of the presence or absence of jejunal hypersensitivity and dysmotility. RESULTS: Four and seven patients had jejunal hypersensitivity for initial perception and pain, respectively. Eleven, nine, and nine patients had jejunal dysmotility for fasting phase 3, phase 2, and fed motor activity, respectively. Of the patients with symptom provocation after F-S (n = 8 within 3 h, n = 12 within 12 h) or with F-S malabsorption (n = 10), the relative proportion did not differ on the basis of the presence or absence of jejunal hypersensitivity or of motor dysfunction. Symptom scores and hydrogen production also were not different in these subgroups. CONCLUSIONS: Although carbohydrate malabsorption can provoke symptoms in some IBS patients, there is no consistent association between such a phenomenon and the presence of either jejunal hypersensitivity or dysmotility.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: The classification of epileptic syndromes defines the prognosis and offers some orientation about treatment in childhood epilepsy. OBJECTIVE: To study the medical therapy according to epileptic syndromes in the everyday practice of a hospital based outpatient neuropediatric clinic. METHODS: Survey of the database using an algorithm to define therapeutic failure, treatment and spontaneous evolution, according to syndrome and drug, of all epileptic patients attended at the clinic during 1966. RESULTS: 465 patients with: monotherapy 38%, politherapy 20%, therapeutic success (follow-up after drug discontinuation) 21%, spontaneous evolution 22% (54% of partial idiopathic epilepsies). Most used antiepileptic drugs (VPA > CBZ > VGB > CLB > PB > PHT > LTG > ESM > PRM > GBT) are those with lowest failure rate and highest percentage of patients on monotherapy. Percentages of monotherapy in treated patients and of previous failure out of total number of patients are: idiopathic partial epilepsies: 85% and 10%; remote symptomatic partial: 58% and 43%; cryptogenic partial: 53% and 50%; idiopathic generalized: 83% and 25%; symptomatic-cryptogenic generalized: 34% and 63%; undetermined: 45% and 43%. CONCLUSIONS: Screening of the database serves as a quality control but the use of an algorithm offers only an approximation to reality. In idiopathic partial epilepsy treatment can be avoided in half of the patients and failure is lowest for VPA and CBZ. In idiopathic generalized epilepsies VPA predominance is almost absolute with a very low failure rate. In all other epileptic syndromes the therapeutic failure rate is about 50% regardless of drug, except for VPA which shows a moderately better outcome.  相似文献   

Cerebral metabolic disturbances in patients with childhood adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD) were assessed by quantitative localized proton MRS. Patient monitoring by follow-up MRS studies served to identify putative markers for disease onset and progression. Whereas normal-appearing white matter of neurologically asymptomatic patients is characterized by slightly elevated concentrations of choline-containing compounds (Cho), an increase of both Cho and myo-inositol (Ins) seems to indicate the onset of demyelination. Markedly elevated concentrations of Cho, Ins, and glutamine in affected white matter reflect active demyelination and glial proliferation. A simultaneous reduction of the concentrations of N-acetylaspartate and glutamate is consistent with neuronal damage or loss. The observation of elevated lactate is in line with inflammation and/or macrophage infiltration. The more severe metabolic disturbances in cerebral ALD correspond to progressive demyelination, neuroaxonal loss and gliosis leading to clinical deterioration and eventually death. The detection of MRS abnormalities before the onset of neurological symptoms may help in the selection of patients for bone marrow transplantation (BMT). Stabilization and partial reversal of metabolic abnormalities is demonstrated in a patient after BMT.  相似文献   

In this work, we have evaluated the performance of a diffusion-sensitive fast spin-echo (FSE) pulse sequence. The proposed pulse sequence utilises velocity-compensating diffusion-encoding gradients and includes the collection of navigator echoes. Spoiler gradients were inserted in the slice-selecting direction to minimise effects from stimulated echoes. Calculations of the b values showed that cross-terms between imaging gradients and diffusion gradients only led to a marginal increase of b values. Pixel-wise calculation of apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) maps was performed numerically, considering cross-terms between diffusion-encoding and imaging gradients. The sequences investigated used echo train lengths of 16, 8 and 4 echoes and were encoded in either the slice-, frequency- or phase-encoding direction. In order to allow for higher b values a pulse-sequence version using non-motion compensating diffusion-encoding gradients was written. Phantom measurements were performed and the diffusion coefficients of water and acetone were reasonable. Seven healthy volunteers (age 28-50 years) were examined and apparent diffusion coefficient values agreed well with expected values. Diffusion-weighted images, apparent diffusion coefficient maps and images corresponding to the trace of the diffusion tensor of good quality were retrieved in vivo.  相似文献   

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