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产品色彩设计的整合性思考   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
张凌浩 《包装工程》2005,26(6):163-165
通过对产品色彩的传达力和影响因素的探讨,并对产品色彩与产品形象、企业形象之间的关系进行研究,强调对产品色彩策略化的设计管理有助于提升产品和企业竞争力.  相似文献   

Li Chen  Simon Li 《工程优选》2013,45(5):471-488
In team-based design optimization, one type of workflow is relevant to sequential design decision-making; that is, one team's design decision goes after another team's in an alternate fashion. However, the strategies in use for sequential optimization significantly affect the final design solutions. Conventionally, the over-the-wall strategy and the Stackelberg solution strategy from game theory are extensively used for sequential optimization. In this paper, these strategies are extended to cover more design case scenarios in sequential optimization. A dual-team approach is presented to model, in particular, concurrent product and process design (CPPD) using a bi-objective optimization formalism in which a team acts as a decision maker towards a design objective. By differentiating the role of a team in sequential optimization, a set of sequential optimization strategies is provided for CPPD applications. Four CPPD models are accordingly derived to account for four case scenarios in CPPD. The implementation-related algorithms are also presented, along with an example illustration, to support computational design executions.  相似文献   

拓扑与形状优化用于有效的产品设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
 介绍了基于有限元法(FEM)的计算机辅助结构优化方法. 拓扑优化有助于设计新零件的形状,形状优化则通过表面几何形状的局部调整改善零件的刚度或使用寿命.  相似文献   

Innovation in engineering design and manufacture is discussed with reference to the competitiveness of the UK industry. It is suggested that successful design is a dynamic process that must be adjusted and redefined continually to meet changing demands.  相似文献   

A structural correspondence is demostrated between product and process models through the definition of generic units, called roles. Relationships and communication between roles are discussed as are the types of knowledge required for design. The blackboard and prototype frameworks are presented as implementation strategies that could integrate product and process models for design.  相似文献   

Analysis of experimental data is often a problem facing design and manufacturing engineers. Many experiments are run for the express purpose of making a decision between manufacturing process or material alternatives. Statisticians recommend replication in experimental design; however, methods of analysing experimental data, as presented in a majority of engineering curricula, generally review only the most basic situations (checking for a statistically significant difference between the means or variances of two samples, for example). If means and variances change with time, group comparisons may require more sophisticated analyses. This paper presents one method that takes into account shifts in group means and variances over time. Resistance temperature sensor drift data generated from six different design configurations are used as an illustration. This procedure takes into account all drift path information from multiple sensors in multiple groups.  相似文献   

Robust product and process design is an important technique for achieving high quality at low cost. It involves making the product's function much less sensitive to various sources of noise such as manufacturing variation, environmental variation and deterioration. This is a problem in optimization involving minimization of the mean square loss resulting from the deviation of the product's function from its target. Here we show that the optimization can be carried out in two steps: first maximize a quantity called signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) and then bring the performance on target by special adjustment parameters. The two-step procedure works for a wide variety of product functions and makes the optimization process more efficient and practical compared to the direct minimization of the quadratic loss function.  相似文献   

The problem of concurrent optimization of the design and the process planning stages when a new product is developed is addressed. The paper advocates for a simultaneous approach rather than the traditional sequential one. A mathematical representation of this approach is given for these two stages. A mathematical programming technique is used to find the optimal values of the design and the process characteristics. The objective function is a quality loss function. The constraints are the customer requirements, the product's specification limits, the parts’ dimensional limits and the process capability. The traditional sequential approach of concurrent engineering is compared with the proposed simultaneous approach. A parametric analysis of the objective function is performed by applying an interactive multi-objective goal programming technique. A numerical example of a low-pass electrical circuit is given. It is shown that the proposed approach leads to better efficient solutions than the sequential approach. The decision-maker interacts with the optimization process and can choose the efficient solution that best satisfies the company's needs.  相似文献   

横梁作为桥式龙门铣床的主要运动部件,其结构设计的优劣直接影响机床整机的工作性能。为此,提出了一种基于正交试验设计、改进模糊综合评价和尺寸灵敏度分析的横梁结构设计与优化方法。针对横梁多因素多水平的结构设计特点,采用正交试验设计挑选出8种具有代表性的参数组合作为横梁结构设计方案。运用改进模糊综合评价法对有限元仿真数据进行处理,确定参数组合为"箱中箱式-井型-20 mm-线轨"的横梁优选方案,并对其关键设计尺寸进行灵敏度分析与优化,得到横梁结构具体的设计尺寸。优化后,横梁的静力学性能和抗振性能得到明显改善,并实现了轻量化设计,对机床横梁的实际制造起到了指导作用。研究结果表明,所提出的横梁结构设计与优化方法具有较强的工程实用性,为数控机床其它关键零部件的设计提供了新思路。  相似文献   

结构主动控制的一体化多目标优化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于Pareto多目标遗传算法提出了结构主动控制系统的一体化多目标优化设计方法,对作动器位置与主动控制器进行同步优化设计.外界激励采用平稳过滤白噪声来模拟,在状态空间下通过求解Lyapunov方程,得到结构响应和主动控制力的均方值.主动控制器采用LQG控制算法来进行设计.以结构位移和加速度均方值最大值与相应无控响应均方值的最大值之比,以及所需控制力均方值之和作为多目标同步优化的目标函数.优化过程还考虑了结构与激励参数对优化结果的影响.最后以某6层平面框架有限元模型为例进行了计算机仿真分析,结果表明所提出的主动控制系统多目标一体化优化方法简单,高效,实用,具有较好的普适性.  相似文献   

利用ANSYS Workbench对扭矩扳手检定装置受力杆进行静力学分析,模拟其对扭矩扳手进行扭矩值检定时受到应力、应变及变形的情况,根据得到的数据对其进行结构优化设计、轻量化设计。  相似文献   

Z. Xu 《国际生产研究杂志》2013,51(11):2091-2117
To take full advantage of product modularity, modular product design and assembly system design/sreconfiguration have to be simultaneously addressed. The emerging reconfigurable production and flexible assembly techniques have made such an integrated approach possible. As such, this paper proposes an integrated approach to product module selection and assembly line design/reconfiguration problems. It further suggests that quality loss functions be used in a generic sense to quantify non-comparable and possibly conflicting performance criteria involved in the integrated problem. The complexity of the problem precludes the use of commercial software for solving meaningful sized problems in polynomial time. A genetic algorithm is therefore developed to provide quick solutions. An example problem is solved to illustrate the application of the proposed approach. Based on 72 randomly generated test problems, ANOVA analysis is further carried out to investigate the effects of genetic algorithm parameters. The convergence behaviour of the search processes is also examined by solving large problems with different numbers of operations and product modules.  相似文献   

A microstructure optimization design method of the forging process is proposed. The optimization goal is the fine grain size and homogeneous grain distribution. The optimization object is the forging process parameters and the shape of the preform die. The grain size sub-objective function, the forgings shape sub-objective function and the whole objective function including the shape and the grain size are established, respectively. The detailed optimization steps are given. The microstructure optimization program is developed using the micro-genetic algorithm and the finite element method. Then, the upsetting process of the cylindrical billet is analyzed using a self-developed program. The forging parameters and the shape of preform die of the upsetting process are optimized respectively. The fine size and homogenous distribution of the grain can be achieved by controlling the shape of the preform die and improving the friction condition.  相似文献   

为了处理好复杂产品各子系统之间的耦合关系以及各子系统的异构性问题,以协同优化(CO)算法为基础,结合系统不确定分析(SUA)方法和近似不确定传播(IUP)方法,构建了多学科鲁棒协同设计优化算法框架.在设计变量的不确定性能够被概率分布函数描述的情况下,此算法框架能够解决复杂产品的设计优化问题.通过对梳齿式微加速度计的多学科鲁棒协同优化设计算例的计算,验证了此算法在输入参数存在微小扰动的情况下能够有效提高设计解的鲁棒性.  相似文献   

Zhen Hu 《工程优选》2016,48(8):1296-1312
Time-dependent reliability-based design ensures the satisfaction of reliability requirements for a given period of time, but with a high computational cost. This work improves the computational efficiency by extending the sequential optimization and reliability analysis (SORA) method to time-dependent problems with both stationary stochastic process loads and random variables. The challenge of the extension is the identification of the most probable point (MPP) associated with time-dependent reliability targets. Since a direct relationship between the MPP and reliability target does not exist, this work defines the concept of equivalent MPP, which is identified by the extreme value analysis and the inverse saddlepoint approximation. With the equivalent MPP, the time-dependent reliability-based design optimization is decomposed into two decoupled loops: deterministic design optimization and reliability analysis, and both are performed sequentially. Two numerical examples are used to show the efficiency of the proposed method.  相似文献   

对于以往较少涉及到的同时考虑结构拓扑、作动器位置与数目和控制器参数等多种优化设计变量参与的压电智能板结构的一体化优化设计问题,研究了结构/控制一体化广义拓扑优化设计的方法。提出采用基于耦合模态空间的二次型最优控制系统设计与基于遗传算法和数学形态学处理的策略进行一体化拓扑优化设计实现。数值算例的结果表明,所提方法合理、有效,能够得到清晰的结构拓扑和良好的可控性。  相似文献   

To cope with the increasingly competitive and demanding markets, CNC machine tool company needs a new form of development that focuses on two core competency factors: ‘process’ and ‘knowledge’. This study presents a knowledge-centric process management framework for the CNC machine tool design and development (D&D) with the integration of process and knowledge. Requirements for the framework are generated based primarily on the nature of the machine tool design practice. The proposed framework consists of process integration model, process simulation, process execution and knowledge objects management modules. Each of these modules is elaborated to support the knowledge-centric machine tool development process management. Finally, the prototype development is presented. Results of this study facilitate the knowledge integration in CNC machine tool D&D, and thus increase machine tool development capability, reduce development cycle time and cost, and ultimately speed up the effectiveness and ensure the excellent machine tool development.  相似文献   

大规模定制是未来产品制造的发展方向,以低成本快速响应客户的个性化需求是定制产品设计的关键。以往对定制产品设计的研究缺少从个性化需求到产品参数的流程化设计指导方法,无法从定制产品个性化的客户需求出发,快速地关联设计目标并指导产品参数的设计。为此,提出了基于RIR-MOO (relative importance ratings and multi-objective optimization,相对重要性等级-多目标优化)的定制产品优化设计方法,从客户需求出发,将关键需求映射到相关的设计目标,再通过多目标优化(multi-objective optimization,MOO)方法快速求解产品参数,实现定制产品的快速响应和优化设计。首先,针对模糊、动态变化的客户需求,利用加权区间粗糙集分析方法对客户需求进行客观分析,排除争议性大的模糊需求,同时计算不同客户需求的相对权重,得到其相对重要性等级(relative importance ratings,RIR);然后,提出一种基于转换矩阵的客户需求与设计目标关联的方法,根据关键需求与设计目标的关联度以及关键需求的RIR,对关键需求与设计目标进行匹配,实现关键需求到设计目标的转换;最后,基于MOO方法对设计目标对应的产品参数进行优化设计,实现约束条件下定制产品的多目标优化。以汽车发动机活塞机构优化设计为例,对基于RIR-MOO的优化设计方法的可行性进行验证。结果表明,所提出的方法可以快速响应定制产品的客户需求并指导其优化设计,可为定制化产品制造企业提供指导。  相似文献   

为了提高产品设计效率,从尺寸更改在零件间和零件内部关键结构间传播两个角度出发,探讨了产品更改设计过程中的尺寸数据传递流程.首先,分析了产品尺寸关联设计的基本逻辑结构,建立了更改传播逻辑元模型.然后,通过分析零件之间的装配关联及尺寸关联,建立了装配体中零件之间的关联路径以及尺寸关联更改传播模型;以变更零件为研究对象,基于...  相似文献   

In order to improve product design efficiency, the dimension data transfer process in the process of change design is discussed from two aspects: the propagation of dimension change between the parts and between the key structures inside the part. Firstly, the basic logic structure of product dimension correlation design was analyzed, and the change propagation logic meta-model was established. Then, by analyzing the assembly correlation and dimension correlation among the parts, the correlation path among the parts in assembly and the propagation model of dimension correlation change were established. Taking the change part as the research object, according to the connection and constraint relationship between the internal dimensions of the part, the change propagation path for the internal dimensions of the part was established based on the part modeling process, and the dimension change propagation of the key structures inside the part was completed. Based on the above process, the whole change propagation and data transfer process analysis from the change source to the part and to the specific dimension inside the part were completed. Finally, the validity of the proposed method was verified by an example of a veneer reeling machine. The results show that this method can provide a new idea for the propagation of product dimension change, and provide a theoretical basis for improving product design efficiency.  相似文献   

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