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相变存储器(PCM)作为一种新型的非易失性存储器有望替代DRAM.针对PCM在视频应用中的使用,考虑到图像中亮度数据比色度数据更为重要,为了减少PCM的写操作能耗,延长写寿命,提出一种双阈值的近似写方法.首先分别为亮度数据和色度数据设置一个阈值寄存器,在对PCM进行写操作时根据不同的数据选择不同的阈值;然后将阈值和新旧数据之间的绝对差值进行比较,当绝对差值小于或等于阈值时禁止PCM的写操作,否则只对PCM有变化的数据位进行更新.实验结果表明,该方法能够以较低的硬件开销有效地减少PCM的写操作,且可以灵活地在写操作减少量和视频质量之间进行权衡.  相似文献   

相变存储器(PCM)是一种新型的非易失性存储器(NVM),与传统内存DRAM互有优势。基于DRAM和PCM的混合内存使得同时发挥DRAM与PCM各自的优势成为可能。然而,由于PCM写操作寿命有限,在设计混合内存的管理策略时,不仅要对混合内存体系结构进行设计,还需要设计一种损耗均衡算法对PCM写操作进行负载均衡优化。文中设计了一种损耗均衡算法,将写操作逻辑地址作为输入,使用BKDRHash函数对地址进行映射,实现PCM的损耗均衡。实验结果表明,文中提出的损耗均衡算法能够以很少的时延与功耗损失大幅提升PCM的使用寿命。  相似文献   

张震  付印金  胡谷雨 《计算机应用》2018,38(8):2230-2235
相变存储器(PCM)凭借低功耗的优势有望成为新一代主存储器,但是耐受性的缺陷成为其广泛应用的重要障碍。现有的随机存取存储器(DRAM)缓存技术和磨损均衡分别从减少PCM写数量以及均匀化写操作分布两个角度延长PCM使用寿命,但前者在写回数据时未考虑数据的读写倾向性,后者在空间局部性较强的应用场景下存在数据交换粒度、空间开销、随机性等诸多问题。因此,设计一种全新的混合存储架构,结合最近最少使用(LRU)算法和带有时间变化的最不经常使用(LFU-Aging)算法提出区分数据读写倾向性的缓存策略,并且基于布隆过滤器(BF)设计针对强空间局部性工作集的动态磨损均衡算法,在有效减少冗余写操作的同时实现低空间开销的组间磨损均衡操作。实验结果表明,该策略能够减少PCM上13.4%~38.6%的写操作,同时有效均匀90%以上分组的写操作分布。  相似文献   

以相变存储器(PCM)为代表的新型非易失存储器,具有存储密度高和静态功耗低等传统动态随机存取存储器(DRAM)不具备的优势,但是过长的写操作延时会严重影响访存的性能.设计了基于PCM的图形处理器(GPU)中的存储系统.仿真结果显示,GPU程序中的内存写请求分布极不均匀,对少量的内存地址有非常高的访问频率.面向访存分布不均匀特点的专用缓冲单元设计,能够有效地存储频繁访问的内存数据,从而减少对PCM的访问次数,消除过长的写操作延时对系统性能的负面影响.GPU仿真器上的结果显示,基于缓冲单元的PC以存储系统能够有效地提高GPU的运算性能.  相似文献   

基于相变存储器的存储技术研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以数据为中心的大数据技术给计算机存储系统带来了机遇和挑战.传统的基于动态随机存储器(DRAM)器件的内存面临工艺尺寸缩小至2X nm及以下所带来的系统稳定性、数据可靠性等问题;相变存储器(PCM)具有非易失性、存储密度高、功耗低、抗辐射干扰等优点,且读写性能接近DRAM,是未来最有可能取代DRAM的非易失存储器,它为存储系统的研究和设计提供了新的解决方案.文中在归纳相变存储器器件发展和研究现状的基础上,对相变存储器在系统级的应用方式和面临的问题进行了比较和分析,研究了基于相变存储器的内存技术和外存技术,分析了当前在PCM的寿命、写性能、延迟、功耗等方面所提出的解决方案,指出了现有方案的优势和面临的缺陷,并探讨了未来的研究方向,为该领域在今后的发展提供了一定的参考.  相似文献   

相变存储器(phase change memory,PCM)凭借字节可寻址,读取速度快(纳秒级),高存储密度,低能耗等优点,在目前基于DRAM(dynamic random access memory)的主存扩展达到瓶颈的情形下,已经成为最具前途的主存存储介质之一,但是PCM有高写延迟,寿命有限等缺陷,因此出现了DRAM/PCM混合主存架构。提出了一种以减少PCM写和保持命中率为目标的混合主存管理算法——写感知的CLOCK算法(CLOCK with a write-aware strategy,CLOCKW)。已有研究主要基于写临近信息(recency of writes,RW)来预测页面写热度,CLOCKW引入内在写距离(inter-write-distance,IWD)概念,并结合写临近信息来预测页面写热度,从而把写密集页面放置在DRAM。此外,CLOCKW通过记录有限的历史写操作信息,将新置换进的页面放在合适的存储介质,避免不必要的页面迁移。最后,基于CLOCK算法的CLOCKW满足虚拟主存管理的低代价要求。实验显示,CLOCKW在保持命中率前提下,可以有效减少PCM写次数。  相似文献   

相变存储器(PCM)由于其非易失性、高读取速度以及低静态功耗等优点,已成为主存研究领域的热点.然而,目前缺乏可用的PCM设备,这使得基于PCM的算法研究得不到有效验证.因此,本文提出了利用主存模拟器仿真并验证PCM算法的思路.本文首先介绍了现有主存模拟器的特点,并指出其并不能完全满足当前主存研究的实际需求,在此基础上提出并构建了一个基于DRAM和PCM的混合主存模拟器.与现有模拟器的实验比较结果表明,本文设计的混合主存模拟器能够有效地模拟DRAM和PCM混合存储架构,并能够支持不同形式的混合主存系统模拟,具有高可配置性.最后,论文通过一个使用示例说明了混合主存模拟器编程接口的易用性.  相似文献   

随着半导体工艺的发展,处理器集成的片上缓存越来越大,传统存储器件的漏电功耗问题日益严峻,如何设计高能效的片上存储架构已成为重要挑战.为解决这些问题,国内外研究者讨论了大量的新型非易失性存储技术,它们具有非易失性、低功耗和高存储密度等优良特性.为探索spin-transfer torque RAM (STT-RAM),phase change memory (PCM),resistive RAM (RRAM)和domain-wall memory(DWM)四种新型非易失性存储器(non-volatile memory,NVM)架构缓存的方法,对比了其与传统存储器件的物理特性,讨论了其架构缓存的优缺点和适用性,重点分类并总结了其架构缓存的优化方法和策略,分析了其中针对新型非易失性存储器写功耗高、写寿命有限和写延迟长等缺点所作出的关键优化技术,最后探讨了新型非易失性存储器件在未来缓存优化中可能的研究方向.  相似文献   

相变存储器具有集成度高、功耗低、非易失等优良特性,是作为非易失性内存最有潜力的存储介质之一。如何降低其写入延时和增加其使用寿命,是PCM作为非易失性内存时亟需解决的问题。为此,提出利用相变存储器擦除和写入时间不对称的特点擦写独立的写入方法,RSIW(Reset and Set Independently Write)。该方法不同于传统的写入方案,将写和擦的操作分离,让慢速的写操作在空闲时进行,使得相变存储器的写入速度获得显著提升。同时,RSIW还能结合磨损均衡的策略,有效地均衡各个块的写入频率。对擦写独立的写入方法和实施细节进行了描述,对比了同类使用相变存储器擦写不对称性进行优化的方案,最后使用gem5仿真器进行了实验,根据实验结果,该方法对比同类的技术能将系统的运行效率提高37.1%~69.1%。  相似文献   

基于相变存储器的存储系统与技术综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着处理器和存储器之间性能差距的不断增大,"存储墙"问题日益突出,但传统DRAM器件的集成度已接近极限,能耗问题也已成为瓶颈,如何设计扎实有效的存储架构解决存储墙问题已成为必须面对的挑战.近年来,以相变存储器(phase change memory,PCM)为代表的新型存储器件因其高集成度、低功耗的特点而受到了国内外研究者的广泛关注.特别地,相变存储器因其非易失性及字节寻址的特性而同时具备主存和外存的特点,在其影响下,主存和外存之间的界限正在变得模糊,将对未来的存储体系结构带来重大变化.重点讨论了基于PCM构建主存的结构,分析了其构建主存中的写优化技术、磨损均衡技术、硬件纠错技术、坏块重用技术、软件优化等关键问题,然后讨论了PCM在外存储系统的应用研究以及其对外存储体系结构和系统设计带来的影响.最后给出了PCM在存储系统中的应用研究展望.  相似文献   

The problem of lifetime maximization of PCM has been well studied. The arrival of non-volatile memory devices has replaced the traditional DRAM. Still the DRAM has many limitations on endurance and high power write operations. Similarly, number of designs has been discussed earlier to maximize the lifetime of PCM by catching the main memory at available DRAM. Still they could not achieve the performance on power consumption reduction and increasing memory utilization. To improve the performance in power consumption reduction and lifetime maximization, and categorical model is presented in this paper. The proposed method categorizes the processes according to their memory access activity. The categorized process has been allocated to respective part of hybrid memory which encourages maximum read and minimum write in PCM. The proposed method increases the lifetime of PCM than other methods.  相似文献   

持久性内存具有非易失性、可字节寻址、随机读写速度快、能耗低以及可扩展性强等优良特性,为大数据存储和处理提供了新的机遇.然而,持久性内存系统的故障一致性问题为其广泛推广应用带来挑战.现有一致性保证的研究工作通常以增加额外读写为代价,对持久性内存系统的性能和寿命在时间和空间维度产生了一定的影响.为了降低该影响,提出一种耐久...  相似文献   

当海量数据请求访问异构内存系统时,异构内存页在动态随机存储器(dynamic random access memory,DRAM)和非易失性存储器(non-volatile memory,NVM)之间进行频繁的往返迁移.然而,应用于传统内存页的迁移策略难以适应内存页"冷""热"度的快速动态变化,这使得从DRAM迁移至N...  相似文献   

Phase change memory (PCM) has emerged as a promising candidate to replace DRAM in embedded systems, due to its appealing properties, such as zero leakage power, scalability, shock-resistivity and high density. However, it can only sustain a limited number of write operations. On the other hand, as a program in embedded systems usually distributes write traffic in an extremely unbalanced way, which could further decrease PCM lifetime.In this paper, we propose a space-based wear leveling technique in software compiler level by exploiting the program-specific features. The basic idea is to extend frequently written variables into specific-sized arrays, and evenly distribute writes on allocated array. In such way, we can effectively distribute the write traffic of the program across the whole PCM chip. A space allocation and reuse (SAR) strategy and a polynomial-time algorithm are proposed to produce optimal and near-optimal space allocation, respectively, for achieving a balanced write distribution. The experimental results show our technique can greatly extend the lifetime of PCM-based embedded systems compared with the previous work, and achieve approximately 94% the theoretical maximum of lifetime. Compared with a baseline scheme without wear-leveling mechanism, our technique introduces no more than 0.8% extra writes and 0.7% running overhead.  相似文献   

Cloud based services demand a colossal amount of memory in order to satisfy their objectives. Phase-change memory (PCM) has emerged as one of the most promising memory technologies to feature in next generation memory systems. One of the key challenges of PCM is the limited number of writes that can be performed on memory cells also known as “write endurance”. In this paper we present a cost model which captures the asymmetry as well as disturb characteristics associated with write operations in PCMs. Moreover, we present an encoding architecture based on the proposed cost metric to allow the write operation to be performed using minimum cost. The proposed approach called “Odd/Even Invert” re-codes data based on selective inversion of even and/or odd bits to find minimum cost write operation that shall enhance cells lifetime. The proposed approach inquires a cost of only two extra bits regardless of the size of data word used, hence provides a cost effective approach to the problem. Experimental results and comparison with existing techniques on random data, real data, and memory traces from PERSEC benchmark suite, show the effectiveness and scalability of the proposed scheme.  相似文献   

In general, NAND flash memory has advantages in low power consumption, storage capacity, and fast erase/write performance in contrast to NOR flash. But, main drawback of the NAND flash memory is the slow access time for random read operations. Therefore, we proposed the new NAND flash memory package for overcoming this major drawback. We present a high performance and low power NAND flash memory system with a dual cache memory. The proposed NAND flash package consists of two parts, i.e., an NAND flash memory module, and a dual cache module. The new NAND flash memory system can achieve dramatically higher performance and lower power consumption compared with any conventionM NAND-type flash memory module. Our results show that the proposed system can reduce about 78% of write operations into the flash memory cell and about 70% of read operations from the flash memory cell by using only additional 3KB cache space. This value represents high potential to achieve low power consumption and high performance gain.  相似文献   

Emerging persistent memory technologies, like PCM and 3D XPoint, offer numerous advantages, such as higher density, larger capacity, and better energy efficiency, compared with the DRAM. However, they also have some drawbacks, e.g., slower access speed, limited write endurance, and unbalanced read/write latency. Persistent memory technologies provide both great opportunities and challenges for operating systems. As a result, a large number of solutions have been proposed. With the increasing number and complexity of problems and approaches, we believe this is the right moment to investigate and analyze these works systematically.To this end, we perform a comprehensive and in-depth study on operating system support for persistent memory within three steps. First, we present an overview of how to build the operating system on persistent memory from three perspectives: system abstraction, crash consistency, and system reliability. Then, we classify the existing research works into three categories: storage stack, memory manager, and OS-bypassing library. For each category, we summarize the major research topics and discuss these topics deeply. Specifically, we present the challenges and opportunities in each topic, describe the contributions and limitations of proposed approaches, and compare these solutions in different dimensions. Finally, we also envision the future operating system based on this study.  相似文献   

NAND flash memory is a promising storage media that provides low-power consumption, high density, high performance, and shock resistance. Due to these versatile features, NAND flash memory is anticipated to be used as storage in enterprise-scale systems as well as small embedded devices. However, unlike traditional hard disks, flash memory should perform garbage collection that consists of a series of erase operations. The erase operation is time-consuming and it usually degrades the performance of storage systems seriously. Moreover, the number of erase operations allowed to each flash memory block is limited. This paper presents a new garbage collection scheme for flash memory based storage systems that focuses on reducing garbage collection overhead, and improving the endurance of flash memory. The scheme also reduces the energy consumption of storage systems significantly. Trace-driven simulations show that the proposed scheme performs better than various existing garbage collection schemes in terms of the garbage collection time, the number of erase operations, the energy consumption, and the endurance of flash memory.  相似文献   

寻找新型存储材料代替DRAM内存是当前的一个研究热点。相变存储PCM因其具有低功耗、高存储密度和非易失性的优点受到广泛的关注,然而PCM的可擦写次数有限,要用作内存必须考虑如何减少对其的写操作。针对该问题,一种有效的解决方法是优化Cache替换策略,减少Cache中脏块被替换出的数量。现有研究主要通过在插入和访问命中时给脏块设定较高的保护优先级来达到给脏块额外保护的目的,但是在降级过程中不再对脏块与干净块进行区分,这导致Cache可能在存在大量干净块的情况下仍然先替换脏块。提出一种新型的Cache替换策略MAC,它通过一个多维分级结构在脏块与干净块之间设置了不可逾越的界限,使得脏块能得到更有力的保护。模拟实验表明,相对LRU替换策略,MAC以较低的硬件开销代价平均减少约25.12%的内存写,同时对程序运行性能几乎没有影响。  相似文献   

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