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In this paper we are interested in sequentialization of formal power series with coefficients in the semiring \((\mathbb {R}\cup \{- \infty \},\max ,+)\) which represent the behavior of timed Petri nets. Several approaches make it possible to derive nondeterministic (max, + ) automata modeling safe timed Petri nets. Their nondeterminism is a serious drawback since determinism is a crucial property for numerous results on (max, + ) automata (in particular, for applications to performance evaluation and control) and existing procedures for determinization succeed only for restrictive classes of (max, + ) automata. We present a natural semi-algorithm for determinization of behaviors based on the semantics of bounded timed Petri nets. The resulting deterministic (max, + ) automata can be infinite, but a sufficient condition called strong liveness is proposed to ensure the termination of the semi-algorithm. It is shown that strong liveness is closely related to bounded fairness, which has been widely studied for Petri nets and other models for concurrency. Moreover, if the net cannot be sequentialized we propose a restriction of its logical behavior so that the sufficient condition becomes satisfied for the restricted net. The restriction is based on the synchronous product with non injectively labeled scheduler nets that are built in an incremental hierarchical way from simple scheduler nets.  相似文献   

Timing and liveness in continuous Petri nets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fluidification constitutes a relaxation technique for studying discrete event systems through fluidified approximated models, thus avoiding the state explosion problem. Moreover, the class of continuous models thus obtained may be interesting in itself. In Petri nets, fluidification leads to the so-called continuous Petri nets, which are technically hybrid models. Under infinite server semantics, timing a continuous Petri net model preserves the liveness property, but the converse is not necessarily true, and if the autonomous net model is not live, the timing may transform it into a live model. In this paper, we investigate the conditions on the firing rates of timed continuous models that make a given continuous system live.  相似文献   

Asymptotic continuous Petri nets   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A Petri net is basically a discrete model. However, continuous Petri nets, such that the markings are real numbers have been defined. Two continuous Petri net models involving time have been drawn up. They differ by the calculation of the instantaneous firing speeds of the transitions. Both can be used to approximate a timed Petri net. The former considers constant firing speeds (CCPN) and is very easy to simulate (few events have to be considered, even when it approximates a timed Petri net with many reachable markings). The latter considers firing speeds depending on the marking (VCPN). Although it provides a better approximation, its simulation is longer because the markings and speeds are given by differential equations. This paper introduces a third model (ACPN) which presents the advantages of the two preceding ones. In most cases, this model represents the asymptotic behavior of the VCPN. Then their precisions are similar. Since the firing speeds of the ACPN are constant, it is as easy to simulate as the CCPN.  相似文献   

A number of problems concerning priority conflict-free Petri nets are investigated in this paper. We show the reachability problem for such Petri nets to be NP-complete. (Using a similar technique, the NP-completeness result applies to the class of priority BPP-nets as well.) As for the boundedness problem, an NP-completeness result is demonstrated for priority conflict-free Petri nets with two types of prioritized transitions. (In contrast, the problem is known to be P-complete for conflict-free Petri nets without priorities.) We also investigate the home state problem, i.e., the problem of determining whether home states exist in a given a Petri net, for conflict-free Petri nets with and without priorities. As it turns out, home states always exist for bounded conflict-free Petri nets without priorities. If an additional liveness constraint is imposed, such Petri nets are guaranteed to be ‘reversible’ (i.e., their initial states are home states). For priority conflict-free Petri nets, being bounded and live is sufficient for the existence of home states. However, if the liveness assumption is dropped, the existence of home states is no longer guaranteed. Received: 1 April 1997 / 8 December 1997  相似文献   

We consider the complexity of several standard problems for various classes of Petri nets. In particular, the reachability problem, the liveness problem and the k-boundedness problems are analyzed. Some polynomial time and polynomial space complete problems for Petri nets are given. We then show that the problem of deciding whether a Petri net is persistent is reducible to reachability, partially answering a question of Keller. Reachability and boundedness are proved to be undecidable for the Time Petri net introduced by Merlin. Also presented is the concept of controllability, i.e., the capability of a set of transitions to disable a given transition. We show that the controllability problem requires exponential space, even for 1-bounded nets.  相似文献   

Overlapping decompositions and expansions are considered to design decentralized controllers for discrete-event systems (DESs) modeled by Petri nets. The inclusion principle for Petri nets is first defined. It is shown that properties like boundedness, reversibility, and liveness (with a mild additional condition) carry over from the including net to the included net. Moreover, a new property called obstruction, is introduced for the including net, and it is shown that if obstruction does not occur in the including net, then deadlock does not occur in the included net. An expansion procedure, which guarantees inclusion for an overlappingly decomposed Petri net, is then introduced  相似文献   

基于Petri网语言的并发系统性质研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
蒋昌俊  陆维明 《软件学报》2001,12(4):512-520
给出Petri网弱活性(无死锁)与活性的两个语言刻画,讨论了同步合成Petri网的语言性质,基于Petri网语言,给出了判定Petri网活性的充分必要条件。同时研究了Petri网同步合成过程中活性保持问题,给出保持活性的充分必要条件。这些结果为讨论网的活性测试和控制提供了形式语言的方法。  相似文献   

Optimal stationary behavior for a class of timed continuous Petri nets   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this paper, we consider a deterministic timed continuous Petri net model where conflicts at places are solved by using stationary routing parameters. We show how to compute the stationary firing rate for all transitions via linear programming, so as to determine the optimal routing parameters that maximize user-defined linear functions of the firing rates. Finally, we discuss the relations with discrete Petri nets.  相似文献   

This paper combines and refines recent results into a systematic way to verify and enforce the liveness of bounded ordinary Petri nets. The approach we propose is based on a partial-order method called network unfolding. Network unfolding maps the original Petri net to an acyclic occurrence net. A finite prefix of the occurrence net is defined to give a compact representation of the original net reachability graph while preserving the causality between net transitions. A set of transition invariants denoted as base configurations is identified in the finite prefix. These base configurations capture all of the fundamental executions of the net system, thereby providing a modular way to verify and synthesize supervisory net systems. This paper proves necessary and sufficient conditions that characterize the original net liveness and the existence of maximally permissive supervisory policies that enforce liveness  相似文献   

提出一种弱引发规则三态加时变迁Petri网(简称WTTPN),它比现有三态加时变迁Petri网更适于建模分析冲突结构;平行于无时间约束Petri网,给出了并发意义下WTTPN的形式化描述与分析框架,据此可对其进行定性分析;证明了WTTPN与其基网系统关于活性、有界(安全)性和可逆性等价。  相似文献   

We consider discrete-state plants represented by controlled Petri nets (CtlPNs), where a subset of transitions can be prevented from firing by a supervisor. A transition in a CtlPN can fire at a marking if there are sufficient tokens in its input places and it is permitted to fire by the supervisor. A CtlPN is live if it is possible to fire any transition from every marking that is reachable under supervision. In this paper we derive a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a supervisory policy that enforces liveness in CtlPNs. We show this condition cannot be tested for an arbitrary CtlPN. However, for bounded CtlPNs or CtlPNs, where each transition is individually controllable, we show the existence of a supervisory policy which enforces that liveness is decidable. We also show the existence of a supervisory policy that enforces liveness is necessary and sufficient for the existence of a minimally restrictive supervisory policy  相似文献   

Structural analysis is one of the most important and efficient methods to investigate the behaviour of Petri nets. Liveness is a significant behavioural property of Petri nets. Siphons, as structural objects of a Petri net, are closely related to its liveness. Many deadlock control policies for flexible manufacturing systems (FMS) modelled by Petri nets are implemented via siphon control. Most of the existing methods design liveness-enforcing supervisors by adding control places for siphons based on their controllability conditions. To compute a liveness-enforcing supervisor with as much as permissive behaviour, it is both theoretically and practically significant to find an exact controllability condition for siphons. However, the existing conditions, max, max′, and max″-controllability of siphons are all overly restrictive and generally sufficient only. This paper develops a new condition called max*-controllability of the siphons in generalised systems of simple sequential processes with resources (GS3PR), which are a net subclass that can model many real-world automated manufacturing systems. We show that a GS3PR is live if all its strict minimal siphons (SMS) are max*-controlled. Compared with the existing conditions, i.e., max-, max′-, and max″-controllability of siphons, max*-controllability of the SMS is not only sufficient but also necessary. An example is used to illustrate the proposed method.  相似文献   

A modified reachability tree approach to analysis of unbounded Petri nets.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Reachability trees, especially the corresponding Karp-Miller's finite reachability trees generated for Petri nets are fundamental for systematically investigating many characteristics such as boundedness, liveness, and performance of systems modeled by Petri nets. However, too much information is lost in a FRT to render it useful for many applications. In this paper, modified reachability trees (MRT) of Petri nets are introduced that extend the capability of Karp-Miller's FRTs in solving the liveness, deadlock, and reachability problems, and in defining or determining possible firing sequences. The finiteness of MRT is proved and several examples are presented to illustrate the advantages of MRT over FRT.  相似文献   

结构活性作为Petri网的重要结构性质,在Petri网活性判定领域具有较高的研究价值。从Petri网有向回路对结构活性的影响入手,分析与判定无冲突Petri网的结构活性,讨论库所元素及其后置变迁之间是否存在有向回路对Petri网结构活性的影响,研究该类Petri网结构活性判定方法的相关条件与结论,得到无冲突Petri网是满足结构活性的充分必要条件。分析结果表明,该判定方法可在多项式时间内判定无冲突Petri网的结构活性。  相似文献   

Preventing systems from entering to forbidden states is a crucial issue in discrete event systems control. Adding supervisors to the system is a common method to avoid entering to forbidden states. In discrete event systems modeled by Petri net adding a supervisor could be done by means of control places. Since, the time is not considered in designing this supervisor, in presence of uncontrollable transitions adding control places can lead to increase the operation time of the system modeled by timed Petri net. Because, the firing of some transitions is prevented when it is not necessary. So, to design a more efficient controller, we will be required to use time information of the system component. Therefore, in this paper, a method for optimizing the time behavior of a supervised timed Petri net will be proposed. To obtain an efficient operation, some timed places as timer will be added to the net. The time of this timer places is calculated to permit firing of some controllable transitions in order to enter into some weakly forbidden states while entering to forbidden states is prevented. This concept leads to increase the speed of system as well as obtain an acceptable operation. This method can be applied for all systems modeled by Petri nets. The efficiency of proposed approach will be discussed and validated with a case study.  相似文献   

In this study, we discuss a novel approach to pattern classification using a concept of fuzzy Petri nets. In contrast to the commonly encountered Petri nets with their inherently Boolean character of processing tokens and firing transitions, the proposed generalization involves continuous variables. This extension makes the nets to be fully in rapport with the panoply of the real-world classification problems. The introduced model of the fuzzy Petri net hinges on the logic nature of the operations governing its underlying behavior. The logic-driven effect in these nets becomes especially apparent when we are concerned with the modeling of its transitions and expressing pertinent mechanisms of a continuous rather than an on–off firing phenomenon. An interpretation of fuzzy Petri nets in the setting of pattern classification is provided. This interpretation helps us gain a better insight into the mechanisms of the overall classification process. Input places correspond to the features of the patterns. Transitions build aggregates of the generic features giving rise to their logical summarization. The output places map themselves onto the classes of the patterns while the marking of the places correspond to the class of membership values. Details of the learning algorithm are also provided along with an illustrative numeric experiment.  相似文献   

Deadlock-Freeness Analysis of Continuous Mono-T-Semiflow Petri Nets   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Most verification techniques for highly populated discrete systems suffer from the state explosion problem. The “fluidification” of discrete systems is a classical relaxation technique that aims to avoid the state explosion problem. Continuous Petri nets are the result of fluidifying traditional discrete Petri nets. In continuous Petri nets the firing of a transition is not constrained to the naturals but to the non-negative reals. Unfortunately, some important properties, as liveness, may not be preserved when the discrete net model is fluidified. Therefore, a thorough study of the properties of continuous Petri nets is required. This paper focuses on the study of deadlock-freeness in the framework of mono-T-semiflow continuous Petri nets, i.e., conservative nets with a single repetitive sequence (T-semiflow). The study is developed both on untimed and timed systems. Topological necessary conditions are extracted for this property. Moreover, a bridge relating deadlock-freeness conditions for untimed and timed systems is established.  相似文献   

T-组合Petri网的活性和公平性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
同步合成是研究复杂Petri网系统性质的有效途径.文中通过引入可引发变迁序偶的概念,研究了T-组合(同步合成)Petri网对子网的活性和公平性继承关系,给出了一组T-组合Petri网活或公平的充要条件和充分条件.这些结果对网组合同步设计具有重要的指导意义  相似文献   

Ergodicity and throughput bound characterization are addressed for a subclass of timed and stochastic Petri nets, interleaving qualitative and quantitative theories. The nets considered represent an extension of the well-known subclass of marked graphs, defined as having a unique consistent firing count vector, independently of the stochastic interpretation of the net model. In particular, persistent and mono-T-semiflow net subclasses are considered. Upper and lower throughput bounds are computed using linear programming problems defined on the incidence matrix of the underlying net. The bounds proposed depend on the initial marking and the mean values of the delays but not on the probability distributions (thus including both the deterministic and the stochastic cases). From a different perspective, the considered subclasses of synchronized queuing networks; thus, the proposed bounds can be applied to these networks  相似文献   

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