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We consider a Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS) which is composed of a set of workstations, a common buffer and a Material Handling System (MHS). Each workstation includes a limited input buffer, several machines and a limited output buffer. The MHS consists of several carts moving jobs among the workstations according to the process paths required by the jobs. The carts treat blocked jobs in accordance with a new blocking mechanism, called the 'FMS blocking mechanism'. The function of the common buffer is to temporarily store blocked jobs. Such an FMS is formulated as an open queueing network, in which the MHS is modeled as a central station routing jobs to the workstations. In the model, the machines process jobs with an exponentially distributed processing time, and the carts route jobs to the workstations following a 'Blocking Depended Static Markov (BDSM) job routing' with an exponentially distributed routing time and treat blocked jobs in accordance with the FMS blocking mechanism. It is shown that the equilibrium state distribution of the model has a product-form solution. The blocking probabilities are obtained by computing a fixed point problem whose solution is revealed by an iterative algorithm. Moreover, it is shown that the throughputs of the workstations are independent of the spaces on the local buffers at the workstations. Several numerical examples are presented.  相似文献   

A typical flexible manufacturing system, Westland Helicopters' sheet metal detail manufacturing complex, has been analysed for reliability. The techniques of fault tree analysis and event tree analysis are presented and their applicability to this study investigated. Event tree analysis has been found to be a more effective method for analysing manufacturing systems. The failure states of the system have been identified from the construction of an event tree which considers random hardware faults that influence production. Failure rate data have been used to quantify the critical production failure states in terms of machine failures. Estimates are made of the system's MTTF and percentage availability using typical MTTR figures. The probability that a selected production route fails to complete the manufacture of a set of parts is also evaluated. A dependency of systems reliability on the production demand has been discovered, and a possible method for modelling and assessing the reliability of systems capable of producing several products is proposed.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a Petri net-based approach for scheduling manufacturing systems with blocking. The modelling of the job routings and the resource and blocking constraints is carried out with the Petri net formalism due to their capability of representing dynamic, concurrent discrete-event dynamic systems. In addition Petri nets can detect deadlocks typically found in systems with blocking constraints. The scheduling task is performed with an algorithm that combines the classical A* search with an aggressive node-pruning strategy. Tests were conducted on a variety of manufacturing systems that included classical job shop, flexible job shop and flexible manufacturing scheduling problems. The optimisation criterion was makespan. The experiments show that the algorithm performed well in all types of problems both in terms of solution quality and computing times.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new algorithm for the flexible manufacturing system (FMS) scheduling problem. The proposed algorithm is a heuristic based on filtered beam search. It considers finite buffer capacity, routing and sequence flexibilities and generates machine and automated guided vehicle (AGV) schedules for a given scheduling period. A new deadlock resolution mechanism is also developed as an integral part of the proposed algorithm. The performance of the algorithm is compared with several machine and AGV dispatching rules using mean flow time, mean tardiness and makespan criteria. It is also used to examine the effects of scheduling factors (i.e., machine and AGV load levels, routing and sequence flexibilities, etc.) on the system performance. The results indicate that the proposed scheduling algorithm yields considerable improvements in system performance over dispatching rules under a wide variety of experimental conditions.  相似文献   

The optimal design and control of flexible manufacturing systems is essential to minimize operating costs and enhance productivity. We present a hybrid mathematical model of a flexible manufacturing system as a closed network of queues for which the optimal cost effective system configuration is determined by a. partial implicit enumeration algorithm. The optimal configuration of both reliable and unreliable flexible manufacturing systems are considered.  相似文献   

Despite the apparent move toward using data-driven simulators in manufacturing modelling, as opposed to simulation languages and packages that require programming, there have been few rational efforts to evaluate the development and use of these tools. As the number of tools continues to grow, such evaluation is necessary if simulation users are going to make sensible informed choices. This paper presents two specialized data-driven simulators developed to model Flexible Manufacturing Systems called RENSAM (Rensselaer Simulator for Automated Manufacturing) and RENVIS (Rensselaer Visual Interactive Simulator). Experience with these packages leads to consideration of the benefits of using such tools. Advantages include the ease with which models can be developed and the rapid pace of that development, and the enforcement of proper statistics collection; disadvantages include misplaced perception of how easy the tool is to use, weaknesses in implementation and the limitations of the simulator. It is shown that where a tool is deployed in the modelling process is of paramount importance, and guidance on deployment is provided. Other guidelines for developers and users of data-driven simulators are also developed.  相似文献   

Product form queueing networks (pfqn) and generalized stochastic Petri nets (gspn) have emerged as the principal performance modelling tools for flexible manufacturing systems (fms). In this paper, we present integratedpfqn-gspn models, which combine the computational efficiency ofpfqn and representational power ofgspn by employing the principle of flow-equivalence. We show thatfms that include nonproduct form characteristics such as dynamic routing and synchronization can be evaluated efficiently and accurately using the integrated models.  相似文献   

A new dynamic scheduling strategy, Parts-Machines Matching (PMM), is developed and tested in simulated flexible manufacturing systems. This strategy is aimed to achieve globally optimal matching between parts and machines by a semi-qualitative optimization algorithm, originally developed for the Stable Marriage Problem. Global and Partial implementations of PMM are presented and compared with other conventional part-flow rules. They are found to achieve better shop performance than conventional rules, in terms of system throughput, robustness against travel time uncertainties, and recovery from machine breakdowns. The prospect of bringing about system-wide optimization-based performance improvements into bidding schemes makes the proposed framework very significant.  相似文献   

The loading problem in a Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS) involves allocating operations and associated cutting tools to machines for a given set of parts. There may be different environments for the loading problem that result from three ways of grouping machines in an PMS, i.e., no grouping, partial grouping, and total grouping. Unlike most previous studies on the loading problem for the configurations of no grouping and total grouping, this paper focuses on the loading problem resulting from partial grouping, in which each machine is tooled differently but each operation can be processed by one or more machines. Two types of heuristic algorithms are suggested for the loading problem with the objective of minimizing the maximum workload of the machines. Performances of the suggested loading algorithms are tested on randomly generated test problems and the results show that the suggested algorithms perform better than existing ones. In addition, it is found from simulation experiments that loading plans from partial grouping give significantly better performance than those from total grouping.  相似文献   

Recent technological developments have allowed a new concept of a part program to execute the machining operations that remove the software constraints introduced by the numerical control of machining centres. This change allows machines executing a part program to be structured as a net of operations and not linearly as normally happens in shop floors. The main advantage of using the network part program in numerically controlled machines is that it gives the system more flexibility by increasing the number of alternatives that machines can follow during work. In such a way, machines select their path in the network part program taking into account the dynamic state of resources (e.g. spindles, tools, carriers, pallets, etc.). The paper contains a study on the flexibility related to network part program exploitation in numerically controlled machines. Easy-to-calculate indicators are also defined. They estimate the potential flexibility of a network part program related to a particular product. The study has allowed the definition of a new tool management rule to be used in a flexible manufacturing system where the tools are shared dynamically among machines. The numerical results carried out on two different real cases demonstrate the validity of the new concept by quantifying the advantages in terms of throughput increment and machine idle-time reduction.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to minimize machine duplication by increasing its utilization, minimize intercell moves, simplify the scheduling problem and increase the flexibility of the manufacturing system. An integrated approach of design and scheduling alternative hybrid multi-cell flexible manufacturing systems (MCFMSs) in four steps will be presented in this paper. The first step is the implementation of branch and bound techniques which provide tools to design group technology (GT) cells. The second step is balancing the inter-cell workload of GT cells which leads to a hybrid MCFMS with better utilization of the machines. The problem of the exception machines and their utilization and workload balance will be solved within the MCFMScentre. Thus the performance of GT cells can be improved by transferring workloads from a congested (bottleneck) machine in one cell to an alternative one, a less congested (exception) machine in another cell within a group of GT cells forming a MCFMS centre. The third step is the group scheduling; a proposed heuristic method will be used for the scheduling of a family of parts with the objective of minimizing the maximum completion time of each part. The problem of scheduling under MCFMS can be reduced by considering the scheduling of each family of parts. Finally, the flexibility of the system will be enhanced by selecting appropriate machine tools and flexible material handling equipments. This approach is both effective and efficient-it has generated a hybrid MCFMS centre which includes several alternatives, for some benchmark problems in much shorter time than algorithms previously reported in the literature. In addition, the method is conceptually simple and easy to implement.  相似文献   

A methodology for designing flexible cellular manufacturing systems   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cell formation in cellular manufacturing deals with the identification of machines that can be grouped to create manufacturing cells and the identification of part families to be processed within each cell. Dynamic and random variations in part demands can negatively impact cell performance by creating unstable machine utilizations. The purpose of this paper is to introduce and illustrate an interactive cell formation method that can be used to design 'flexible' cells. Flexibility in this context refers to routing flexibility (i.e., the ability for the cellular system to process parts within multiple cells) and demand flexibility (i.e., the ability of the cell system to respond quickly to changes in part demand and part mix). Through an experimental analysis using multiple data sets, we also validate the procedure and provide guidelines for parameter settings depending upon the type of flexibility of interest to the user. Finally, trade-offs and interdependences between alternative types of flexibility in the context of cellular systems are illustrated.  相似文献   

This paper aims to contribute to the knowledge of factors influencing the performance of flexible automation systems, through the analysis of the behaviour of control rules (loading and dispatching rules) implemented in the real time control system of such plants. The research objective was to obtain some general indications on modes of approaching loading and dispatching of flexible manufacturing systems, bearing in mind that, on the one hand, the performances of the rules are influenced by the configuration of the plant to run, and on the other that for a given plant, there is the further influence of the production mix.  相似文献   

We address the Parallel-Machine Flexible-Resource Scheduling (PMFRS) problem of simultaneously allocating flexible resources, and sequencing jobs, in cellular manufacturing systems where the cells are configured in parallel. We present a new solution methodology for the PMFRS problem called the Nested Partitions (NP) method. This method combines global sampling of the feasible region and local search heuristics. To efficiently apply the NP method we reformulate the PMFRS problem, develop a new sampling algorithm that can be used to obtain good feasible schedules, and suggest a new improvement heuristic. Numerical examples are also presented to illustrate the new method.  相似文献   

A performance-based dynamic scheduling model for random flexible manufacturing systems (FMSs) is presented. The model is built on the mathematical background of supervisory control theory of discrete event systems. The dynamic FMS scheduling is based on the optimization of desired performance measures. A control theory-based system representation is coupled with a goal programming-based multi-criteria dynamic scheduling algorithm. An effectiveness function, representing a performance index, is formulated to enumerate the possible outputs of future schedules. Short-term job scheduling and dispatching decisions are made based on the values obtained by optimizing the effectiveness function. Preventive actions are taken to reduce the difference between actual and desired target values. To analyse the real-time performance of the proposed model, a software environment that included various Visual Basic Application® modules, simulation package Arena®, and Microsoft Access® database was developed. The experimentation was conducted (a) to determine the optimum look-ahead horizons for the proposed model and (b) to compare the model with conventional scheduling decision rules. The results showed that the proposed model outperformed well-known priority rules for most of the common performance measures.  相似文献   

The analytical model in this paper allows the evaluation of the performance of a flexible manufacturing system (FMS) with a tool management system. Design parameters such as the transportation time for tools to machines, as well as the number of transportation vehicles for tools, are explicitly considered. The part and the tool transportation system are modeled as two interacting closed queueing networks. The classical convolution algorithm is used to evaluate the part transportation system and mean value analysis approximation is applied to evaluate the tool transportation system. The resulting set of nonlinear equations allows then to estimate important system parameters such as the throughput of parts, the utilization of the tool transportation vehicles and the service interruptions caused by a tool supply order.  相似文献   

This study addresses the problem of determining the allocation of operations and their tools to machines, the operation processing times and the allocation/sequence of the parts to be processed on each machine for flexible manufacturing systems with controllable processing times. Tool lives, tool copies and tool sharing are also considered. An integer programming model is developed for the objective of minimizing the sum of operation processing and tardiness costs. Then, iterative algorithms are proposed that solve the two subproblems iteratively, where the loading subproblem is solved by a modified bin packing algorithm under initial processing times and the resulting scheduling subproblem is solved by a priority scheduling method while modifying the loading plans and operation processing times iteratively. Computational experiments were carried out, and the results are reported.  相似文献   

Flexible manufacturing systems (FMSs) are designed to integrate the flexibility of job shops and the efficiency of mass production systems. Product costing methods have to adapt to this new technological environment. On one hand, the high production overhead cost of these systems requires a special attention to overhead allocation. On the other hand, the constantly changing setup configuration and production plans require a constant recalculation of overhead allocation and an a priori estimation of the expected production cost. This paper introduces the concept of flexible costing in FMSs, and proposes a method that modifies the overhead allocation based on the results of the production plan and on the simulated performance of the process. This approach is illustrated with some numerical examples.  相似文献   

Industrial experience has shown that it is virtually impossible to implement a large-scale flexible manufacturing system (FMS) without using the group technology manufacturing concept. However, grouping machines into product cells can limit the FMS flexibility. Thus when the production cells are not completely disjoint, problems under multi-cell flexible manufacturing systems (MCFMS) can be caused by changes in job mix and demand which lead to a workload imbalance both between cells and between machine centres within the same cell. The problems can be mitigated and shop performance improved by transferring workloads from a congested machine centre in one cell to an alternative, less congested machine centre in another cell. Such inter-cell workload transfer results in a hybrid MCFMS which is a cross between a parts similarity-based MCFMS and a process similarity-based MCFMS. Results of a simulation study carried out by the author show that inter-cell workload transfer is very effective in improving shop performance. This paper briefly describes the simulation study and discusses the implications of its results for the design and operation of FMSs. The operational viability, and economic feasibility of hybrid MCFMSs are also discussed in the paper.  相似文献   

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