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Sequencing flexibility refers to the possibility of interchanging the order in which required manufacturing operations are performed. In this paper, we address several issues related to the modelling, measurement and performance evaluation of this flexibility in manufacturing systems. In particular, we introduce several representation and measurement schemes for sequencing flexibility and discuss the usefulness and limitations each. We then propose a new performance-based approach for quantifying the value of flexibility. To this effect, we study the relationship between flexibility and system performance under a variety of design assumptions and operating conditions. These relationships are used to identify key characteristics of a measure of flexibility that is reflective of system performance. This measure is to allow system designers and managers to predict performance based on existing levels of flexibility and/or determine the amount of flexibility required to achieve a certain level of performance. This measure is shown to be easier to calculate than traditional performance measures and to be possible to use as a substitute for these measures in estimating the effect of flexibility on performance.  相似文献   

Axiomatic approach to develop an objective theory of flexibility in manufacturing system is presented. On the basis of some plausible axioms for a measure of flexibility, we suggest some information theoretie measures to quantify various types of flexibility. Four entropic measures are identified and the model illustrations for computations are given.  相似文献   

Risk management of power portfolios and valuation of flexibility   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Risk management by applying operational flexibility is becoming a key issue for production companies. This paper discusses how a power portfolio can be hedged through its own production assets. In particular we model operational flexibility of a hydro pump storage plant and show how to dispatch it to hedge against adverse movements in the portfolio. Moreover, we present how volume risk, which is not hedgeable with standard contracts from power exchanges, can be managed by an intelligent dispatch policy. Despite the incompleteness of the market we quantify the value of this operational flexibility in the framework of coherent risk measures.
Hans-Jakob LüthiEmail:

This paper extends the definition of manufacturing flexibility by identifying new elements and developing a new way to model these elements as fuzzy and/or crisp numbers. Then the manufacturing flexibility of the system is aggregated by both crisp and fuzzy flexibility elements with different important weights. Numerical examples are provided to analyse the limitation of previous approaches and illustrate the proposed model.  相似文献   

Flexibility has become one of the most useful and necessary tool in today’s competitive markets. Manufacturing flexibility is widely recognised as a critical component to achieving a competitive advantage in the market place. It is one of the most sought after properties for manufacturing enterprises and has aroused considerable interest among researchers and professionals. This paper presents a review of various issues related with manufacturing flexibility specifically concept, need, dimensions, measurement, relationship among various dimensions, implementation aspect in a company and management of manufacturing flexibility and its aim to contribute to the conceptual systemisation of the material.  相似文献   

This study consolidates and extends previous research to propose a theoretical framework of manufacturing flexibility. The framework proposes antecedent roles for manufacturing flexibilities in supporting a range of agility-related manufacturing priorities; suggests how such manufacturing flexibilities can be developed; and relates the effects of alignment between flexibility-facilitated manufacturing outcomes and business strategy on firm performance. A questionnaire was administered to 1700 senior level managers in manufacturing firms, with 322 valid surveys returned for data analysis. The results support the framework, and suggest that different manufacturing priorities can be facilitated through the development of specific manufacturing flexibilities. The results also indicate that these manufacturing flexibilities can be acquired through the development of purchasing competence in a firm. The data provide partial support for a relationship between congruity in manufacturing and business goals, and firm performance.  相似文献   

The manufacturing systems capable of producing several products simultaneously are frequently subject to changes in product types due to demand fluctuations. In such systems a product flexible manufacturing planning and control (MPC) strategy is needed to change from one product type to another with minimum deterioration to system performance levels. The objective of this research is to develop a systematic analysis and evaluation approach in order to compare the MRP-push and JIT-pull strategies quantitatively based on a product flexibility measure. A new product flexibility measure is developed based on the sensitivity to change concept and presented together with the implementation in a real manufacturing system. Simulation is used to compare the performance of a JIT-pull with an MRP-push strategy based on performance measures, e.g. manufacturing lead time, work-in-process inventory, backorders, machine utilization and throughput. The performances of the two strategies are evaluated in two scenarios: (i) a single product; (ii) a second product is added (the first product being simple and the second being complex in terms of processing). The impacts of adding the second product on the performance measures for the push and pull strategies are then assessed. A multi-attribute evaluation scheme is used to compare the two strategies where the attribute values are the change in performance measures as the second product is added. The proposed product flexibility measure is utilized in the interpretation of the results.  相似文献   

In recent years, many flexible manufacturing systems have been or are being developed. FMS is important in order to adapt to severe changes in market and technology and also to increase productivity. In this paper, the evaluation variables of flexibility are proposed and factors improving the flexibility of single-stage production systems with different characters are discussed. However, most production systems are multi-stage mixed type systems. This paper also points out the characteristics of the amplification of multi-stage production systems as one of the important factors affecting the flexibility and productivity of the systems. Furthermore, some ways of reducing the amplification by the ordering systems are also presented. The multi-stage ordering models discussed here are simplified, neglecting the characteristics of the single production systems which make up total multi-stage production systems and neglecting parameters concerning transportation and material flows. The flexible manufacturing system of today is treated as a stage which is part of an overall system consisting of a succession of production stages with difference characteristics. However, it should also be considered as a way to increase the flexibility and productivity of the system as a whole.  相似文献   

The present work is an attempt to contribute to the conceptual systematisation of the manufacturing flexibility types by synthesising the vast literature available after a systematic review. We classified the papers in two perspectives (hierarchical and strategic), and engaged in a systematic process of standardisation of the definitions and names of various flexibility types leading to a better understanding of them. This process allowed us to clearly show: (a) the existence of a broader consensus in the field than expected; (b) that problems are limited to concrete aspects related to the level of analysis or the scope of certain flexibility types; (c) the possibility of a theoretical integration between the two perspectives which would permit a standardisation of the names and definitions for the flexibility types which make up the manufacturing flexibility construct.  相似文献   

This paper provides investigative insights into the impact of routeing flexibility, machine flexibility, and product-mix flexibility on the performance of a manufacturing plant. The study employs simulation modelling as the primary tool. The facility modelled is an automobile engine assembly plant consisting of a FMS (flexible manufacturing systems), job shop, and assembly line. A variety of experiments, with the FMS exhibiting one or more of the above three flexibilities at different levels, were simulated on the model. In each experiment the manufacturing performance as given by flow time and work-in-process inventory was tracked. The experiments focused first on the FMS itself, and then on the entire plant. Measures for the three flexibilities are introduced. The simulation results are analysed in detail. The results indicate significant performance benefits in context of the FMS, but little in context of the overall plant  相似文献   

In response to market pressures, manufacturers have adopted different approaches to provide flexibility regarding several aspects. In this paper, we suggest a model for the evaluation of the flexibility of the manufacturing supply chain, based on graph theory techniques. This model defines maximum excess demand that may be met using flexibility. Recourse to flexibility enablers is determined based on cost minimisation. Such enablers are volume flexibility, mix flexibility and safety stocks. The proposed model is solved using a two-step Mix Integer Linear Programme; the first step consists in defining maximum demand that may be met while the second step concerns minimising cost. The main benefit of our model is to deal with realistic problems in a rather short time. Therefore, it can be used in a wide ‘what-if’ design process. It means evaluating various contemplated flexibility configurations in multiple demand scenarios in order to choose the best option. It can be also used during operational supply chain planning in order to face to an unbalanced situation. This paper ends with a numerical example illustrating our model’s efficiency.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop an extended view of the manufacturing flexibility construct. Instead of a sequential view as emphasised with the competence-capability perspective, the model presented in this study suggests a holistic view of manufacturing flexibility comprised of six complementary dimensions. We contend that the complementary view of manufacturing flexibility (MFLX) consisting of six dimensions – product-mix flexibility (PMX), routing flexibility (RTG), equipment flexibility (EQP), volume flexibility (VOL), labour flexibility (LBR), and supply management flexibility (SPM) – provides a path to implementation of manufacturing flexibility. Manufacturing flexibility is hypothesised as a second order construct comprised of the six complementary dimensions. We test our proposed model using data collected from US manufacturing organisations. Structural equation modelling was used to analyse the data. The results of confirmatory factor analysis support our hypothesis of a second order multi-dimensional construct structure. This comprehensive conceptualisation of manufacturing flexibility should help researchers evaluate the effect of manufacturing flexibility on operational and financial performance.  相似文献   

Researchers have stressed that manufacturing system flexibility research requires a quantitative model allowing a manufacturing system to prioritize its flexibility dimension and promote the performance of the manufacturing system. A quantification model presented in the present research is demonstrated to assess the degree of environmental uncertainty and illustrates a method for delivering the requirement of flexibility improvement for the manufacturing system so that the company is able to prioritize the types of manufacturing flexibility which a manufacturing system requires in an uncertain environment. Quantitative approaches including quality function deployment (QFD), analytical hierarchy process (AHP), and grey relational analysis (GRA) have been employed to find a means for improving the flexibility of a manufacturing system to cope with environmental uncertainty. QFD is the focal approach for the deployment of the integrated structure of the research. AHP is applied to explore the relative weighted importance of environmental uncertainty factors, while GRA is used to find out the relationships between manufacturing flexibility and environmental uncertainty. A combination of these approaches reveals a useful tool for managers to prioritize the types of flexibility which a manufacturing system requires for coping with an uncertain environment. In particular, the present research studied the manufacturing flexibility requirements of a food company in Taiwan.  相似文献   

The mix response flexibility of a manufacturing system is the ability to change between product types quickly and economically. This paper proposes a new approach to measure this flexibility in terms of both capability and capacity. While the processing capability is represented as the number of operations that the machines can perform, the manufacturing capacity is modelled as the efficiency of different machines. The proposed model is applied to measure the mix response flexibility for both single and multiple machine systems.  相似文献   

An operational approach to conceptualization and the measurement of manufacturing flexibility is presented. A critical review of selected measures from the literature is provided in the context of the operational approach. A flexibility measure is proposed. A formulation and the features of the proposed measure are discussed. An application of the measure is demonstrated through a hypothetical example. Using the same example, selected flexibility measures from the literature are evaluated. The performance of the measures and the proposed measure are compared.  相似文献   

Increasing product proliferation, customisation, competition and customer expectations, as well as supply side disruptions, pose significant challenges to firm operations. Such challenges require improved efficiency and resilience in manufacturing, service and supply chain systems. New and innovative flexibility concepts and models offer a prospective route to such operational improvements. Several emerging issues in flexibility, such as risk and uncertainty management, environmental sustainability, optimal strategies under competition, optimal operations with strategic consumer behaviours are being examined in this regard. This overview provides a concise review of these critical research issues, and discusses related papers featured in this special issue. Four major flexibility drivers are classified: disruption risks, resilience and the ripple effect in the supply chain; digitalisation, smart operations and e-supply chains; sustainability and closed-loop supply chains; and supplier integration and behavioural flexibility.  相似文献   

The primary contribution is to present an application of fuzzy logic and constraint networks to a problem of manufacturing flexibility. The paper begins with a literature review showing the different approaches when measuring manufacturing flexibility. Next, it provides a brief review of fuzzy logic and its applications, explaining how it enhances the ability to model flexibility strategies. Then, the application is presented and its utility is demonstrated with an example from the production of printed circuit boards. Finally, the paper concludes with comments on how this model could be expanded to other applications.  相似文献   

Flexibility of manufacturing systems has been recognized as one of the vital competitive priorities in manufacturing strategy. However, the meaning and implementation of flexibility remain blurred. The main reason could be that the attributes of manufacturing system flexibility are many and complicated. This research suggests that there are at least two factors that should be considerednamely, efficiency and versatility-in the measurement of manufacturing flexibility. The entropy approach, which was extended from information theory and has been applied comprehensively in the research of market diversity in the economics field, has its limitations in the measurement of manufacturing flexibility. It depicts only the factor of versatility, and not that of efficiency. This research proposes a combination of the entropy approach and the efficiency frontier approach, Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), for the measurement of manufacturing flexibility. This approach has been applied to the measurement of single machine flexibility and a straightforward example is exhibited in this research.  相似文献   

The performance of cellular manufacturing (CM) systems in a variable demand and flexible workforce environment has been examined using simulation modelling. Discrepancies between academicians and practitioners’ findings with respect to flexibility and uneven machine utilization in CM systems are discussed. The views of two parties were incorporated in simulation models to rectify the existing discrepancies. While the results of this study confirm the previous findings of academicians regarding the deterioration of the performance of CM in a variable product mix situation, it appears that those results may be significantly influenced by considering a flexible workforce. The simulation results show that the practice of using flexible crossed-trained operators can improve the flexibility of CM in dealing with an unstable demand and can reduce load imbalance inherent in machine dedication in manufacturing cells.  相似文献   

激光具有高方向性、高单色性、高相干性以及普通光源达不到的能量密度等优点。近年来,由于激光技术具有高准确度、非接触、稳定性好等独特优点,在精密加工和测量领域受到了广泛关注。本文综述了激光技术在精密测量和加工领域的应用现状,并根据其测量原理和应用场景的不同进行分类和总结。在现有发展现状的基础上,对激光技术在精密测量和加工领域的发展趋势进行了分析和展望,为进一步推动激光技术在精密测量和精密加工领域的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

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