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越来越多杀毒工具的出现,也标志着日益昌盛的互联网迎来了一个不可避免的病毒时代。而今病毒和杀毒软件就像正弦曲线一样此起彼伏.反反复复的“道魔之争”成就了日益庞大的反病毒市场。然而不管是面对病毒的破坏还是防毒的麻烦,消费者始终是受害者。  相似文献   

面向服务的软件体系架构SOA   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从软件体系结构角度出发,深入分析了面向服务体系架构(SOA)的理论,通过研究表明:该软件架构在克服软件危机负面影响,实现软件产品大规模流水线生产方面有着明显的优势,SOA作为一种全新的体系结构有着重要的理论和实用价值。  相似文献   

为了实现企业应用的基础架构、开发方式、部署方式的统一,文中研究了OSGi服务组件模型. OSGi提供了一种面向服务的组件开发框架,具有高度模块化和动态化特点.根据SOA思想和OSGi技术特性,提出一种基于OSGi的面向服务的软件体系架构,包括基础设施层、服务组件层、服务编排层、应用层,基于J2EE、OSGi等开放技术开发了统一服务架构平台,平台采用SOA架构和标准规范,并通过组件化、图形化为设计、开发、调试、部署、运行、维护提供全生命周期的支持.在实际应用中,文中研究成果实现了企业应用即插即用的模块化管理,能够有效提高软件模块复用能力和复用程度.  相似文献   

空间信息网安全组网新架构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
无线通信技术的发展和对信息资源的需求,使得包括卫星、深空探测器、载人飞船、空间站、航天飞机等在内的各种有通信能力的航天器都需要能够随时接入网络并组成空间信息网络,而传统网络的结构和特点不能满足这一需求,本文提出了一个空间信息网安全组网新架构,该架构具有自组织可重构的特点,适合空间信息网安全组网的要求。  相似文献   

航天发射场指挥决策系统(CDS)正在沿着一体化方向发展,SOA体系思想蓬勃发展给新一代指挥决策软件带来机遇.文章研究了现有CDS系统架构基础上,深入探讨了SOA模型及其特点、提出了未来CDS设计过程中融入SOA进行体系架构设计的方法和模型,为航天发射场新一代CDS构建重要框架打下技术基础.  相似文献   

网络并行计算的一种新架构   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通常的网络编程对一般人来讲是一种艰难的工作,用户任务的分解、分配,以及在子任务间的交互等问题都需要具有高超的技巧。而在网络并行计算的一种新架构中,用户只需提交数据和对它们的操作即可,而让系统在运行用户任务时处理上述难点,这无疑是网络并行计算方法发展的有益尝试。  相似文献   

针对企业网络在数据通信安全性和管理便捷性两个方面的挑战,通过在网络范围内定义一种单一的细粒度的管理策略,并在其中直接执行,最终设计并部署一种新型的集中式体系架构网络。实现的集中式架构网络通过一个中心控制器与功能非常简单的基于流的以太网交换机相链接,并由中心控制器负责数据流的准入与路由管理。这种网络架构能够有效支持有线和无线两类主机节点,并与现有的主机和交换机兼容。实际的部署案例及性能测试表明,该网络架构的交换机对存储空间要求较低,同时该架构具有较好的可扩展性,并能够有效容忍链路故障。  相似文献   

故障诊断与健康管理(PHM)利用装备产生的数据,经过数据处理等手段,能够实现对复杂装备的健康状态进行监测、故障诊断、预测和智能决策;在PHM的整个阶段会产生大量的数据,目前已有部分国内外机构针对PHM数据体系进行了研究与构建,然而大部分的数据仅仅是针对PHM数据的管理维护方面做了探讨,并不能清晰地、深入地梳理出现役装备的设计数据、使用数据及验证数据之间的逻辑关系,所以构建一套完整的PHM数据体系架构成为当前极为重要的工作;文章以装备PHM技术为背景,贯穿装备生产制造全寿命周期时间线,基于PHM系统的设备级、区域级、平台级数据的构建、融合为主线,补全PHM数据管理维护数据,形成一套具有装备特色的PHM数据体系架构,完善PHM不同数据要素之间的逻辑关系。  相似文献   

网络应急处置体系建立的必要性和紧迫性 近年来,在网络技术高速发展的推动下,现实世界中的政治、经济、文化、军事、文化等诸多社会领域和利益已经全面映射到开放的互联网体系中。在这个全球一体化的例络时代,由于信息网络本质上的脆弱性,加之人为的破坏因素的存在,网络安全问题一直是影响例络甚至是社会发展的重要问题之一。  相似文献   

基于SDN的CDN体系架构及关键技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
互联网应用带来流量持续增长,CDN成为提升用户体验的必然选择。在新业务需求和新技术的双重驱动下,电信运营商CDN需要提升CDN智能化能力,以适应快速变化的新业务。SDN是一种新型网络架构,通过将网络设备控制平面与数据转发平面分离,实现了网络的灵活控制。本文首先分析了SDN对CDN发展的影响,然后介绍了基于SDN的CDN体系架构,最后对实现基于SDN的CDN的关键技术进行探讨。  相似文献   

移动自组网络是一种新型无线局域网络,其安全问题是当前的一个研究热点。回顾移动自组网络安全领域研究成果,对敌意环境中安全问题进行了分析、建模和讨论,讨论了几种常用的加密原语。在总结现有安全机制的基础上,提出了一种具有攻击防御、攻击探测和攻击反应能力的移动自组网络安全架构。  相似文献   

Agre  J. Clare  L. 《Computer》2000,33(5):106-108
Distributed sensor networks (DSNs) consisting of many small, low-cost, spatially dispersed, communicating nodes have been proposed for many applications, such as area surveillance and environmental monitoring. Trends in integrated electronics, such as better performance-to-cost ratios, low-power radios, and microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) sensors, now allow the construction of sensor nodes with signal processing, wireless communications, power sources and synchronization, all packaged into inexpensive miniature devices. If these devices can be easily deployed and self-integrated into a system, they promise great benefits in providing real-time information about environmental conditions. Intelligent sensor nodes function much like individual ants that, when formed into a network, cooperatively accomplish complex tasks and provide capabilities greater than the sum of the individual parts. The paper discusses several technical challenges that must be overcome to fully realize the viability of the DSN concept in realistic application scenarios  相似文献   

With the development of IP networks and intelligent optical switch networks, the backbone network tends to be a multi-granularity transport one. In a multi-granularity transport network (MTN), due to the rapid growth of various applications, the scale and complexity of network devices are significantly enhanced. Meanwhile, to deal with bursty IP traffic, the network devices need to provide continuous services along with excessive power consumption. It has attracted wide attention from both academic and industrial communities to build a power-efficient MTN. In this paper, we design an effective node structure for MTN. Considering the power savings on both IP and optical transport layers, we propose a mathematical model to achieve a cross-layer optimization objective for power-efficient MTN. Since this optimization problem is NP-hard (Hasan et al. (2010)  [11]) and heuristic or intelligent optimization algorithms have been successfully applied to solve such kinds of problems in many engineering domains (Huang et al. (2011)  [13], Li et al. (2011)  [17] and Dong et al. (2011)  [5]), a G  reen integrated RRouting and Grooming algorithm based on Biogeography-Based Optimization (Simon (2008)  [23]) (GRG_BBO) is also presented. The simulation results demonstrate that, compared with the other BBO based and state-of-the-art power saving approaches, GRG_BBO improves the power savings at a rate between 2%–15% whilst the high-level multi-user QoS (Quality of Services) satisfaction degree (MQSD) is guaranteed. GRG_BBO is therefore an effective technique to build a power-efficient MTN.  相似文献   

为了解决传感器网络和Internet之间的互联以及应用问题,提出了面向服务的体系结构。该体系结构将传感器网络应用的接口和交互作为一种网页服务进行封装。这样用户可以通过HTTP来查找、定位和唤醒这些服务。将传感器网络按功能分为核心服务集合和辅助服务集合。通过应用层的接口来调用传感器网络的功能,为应用开发者提供一个统一的标准,不需要考虑底层的实现,加强了应用开发的通用性和开发速度。描述了该体系结构的实验环境,并与典型应用场景相结合,融合核心服务和辅助服务。研究显示,该体系结构可以促进传感器网络应用的快速发展,有着广阔的发展前景。  相似文献   

Pipeline design of urban recycled water networks involves thousands of decisions to ensure delivery of water to multiple use locations with pipelines and pump stations correctly located, optimally sized, and compatible with existing infrastructure. Here, we introduce PRODOT, Pipeline ROuting and Design Optimization Tool, software that identifies near-minimum-cost pipeline routes; accounts for existing configurations, legal, environmental or safety concerns, and trade-offs in pipeline length, pipe installation methods, traffic congestion during construction; optimizes pump station locations, pumping energy, pipe diameters and pressure classes; and includes theoretical additional capacity of each pipe, facilitating future expansion. We illustrate the utility of PRODOT with a case study for a local utility comparing PRODOT-generated configurations to a configuration proposed by an experienced consulting firm. The comparison shows that PRODOT produces pipeline configurations similar to the consulting firm's proposal with improvements by effectively and more broadly incorporating options the consultant may not have considered.  相似文献   

无线传感器网络路由协议研究进展及发展趋势*   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
描述了无线传感器路由协议所面临的问题与挑战,分析和比较了典型的平面路由协议及层次路由协议。最后总结了理想路由协议应该具有的特点以及路由协议未来的研究策略及发展趋势。  相似文献   

Integrated real-time dynamic routing (IRR) networks provide dynamic routing features for multiple classes-of-service on an integrated transport network. In a previous Journal paper it is shown that IRR networks allow reduced network management costs since with real-time dynamic routing a number of network operations are simplified or eliminated, leading to savings in operations costs and expenses. In this paper a new algorithm is described for the transport design of IRR networks which achieves near-optimal capacity engineering. In particular, a Karmarkar Algorithm optimal solution to the linear programming flow model achieves approximately a 5 to 8 percentage point reduction in network design cost in comparison to the designs of pre-planned dynamic networks solved with heuristic design techniques. The optimization techniques described in this and the previous Journal paper attain significant capital cost reductions and network performance improvements by properly modeling the more efficient operation of IRR networks.  相似文献   

The area of ATM multihop radio networks has recently become an issue of interest especially with the growing interest in portable multimedia units. Multimedia communication requires a deterministic delivery of isochronous traffic with predefined QoS requirements. In this paper we propose an integrated protocol stack which provides deterministic delivery bounds and efficiently utilizes channel backwidth. By integrating the access, routing and congestion control protocols, a solution is provided which improves bandwidth utilization, maintains shortest route packet delivery and leads to congestion avoidance. A tractable approximate analytical model is developed and verified for networks with finite storage capacity. For large multihop networks the analytical solution is complemented by simulation. Evaluation shows that the proposed protocol integration yields a significant reduction in end-to-end delay, which together with bounded access time at the channel access level, provide two essential features for the support of isochronous traffic in multihop wireless environments.  相似文献   

Numerically intensive calculations are not well supported by Prolog, yet there are important applications that require tightly coupled symbolic and numeric calculations. The Aquarius Numeric Processor (ANP) is an extended numeric Instruction Set Architecture based on the Berkeley Programmed Logic Machine (PLM) to support integrated symbolic and numeric calculations. This extension expands the existing numeric data type to include 32- and 64-bit integers, and single and double precision floating-point numbers conforming to the IEEE Standard P754. A new class of data structure, numeric arrays, is added to represent matrices and arrays found in most scientific programming languages. Powerful numeric instructions are included to manipulate the new data types. Dynamic type checking and coercing of operands are done. The ANP and PLM together provide for the efficient execution for symbolic and numeric operations written in AI languages such as Prolog and Lisp. Simulated performance results indicate the system will achieve about 10 MFLOPs on the Prolog version of some Whetstone and Linpack benchmarks and close to 20 MFLOPS on some matrix operations (all in double precision).  相似文献   

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