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Achieving effective coordination among suppliers and retailers has become a pertinent research issue in supply chain management. Channel coordination is a joint decision policy achieved by a supplier(s) and a retailer(s) characterized by an agreement on the order quantity and the trade credit scenario (e.g., quantity discounts, delay in payments). This paper proposes a centralized model where players in a two-level (supplier–retailer) supply chain coordinate their orders to minimize their local costs and that of the chain. In the proposed supply chain model the permissible delay in payments is considered as a decision variable and it is adopted as a trade credit scenario to coordinate the order quantity between the two-levels. Computational results indicate that with coordination, the retailer orders in larger quantities than its economic order quantity, with savings to either both players, or to one in the supply chain. Moreover, a profit-sharing scenario for the distribution of generated net savings among the players in the supply chain is presented. Analytical and experimental results are presented and discussed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed model.  相似文献   

In this paper an order level inventory model for deteriorating items with general ramp type demand rate under conditions of permissible delay in payments is proposed. In this model shortages are allowed and partially backlogged. The backlogging rate is variable and dependent on the waiting time for the next replenishment. Its study requires exploring the feasible ordering relations between the time parameters appeared, which leads to three models. For each model the optimal replenishment policy is determined. The sufficient conditions of the existence and uniqueness of the optimal solutions are also provided. Suitably selected numerical examples highlight the obtained results. Sensitivity analysis of the optimal solution with respect to major parameters of the system has been carried out and the implications are discussed.  相似文献   

本文研究延迟支付和提前支付同时存在下的供应链协调问题。考虑由一个供应商和一个零售商构成的二级供应链,市场需求随机,延迟支付下零售商会增加订购数量,但由于其违约风险的存在,供应商会降低其交付量,最终导致供应商交付量小于零售商订购量,降低供应链收益。要求零售商提前支付部分货款则可以有效避免零售商的违约问题,通过建立延迟支付和提前支付同时存在下的零售商收益模型和供应商的收益模型,给出了零售商的最优订购量决策和供应商的最优交付量决策,通过调整延迟支付期限和提前支付比例,使得二者相等,并等于供应链整体收益最大化下的生产数量,实现供应链协调。最后通过数值算例分析了相关参数的敏感性等问题。  相似文献   

This study considers a two-echelon competitive supply chain consisting of two rivaling retailers and one common supplier with trade credit policy. The retailers hope that they can enhance their market demand by offering a credit period to the customers and the supplier also offers a credit period to the retailers. We assume that the market demand of the products of one retailer depends not only on their own market price and offering a credit period to the customers, but also on the market price and offering a credit period of the other retailer. The supplier supplies the product with a common wholesale price and offers the same credit period to the retailers. We study the model under a centralised (integrated) case and a decentralised (Vertical Nash) case and compare them numerically. Finally, we investigate the model by the collected numerical data.  相似文献   

Supply chain is not limited to delivering products to the end-costumers since the defective products that are returned back to the producers by the consumers. The producers should be superior knowledge to utilize the return products effectively so as to maintain our natural resources and to provide better service to customers. In this paper, a distributor and a warehouse consisting of a serviceable part and a recoverable part supply chain problem is considered in which there are several products, the distributor has limited space capacity and budget to purchase all products. In this supply chain, the defective products are returned back to the warehouse by the distributor and the warehouse recovered those defective products into perfect products having the same value as the procured products. The lead-time of receiving products from a warehouse to a distributor is a variable which is controllable by adding extra crashing cost. For each product, a fraction of the shortage is backordered and the rest are lost. A mathematical model is employed in this study for optimizing the order quantity, lead time and total number of deliveries with the objective of minimizing system total cost. We show that the model of this problem is a constrained non-linear programme and present a simple Lagrangian multiplier technique to solve it. Numerical and sensitivity analysis are given to show the applicability of the proposed model in real-world product returns inventory problems.  相似文献   

In this paper, we proposed a generalized, integrated, supplier–retailer inventory model using a trade credit policy. The trade credit policy adopted here is a two-level trade credit policy in which the supplier offers the retailer a permissible delay period M, and the retailer in turn provides customers a permissible delay period N. Cases where M > N and M ? N are explored thoroughly. In addition, the demand rate is assumed to be a function of both retail price and the customers’ credit period. Consequently, this paper deals with the problem of determining the optimal retail price, economic order quantity, and the number of shipments from the supplier to the retailer in one production run for an integrated inventory system under both two-level trade credit and price-and-credit-linked demand rate. Algorithms are developed in order to determine the joint optimal policies. Numerical examples are presented to illustrate the proposed models, as well as sensitivity analysis of key parameters.  相似文献   

This article develops an inventory model for exponentially deteriorating items under conditions of permissible delay in payments. Unlike the existing related models, we assume that the items are replenished at a finite rate and the demand rate of the items is dependent on the current inventory level. The objective is to determine the optimal replenishment policies in order to maximise the system's average profit per unit of time. A simple method is shown for finding the optimal solution of the model based on the derived properties of the objective function. In addition, we deduce some previously published results as the special cases of the model. Finally, numerical examples are used to illustrate the proposed model. Some managerial insights are also inferred from the sensitive analysis of model parameters.  相似文献   

对供应链计划建立了考虑不确定性的战略层模型和运作层模型。以一啤酒厂进行了实例研究,对所建模型和确定性的供应链计划模型进行了比较,并对柔性参数进行了灵敏度分析。结果表明,该模型能帮助设计具有柔性的供应链系统,通过灵敏度分析,可以更好地理解供应链的特性。  相似文献   

胡劲松  赵光丽 《控制与决策》2014,29(10):1899-1906
针对模糊市场需求情形,研究具有损失规避行为零售商的无缺货成本的供应链网络均衡问题。利用模糊事件的可信性测度理论,推导具有分段线性效用函数损失规避零售商的模糊期望效用模型,揭示其凹性性质。利用变分不等式理论,描述制造商、零售商和消费者的最优行为,进而构建网络均衡模型。为了简化网络均衡条件,揭示了制造商与零售商内生交易定价机制的等价关系。最后,利用数值分析表明了市场需求的模糊性和损失规避系数对网络均衡的影响。  相似文献   

Contract is a common and effective mechanism for supply chain coordination, which has been studied extensively in recent years. For a supply chain network model, contracts can be used to coordinate it because it is too ideal to obtain the network equilibrium state in practical market competition. In order to achieve equilibrium, we introduce revenue sharing contract into a supply chain network equilibrium model with random demand in this paper. Then, we investigate the influence on this network equilibrium state from demand disruptions caused by unexpected emergencies. When demand disruptions happen, the supply chain network equilibrium state will be broken and change to a new one, so the decision makers need to adjust the contract parameters to achieve the new coordinated state through bargaining. Finally, a numerical example with a sudden demand increase as a result of emergent event is provided for illustrative purposes.  相似文献   

研究一个由制造商和零售商在模糊需求环境下的两级闭环供应链的协调机制问题。将市场需求视为模糊变量,建立模糊截集理论下的集中决策模型和收益-费用共享契约模型,给出模型中的最优策略,并以三角形模糊变量为例,对模型进行优化。通过数值算例对模型中的参数进行求解,并对分析结论进行验证。研究结果表明,在模糊需求环境下的闭环供应链中,零售商的最优订购量在模糊需求中心点的左、右浮动,并随着零售价格的提高而增加,通过改变收益-费用系数可以实现供应链成员之间的完美协调。  相似文献   

不同碳排放政策下基于回购合同的供应链协调策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鲁力  陈旭 《控制与决策》2014,29(12):2212-2220
碳排放政策给企业运营和供应链管理带来了新的挑战,使供应链上企业的管理决策更加复杂。考虑由一个供应商与一个制造商组成的二级供应链,研究不同碳排放政策(碳税、限额、限额与交易)下基于回购合同的供应链协调问题,并与无碳排放约束的情形进行比较。研究结果表明,在不同碳排放政策下,回购合同均能实现供应链协调,无碳排放约束、碳限额与交易和碳限额政策下制造商的最优订货量依次减小,而供应商给出的回购价格依次提高。  相似文献   

We study a financing problem in a supply chain (SC) consisting of one supplier and one buyer under supply disruption. The supplier could face a disruption at its end which could effectively reduce its yield in case of disruption, thereby resulting in supply yield uncertainty. The retailer can finance the supplier using advance selling that can help mitigate the impact of disruption. We model this problem as a Stackelberg game, where the supplier as the leader announces the wholesale price and the retailer responds by deciding its optimal order quantity given stochastic demand and an exogenous fixed retail price. The supplier then commences production and a disruption can happen with a known probability. We assume that under disruption the quantity delivered is a fraction of the initial quantity ordered by the retailer. The retailer loses any unmet demand. We analyze three different scenarios of the Stackelberg game, namely no advance selling with disruption, advance selling without disruption, and advance selling with disruption. Our results indicate that advance selling can be used to mitigate the impact of supply disruption and at the same time could lead to an increase in the overall SC profit.  相似文献   

The traditional economic order quantity model assumes that the retailer's storage capacity is unlimited. However, as we all know, the capacity of any warehouse is limited. In practice, there usually exist various factors that induce the decision-maker of the inventory system to order more items than can be held in his/her own warehouse. Therefore, for the decision-maker, it is very practical to determine whether or not to rent other warehouses. In this article, we try to incorporate two levels of trade credit and two separate warehouses (own warehouse and rented warehouse) to establish a new inventory model to help the decision-maker to make the decision. Four theorems are provided to determine the optimal cycle time to generalise some existing articles. Finally, the sensitivity analysis is executed to investigate the effects of the various parameters on ordering policies and annual costs of the inventory system.  相似文献   

In this paper, we have investigated multi-item integrated production-inventory models of supplier and retailer with a constant rate of deterioration under stock dependent demand. Here we have considered supplier’s production cost as nonlinear function depending on production rate, retailers procurement cost exponentially depends on the credit period and suppliers transportation cost as a non-linear function of the amount of quantity purchased by the retailer. The models are optimized to get the value of the credit periods and total time of the supply chain cycle under the space and budget constraints. The models are also formulated under fuzzy random and bifuzzy environments. The ordering cost, procurement cost, selling price of retailer’s and holding costs, production cost, transportation cost, setup cost of the supplier’s and the total storage area and budget are taken in imprecise environments. To show the validity of the proposed models, few sensitivity analyses are also presented under the different rate of deterioration. The models are also discussed in non deteriorating items as a special case of the deteriorating items. The deterministic optimization models are formulated for minimizing the entire monetary value of the supply chain and solved using genetic algorithm (GA). A case study has been performed to illustrate those models numerically.  相似文献   

A profitable decision policy between a supplier and the retailers can be characterized by an agreement on the trade credit scenario such as permissible delay in payments. In real life business, we observe that the demand is a function of both the selling price and credit period rather than the constant demand. Incorporating this demand function to the retailer of a supply chain, we develop an EPQ – based model for perishable items under two-echelon trade financing. The purpose of this paper is to maximize the profit by determining the optimal selling price, credit period and replenishment time. It is shown that the model developed by Jaggi et al. [Jaggi, J. K., Goyal, S. K., & Goel, S. K., 2008. Retailer’s optimal replenishment decisions with creditlinked demand under permissible delay in payments. European Journal of Operational Research, 190, 130–135] can be treated as a special case of this paper. Finally, through numerical examples, sensitivity analysis shows the influence of key model parameters.  相似文献   

In today's business transactions, vendors usually offer their buyers a delay period in payment. This strategy has benefits to the vendor since it attracts new buyers who consider the delay period as a type of price reduction. In addition, permissible delay in payments also is advantageous for the buyers since they do not have to pay the vendor immediately after they receive the items. In contrast, the buyers can delay the payment until the end of the allowed period and during the credit period they can earn interest on the accumulated revenues. However, if the payment is not settled by the end of the credit period, a higher interest is charged. Under this scenario, an inventory model consisting of a single vendor which supplies an item to two different buyers is analyzed. First, we address the problem assuming that buyers and vendor are willing to cooperate and the integrated model is derived in terms of single-cycle policies. Next, we analyze a decentralized model where the buyers and the vendor make decisions independently. A numerical example is solved to illustrate both strategies. We carry out a computational study to compare integrated and decentralized policies. A sensitivity analysis is also performed to examine the effects of each parameter on both total costs. According to the computational results and the statistical analysis, in most scenarios the integrated policies outperform the decentralized strategies.  相似文献   

We study the problem of dynamic pricing, promotion and replenishment for a deteriorating item subject to the supplier's trade credit and retailer's promotional effort. In this paper we adopt a price- and time-dependent demand function to model the finite time horizon inventory for deteriorating items. The objective of this paper is to determine the optimal retail price, the promotional effort and the replenishment quantity so that the net profit is maximized. We discuss the properties and develop an algorithm for solving the problem described. The numerical analyses show that an appropriate promotion policy can benefit the retailer and that the promotion policy is important, especially for deteriorating items. Furthermore dynamic decision-making is shown to be superior to fixed decision-making in terms of profit maximization. Some special cases, such as with no credit period and for non-deteriorating items, are discussed as is the influence of the time-varying demand, the rate of deterioration and the credit period on the retailer behavior.  相似文献   

This study develops a model for inventory management consisting of a two-echelon supply chain (SC) with profit sharing and deteriorating items. The retailer and the supplier act as the leader and follower, in which the supplier faces a huge setup cost and economic order quantity ordering strategy. The market demand is affected by the sale price of the product, and the inventory has a deterioration rate following a Weibull distribution. The retailer executes three profit-sharing mechanisms to motivate the supplier to participate in SC optimisation and to extend the life cycle of the product. A search algorithm is developed to determine the solutions as using the profit-sharing mechanisms. The outcomes from numerical experiments demonstrate the profitability of the proposed model.  相似文献   

An inventory problem involves a lot of factors influencing inventory decisions. To understand it, the traditional economic production quantity (EPQ) model plays rather important role for inventory analysis. Although the traditional EPQ models are still widely used in industry, practitioners frequently question validities of assumptions of these models such that their use encounters challenges and difficulties. So, this article tries to present a new inventory model by considering two levels of trade credit, finite replenishment rate and limited storage capacity together to relax the basic assumptions of the traditional EPQ model to improve the environment of the use of it. Keeping in mind cost-minimisation strategy, four easy-to-use theorems are developed to characterise the optimal solution. Finally, the sensitivity analyses are executed to investigate the effects of the various parameters on ordering policies and the annual total relevant costs of the inventory system.  相似文献   

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