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Deadlock avoidance policies guarantee deadlock free buffer space allocation to concurrent computing parts in flexible manufacturing systems. Typically, these policies require enumeration of the routes that parts follow. In systems with flexible routing, where parts can choose from a set of machines at each processing step, route enumeration can be of exponential complexity. Set-up and execution of deadlock avoidance constraints are rendered computationally intractable. The objective of this work is to develop a control model that allows for several processing alternatives at each step while maintaining deadlock free operation and avoiding complete route enumeration.  相似文献   

A modern competitive environment requires rapid and effective responses to varying production demands with shorter life cycles. A feasible solution to cope with such unpredictable situations is to introduce an automated manufacturing system characterized by high flexibility, autonomy and cooperation. Much research has been done on negotiation-based scheduling and control under the distributed control architecture due to its operational flexibility and scalability. Despite many advantages, the probability of the system stalling at a deadlock state is high. Specifically, it is difficult to detect impending part flow deadlocks within the system. A system request network model is defined here to analyse various deadlock situations. Request cycles are then identified by a virtual part flow control mechanism. No request cycle in the system request network represents ‘no system deadlock’. For any request cycle, a deadlock analysis is performed. If any request cycle exists that represents either a part flow deadlock or an impending part flow deadlock, then the system will be deadlocked. The proposed model can analyse all types of impending part flow deadlocks. Furthermore, it is more efficient through the reduction of search space, is applicable to various configurations and is less restrictive in dynamic shop floor control.  相似文献   

In modern highly automated flexible manufacturing systems, various parts are processed concurrently. Due to the concurrency and shared equipment usage, deadlock is a common problem that causes loss of productivity. When such a system is modelled by a digraph, existence of circuits in such a graph is a necessary condition for deadlock and knots and the order of circuits are closely related to impending deadlocks – a type of deadlock that is more difficult to detect. A deadlock avoidance algorithm that dynamically evaluates the order of circuits is presented. The algorithm is highly permissive since the order evaluation captures more part flow dynamics, especially when there exist multiple knots in the digraph model. It also runs in polynomial time once the set of circuits of the digraph is given. Simulation results are provided to illustrate the application of the algorithm.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new deadlock-free scheduling method based on genetic algorithm and Petri net models of flexible manufacturing systems is proposed. The optimisation criterion is to minimise the makespan. In the proposed genetic scheduling algorithm, a candidate schedule is represented by a chromosome that consists of two sections: route selection and operation sequence. With the support of a deadlock controller, a repairing algorithm is proposed to check the feasibility of each chromosome and fix infeasible chromosomes to feasible ones. A feasible chromosome can be easily decoded to a deadlock-free schedule, which is a sequence of transitions without deadlocks. Different kinds of crossover and mutation operations are performed on two sections of the chromosome, respectively, to improve the performance of the presented algorithm. Computational results show that the proposed algorithm can get better schedules. Furthermore, the proposed scheduling method provides a new approach to evaluate the performance of different deadlock controllers.  相似文献   

Nearly all of the literature on part type selection for flexible manufacturing systems has focused on maximizing throughput. We present an approach for part type selection in which meeting due dates is the primary objective. The approach is based on the idea of using information from the solution of an approximate, aggregate scheduling problem as the basis for determining release priorities. The need for the approximation and aggregation arises because the exact machine configuration (partitioning of identical machines into groups, and loading of tools) cannot be decided until the parts are selected. We develop and evaluate several different policies for setting release priorities in a context where the approximate, aggregate schedule is constructed using list scheduling (dispatching) rules. The results indicate that using information from such a schedule to set release priorities performs far better than using simpler procedures.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the problem of deadlocks in automated flexible manufacturing systems (FMS). Based on Petri nets, a deadlock prevention policy is proposed for a special class of Petri nets, S3PR. We embed the deadlock avoidance policy (DAP) of conjunctive/disjunctive resources upstream neighbourhood (C/D RUN) into the deadlock prevention policy (DPP), and allocate the underlying (sequential) resources reasonably to guarantee the absence of deadlock states and processes. First, siphons in a net model are distinguished by elementary and dependent ones. From the set of elementary siphons, a set of linear inequality constraints expressed by the state vector can be formalised. After being modified by the proposed policy, a set of generalised mutual exclusion constraints (GMEC) expressed by the marking vector can be found. Then monitors based on the GMEC are added to the plant model such that the elementary siphons in the S3PR net are all invariant-controlled and no emptiable siphon is generated due to the addition of the monitors. This novel deadlock prevention policy can usually lead to a more permissive supervisor by adding a smaller number of monitors and arcs than the existing methods for the design of liveness-enforcing Petri net supervisors. Two manufacturing examples are utilised to illustrate the proposed method and compared with the existing ones.  相似文献   


In an automated manufacturing system (AMS), resource failures are inevitable, which renders the existing deadlock control policies for AMSs without considering resource failures ineffective. For the AMSs with multiple unreliable resources, in this paper, a method is developed for robust deadlock resolution using the framework of Petri nets (PNs). The considered AMSs are modeled with PN models called system of simple sequential process with resources (S3PR). An unreliable S3PR (U-S3PR) is obtained by adding recovery subnets that model the resource failures and recovery procedures of the places where resource failures may happen. Based on the model, a two-step approach is developed to design a robust controller. At Step 1, we use a siphon-based deadlock control method to analyze the behavior with resource failures and propose an incomplete robust deadlock controller for a U-S3PR. At Step 2, a reachability-graph-analysis-based method is utilized to consummate the robust deadlock controller. Then, a robust liveness-enforcing supervisor is derived to make an unreliable S3PR live even if multiple types of resources break down. Finally, the proposed method is illustrated by using an example.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a hybrid approach to deadlock prevention in automated manufacturing systems that combines Petri nets (PNs) and digraphs, so taking advantage of the strong points of both techniques. The approach uses digraphs to make the detection of deadlock conditions easier and then translates the obtained information in empty siphons of the PN modelling the same system. The proposed methodology allows the implementation of new PN‐based deadlock prevention control policies. A case study and the simulation results show the benefits of the new control strategies.  相似文献   

We present a new approach to scheduling Flexible Manufacturing Systems based on Response Surface Modelling methodology. This experimental technique for model building is used to generate scheduling rules which are then used by the machines in the process of job selection. A systematic procedure to identify factors of interest and utilize them to develop a scheduling mechanism is presented. Issues of automation revision of the rules to adapt to changes in the shop are also discussed. The approach was tested as part of a larger framework of distributed decision making for scheduling and was found to perform significantly better than static heuristic procedures.  相似文献   

This paper develops a deadlock prevention policy for a class of Petri nets that can model flexible manufacturing systems with assembly and disassembly operations. Siphons in a plant Petri net model are divided into elementary and dependent siphons according to the linear dependency of their characteristic T-vectors. The proposed approach is to make every siphon satisfy the controlled-siphon property (the cs-property), i.e., at any reachable marking, any siphon is max-marked, so that no deadlock states can be reached. The satisfiability of the cs-property is achieved by explicitly adding a monitor for each elementary siphon. The max-controllability of a dependent siphon is ensured by properly supervising its elementary siphons. More permissive behaviour of the non-blocking supervisor is obtained through the rearrangement of the output arcs of the monitors. Compared with existing policies reported in the literature, the advantage of the present method is that a small number of monitors are added and the iterative computing process is accordingly avoided. Finally, the application of the proposed method to an FMS example is presented.  相似文献   

Deadlocks constitute a major issue in the desing and operation of discrete event systems. In automated manufacturing systems, deadlocks assume even greater importance in view of the automated operation. In this paper, we show that Markov chains with absorbing states provide a natural model of manufacturing systems with deadlocks. With illustrative examples, we show that performance indices such as mean time to deadlock and mean number of finished parts before deadlock can be efficiently computed in the modelling framework of Markov chains with absorbing states. We also show that the distribution of time to deadlock can be computed by conducting a transient analysis of the Markov chain model.  相似文献   

Agent technology is currently being considered as an important approach for developing intelligent manufacturing systems. It offers a new way of thinking about many of the classical problems in manufacturing engineering. A multi-agent-based approach for solving the part allocation problems in flexible manufacturing systems (FMS) is presented that can easily cope with the dynamic environment. Four agents were involved in carrying out the tasks of allocating parts on different machines: communicator, machine, part and material handling device (MHD). Upon arrival in the manufacturing facility, the part informs the communicator agent about the task requirements. The communicator agent divides the task into subtasks and sends a call-for-bids message to the machine and MHD agents. Each machine responds in accordance with its process capabilities and buffer limit. This response may be for the whole task or for one or more subtasks and it contains the price and cost details for these subtasks along with the performance index and acceptance ratio of the machine. The final allocation is made based on the objective function that includes processing and transportation costs and time. An algorithm is presented that is used by the communicator agent for allocating parts to different machines. An illustrative example is given to solve the task allocation on five machines, with each machine having different performance index and acceptance ratio.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of scheduling rules on the performance of flexible manufacturing systems (FMSs). Several machine and AGV scheduling rules are tested against the mean flowtime criterion. In general, scheduling rules are widely used in practice ranging from direct applications as a stand-alone scheduling scheme to indirect application as a part of complicated scheduling systems. In this paper, we compare the rules under various experimental conditions by using an FMS simulation model. Our objective is to measure sensitivity of the rules to changes in processing time distributions, various levels of breakdown rates, and types of AGV priority schemes. A comprehensive bibliography is also presented in the paper.  相似文献   

This paper is addressed to all persons interested in the structural design of flexible manufacturing systems (FMS) but particularly to analysts who use simulation methods. The approach suggested consists of two procedures. The first is a progressive procedure which shows how to succeed in the design by starting with reasonable and feasible objectives, and then progress on the basis of experience. The second is a decomposition procedure which comprises methods guiding the following four design steps

(a) activity structuring and problem understanding,

(b) specification of simulation system,

(c) resolution of formal problem solving and

(d) implementation of the computational process.  相似文献   

A methodology for operating a flexible manufacturing system (FMS) is presented which consists of a decomposition of the problem, where heuristics, rules, and simulation are integrated to make the control decisions needed for random FMS's. Expert systems are used to make operating decisions, to choose heuristics, and make operating policies. Multiple passes of discrete-event simulation are employed to evaluate decision alternatives. Object-oriented programming provides a suitable environment to implement the integrative framework  相似文献   

The problem of sizing the resources of a production system is widely encountered both in the literature and in practice. Simulation is a very useful method to identify the necessary number of resources. However, if there are numerous resources, it can become impossible to make a sound ‘trial-and-error’ analysis with simulation models, so that strategies using simulation optimization appear as an attractive approach. Unfortunately, it is necessary to specify a cost function, and, in practice, it is often very difficult to formalize such a function which is used to determine the number of resources that will minimize this cost. In this article, we propose a different modelling approach, which aims at sizing the resources so as to meet the design specifications. In this respect, we search for the minimum number of resources of each type, while satisfying the performance requirements specified in the design project. As a result, the problem is formulated as a stochastic multi-objective optimization problem with constraints. The approach used here is based on simulation, used in conjunction with a bootstrap approach which accounts for the stochastic aspect of the model, and with regression metamodelling in order to derive an analytical formulation of the constraints together. Different multi-objective optimization methods can then be used to solve the problem. An illustrative example is given.  相似文献   

A typical flexible manufacturing system, Westland Helicopters' sheet metal detail manufacturing complex, has been analysed for reliability. The techniques of fault tree analysis and event tree analysis are presented and their applicability to this study investigated. Event tree analysis has been found to be a more effective method for analysing manufacturing systems. The failure states of the system have been identified from the construction of an event tree which considers random hardware faults that influence production. Failure rate data have been used to quantify the critical production failure states in terms of machine failures. Estimates are made of the system's MTTF and percentage availability using typical MTTR figures. The probability that a selected production route fails to complete the manufacture of a set of parts is also evaluated. A dependency of systems reliability on the production demand has been discovered, and a possible method for modelling and assessing the reliability of systems capable of producing several products is proposed.  相似文献   

In many areas of computerization today, the capabilities of hardware systems far exceed the sophistication of software systems needed for optimum control. This research is an attempt to advance software control capabilities of flexible manufacturing systems (FMSs). To this end, an FMS controller architecture, called Celeritas, has been designed and a software system conforming to this architecture has been designed and implemented. Celeritas is a generic, data-configurable FMS controller designed using the coloured Petri nets (CP-nets) modelling paradigm augmented with decision support software to provide both FMS simulation and control. Formalisms of the CP-net paradigm provide straightforward representation of both the inherent concurrency and resource conflicts present in such a complex system. Augmentations provide user-defined routines for real-time interfaces to this information which is utilized to provide resource arbitration services among jobs competing for scarce resources and overall job scheduling.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the scheduling problem of a particular flexible manufacturing system (FMS). The two main components of the FMS are a CNC turret lathe and a CNC machining centre. In the system a wide range of different jobs has to be processed. Each job consists of one or more processing operations on one or both machines. Important characteristics of the scheduling problem are sequence-dependent change-over times (on the turret lathe) and transfer times (on both machines and between the machines). The change-over times are caused by the need to exchange tools in the turret when a new part is going to be processed. The transfer times reflect the time needed to perform manual transportation and clamping activities between two subsequent processing (machining) operations of a part. In this paper a branch and bound algorithm is described based on an active schedule strategy. Solutions are compared to results obtained by a simple dispatching rule  相似文献   

A methodology for designing flexible cellular manufacturing systems   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cell formation in cellular manufacturing deals with the identification of machines that can be grouped to create manufacturing cells and the identification of part families to be processed within each cell. Dynamic and random variations in part demands can negatively impact cell performance by creating unstable machine utilizations. The purpose of this paper is to introduce and illustrate an interactive cell formation method that can be used to design 'flexible' cells. Flexibility in this context refers to routing flexibility (i.e., the ability for the cellular system to process parts within multiple cells) and demand flexibility (i.e., the ability of the cell system to respond quickly to changes in part demand and part mix). Through an experimental analysis using multiple data sets, we also validate the procedure and provide guidelines for parameter settings depending upon the type of flexibility of interest to the user. Finally, trade-offs and interdependences between alternative types of flexibility in the context of cellular systems are illustrated.  相似文献   

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