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In this paper, we propose an extended control chart, called the maximum generally weighted moving average (MaxGWMA) control chart, to simultaneously detect both increases and decreases in the mean and/or variability of a process. Simulations are performed to evaluate the average run length, standard deviation of the run length, and diagnostic abilities of the MaxGWMA and maximum exponentially weighted moving average (MaxEWMA) charts. An extensive comparison reveals that the MaxGWMA control chart is more sensitive than the MaxEWMA control chart.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new Statistical Process Control model for the economic optimization of a variable-parameter control chart monitoring a process operation where two assignable causes may occur, one affecting the mean and the other the variance of the process. Therefore, it is possible for the process to operate in statistical control, when none of the two assignable causes has occurred, or under the effect of one or both the assignable causes. By making the assumption that the occurrence rate of each assignable cause is exponential, a Markov chain approach is utilized to determine the probabilities that the process operates at any of the above possible states. The model uses an economic (or an economic/statistical) optimization criterion for the time to the next sampling instance, the size of the next sample, as well as the control limits of the inspection. That is, all design parameters of the control scheme are selected so as to minimize the total expected quality-related costs. The superiority of the proposed model is estimated by comparing its expected quality control cost vs. the outcome of the Fp (Fixed-parameter) Shewhart control chart, the Variable Sample Size (VSS) control chart, the Variable Sampling Interval (VSI) and the Variable Sample Size and Sampling Interval (VSSI) control chart, for a benchmark of examples. The numerical investigation indicates that the economic improvement of the proposed model may be significant.  相似文献   

Processes monitoring using multivariate quality variables remains an important and challenging problem in statistical process control (SPC). Although multivariate SPC has been extensively studied in the literature, the challenges associated with designing robust and flexible control schemes have yet to be adequately addressed. This paper develops a general monitoring framework for detecting location shifts in complex processes by employing data mining methods. The historical in-control (IC) and out-of-control (OC) data are combined to set up a support vector machine (SVM) model. The working status of the process is indicated by the probabilistic outputs of the SVM classifier and the multivariate exponentially weighted moving average strategy is applied to construct the control chart. A fast diagnostic procedure can be implemented as soon as the control chart gives an alarm. Our numerical studies show that the proposed control chart is able to deliver satisfactory IC and OC run-length performance regardless of the underlying distributions and data types. An example using real data from an industrial application demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

基于Labview开发统计过程控制软件   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
统计过程控制是质量管理的重要内容,介绍了SPC的原理,并用Labview软件实现了SPC软件.这种开发方法应用了Labview软件提供的统计过程控制模块,方便了程序的开发,很容易被质量人员掌握,设备改动或软件应用于别的设备时,只需简单地修改参数,大大方便了统计过程控制的普及,提高企业的质量水平.  相似文献   

A general family of EWMA charts is considered for monitoring an arbitrary parameter of the target process. The distribution of the run length is analysed for the case when the smoothing parameter tends to zero. The key impact on the results from the use of the exact variance of the control statistics vs. the asymptotic one and the presence of a head start. For fixed head start, the run lengths for both the exact and asymptotic monitoring procedures degenerate to a binary quantity. To guarantee a feasible monitoring procedure, the head start has to be chosen proportional to the smoothing parameter and the control statistics have to be modified when used with the asymptotic variance. This result underlines the weakness of schemes with a fixed head start and of schemes based on the asymptotic variance if the smoothing parameter is small. The assumptions on the target process are very weak, and are usually satisfied for stationary processes. In addition, the asymptotic equivalence of the EWMA schemes and of repeated significance tests is shown.  相似文献   

基于数据驱动的故障检测模型通常要求训练数据必须是正常操作条件下的测量值.然而在实际工业生产过程中,即使在正常工况下,数据集中也难以避免存在离群值.此时若仍采用传统的基于多元统计分析的方法,其监测模型的控制限会受到严重影响,造成故障漏报.因此,为了确保当训练数据包含离群值时,监测模型仍然呈现较好的故障检测效果,本文提出了一种基于自联想核回归的故障检测方法.首先基于最小化β散度的鲁棒预白化算法对训练集进行白化计算,消除变量之间相关性对样本相似度度量的影响.然后通过自联想核回归算法重构正常工况下的验证数据,根据重构误差建立模型监测指标.为了消除离群值对故障样本重构的影响,构造截断函数来避免离群样本参与相似故障数据的重构,并对所有参与构建Q统计量的残差变量基于指数加权滑动平均方法自适应加权,得到新的监测统计量.将该方法运用于田纳西–伊斯曼过程并与其他方法进行比较,验证了本文所提故障检测算法的有效性.  相似文献   

《Journal of Process Control》2014,24(7):1057-1067
The cascade control is a well-known technique in process industry to improve regulatory control performance. The use of the conventional PI/PID controllers has often been found to be ineffective for cascade processes with long time-delays. Recent literature report has shown that the multi-scale control (MSC) scheme is capable of providing improved performance over the conventional PID controllers for processes characterized by long time-delays as well as slow RHP zeros. This paper presents an extension of this basic MSC scheme to cascade processes with long time-delays. This new cascade MSC scheme is applicable to self-regulating, integrating and unstable processes. Extensive numerical studies demonstrate the effectiveness of the cascade MSC scheme compared with some well-established cascade control strategies.  相似文献   

For monitoring online manufacturing processes, the proportion of weights imposed on each type of product’s defects (nonconformities or demerits) has a profoundly effective impact on control charts’ performance. Apparently, the demerit-chart approach is superior than the widely-used c-chart scheme, because it allows us to place relative precise weights (real numbers) on defects according to their distinctly inferior degrees affecting the product quality so that the abnormal variations of processes can be literally exposed. However, in many applications, the seriousness of defects is evaluated partially or entirely by the inspectors’ perceptive judgement or knowledge, so with the precise-weight assignment, the demerit rating mechanism is considered to be somewhat constrained and subjective which inevitably leads to the targeted manufacturing process with limited and possibly biased information for online surveillance. To cope with the drawback, a demerit-fuzzy rating system and monitoring scheme is proposed in this paper. We first incorporate fuzzy weights (fuzzy numbers) to properly reflect the severity measures of defects which are categorized linguistically. Then, based on properties of fuzzy set theory and proposed approaches for fuzzy-number ranking, we develop the demerit-fuzzy charting scheme which is capable of discriminating process conditions into multi-intermittent statuses between in-control and out-of-control. This approach improves the traditional process control techniques with the binary-classification restraint for the process conditions. Finally, the proposed demerit-fuzzy rating system, monitoring scheme, and classification is elucidated by an application in garment industry to monitor textile-stitching nonconformities conditions.  相似文献   

In manufacturing industries, it is well known that process variation is a major source of poor quality products. As such, monitoring and diagnosis of variation is essential towards continuous quality improvement. This becomes more challenging when involving two correlated variables (bivariate), whereby selection of statistical process control (SPC) scheme becomes more critical. Nevertheless, the existing traditional SPC schemes for bivariate quality control (BQC) were mainly designed for rapid detection of unnatural variation with limited capability in avoiding false alarm, that is, imbalanced monitoring performance. Another issue is the difficulty in identifying the source of unnatural variation, that is, lack of diagnosis, especially when dealing with small shifts. In this research, a scheme to address balanced monitoring and accurate diagnosis was investigated. Design consideration involved extensive simulation experiments to select input representation based on raw data and statistical features, artificial neural network recognizer design based on synergistic model, and monitoring–diagnosis approach based on two-stage technique. The study focused on bivariate process for cross correlation function, ρ = 0.1–0.9 and mean shifts, μ = ±0.75–3.00 standard deviations. The proposed two-stage intelligent monitoring scheme (2S-IMS) gave superior performance, namely, average run length, ARL1 = 3.18–16.75 (for out-of-control process), ARL0 = 335.01–543.93 (for in-control process) and recognition accuracy, RA = 89.5–98.5%. This scheme was validated in manufacturing of audio video device component. This research has provided a new perspective in realizing balanced monitoring and accurate diagnosis in BQC.  相似文献   

Process monitoring and diagnosis have been widely recognized as important and critical tools in system monitoring for detection of abnormal behavior and quality improvement. Although traditional statistical process control (SPC) tools are effective in simple manufacturing processes that generate a small volume of independent data, these tools are not capable of handling the large streams of multivariate and autocorrelated data found in modern systems. As the limitations of SPC methodology become increasingly obvious in the face of ever more complex processes, data mining algorithms, because of their proven capabilities to effectively analyze and manage large amounts of data, have the potential to resolve the challenging problems that are stretching SPC to its limits. In the present study we attempted to integrate state-of-the-art data mining algorithms with SPC techniques to achieve efficient monitoring in multivariate and autocorrelated processes. The data mining algorithms include artificial neural networks, support vector regression, and multivariate adaptive regression splines. The residuals of data mining models were utilized to construct multivariate cumulative sum control charts to monitor the process mean. Simulation results from various scenarios indicated that data mining model-based control charts performs better than traditional time-series model-based control charts.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an exponentially weighted moving average scheme with variable sampling intervals for monitoring linear profiles. A computer program in Fortran is available to assist in the design of the control chart and the algorithm of the Fortran program is also given. Some useful guidelines are also provided to aid users in choosing parameters for a particular application. Simulation results on the detection performance of the proposed control chart, compared with some other competing methods show that it provides quite robust and satisfactory performance in various cases, including intercept shifts, slope shifts and standard deviation shifts. A real data example from an optical imaging system is employed to illustrate the implementation and the use of the proposed control scheme.  相似文献   

A constrained latent variable model predictive control (LV-MPC) technique is proposed for trajectory tracking and economic optimization in batch processes. The controller allows the incorporation of constraints on the process variables and is designed on the basis of multi-way principal component analysis (MPCA) of a batch data array rearranged by means of a regularized batch-wise unfolding. The main advantages of LV-MPC over other MPC techniques are: (i) requirements for the dataset are rather modest (only around 10–20 batch runs are necessary), (ii) nonlinear processes can efficiently be handled algebraically through MPCA models, and (iii) the tuning procedure is simple. The LV-MPC for tracking is tested through a benchmark process used in previous LV-MPC formulations. The extension to economic LV-MPC includes an economic cost and it is based on model and trajectory updating from batch to batch to drive the process to the economic optimal region. A data-driven model validity indicator is used to ensure the prediction’s validity while the economic cost drives the process to regions with higher profit. This technique is validated through simulations in a case study.  相似文献   

A new monitoring design for uni-variate statistical quality control charts   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this research, an iterative approach is employed to analyze and classify the states of uni-variate quality control systems. To do this, a measure (called the belief that process is in-control) is first defined and then an equation is developed to update the belief recursively by taking new observations on the quality characteristic under consideration. Finally, the upper and the lower control limits on the belief are derived such that when the updated belief falls outside the control limits an out-of-control alarm is received. In order to understand the proposed methodology and to evaluate its performance, some numerical examples are provided by means of simulation. In these examples, the in and out-of-control average run lengths (ARL) of the proposed method are compared to the corresponding ARL’s of the optimal EWMA, Shewhart EWMA, GEWMA, GLR, and CUSUM[11] methods within different scenarios of the process mean shifts. The simulation results show that the proposed methodology performs better than other charts for all of the examined shift scenarios. In addition, for an autocorrelated AR(1) process, the performance of the proposed control chart compared to the other existing residual-based control charts turns out to be promising.  相似文献   

Previously, quality control and improvement researchers discussed multivariate control charts for independent processes and univariate control charts for autocorrelated processes separately. We combine the two topics and propose vector autoregressive (VAR) control charts for multivariate autocorrelated processes. In addition, we estimate AR(p) models instead of ARMA models for the systematic cause of variation. We discuss the procedures to construct the VAR chart. We examine the effects of parameter shifts and by example present procedures to show the feasibility of VAR control charts. We simulate the average run length to assess the performance of the chart.  相似文献   

We discuss and develop a manufacturing quality yield model to forecast the 12 in silicon wafer slicing based on an analytic network process (ANP) framework. The ANP is a general theory of relative measurement used to derive composite-priority-ratio scales from individual-ratio scales that represent the relative influence of factors that interact with respect to the control criteria. Through its supermatrix, which is composed of matrices of column priorities, the ANP framework captures the outcome of dependence and feedback within and between clusters of factors. Additionally, the proposed algorithm can select the evaluation outcomes to identify the optimal machine of precision. Finally, results of the EWMA control chart and Process Capability Indices demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed ANP-based algorithm in effectively selecting the evaluation outcomes and in evaluating the precision of the optimal performing machines. We illustrate how the ANP model implemented for helping the engineer can find out the manufacturing process yield quickly and effectively.  相似文献   

磨矿过程磨机负荷的智能监测与控制   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
磨机过负荷是磨矿过程的常见故障工况, 如果不及时、准确处理, 就会造成磨矿产品质量变坏甚至磨矿生产的停顿. 采用规则推理(RBR)和统计过程控制(SPC)技术, 提出了由SPC机制、过负荷监测模块和监督控制器构成的磨机负荷智能监测与控制方法. 该方法通过对磨机过负荷的智能监测与诊断, 由监督控制器自动修改控制回路的设定值, 通过控制回路的输出跟踪修改后的设定值, 使磨机负荷逐渐远离过负荷状态. 工业应用表明, 该方法能够实现磨矿生产的安全、稳定和连续运行.  相似文献   

The paper discusses the robustness of discrete-time Markov control processes whose transition probabilities are known up to certain degree of accuracy. Upper bounds of increase of a discounted cost are derived when using an optimal control policy of the approximating process in order to control the original one. Bounds are given in terms of weighted total variation distance between transition probabilities. They hold for processes on Borel spaces with unbounded one-stage costs functions.  相似文献   

A systematical design method of optimal control for non-minimum phase integrating processes with time delay using disturbance observer-based (DOB) control scheme is presented. All stabilising controllers and the filter of DOBs for integrating plants are developed. Then the optimal set-point tracking controller and the optimal filter of DOB are systematically derived by minimising the H2 norm performance specifications. The proposed design method has three main advantages. First, the design procedure is systematical and simple. Specified weight functions are chosen for step inputs and inputs similar to steps. The designed set-point tracking controller and the filter of DOB are given in analytical forms. Second, the designed set-point tracking controller and the filter of the DOB are optimal. They are derived from minimising the performance indexes of set-point tracking and input load disturbance rejection (ILDR). Finally, the set-point tracking performance specification and ILDR specification can be quantitatively achieved by conveniently tuning the adjustable parameters. Numerical simulations are given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

We develop a multi-objective economic model predictive control (m-econ MPC) framework to control and optimize a nonlinear mechanical pulping (MP) process. M-econ MPC interprets economic MPC as a multi-objective optimization problem that trades off economic and set-point tracking performance. This interpretation allows us to construct a stabilizing constraint that guarantees closed-loop stability. The framework infers unmeasured states of the MP process (associated with product consistency) by using a moving horizon estimator (MHE). The MP process dynamics are described by using a nonlinear Wiener model. Examples from a two-stage high-consistency MP process are employed to demonstrate that significant improvements in economic performance are achievable.  相似文献   

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