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The notion of “fuzzy separability” is introduced for fuzzy sets of patterns. A supervised learning algorithm is proposed for estimation of membership functions that yield hierarchical partitioning of the feature space for fuzzy separable pattern classes under confusion. Finally we present a methodology for the design of a classifier composed of hierarchical binary decision trees.  相似文献   

毛金莲 《计算机应用》2013,33(7):1955-1959
针对现有多视角学习算法在构建近邻图时缺乏数据自适应性问题,提出一种自适应多视角学习(AMVL)算法。该算法首先利用L1范数具有自动数据样本选择的特性,对不同视角分别构建有向的L1图;然后根据得到的L1图,最小化各个视角下的低维重建误差;最后对不同视角间进行多视角全局坐标对齐,得到自适应多视角学习算法的目标函数。此外,还提出一种迭代优化求解方法来对所提目标函数进行优化求解。将该算法应用到图像分类问题,在Corel5K和NUS-WIDE-OBJECT两个公共图像数据集上与现有算法进行对比。实验结果表明:所提方法在这两个数据集上可以分别提高最高5%和2%的分类准确率;优化求解算法可以保证在100次迭代内收敛;算法所得到的近邻数目具有数据自适应性。  相似文献   

黄战  姜宇鹰  张镭 《计算机应用》2005,25(4):750-753
以手写体数字识别问题为背景,提出了一种基于表格查寻学习算法的自适应模糊分类 器,并用Matlab给出了自适应模糊分类器的实现,进而对其进行了仿真。仿真结果表明,该自适应模 糊分类器在手写体数字识别的识别性能、利用语言信息、计算复杂性等方面均优于采用BP算法的三 层前馈分类器,体现了自适应模糊处理技术用于模式识别的优越性和潜力。  相似文献   

Pattern Analysis and Applications - Since the number of instances in the training set is very large, data annotating task consumes plenty of time and energy. Active learning algorithms can...  相似文献   

邢笛  葛洪伟  李志伟 《计算机应用》2012,32(8):2227-2234
针对在小样本图像分类应用中,以向量空间作为输入的传统分类算法的不足,提出以张量理论为基础,结合模糊支持向量机思想的基于张量图像样本的模糊支持张量机分类器,利用张量表示图像样本,求解最优张量面。通过手写体数字图像样本实验仿真,验证该算法的性能,随后将其应用到羽绒菱节图像识别中进行对比,该算法较传统算法平均高出6.3%以上的识别率。实验证明该算法更适合应用于图像样本分类识别。  相似文献   

一种通用学习网络自适应算法及其在预测控制中的应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
针对黑箱过程的辨识与控制,本文提出了一种选择通用学习网络(universal learning network,ULN)节点间延迟时间参数的自适应算法,并将其应用于对控制对象中的纯滞后参数的辨识.将通用学习网络与PID控制器相结合,应用于包含大滞后的系统的模型预测控制(model predictive control,MPC)中.仿真结果证明通用学习网络能够有效地辨识被控对象的纯滞后时间,并能够作为预估器应用于模型预测控制系统中.  相似文献   

为解决组合优化过程中最优解的搜索效率问题,研究了一种基于自适应理论的PBIL算法。通过引入系统熵值,使传统PBIL算法的学习概率和变异率能根据系统熵值的变化作自适应调整,形成具有自学习和变异能力的自适应PBIL算法(APBIL)。通过实例验证了该算法的实用价值和有效性。  相似文献   

Automated audio segmentation and classification play important roles in multimedia content analysis. In this paper, we propose an enhanced approach, called the correlation intensive fuzzy c-means (CIFCM) algorithm, to audio segmentation and classification that is based on audio content analysis. While conventional methods work by considering the attributes of only the current frame or segment, the proposed CIFCM algorithm efficiently incorporates the influence of neighboring frames or segments in the audio stream. With this method, audio-cuts can be detected efficiently even when the signal contains audio effects such as fade-in, fade-out, and cross-fade. A number of audio features are analyzed in this paper to explore the differences between various types of audio data. The proposed CIFCM algorithm works by detecting the boundaries between different kinds of sounds and classifying them into clusters such as silence, speech, music, speech with music, and speech with noise. Our experimental results indicate that the proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art FCM approach in terms of audio segmentation and classification.  相似文献   

在如何从海量的数据中提取有用的信息上提出了一种新的SVM的增量学习算法.该算法基于KKT条件,通过研究支持向量分布特点,分析了新样本加入训练集后,支持向量集的变化情况,提出等势训练集的观点.能对训练数据进行有效的遗忘淘汰,使得学习对象的知识得到了积累.在理论分析和对旅游信息分类的应用结果表明,该算法能在保持分类精度的同时,有效得提高训练速度.  相似文献   

Prototype classifiers have been studied for many years. However, few methods can realize incremental learning. On the other hand, most prototype classifiers need users to predetermine the number of prototypes; an improper prototype number might undermine the classification performance. To deal with these issues, in the paper we propose an online supervised algorithm named Incremental Learning Vector Quantization (ILVQ) for classification tasks. The proposed method has three contributions. (1) By designing an insertion policy, ILVQ incrementally learns new prototypes, including both between-class incremental learning and within-class incremental learning. (2) By employing an adaptive threshold scheme, ILVQ automatically learns the number of prototypes needed for each class dynamically according to the distribution of training data. Therefore, unlike most current prototype classifiers, ILVQ needs no prior knowledge of the number of prototypes or their initial value. (3) A technique for removing useless prototypes is used to eliminate noise interrupted into the input data. Results of experiments show that the proposed ILVQ can accommodate the incremental data environment and provide good recognition performance and storage efficiency.  相似文献   

胡蓉  徐蔚鸿 《控制与决策》2013,28(10):1564-1567
利用误差下降率定义输入数据对系统输出的敏感性,并以此作为规则产生标准,提出一种有效增量顺序学习模糊神经网络。将修剪策略引入规则产生过程,因此该算法产生的模糊神经网络不需要进行修剪。通过仿真实验,本算法在达到与其他算法相当性能的情况下,能够获得更高的准确率和更简单的结构。  相似文献   

The concept of a fuzzy set is applied to the classification of geometric figures and chromosome images through the use of shape-oriented angular and dimensional proximity measures. Various properties of approximate isosceles, approximate equilateral, approximate right, and approximate isosceles right triangles are investigated. A method for classifying a triangle as an “approximate right triangle,” “approximate isosceles triangle,” “approximate isosceles right triangle,” “approximate equilateral triangle,” or “ordinary triangle” is presented. A method used to classify a quadrangle as “approximate square,” “approximate rectangle,” “approximate rhombus,” “approximate parallelogram,” “approximate trapezoid,” or “ordinary quadrangle” is also presented. The measures of proximity employed for this purpose have an intuitive interpretation. The stochastic syntactic analysis technique and the “rubber-mask” technique have, in the past, been applied to the classification of chromosome images. In this paper, chromosome images are classified through the use of angular and dimensional proximity measures. The uttermost dimensional proximity and the least dimensional dissimilarity of chromosome images are defined and investigated. The results obtained in this paper may contribute to processing a picture from the polygonal approximation stage to the final classification stage in order to recognize a picture.  相似文献   

目前数据流分类算法大多是基于类分布这一理想状态,然而在真实数据流环境中数据分布往往是不均衡的,并且数据流中往往伴随着概念漂移。针对数据流中的不均衡问题和概念漂移问题,提出了一种新的基于集成学习的不均衡数据流分类算法。首先为了解决数据流的不均衡问题,在训练模型前加入混合采样方法平衡数据集,然后采用基分类器加权和淘汰策略处理概念漂移问题,从而提高分类器的分类性能。最后与经典数据流分类算法在人工数据集和真实数据集上进行对比实验,实验结果表明,本文提出的算法在含有概念漂移和不均衡的数据流环境中,其整体分类性能优于其他算法的。  相似文献   

An algorithm is proposed for the design of ``on-line' learning controllers to control a discrete stochastic plant. The subjective probabilities of applying control actions from a finite set of allowable actions using random strategy, after any plant-environment situation (called an ``event') is observed, are modified through the algorithm. The subjective probability for the optimal action is proved to approach one with probability one for any observed event. The optimized performance index is the conditional expectation of the instantaneous performance evaluations with respect to the observed events and the allowable actions. The algorithm is described through two transformations, T1, and T2. After the ``ordering transformation' T1 is applied on the estimates of the performance indexes of the allowable actions, the ``learning transformation' T2 modifies the subjective probabilities. The cases of discrete and continuous features are considered. In the latter, the Potential Function Method is employed. The algorithm is compared with a linear reinforcement schenme and computer simulation results are presented.  相似文献   

An algorithm is proposed for the design of "on-line" learning controllers to control a discrete stochastic plant. The subjective probabilities of applying control actions from a finite set of allowable actions using random strategy, after any plant-environment situation (called an "event") is observed, are modified through the algorithm. The subjective probability for the optimal action is proved to approach one with probability one for any observed event. The optimized performance index is the conditional expectation of the instantaneous performance evaluations with respect to the observed events and the allowable actions. The algorithm is described through two transformations, T1and T2. After the "ordering transformation" T1is applied on the estimates of the performance indexes of the allowable actions, the "learning transformation" T2modifies the subjective probabilities. The cases of discrete and continuous features are considered. In the latter, the Potential Function Method is employed. The algorithm is compared with a linear reinforcement scheme and computer simulation results are presented.  相似文献   

The presentation order of training patterns to a simplified fuzzy ARTMAP (SFAM) neural network affects the classification performance. The common method to solve this problem is to use several simulations with training patterns presented in random order, where voting strategy is used to compute the final performance. Recently, an ordering method based on min–max clustering was introduced to select the presentation order of training patterns based on a single simulation. In this paper, another single simulation method based on genetic algorithm is proposed to obtain the presentation order of training patterns for improving the performance of SFAM. The proposed method is applied to a 40-class individual classification problem using visual evoked potential signals and three other datasets from UCI repository. The proposed method has the advantages of improved classification performance, smaller network size and lower training time compared to the random ordering and min–max methods. When compared to the random ordering method, the new ordering scheme has the additional advantage of requiring only a single simulation. As the proposed method is general, it can also be applied to a fuzzy ARTMAP neural network when it is used as a classifier.  相似文献   

The aim of forming collaborative learning teams is that participating students acquire new knowledge and skills through the interaction with their peers. To reach this aim, teachers usually utilize a grouping criterion based on the students’ roles and on forming well-balanced teams according to the roles of their members. However, the implementation of this criterion requires a considerable amount of time, effort and knowledge on the part of the teachers. In this paper, we propose a deterministic crowding evolutionary algorithm with the aim of assisting teachers when forming well-balanced collaborative learning teams. Considering a given number of students who must be divided into a given number of teams, the algorithm both designs different alternatives to divide students into teams and evaluates each alternative as regards the grouping criterion previously mentioned. This evaluation is carried out on the basis of knowledge of the students’ roles. To analyze the performance of the proposed algorithm, we present the computational experiments developed on ten data sets with different levels of complexity. The obtained results are really promising since the algorithm has reached optimal solutions for the first four data sets and near-optimal solutions for the remaining six data sets.  相似文献   

In order to improve the ability of achieving good performance in self-organizing teams, this paper presents a self-adaptive learning algorithm for team members. Members of the self-organizing teams are simulated by agents. In the virtual self-organizing team, agents adapt their knowledge according to cooperative principles. The self-adaptive learning algorithm is approached to learn from other agents with minimal costs and improve the performance of the self-organizing team. In the algorithm, agents learn how to behave (choose different game strategies) and how much to think about how to behave (choose the learning radius). The virtual team is self-adaptively improved according to the strategies’ ability of generating better quality solutions in the past generations. Six basic experiments are manipulated to prove the validity of the adaptive learning algorithm. It is found that the adaptive learning algorithm often causes agents to converge to optimal actions, based on agents’ continually updated cognitive maps of how actions influence the performance of the virtual self-organizing team. This paper considered the influence of relationships in self-organizing teams over existing works. It is illustrated that the adaptive learning algorithm is beneficial to both the development of self-organizing teams and the performance of the individual agent.  相似文献   

Content-based audio signal classification into broad categories such as speech, music, or speech with noise is the first step before any further processing such as speech recognition, content-based indexing, or surveillance systems. In this paper, we propose an efficient content-based audio classification approach to classify audio signals into broad genres using a fuzzy c-means (FCM) algorithm. We analyze different characteristic features of audio signals in time, frequency, and coefficient domains and select the optimal feature vector by employing a noble analytical scoring method to each feature. We utilize an FCM-based classification scheme and apply it on the extracted normalized optimal feature vector to achieve an efficient classification result. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed approach outperforms the existing state-of-the-art audio classification systems by more than 11% in classification performance.  相似文献   

针对有效模式挖掘的组合爆炸及挖掘结果信息如何有效表达的问题,提出了一种基于“核心-牵引”结构的修剪候选模式和考虑项目不确定性的最大模糊模式挖掘算法(MFFP-Tree)。首先,综合分析项目的模糊性,提出模糊支持度,分析项目在事务数据集中的模糊权重,依据模糊修剪策略修剪候选项集;其次,仅扫描数据集一次,就能成功构建模糊模式挖掘树,依据模糊剪枝策略减少模式提取的开销,采用FFP-array阵列结构使得搜索方式更精简,从而进一步降低时空开销。根据基准数据集的实验结果,与最大模式挖掘算法PADS和FPMax*对比分析,MFFP-Tree挖掘出的最大模糊模式能够更准确地反映项目与项目之间的关系;算法的时间复杂度能减半甚至低1个数量级;算法的空间复杂度降低1~2个数量级。  相似文献   

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